What's happening to Men in America?

I’m not saying men don’t need testosterone. I’m saying that right now, men don’t need high levels of it to be considered successful men.

Wrong with me? Absolutely nothing. Why do you ask?

Scientific examination of females in menstruation has shown they prefer men with higher levels of testosterone. So...you are dead wrong and don't sound like a woman at all. Is there something genetically wrong with you?

Way to misread a post.

I was speaking in generalities and biological principles.

You made it a personal attack.

Are you menstruating right now? Because I can sympathize with moodiness and irrationality during “that time.”

Ya, so what? Your 'generalities' were way off base and you are dead wrong. I just wondered if you are a woman or not or if there is something wrong with you. It's not a personal attack unless maybe I am 100% correct. Your assertions are insane and ridiculous. Are YOU menstruating right now? Ha Ha!!

So testosterone isn’t decreasing in males?

Men still need all the testosterone they can get?

It may be decreasing in males because women have altered their menstruation by taking BC pills. Therefore they don't chose men with high levels of testosterone to mate with.

Here is some info for you from Prof. Jordan Peterson..
Last edited:
An interesting series on Fox with Tucker Carlson.
If you watch the video, a lot of this hits home with America today and makes sense.
If his statistics are true (and there's no reason to believe they wouldn't be), you do have to wonder what happened to the testosterone levels in men? Huge mysterious drop over the last few decades.

Or, is this pure Fox garbage?

It is a culmination of things.Tucker wants it all to be plot and likes to mash things up. He can't get too deep though because it would so impact sponsors in one way or another.

First of all, we have known about the effects of BPAs in water bottles for at least 20 years now. So, this is not some hidden thing. It's just not exciting and it might jack with someone's profit.
Study: Most Plastics Leach Hormone-Like Chemicals
BPA-Free Plastic Containers May Be Just as Hazardous

And here is it's effect on sperm:
Everyday BPA Exposure Decreases Human Semen Quality

Second, when we talk about education there has been a huge push for testing and taking in information starting in kindergarten that there wasn't before. So, the boys who are being boys wiggle and can't sit still and are........active get referrals to pediatricians and they are diagnosed with ADHD and are prescribed medication to "focus". You gotta make a choice, folks.......

Certain people like to refer to this as the feminization of education.....which is crap. It is high stakes testing etc and so on. Incidentally, behavior problems are here as well.

Single, white, middle aged men have always have high suicide rates that date back much further than the stats listed here.
Suicide Statistics — AFSP

I am sorry, but some of you who claim kids are overmedicated are simply assholes who do not know what ADHD is. Your ignorance abounds and you blame educators for a medical condition that is easily controlled by medication. I know this as a former educator and grandfather of two boys who live in my home.

Perhaps if you actually saw what it takes to try to teach in a classroom with a child who literally cannot keep still, keep their mouth shut, or keep their hands to themselves, you will never know the truth. There are many girls with ADHD so your lack of informed opinions are a testament to your ignorance on the topic.

Well, you definitely are sorry. Shut your pie hole, old man. I've heard all about your days of glory.

I am sorry that your life experiences were so unfulfilling and you are disappointed in yourself. I had 21 years in the classroom, but I can honestly say, putting up with know-it-alls who never darkened a classroom door after they were thrown out of their ass, had to be one of my greater challenges. Not throttling the pieces of shit that deserved it took a great deal of personal effort.

You know nothing. Welcome to ignore.
Accurate.....just take a look at progressive men. Have clearly been feminized over the last 40 years. Check out the recent "Miss America...." thread. Check the progressives responses....talk about being deballed. Men actually wanting to drive around in these 2 door electric Specks. C'mon now....
what the fuck?!! Diving for cover at the mere mention of "assault weapon". A man's man knows exactly what I'm talking about.... conservative men, of course.

Not all bad though....the good news is, if the shit ever hits the fan, we know exactly where to go to get any shit we need and they'll happily hand it over!!:2up::deal::deal:
BBC News | HEALTH | Eggs fertilised without sperm

there are several species where the female does not need a male for birthing....close to adding man to that list

it is called parthenogenesis
Your link was to an article from 2001. Their experiments were with mice. They said that they would be able to create a baby without male sperm in 6 months. That was 17 years ago.

Apparently men are still needed.
An interesting series on Fox with Tucker Carlson.
If you watch the video, a lot of this hits home with America today and makes sense.
If his statistics are true (and there's no reason to believe they wouldn't be), you do have to wonder what happened to the testosterone levels in men? Huge mysterious drop over the last few decades.

Or, is this pure Fox garbage?

It is a culmination of things.Tucker wants it all to be plot and likes to mash things up. He can't get too deep though because it would so impact sponsors in one way or another.

First of all, we have known about the effects of BPAs in water bottles for at least 20 years now. So, this is not some hidden thing. It's just not exciting and it might jack with someone's profit.
Study: Most Plastics Leach Hormone-Like Chemicals
BPA-Free Plastic Containers May Be Just as Hazardous

And here is it's effect on sperm:
Everyday BPA Exposure Decreases Human Semen Quality

Second, when we talk about education there has been a huge push for testing and taking in information starting in kindergarten that there wasn't before. So, the boys who are being boys wiggle and can't sit still and are........active get referrals to pediatricians and they are diagnosed with ADHD and are prescribed medication to "focus". You gotta make a choice, folks.......

Certain people like to refer to this as the feminization of education.....which is crap. It is high stakes testing etc and so on. Incidentally, behavior problems are here as well.

Single, white, middle aged men have always have high suicide rates that date back much further than the stats listed here.
Suicide Statistics — AFSP

I am sorry, but some of you who claim kids are overmedicated are simply assholes who do not know what ADHD is. Your ignorance abounds and you blame educators for a medical condition that is easily controlled by medication. I know this as a former educator and grandfather of two boys who live in my home.

Perhaps if you actually saw what it takes to try to teach in a classroom with a child who literally cannot keep still, keep their mouth shut, or keep their hands to themselves, you will never know the truth. There are many girls with ADHD so your lack of informed opinions are a testament to your ignorance on the topic.

Well, you definitely are sorry. Shut your pie hole, old man. I've heard all about your days of glory.

I am sorry that your life experiences were so unfulfilling and you are disappointed in yourself. I had 21 years in the classroom, but I can honestly say, putting up with know-it-alls who never darkened a classroom door after they were thrown out of their ass, had to be one of my greater challenges. Not throttling the pieces of shit that deserved it took a great deal of personal effort.

You know nothing. Welcome to ignore.

Thank you! If I put you on ignore the intelligence level of the room would spike upward!
one might say nature is doing away with the need for men..simple as that....
One might say that and she would be wrong. I don't think nature is phasing out men. Humans? Maybe. But we are probably doing that ourselves by messing with things we should not be messing with.
and what allowed that...the feminist movement in the late 60s and early 70s...when women decided to do it all ...and gave men the flat out option of walking away from their families...one didnt have baby mommas in the 50s....having a child out of wedlock was shameful not something to brag about on fakebook...and no women dont get equal pay now....we just got more of the responsibility ...people claim women must work now to support the family..what became of men working to support the family and the family living within that means? you didnt have two or three cars and no closet full of clothes....young people are amazed when they learn we didnt need all the closet space cause we didnt have so called 'fast fashion' if you had a few dresses you were good to go...now its buy and buy....daycare runs 200 bucks a week? you would rather pay 200 bucks a week than stay home and take care of your own child? and dont get me started on women who move men in with small kids.....they just up the chances of that child being molested or murdered
We call these things predictable surprises and I agree with much of what you are saying. Surprised?
Males in modern America are drugged almost from the moment they enter the school system, and spend the next 12 years having masculinity pounded out of them.

Ah, yes. ''The long march through the institutions.''

Ring a bell, anyone?

Frankfurt School - Wikipedia
The long march through the institutions - Wikipedia

Cultural Marxism for friends who would prefer cliff notes.
John Dewey, the father of modern American education, was their contemporary back in the 1930's. We have had four generations of their indoctrination.
An interesting series on Fox with Tucker Carlson.
If you watch the video, a lot of this hits home with America today and makes sense.
If his statistics are true (and there's no reason to believe they wouldn't be), you do have to wonder what happened to the testosterone levels in men? Huge mysterious drop over the last few decades.

Or, is this pure Fox garbage?

It is a culmination of things.Tucker wants it all to be plot and likes to mash things up. He can't get too deep though because it would so impact sponsors in one way or another.

First of all, we have known about the effects of BPAs in water bottles for at least 20 years now. So, this is not some hidden thing. It's just not exciting and it might jack with someone's profit.
Study: Most Plastics Leach Hormone-Like Chemicals
BPA-Free Plastic Containers May Be Just as Hazardous

And here is it's effect on sperm:
Everyday BPA Exposure Decreases Human Semen Quality

Second, when we talk about education there has been a huge push for testing and taking in information starting in kindergarten that there wasn't before. So, the boys who are being boys wiggle and can't sit still and are........active get referrals to pediatricians and they are diagnosed with ADHD and are prescribed medication to "focus". You gotta make a choice, folks.......

Certain people like to refer to this as the feminization of education.....which is crap. It is high stakes testing etc and so on. Incidentally, behavior problems are here as well.

Single, white, middle aged men have always have high suicide rates that date back much further than the stats listed here.
Suicide Statistics — AFSP

I am sorry, but some of you who claim kids are overmedicated are simply assholes who do not know what ADHD is. Your ignorance abounds and you blame educators for a medical condition that is easily controlled by medication. I know this as a former educator and grandfather of two boys who live in my home.

Perhaps if you actually saw what it takes to try to teach in a classroom with a child who literally cannot keep still, keep their mouth shut, or keep their hands to themselves, you will never know the truth. There are many girls with ADHD so your lack of informed opinions are a testament to your ignorance on the topic.

I’ve seen one transformation of a child on ADHD meds. It wasn’t quite so dramatic, but there was improvement.

I’m still ambivalent about medicating children for it. Thankfully, it’s not my call. All I can tell a parent is what I see, and why it’s affecting the student’s education. From there on, it’s up to the Special Ed Committee and/or the family doctor and parents.
I’m not saying men don’t need testosterone. I’m saying that right now, men don’t need high levels of it to be considered successful men.

Wrong with me? Absolutely nothing. Why do you ask?

Scientific examination of females in menstruation has shown they prefer men with higher levels of testosterone. So...you are dead wrong and don't sound like a woman at all. Is there something genetically wrong with you?

Way to misread a post.

I was speaking in generalities and biological principles.

You made it a personal attack.

Are you menstruating right now? Because I can sympathize with moodiness and irrationality during “that time.”

Ya, so what? Your 'generalities' were way off base and you are dead wrong. I just wondered if you are a woman or not or if there is something wrong with you. It's not a personal attack unless maybe I am 100% correct. Your assertions are insane and ridiculous. Are YOU menstruating right now? Ha Ha!!

So testosterone isn’t decreasing in males?

Men still need all the testosterone they can get?

It may be decreasing in males because women have altered their menstruation by taking BC pills. Therefore they don't chose men with high levels of testosterone to mate with.

Here is some info for you from Prof. Jordan Peterson..

That’s another theory.

Clearly, men are surviving this Low T crisis.
An interesting series on Fox with Tucker Carlson.
If you watch the video, a lot of this hits home with America today and makes sense.
If his statistics are true (and there's no reason to believe they wouldn't be), you do have to wonder what happened to the testosterone levels in men? Huge mysterious drop over the last few decades.

Or, is this pure Fox garbage?

It is a culmination of things.Tucker wants it all to be plot and likes to mash things up. He can't get too deep though because it would so impact sponsors in one way or another.

First of all, we have known about the effects of BPAs in water bottles for at least 20 years now. So, this is not some hidden thing. It's just not exciting and it might jack with someone's profit.
Study: Most Plastics Leach Hormone-Like Chemicals
BPA-Free Plastic Containers May Be Just as Hazardous

And here is it's effect on sperm:
Everyday BPA Exposure Decreases Human Semen Quality

Second, when we talk about education there has been a huge push for testing and taking in information starting in kindergarten that there wasn't before. So, the boys who are being boys wiggle and can't sit still and are........active get referrals to pediatricians and they are diagnosed with ADHD and are prescribed medication to "focus". You gotta make a choice, folks.......

Certain people like to refer to this as the feminization of education.....which is crap. It is high stakes testing etc and so on. Incidentally, behavior problems are here as well.

Single, white, middle aged men have always have high suicide rates that date back much further than the stats listed here.
Suicide Statistics — AFSP

I am sorry, but some of you who claim kids are overmedicated are simply assholes who do not know what ADHD is. Your ignorance abounds and you blame educators for a medical condition that is easily controlled by medication. I know this as a former educator and grandfather of two boys who live in my home.

Perhaps if you actually saw what it takes to try to teach in a classroom with a child who literally cannot keep still, keep their mouth shut, or keep their hands to themselves, you will never know the truth. There are many girls with ADHD so your lack of informed opinions are a testament to your ignorance on the topic.

I’ve seen one transformation of a child on ADHD meds. It wasn’t quite so dramatic, but there was improvement.

I’m still ambivalent about medicating children for it. Thankfully, it’s not my call. All I can tell a parent is what I see, and why it’s affecting the student’s education. From there on, it’s up to the Special Ed Committee and/or the family doctor and parents.

In my 21 years, I saw literally hundreds. The process works. To those undereducated detractors, I say get some real life experience and stop relying on propaganda put out by those who failed themselves.
Scientific examination of females in menstruation has shown they prefer men with higher levels of testosterone. So...you are dead wrong and don't sound like a woman at all. Is there something genetically wrong with you?

Way to misread a post.

I was speaking in generalities and biological principles.

You made it a personal attack.

Are you menstruating right now? Because I can sympathize with moodiness and irrationality during “that time.”

Ya, so what? Your 'generalities' were way off base and you are dead wrong. I just wondered if you are a woman or not or if there is something wrong with you. It's not a personal attack unless maybe I am 100% correct. Your assertions are insane and ridiculous. Are YOU menstruating right now? Ha Ha!!

So testosterone isn’t decreasing in males?

Men still need all the testosterone they can get?

It may be decreasing in males because women have altered their menstruation by taking BC pills. Therefore they don't chose men with high levels of testosterone to mate with.

Here is some info for you from Prof. Jordan Peterson..

That’s another theory.

Clearly, men are surviving this Low T crisis.

Men with higher T levels are not being born because women choose low T men by taking BC pills. It matters now whether you or I agree it's just a fact. You seem not to care. But then you say you are not a man. Are you afraid of manly men or something? Have you been convinced that high T men are 'bad' or something? I'd really like to know.
Way to misread a post.

I was speaking in generalities and biological principles.

You made it a personal attack.

Are you menstruating right now? Because I can sympathize with moodiness and irrationality during “that time.”

Ya, so what? Your 'generalities' were way off base and you are dead wrong. I just wondered if you are a woman or not or if there is something wrong with you. It's not a personal attack unless maybe I am 100% correct. Your assertions are insane and ridiculous. Are YOU menstruating right now? Ha Ha!!

So testosterone isn’t decreasing in males?

Men still need all the testosterone they can get?

It may be decreasing in males because women have altered their menstruation by taking BC pills. Therefore they don't chose men with high levels of testosterone to mate with.

Here is some info for you from Prof. Jordan Peterson..

That’s another theory.

Clearly, men are surviving this Low T crisis.

Men with higher T levels are not being born because women choose low T men by taking BC pills. It matters now whether you or I agree it's just a fact. You seem not to care. But then you say you are not a man. Are you afraid of manly men or something? Have you been convinced that high T men are 'bad' or something? I'd really like to know.

Political correct people want men of America to be like Homer Simpson… Worthless and weak
An interesting series on Fox with Tucker Carlson.
If you watch the video, a lot of this hits home with America today and makes sense.
If his statistics are true (and there's no reason to believe they wouldn't be), you do have to wonder what happened to the testosterone levels in men? Huge mysterious drop over the last few decades.

Or, is this pure Fox garbage?

It is a culmination of things.Tucker wants it all to be plot and likes to mash things up. He can't get too deep though because it would so impact sponsors in one way or another.

First of all, we have known about the effects of BPAs in water bottles for at least 20 years now. So, this is not some hidden thing. It's just not exciting and it might jack with someone's profit.
Study: Most Plastics Leach Hormone-Like Chemicals
BPA-Free Plastic Containers May Be Just as Hazardous

And here is it's effect on sperm:
Everyday BPA Exposure Decreases Human Semen Quality

Second, when we talk about education there has been a huge push for testing and taking in information starting in kindergarten that there wasn't before. So, the boys who are being boys wiggle and can't sit still and are........active get referrals to pediatricians and they are diagnosed with ADHD and are prescribed medication to "focus". You gotta make a choice, folks.......

Certain people like to refer to this as the feminization of education.....which is crap. It is high stakes testing etc and so on. Incidentally, behavior problems are here as well.

Single, white, middle aged men have always have high suicide rates that date back much further than the stats listed here.
Suicide Statistics — AFSP

I am sorry, but some of you who claim kids are overmedicated are simply assholes who do not know what ADHD is. Your ignorance abounds and you blame educators for a medical condition that is easily controlled by medication. I know this as a former educator and grandfather of two boys who live in my home.

Perhaps if you actually saw what it takes to try to teach in a classroom with a child who literally cannot keep still, keep their mouth shut, or keep their hands to themselves, you will never know the truth. There are many girls with ADHD so your lack of informed opinions are a testament to your ignorance on the topic.

It's just a ruse to simplify discipline problems.

No, it is not. Claiming that just shows you are an ignorant jerk who has not done your homework. You prefer being an pain in the ass instead of accepting reality.

When you have to deal with 10-12 little monsters in one class and see what it is like when they get the proper treatment, you might just learn the difference.

I had a young man who was severely ADHD, and his parents were frustrated because he was always a borderline D-F student. He was evaluated by a physician and placed on medication. That child changed overnight. He went from being a contestant disruption in the class to one of the best students. Every teacher he had noted an instant change. The child went on to be an almost straight-A student and graduated with honors a few years later. Where would he have been without his ADHD medication?

As I said, my own grandsons were ADHD. The oldest one has grown out of it and no longer requires meds at the ripe old age of 11. He was the top science student in his 5th grade class. My younger grandson is progressing well. We anticipate he will also "grow out of it". Compare that to their father, who was severely ADHD, and his mother was also a teacher who did not believe in ADHD meds. He barely graduated from an alternative school because of all the trouble he was in, both in and out of school. The difference between him and his sons was a parent who knew what could be done for children with those issues.

ADHD kids without meds grow up to be liberals.

As I have related before as an example, my 6th-grade class had 37 students, and one Catholic nun running it. There was no Ritalin, no discipline problems, and everyone passed.

ADHD is just another name for Tom Sawyer.
An interesting series on Fox with Tucker Carlson.
If you watch the video, a lot of this hits home with America today and makes sense.
If his statistics are true (and there's no reason to believe they wouldn't be), you do have to wonder what happened to the testosterone levels in men? Huge mysterious drop over the last few decades.

Or, is this pure Fox garbage?

It is a culmination of things.Tucker wants it all to be plot and likes to mash things up. He can't get too deep though because it would so impact sponsors in one way or another.

First of all, we have known about the effects of BPAs in water bottles for at least 20 years now. So, this is not some hidden thing. It's just not exciting and it might jack with someone's profit.
Study: Most Plastics Leach Hormone-Like Chemicals
BPA-Free Plastic Containers May Be Just as Hazardous

And here is it's effect on sperm:
Everyday BPA Exposure Decreases Human Semen Quality

Second, when we talk about education there has been a huge push for testing and taking in information starting in kindergarten that there wasn't before. So, the boys who are being boys wiggle and can't sit still and are........active get referrals to pediatricians and they are diagnosed with ADHD and are prescribed medication to "focus". You gotta make a choice, folks.......

Certain people like to refer to this as the feminization of education.....which is crap. It is high stakes testing etc and so on. Incidentally, behavior problems are here as well.

Single, white, middle aged men have always have high suicide rates that date back much further than the stats listed here.
Suicide Statistics — AFSP

I am sorry, but some of you who claim kids are overmedicated are simply assholes who do not know what ADHD is. Your ignorance abounds and you blame educators for a medical condition that is easily controlled by medication. I know this as a former educator and grandfather of two boys who live in my home.

Perhaps if you actually saw what it takes to try to teach in a classroom with a child who literally cannot keep still, keep their mouth shut, or keep their hands to themselves, you will never know the truth. There are many girls with ADHD so your lack of informed opinions are a testament to your ignorance on the topic.

It's just a ruse to simplify discipline problems.

No, it is not. Claiming that just shows you are an ignorant jerk who has not done your homework. You prefer being an pain in the ass instead of accepting reality.

When you have to deal with 10-12 little monsters in one class and see what it is like when they get the proper treatment, you might just learn the difference.

I had a young man who was severely ADHD, and his parents were frustrated because he was always a borderline D-F student. He was evaluated by a physician and placed on medication. That child changed overnight. He went from being a contestant disruption in the class to one of the best students. Every teacher he had noted an instant change. The child went on to be an almost straight-A student and graduated with honors a few years later. Where would he have been without his ADHD medication?

As I said, my own grandsons were ADHD. The oldest one has grown out of it and no longer requires meds at the ripe old age of 11. He was the top science student in his 5th grade class. My younger grandson is progressing well. We anticipate he will also "grow out of it". Compare that to their father, who was severely ADHD, and his mother was also a teacher who did not believe in ADHD meds. He barely graduated from an alternative school because of all the trouble he was in, both in and out of school. The difference between him and his sons was a parent who knew what could be done for children with those issues.

ADHD kids without meds grow up to be liberals.

As I have related before as an example, my 6th-grade class had 37 students, and one Catholic nun running it. There was no Ritalin, no discipline problems, and everyone passed.

ADHD is just another name for Tom Sawyer.

No.you support child abuse. Admit it.

How many decades ago was that Methuselah?

I think I saw a report on that on TV. It was in black and white.
It is a culmination of things.Tucker wants it all to be plot and likes to mash things up. He can't get too deep though because it would so impact sponsors in one way or another.

First of all, we have known about the effects of BPAs in water bottles for at least 20 years now. So, this is not some hidden thing. It's just not exciting and it might jack with someone's profit.
Study: Most Plastics Leach Hormone-Like Chemicals
BPA-Free Plastic Containers May Be Just as Hazardous

And here is it's effect on sperm:
Everyday BPA Exposure Decreases Human Semen Quality

Second, when we talk about education there has been a huge push for testing and taking in information starting in kindergarten that there wasn't before. So, the boys who are being boys wiggle and can't sit still and are........active get referrals to pediatricians and they are diagnosed with ADHD and are prescribed medication to "focus". You gotta make a choice, folks.......

Certain people like to refer to this as the feminization of education.....which is crap. It is high stakes testing etc and so on. Incidentally, behavior problems are here as well.

Single, white, middle aged men have always have high suicide rates that date back much further than the stats listed here.
Suicide Statistics — AFSP

I am sorry, but some of you who claim kids are overmedicated are simply assholes who do not know what ADHD is. Your ignorance abounds and you blame educators for a medical condition that is easily controlled by medication. I know this as a former educator and grandfather of two boys who live in my home.

Perhaps if you actually saw what it takes to try to teach in a classroom with a child who literally cannot keep still, keep their mouth shut, or keep their hands to themselves, you will never know the truth. There are many girls with ADHD so your lack of informed opinions are a testament to your ignorance on the topic.

It's just a ruse to simplify discipline problems.

No, it is not. Claiming that just shows you are an ignorant jerk who has not done your homework. You prefer being an pain in the ass instead of accepting reality.

When you have to deal with 10-12 little monsters in one class and see what it is like when they get the proper treatment, you might just learn the difference.

I had a young man who was severely ADHD, and his parents were frustrated because he was always a borderline D-F student. He was evaluated by a physician and placed on medication. That child changed overnight. He went from being a contestant disruption in the class to one of the best students. Every teacher he had noted an instant change. The child went on to be an almost straight-A student and graduated with honors a few years later. Where would he have been without his ADHD medication?

As I said, my own grandsons were ADHD. The oldest one has grown out of it and no longer requires meds at the ripe old age of 11. He was the top science student in his 5th grade class. My younger grandson is progressing well. We anticipate he will also "grow out of it". Compare that to their father, who was severely ADHD, and his mother was also a teacher who did not believe in ADHD meds. He barely graduated from an alternative school because of all the trouble he was in, both in and out of school. The difference between him and his sons was a parent who knew what could be done for children with those issues.

ADHD kids without meds grow up to be liberals.

As I have related before as an example, my 6th-grade class had 37 students, and one Catholic nun running it. There was no Ritalin, no discipline problems, and everyone passed.

ADHD is just another name for Tom Sawyer.

No.you support child abuse. Admit it.

How many decades ago was that Methuselah?
Medicating kids just because they miss-behave does not make any sense… There’s other ways with dealing with that
It is a culmination of things.Tucker wants it all to be plot and likes to mash things up. He can't get too deep though because it would so impact sponsors in one way or another.

First of all, we have known about the effects of BPAs in water bottles for at least 20 years now. So, this is not some hidden thing. It's just not exciting and it might jack with someone's profit.
Study: Most Plastics Leach Hormone-Like Chemicals
BPA-Free Plastic Containers May Be Just as Hazardous

And here is it's effect on sperm:
Everyday BPA Exposure Decreases Human Semen Quality

Second, when we talk about education there has been a huge push for testing and taking in information starting in kindergarten that there wasn't before. So, the boys who are being boys wiggle and can't sit still and are........active get referrals to pediatricians and they are diagnosed with ADHD and are prescribed medication to "focus". You gotta make a choice, folks.......

Certain people like to refer to this as the feminization of education.....which is crap. It is high stakes testing etc and so on. Incidentally, behavior problems are here as well.

Single, white, middle aged men have always have high suicide rates that date back much further than the stats listed here.
Suicide Statistics — AFSP

I am sorry, but some of you who claim kids are overmedicated are simply assholes who do not know what ADHD is. Your ignorance abounds and you blame educators for a medical condition that is easily controlled by medication. I know this as a former educator and grandfather of two boys who live in my home.

Perhaps if you actually saw what it takes to try to teach in a classroom with a child who literally cannot keep still, keep their mouth shut, or keep their hands to themselves, you will never know the truth. There are many girls with ADHD so your lack of informed opinions are a testament to your ignorance on the topic.

It's just a ruse to simplify discipline problems.

No, it is not. Claiming that just shows you are an ignorant jerk who has not done your homework. You prefer being an pain in the ass instead of accepting reality.

When you have to deal with 10-12 little monsters in one class and see what it is like when they get the proper treatment, you might just learn the difference.

I had a young man who was severely ADHD, and his parents were frustrated because he was always a borderline D-F student. He was evaluated by a physician and placed on medication. That child changed overnight. He went from being a contestant disruption in the class to one of the best students. Every teacher he had noted an instant change. The child went on to be an almost straight-A student and graduated with honors a few years later. Where would he have been without his ADHD medication?

As I said, my own grandsons were ADHD. The oldest one has grown out of it and no longer requires meds at the ripe old age of 11. He was the top science student in his 5th grade class. My younger grandson is progressing well. We anticipate he will also "grow out of it". Compare that to their father, who was severely ADHD, and his mother was also a teacher who did not believe in ADHD meds. He barely graduated from an alternative school because of all the trouble he was in, both in and out of school. The difference between him and his sons was a parent who knew what could be done for children with those issues.

ADHD kids without meds grow up to be liberals.

As I have related before as an example, my 6th-grade class had 37 students, and one Catholic nun running it. There was no Ritalin, no discipline problems, and everyone passed.

ADHD is just another name for Tom Sawyer.

No.you support child abuse. Admit it.

Drugging a child to mask natural impulses in order to make life simple for the indoctrinators is child abuse.

How many decades ago was that Methuselah?

1960s, before education was replaced with indoctrination.
Way to misread a post.

I was speaking in generalities and biological principles.

You made it a personal attack.

Are you menstruating right now? Because I can sympathize with moodiness and irrationality during “that time.”

Ya, so what? Your 'generalities' were way off base and you are dead wrong. I just wondered if you are a woman or not or if there is something wrong with you. It's not a personal attack unless maybe I am 100% correct. Your assertions are insane and ridiculous. Are YOU menstruating right now? Ha Ha!!

So testosterone isn’t decreasing in males?

Men still need all the testosterone they can get?

It may be decreasing in males because women have altered their menstruation by taking BC pills. Therefore they don't chose men with high levels of testosterone to mate with.

Here is some info for you from Prof. Jordan Peterson..

That’s another theory.

Clearly, men are surviving this Low T crisis.

Men with higher T levels are not being born because women choose low T men by taking BC pills. It matters now whether you or I agree it's just a fact. You seem not to care. But then you say you are not a man. Are you afraid of manly men or something? Have you been convinced that high T men are 'bad' or something? I'd really like to know.

Absolutely not.

It just made sense to me, from an evolutionary standpoint, that men don’t need the muscle mass to be successful.

It’s not killing them; it may lead to a change in what people think masculinity means. That seemed to be a hot topic in this thread- about how young guys don’t know about cars or can’t use certain tools. That stuff, I don’t care much about.

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