What's new in Duhsantistan? Bloggers must register with the state

You need to learn what conspiracy actually is.

The vaccine is safe and effective. The conspiracy was that researchers were constantly lying about side effects, when they weren't. As for efficacy, it prevented the vast majority of people from dying. That's quite effective. Weirdly your articles forget to mention that efficacy isn't just lower transmission, it's survival.
The vaccine is not safe. The vaccine is not effective. Peer reviewed literature says so. I posted a thread on it.
The vaccine is not safe. The vaccine is not effective.
It's both and the data proves it.

You claim this was proven wrong, but as I said, you've just convinced yourself of that. You simply create bigger conspiracies to ignore the truth. In this case, you have a broad conspiracy that the medical community is fabricating data that clearly shows unvaccinated died in high numbers throughout 2021 while the vaccinated didn't.

That's an actual conspiracy since you're accusing them of coordinating a cover up. You invented this conspiracy to continue to believe your lie. You have no evidence of any such thing.
It's both and the data proves it.

You claim this was proven wrong, but as I said, you've just convinced yourself of that. You simply create bigger conspiracies to ignore the truth. In this case, you have a broad conspiracy that the medical community is fabricating data that clearly shows unvaccinated died in high numbers throughout 2021 while the vaccinated didn't.

That's an actual conspiracy since you're accusing them of coordinating a cover up. You invented this conspiracy to continue to believe your lie. You have no evidence of any such thing.
The data proves the opposite.
Yep, my company has a business license and I have an employee I’d! Not sure what the fk that has to do with my question
No business license needed to blog. No employee IDs needed to blog.

This has nothing to do with business licenses and everything to do with Florida politicans being just a little authoritarian.
It's both and the data proves it.

You claim this was proven wrong, but as I said, you've just convinced yourself of that. You simply create bigger conspiracies to ignore the truth. In this case, you have a broad conspiracy that the medical community is fabricating data that clearly shows unvaccinated died in high numbers throughout 2021 while the vaccinated didn't.

That's an actual conspiracy since you're accusing them of coordinating a cover up. You invented this conspiracy to continue to believe your lie. You have no evidence of any such thing.
No business license needed to blog. No employee IDs needed to blog.

This has nothing to do with business licenses and everything to do with Florida politicans being just a little authoritarian.
Money made must be reported
Free speech is protected by the Constitution. Owning a business is not.
if the speech was free they don't have to register...when they are getting compensated they are engaged in a business, therefore need to register
Registering to exercise your free speech rights is censorship.
you aren't required to register under this bill unless you are engaged in business. If you are just posting or blogging that's fine, but once you start taking compensation you are in a business
It already is

What does that have to do with the law proposed?
Cause the law proposed only deals with folks engaged in business getting compensation for their work. It treats bloggers like any other member of the Press
you aren't required to register under this bill unless you are engaged in business. If you are just posting or blogging that's fine, but once you start taking compensation you are in a business
You don't need a license to write a blog, even if you're paid to do so.
haha of course you need a business licence if you are in the business of writing a blog...what do you think they should get special treatment?
haha of course you need a business licence if you are in the business of writing a blog...what do you think they should get special treatment?
No you don't. Why would you need a license to do that?

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