What would you do if your child told you

Given that You have All the Love for them that You can Possess, Reminding Them of that, I'd want to talk it out. I would hope that it was a phase, and feel Totally Justified in that, as a matter of Faith. I would not undermine any relationship. I would respect the choice, and cope with it. Bottom line 50 years later, Anyone that knows Happiness in Life, and has Someone to share it with, has accomplished much. There are things between Each of Us and Our Maker that are Personal, Taking responsibility for the Choices We make in Life Knowingly, is part of that Life, for Better or Worse.
Fly in the ointment time....

Homosexuality is not a phase or choice. It's immutable. Like eye color or right or left handedness.

It's when social Conservatives believe in their deepest, darkest hearts that homosexuality is an option that homophobia gets fed.
My son prefers boys over girls.

Girls are yucky!

Yeah, they have cooties! 'Sides they like to play 'weddings' and a boy his age could get expelled if he kissed the bride and she changed her mind! :eusa_angel:
I'd wonder how the fuck they traveled back in time to tell me now, seeing as I have no children. I would use their knowledge of the future to play the stock market and win gambling rings. I would then invest that money I won now so it would be worth lots more in the future. And my child and his or her gay lover could live a happy life with lots of cash. What a fabulous day.
Given that You have All the Love for them that You can Possess, Reminding Them of that, I'd want to talk it out. I would hope that it was a phase, and feel Totally Justified in that, as a matter of Faith. I would not undermine any relationship. I would respect the choice, and cope with it. Bottom line 50 years later, Anyone that knows Happiness in Life, and has Someone to share it with, has accomplished much. There are things between Each of Us and Our Maker that are Personal, Taking responsibility for the Choices We make in Life Knowingly, is part of that Life, for Better or Worse.

It's just a phase.............:eusa_whistle:

Hey, do I stay True to what I believe, or bend to Your or Anyone Else's will. Notice that wasn't a question. We accept what We cannot change, yet Hope remains. Sorry if it rains on Your Parade, that was Not the intent.
Given that You have All the Love for them that You can Possess, Reminding Them of that, I'd want to talk it out. I would hope that it was a phase, and feel Totally Justified in that, as a matter of Faith. I would not undermine any relationship. I would respect the choice, and cope with it. Bottom line 50 years later, Anyone that knows Happiness in Life, and has Someone to share it with, has accomplished much. There are things between Each of Us and Our Maker that are Personal, Taking responsibility for the Choices We make in Life Knowingly, is part of that Life, for Better or Worse.
Fly in the ointment time....

Homosexuality is not a phase or choice. It's immutable. Like eye color or right or left handedness.

It's when social Conservatives believe in their deepest, darkest hearts that homosexuality is an option that homophobia gets fed.

For some that may be true, for others not so. When You place Expectations, and Limits on others, like you just did, the only thing fed is your illusion. Each one of Us learns to stand or fall on Our Own Convictions, just as we are responsible for each step on the path, take responsibility for yourself, rather than project fears based on your perception of others.
Given that You have All the Love for them that You can Possess, Reminding Them of that, I'd want to talk it out. I would hope that it was a phase, and feel Totally Justified in that, as a matter of Faith. I would not undermine any relationship. I would respect the choice, and cope with it. Bottom line 50 years later, Anyone that knows Happiness in Life, and has Someone to share it with, has accomplished much. There are things between Each of Us and Our Maker that are Personal, Taking responsibility for the Choices We make in Life Knowingly, is part of that Life, for Better or Worse.
Fly in the ointment time....

Homosexuality is not a phase or choice. It's immutable. Like eye color or right or left handedness.

It's when social Conservatives believe in their deepest, darkest hearts that homosexuality is an option that homophobia gets fed.

For some that may be true, for others not so. When You place Expectations, and Limits on others, like you just did, the only thing fed is your illusion. Each one of Us learns to stand or fall on Our Own Convictions, just as we are responsible for each step on the path, take responsibility for yourself, rather than project fears based on your perception of others.
Sorry, but homosexuality is not a choice, a mistake, a phase or an option. It is immutable pure and simple.

And discriminating against people based on an immutable fact is bigotry of the first water.

"I hate all green eyed people!" Doesn't make sense, does it? Do I hate them because they chose to have green eyes? Do I hate them because they are inherently different than I? Do I fear and pity them and am I willing to disown my child because of a trait I had nothing to do with?

Homophobia is a monster born and bred of such nonsense.
Romans 1:22-28

1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

1:23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

1:24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature

1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
For the Record, In the New Testament, "Romans Chapter 1" depicts it as a Curse.

The Holy Bible
A crime against God? Take it up with the Taliban! They are fighting for God too.

Your Assessment is False. The Taliban Murders, Christians, Pray. Homosexuality is not a Civilly Punishable offense in The Christian World. It is Tolerated. Can You show where Civil Laws in the Western World, Imprison or even take property because of Sexual Preference?
they were gay?

I'd tell them they were adopted so it doesn't matter. No skin off my teeth. :lol:

seriously though, what one says to a child in a situation like this would partly determine how much pain that child would escape or suffer. Families can be the cause of pain and suffering or strength and character. The choice is really quite simple; if you love a child.
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