What Would Be The Ideal Federal Budget Amount?


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
I'm curious.

If you had god-like powers to trim all the fat you wanted out, or add all the government spending you wanted in (depending on our political orientation), how much money would the Federal government be spending every year?

Just a ballpark figure.

If you don't want to specify what you would keep or add to the budget, that's fine. I'm really just looking for a number. What you would think would be the ideal amount of spending?

Don't say "Zero" unless you don't want to be taken seriously. And now, because I just said "Don't say 'Zero'", don't be a wiseass and say "one dollar". I will make a mean face at you.

Seriously. What is the ideal amount of spending?
Just for a starting point, the federal spending for fiscal year 2014 was $3.5 trillion, and the deficit was $483 billion.
3,000 billion. The 1,000 billion cut would be a lot of defense and all deficit. 500 billion would go to paying down the debt..
2 Trillion, give or take. Less would be better.

We need to re-do taxes and end a blinding amount of wasteful programs... Including, but not just defense.

As a Business owner I can tell you Government is the number one obstacle at this moment in time.

I don't believe that the deficit is 483 billion anyways... It's that if you don't include all the stimulus spending that the FED-R did, but count the revenues it created (by adding to the money supply). Add a Trillion a year to the money supply, tax it, and you will see revenues "grow." Now do that for almost 6 years.... Now that the stimulus is over stagnation will be our future and the deficit will creep up as the debt alone swallows us.
I'm curious.

If you had god-like powers to trim all the fat you wanted out, or add all the government spending you wanted in (depending on our political orientation), how much money would the Federal government be spending every year?

Just a ballpark figure.

If you don't want to specify what you would keep or add to the budget, that's fine. I'm really just looking for a number. What you would think would be the ideal amount of spending?

Don't say "Zero" unless you don't want to be taken seriously. And now, because I just said "Don't say 'Zero'", don't be a wiseass and say "one dollar". I will make a mean face at you.

Seriously. What is the ideal amount of spending?

I thought Obama had God like powers? That is what he said. He said he would stop the oceans from rising.
I'm curious.

If you had god-like powers to trim all the fat you wanted out, or add all the government spending you wanted in (depending on our political orientation), how much money would the Federal government be spending every year?

Just a ballpark figure.

If you don't want to specify what you would keep or add to the budget, that's fine. I'm really just looking for a number. What you would think would be the ideal amount of spending?

Don't say "Zero" unless you don't want to be taken seriously. And now, because I just said "Don't say 'Zero'", don't be a wiseass and say "one dollar". I will make a mean face at you.

Seriously. What is the ideal amount of spending?

I thought Obama had God like powers? That is what he said. He said he would stop the oceans from rising.
SD, you're out of character. You were supposed to say, "Obama has powers like God so if he can stop the oceans from rising he can balance the budget with a wave of his hand".

Did being a Dem stop being fun?
I'm curious.

If you had god-like powers to trim all the fat you wanted out, or add all the government spending you wanted in (depending on our political orientation), how much money would the Federal government be spending every year?

Just a ballpark figure.

If you don't want to specify what you would keep or add to the budget, that's fine. I'm really just looking for a number. What you would think would be the ideal amount of spending?

Don't say "Zero" unless you don't want to be taken seriously. And now, because I just said "Don't say 'Zero'", don't be a wiseass and say "one dollar". I will make a mean face at you.

Seriously. What is the ideal amount of spending?

I thought Obama had God like powers? That is what he said. He said he would stop the oceans from rising.
SD, you're out of character. You were supposed to say, "Obama has powers like God so if he can stop the oceans from rising he can balance the budget with a wave of his hand".

He also said he would cut the deficit in half, so he doubled it and dumped trillions on the markets creating fake revenues, and cut it "in half" with taxes on that injection of money. Genius, unless the idea was to fix a problem, then it's fucking evil how Obama has held people in poverty.
my god like powers would be used to cut a lot of fat from programs. Military would be cut, id reform Medicare and save 200 billion in fees and paperwork. Merge a few agencies in order to spend less. Look into cutting out homeland security and tell the other agencies to grow up and work together,
I'm curious.

If you had god-like powers to trim all the fat you wanted out, or add all the government spending you wanted in (depending on our political orientation), how much money would the Federal government be spending every year?

Just a ballpark figure.

If you don't want to specify what you would keep or add to the budget, that's fine. I'm really just looking for a number. What you would think would be the ideal amount of spending?

Don't say "Zero" unless you don't want to be taken seriously. And now, because I just said "Don't say 'Zero'", don't be a wiseass and say "one dollar". I will make a mean face at you.

Seriously. What is the ideal amount of spending?

I thought Obama had God like powers? That is what he said. He said he would stop the oceans from rising.
SD, you're out of character. You were supposed to say, "Obama has powers like God so if he can stop the oceans from rising he can balance the budget with a wave of his hand".

He also said he would cut the deficit in half, so he doubled it and dumped trillions on the markets creating fake revenues, and cut it "in half" with taxes on that injection of money. Genius, unless the idea was to fix a problem, then it's fucking evil how Obama has held people in poverty.
The economic numbers, minus poor people, lost jobs, and the debt, are fine, so, what's your problem? The stock market and the rich are plenty happy.
Only the amount the Gov't takes in in taxes, no borrowing from the Federal Reserve.

So that means about a 50% cut.

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