What's stopping you....

Skull Pilot

Diamond Member
Nov 17, 2007
All right sheep and whiners a simple question.

What is stopping you from improving your personal economy?

Tell me what exactly is preventing you from making an extra $50 a week, what's stopping you from saving a little bit more if at all ?
Wow so obviously there is nothing stopping any of you from earning and saving a little more.

Just what I thought.
All right sheep and whiners a simple question.

What is stopping you from improving your personal economy?

Tell me what exactly is preventing you from making an extra $50 a week, what's stopping you from saving a little bit more if at all ?

Motivation, I suppose. Many of us place more emphasis on living life.
All right sheep and whiners a simple question.

What is stopping you from improving your personal economy?

Tell me what exactly is preventing you from making an extra $50 a week, what's stopping you from saving a little bit more if at all ?

Motivation, I suppose. Many of us place more emphasis on living life.

So nothing external to you is stopping you from becoming more financially solvent?
I guess two things come to mind: greed and envy.

I don't see those who have the money (CEOs and other Big Shots) as being particularly greedy. They've earned their money. The ones who I find more greedy are those who think the wealthy should be stripped of their wealth and have it handed over to those who don't have the wealth or aren't capable of earning an equal wealth for performing a lesser job with none of the responsibilities or stresses of the CEOs, etc.

Those who have not are so envious of those who do have, that they are willing to render those people devoid of what they have worked to attain just for the hell of seeing them suffer and being "knocked down a peg or two."

Be happy for what you have. If it isn't enough, then get out there and get a second job or cut out some of your own pleasures temporarily so that you can get something you want that will last a hell of a lot longer than any temporary pleasure.

I don't have any money or exquisite surroundings in which to live, but I'll tell you this - what I do have, I worked for and it is mine. It's what I could afford at the time of purchase and I really don't worry how the hell much someone else has that I don't have. It's a stupid waste of time to do so. I might have a "wealth" that a rich CEO doesn't have - such as being blessed with good health. Wealth didn't help Ted Kennedy one bit in the end when it came to his health.
Nothing. You'either a sheep or a wolf and in the words of the wise Gordon Gecko "Greed is good". Either get out there and be as productive an employee as possible or we no longer have much use for you. The world is a different place and those who cannot see that yet are already too far behind.
When I was on the down and out, it took one full-time and two part-time jobs to keep me afloat.
I'm not shy about busting balls to pay bills.

These days I'm pretty much on cruise control.

It could all go south tomorrow but I could give a shit. I'm pushing 60 and I'm not above mowing lawns if that's what it takes. Whatever it takes I'll deliver.

Poverty and hunger are great motivators. I choose those motivations over Obama suck any day.
Suck on Obama, you pathetic Liberal whores.
Suckle the teat.

Or... mow lawns.

The choice is yours, bitches.

I'm with ya Mr. H, but it aint just the Obama lovers that are hurting our party. The stuff Hannity spits out every night is crazy. We gotta realize that stupid is not party specific, even if it is more common in one group...lol
It's like this:

Money is nothing more than a claim on the labor of others. The more money you possess, the more labor you can claim; therefore, accumulation of money represents a need/desire to control others. Some of us are not strongly motivated to control others.

There is a reason why successful entrepreneurs have a higher incidence of sociopathy.
Suck on Obama, you pathetic Liberal whores.
Suckle the teat.

Or... mow lawns.

The choice is yours, bitches.

You are an offensive person. Are you representative of the modern right wing? If so, Republican chances of winning future elections will significantly decline.
It's like this:

Money is nothing more than a claim on the labor of others. The more money you possess, the more labor you can claim; therefore, accumulation of money represents a need/desire to control others. Some of us are not strongly motivated to control others.

There is a reason why successful entrepreneurs have a higher incidence of sociopathy.

I can almost smell the marxism coming out of this statement.

Money is a medium of exchange, nothing more. It can be used also as a measure of worth as it relates to hard assests, houses, cars, etc.

Having money does not mean you are stealing something from others to have it, which is implied in your statement.
It's like this:

Money is nothing more than a claim on the labor of others. The more money you possess, the more labor you can claim;

I disagree. Those that trade their labor for dollars are not compelled to so. It is their freely chosen method of earning.

The only claim upon anyone is one they voluntarily place upon themselves

therefore, accumulation of money represents a need/desire to control others. Some of us are not strongly motivated to control others.

There is a reason why successful entrepreneurs have a higher incidence of sociopathy.

SO in your mind anyo9ne that saves for retirement is doing so out of a sociopathic need to control people?
I'll say it again . . . money is a claim on labor. Nothing more, although some unwittingly elevate money to levels that display status and class--but status and class are ultimately a function of how many people you control.

This isn't a tough issue, folks. Money is a claim on labor. It always has been. That's ECON101!!

Also, poor hapless "martybegan," this is not a political or ideological issue. It is a concept in economics. Sorry if this tilts your ideological slant.

ALSO, I didn't infer that this implies forced labor. I only state that money is a claim on labor.
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It's like this:

Money is nothing more than a claim on the labor of others. The more money you possess, the more labor you can claim; therefore, accumulation of money represents a need/desire to control others. Some of us are not strongly motivated to control others.

There is a reason why successful entrepreneurs have a higher incidence of sociopathy.

What are you doing if you aren't making as much money as you can. Not to go Gecko on you, but greed is in fact good. It allows you more opportunity to share time with your family and provides children with a chance for a nice future. I don't wish to control others, I just wish to control the future of my life and my future child's life. Greed today isnt the same kind of greed. My generation has a ton of expenses. The gov't is going to bleed me dry for the next 50 years so I gotta make money.
It's like this:

Money is nothing more than a claim on the labor of others. The more money you possess, the more labor you can claim;

I disagree. Those that trade their labor for dollars are not compelled to so. It is their freely chosen method of earning.

The only claim upon anyone is one they voluntarily place upon themselves

therefore, accumulation of money represents a need/desire to control others. Some of us are not strongly motivated to control others.

There is a reason why successful entrepreneurs have a higher incidence of sociopathy.

SO in your mind anyo9ne that saves for retirement is doing so out of a sociopathic need to control people?

If you save for retirement, you have the ability to eat (the dollar claims the labor output of agricultural workers), to stay warm or cool (the dollar claims the labor output of utility workers), and to get health care (the dollar claims the labor output of health care industry workers).

No big mystery, folks.

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