What's The Best Way To Fight and/or Stop Racism?

As far as your first statement.....YES YOU ARE.

The rest of it? The funniest BS that I've read all morning.

No, I'm not. You are an asshole.

And the rest of what I said, stands.

calling out you hypocrite lefties on YOUR racism, that could be productive.

NOt that you will change you mind, but others, seeing your lies and hypocrisy and racism, exposed, might be turned off from your message of hate, fear, bigotry and yes, racism.

And yes, you dodged. It was clear as day to anyone familiar with the inherent dishonestly of the Left.

Identifying that you are in fact a racist is not being as asshole, it's shoving a bitter pill down your throat, and you are crying foul, which is not my problem.

And you repeating the same silly nonsense over and over, does not make it true.

What is hilarious is that the same BS that that you point fingers at others over, describes you perfectly.

Racist, hypocrite and dishonest. Now, buzz off and annoy someone else.

You are the one making negative generalizations about a race of people.

That is what I called you on.

You are the racist here, and you can make such generalizations and then turn around accuse me of being what you are, is one of the reasons you are the asshole.

No generalizations were made. As your comrade stated.."white people invented the word racism". If you want to read some real "generalizations", you don't need to look far to find plenty of them in this forum about non white people, so spare the drama.

I stated that "long ago, they perfected the practice" and did so through the laws that existed during an earlier era.

Long ago, it was a fact, and recorded history proves it.

If you are too thin skinned to comprehend that, too bad. Don't read what I post.

And yes. You ARE a racist. Most like you who point that finger at others can't stand the racist in themselves.

I'm white and I had nothing to do with those past laws, and indeed, my political camp has always been in the forefront of fighting against that shit.

And we still are.

YOu generalized about "white people".

Not only are you a race baiting asshole, but, ironically, you are also a racist asshole.

No shit, Sherlock?....you're white? I never would have known that.....ROFLMAO.

Obviously you are incapable of distinguishing the difference between "long ago" when the laws of the land oppresed non whites in favor of whites, and the present times that we live in.

If you are offended by actual history, that is your problem, not mine

That being said, stop your lying. You don't fight for or stand for anything except your fight against what you claim to be "anti white discrimination".

And to you that includes whining about any success or accomplishment experienced by non white people, because you actually believe that in some way it makes you a victim.....and that by default, makes you the racist that you are.

Pointing out the truth is not race baiting, it just hurts your fragile feelings, which again, is not my problem.

If a denial ridden, racist ass happens to think I am a "race baiter", I am perfectly fine with that.

Carry on.
I'm not going to sit and watch some random bearded redneck talk for 10 minutes. If you want me to care about what he has to say then give me a synopsis. If it sounds interesting, then I might be interested in investing my time towards his opinions.

Anyway, the best way to end racism is nationalism. Gays, blacks, hispanics, whites. If everyone is proud to live under a single banner, they will be able to bond easier. I am close friends with a black coworker. She's a die-hard liberal that HATES Trump and I'm a strong conservative that loves him. The reason we get along to so well is because we bond over Christianity and our desire to help others. We just see the world through different lenses and know this. Because of that, even though we have completely different political view points, we can still respect and trust each other.

All you need to find is one (maybe 2) common grounds and strengthen that resolve to the point where racism becomes a back seat opinion that can eventually fade away in a few generations. Something we all have in common is that we all live in the USA. If we're all able to forgive the crimes of past Americans and strive to make the USA a better place for ALL Americans through nationalism, then that can be a common ground for all races living in the USA to bond over. Some Alabama patriotic redneck with a MAGA hat is more likely to bond with a black person wearing an American flag T-shirt and open carrying, rather than hate on him.

However, that's just a hypothetical solution I believe will work. I'm not going to go around advocating for the federal government to push this agenda.

Of course, another solution would be for BLM to start pushing MLK's dream of judging people by character and not by skin color. That way, when another black teenager gets shot attacking a cop or Hispanic neighborhood watch guard, they should condemn the kids for attacking authority figures rather than revering them as martyrs. Rap music stop praising drugs, sex, and violence. Once urban communities idolize morality over vice, other communities will open their arms and want to welcome them.
No, I'm not. You are an asshole.

And the rest of what I said, stands.

calling out you hypocrite lefties on YOUR racism, that could be productive.

NOt that you will change you mind, but others, seeing your lies and hypocrisy and racism, exposed, might be turned off from your message of hate, fear, bigotry and yes, racism.

And yes, you dodged. It was clear as day to anyone familiar with the inherent dishonestly of the Left.

Identifying that you are in fact a racist is not being as asshole, it's shoving a bitter pill down your throat, and you are crying foul, which is not my problem.

And you repeating the same silly nonsense over and over, does not make it true.

What is hilarious is that the same BS that that you point fingers at others over, describes you perfectly.

Racist, hypocrite and dishonest. Now, buzz off and annoy someone else.

You are the one making negative generalizations about a race of people.

That is what I called you on.

You are the racist here, and you can make such generalizations and then turn around accuse me of being what you are, is one of the reasons you are the asshole.

No generalizations were made. As your comrade stated.."white people invented the word racism". If you want to read some real "generalizations", you don't need to look far to find plenty of them in this forum about non white people, so spare the drama.

I stated that "long ago, they perfected the practice" and did so through the laws that existed during an earlier era.

Long ago, it was a fact, and recorded history proves it.

If you are too thin skinned to comprehend that, too bad. Don't read what I post.

And yes. You ARE a racist. Most like you who point that finger at others can't stand the racist in themselves.

I'm white and I had nothing to do with those past laws, and indeed, my political camp has always been in the forefront of fighting against that shit.

And we still are.

YOu generalized about "white people".

Not only are you a race baiting asshole, but, ironically, you are also a racist asshole.

No shit, Sherlock?....you're white? I never would have known that.....ROFLMAO.

Obviously you are incapable of distinguishing the difference between "long ago" when the laws of the land oppresed non whites in favor of whites, and the present times that we live in.

If you are offended by actual history, that is your problem, not mine

That being said, stop your lying. You don't fight for or stand for anything except your fight against what you claim to be "anti white discrimination".

And to you that includes whining about any success or accomplishment experienced by non white people, because you actually believe that in some way it makes you a victim.....and that by default, makes you the racist that you are.

Pointing out the truth is not race baiting, it just hurts your fragile feelings, which again, is not my problem.

If a denial ridden, racist ass happens to think I am a "race baiter", I am perfectly fine with that.

Carry on.

1. No, I can pretty easily tell the difference between long ago and now. Nor am I offended by history.

2. I stand for and fight for a lot of stuff. Your idiocy in denying that is just that, idiocy.

3. I celebrate any accomplishments and successes of non white people, especially American ones, and I want national policies to encourage such. Your claim otherwise, is either insanity or lies.

4. Your false accusations of racism, is race baiting. YOu are a race baiting asshole.
Identifying that you are in fact a racist is not being as asshole, it's shoving a bitter pill down your throat, and you are crying foul, which is not my problem.

And you repeating the same silly nonsense over and over, does not make it true.

What is hilarious is that the same BS that that you point fingers at others over, describes you perfectly.

Racist, hypocrite and dishonest. Now, buzz off and annoy someone else.

You are the one making negative generalizations about a race of people.

That is what I called you on.

You are the racist here, and you can make such generalizations and then turn around accuse me of being what you are, is one of the reasons you are the asshole.

No generalizations were made. As your comrade stated.."white people invented the word racism". If you want to read some real "generalizations", you don't need to look far to find plenty of them in this forum about non white people, so spare the drama.

I stated that "long ago, they perfected the practice" and did so through the laws that existed during an earlier era.

Long ago, it was a fact, and recorded history proves it.

If you are too thin skinned to comprehend that, too bad. Don't read what I post.

And yes. You ARE a racist. Most like you who point that finger at others can't stand the racist in themselves.

I'm white and I had nothing to do with those past laws, and indeed, my political camp has always been in the forefront of fighting against that shit.

And we still are.

YOu generalized about "white people".

Not only are you a race baiting asshole, but, ironically, you are also a racist asshole.

No shit, Sherlock?....you're white? I never would have known that.....ROFLMAO.

Obviously you are incapable of distinguishing the difference between "long ago" when the laws of the land oppresed non whites in favor of whites, and the present times that we live in.

If you are offended by actual history, that is your problem, not mine

That being said, stop your lying. You don't fight for or stand for anything except your fight against what you claim to be "anti white discrimination".

And to you that includes whining about any success or accomplishment experienced by non white people, because you actually believe that in some way it makes you a victim.....and that by default, makes you the racist that you are.

Pointing out the truth is not race baiting, it just hurts your fragile feelings, which again, is not my problem.

If a denial ridden, racist ass happens to think I am a "race baiter", I am perfectly fine with that.

Carry on.

1. No, I can pretty easily tell the difference between long ago and now. Nor am I offended by history.

2. I stand for and fight for a lot of stuff. Your idiocy in denying that is just that, idiocy.

3. I celebrate any accomplishments and successes of non white people, especially American ones, and I want national policies to encourage such. Your claim otherwise, is either insanity or lies.

4. Your false accusations of racism, is race baiting. YOu are a race baiting asshole.

You are in denial and grasping at straws. You're a hard core, card carrying racist. Which is why you are so quick to call others racist....you're just deflecting.

Most who are like you become indignant when they are recognized for what they really are.

You don't celebrate ANY achievements by non whites, so stop lying.

You see those accomplishments as being at the expense of the white population.

In fact, I recall in a different thread some time ago, you were outraged over a black female receiving accolades for being the first black female elected to a public office in a certain southern state.

You viewed the publicity of her accomplishment as being "divisive".
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You are the one making negative generalizations about a race of people.

That is what I called you on.

You are the racist here, and you can make such generalizations and then turn around accuse me of being what you are, is one of the reasons you are the asshole.

No generalizations were made. As your comrade stated.."white people invented the word racism". If you want to read some real "generalizations", you don't need to look far to find plenty of them in this forum about non white people, so spare the drama.

I stated that "long ago, they perfected the practice" and did so through the laws that existed during an earlier era.

Long ago, it was a fact, and recorded history proves it.

If you are too thin skinned to comprehend that, too bad. Don't read what I post.

And yes. You ARE a racist. Most like you who point that finger at others can't stand the racist in themselves.

I'm white and I had nothing to do with those past laws, and indeed, my political camp has always been in the forefront of fighting against that shit.

And we still are.

YOu generalized about "white people".

Not only are you a race baiting asshole, but, ironically, you are also a racist asshole.

No shit, Sherlock?....you're white? I never would have known that.....ROFLMAO.

Obviously you are incapable of distinguishing the difference between "long ago" when the laws of the land oppresed non whites in favor of whites, and the present times that we live in.

If you are offended by actual history, that is your problem, not mine

That being said, stop your lying. You don't fight for or stand for anything except your fight against what you claim to be "anti white discrimination".

And to you that includes whining about any success or accomplishment experienced by non white people, because you actually believe that in some way it makes you a victim.....and that by default, makes you the racist that you are.

Pointing out the truth is not race baiting, it just hurts your fragile feelings, which again, is not my problem.

If a denial ridden, racist ass happens to think I am a "race baiter", I am perfectly fine with that.

Carry on.

1. No, I can pretty easily tell the difference between long ago and now. Nor am I offended by history.

2. I stand for and fight for a lot of stuff. Your idiocy in denying that is just that, idiocy.

3. I celebrate any accomplishments and successes of non white people, especially American ones, and I want national policies to encourage such. Your claim otherwise, is either insanity or lies.

4. Your false accusations of racism, is race baiting. YOu are a race baiting asshole.

You are in denial and grasping at straws. You're a hard core, card carrying racist. Which is why you are so quick to call others racist....you're just deflecting.

Most who are like you become indignant when they are recognized for what they really are.

You don't celebrate ANY achievements by non whites, so stop lying.

You see those accomplishments as being at the expense of the white population.

In fact, I recall in a different thread some time ago, you were outraged over a black female receiving accolades for being the first black female elected to a public office in a certain southern state.

You viewed the publicity of her accomplishment as being "divisive".

What do you mean, "at the expense of the white population"?

I dont' think I have ever used that term, or anything like it.

And you are race baiting asshole, as we will see when you refuse to even discuss your false accusations, because you know they are false.

AND we will see how your false accusations destroy any chance of cooperation, or even communication between us.

Thanks in advance for utterly making my point for me. Fucktard.
No generalizations were made. As your comrade stated.."white people invented the word racism". If you want to read some real "generalizations", you don't need to look far to find plenty of them in this forum about non white people, so spare the drama.

I stated that "long ago, they perfected the practice" and did so through the laws that existed during an earlier era.

Long ago, it was a fact, and recorded history proves it.

If you are too thin skinned to comprehend that, too bad. Don't read what I post.

And yes. You ARE a racist. Most like you who point that finger at others can't stand the racist in themselves.

I'm white and I had nothing to do with those past laws, and indeed, my political camp has always been in the forefront of fighting against that shit.

And we still are.

YOu generalized about "white people".

Not only are you a race baiting asshole, but, ironically, you are also a racist asshole.

No shit, Sherlock?....you're white? I never would have known that.....ROFLMAO.

Obviously you are incapable of distinguishing the difference between "long ago" when the laws of the land oppresed non whites in favor of whites, and the present times that we live in.

If you are offended by actual history, that is your problem, not mine

That being said, stop your lying. You don't fight for or stand for anything except your fight against what you claim to be "anti white discrimination".

And to you that includes whining about any success or accomplishment experienced by non white people, because you actually believe that in some way it makes you a victim.....and that by default, makes you the racist that you are.

Pointing out the truth is not race baiting, it just hurts your fragile feelings, which again, is not my problem.

If a denial ridden, racist ass happens to think I am a "race baiter", I am perfectly fine with that.

Carry on.

1. No, I can pretty easily tell the difference between long ago and now. Nor am I offended by history.

2. I stand for and fight for a lot of stuff. Your idiocy in denying that is just that, idiocy.

3. I celebrate any accomplishments and successes of non white people, especially American ones, and I want national policies to encourage such. Your claim otherwise, is either insanity or lies.

4. Your false accusations of racism, is race baiting. YOu are a race baiting asshole.

You are in denial and grasping at straws. You're a hard core, card carrying racist. Which is why you are so quick to call others racist....you're just deflecting.

Most who are like you become indignant when they are recognized for what they really are.

You don't celebrate ANY achievements by non whites, so stop lying.

You see those accomplishments as being at the expense of the white population.

In fact, I recall in a different thread some time ago, you were outraged over a black female receiving accolades for being the first black female elected to a public office in a certain southern state.

You viewed the publicity of her accomplishment as being "divisive".

What do you mean, "at the expense of the white population"?

I dont' think I have ever used that term, or anything like it.

And you are race baiting asshole, as we will see when you refuse to even discuss your false accusations, because you know they are false.

AND we will see how your false accusations destroy any chance of cooperation, or even communication between us.

Thanks in advance for utterly making my point for me. Fucktard.

As usual, you never had a point. But your false outrage clearly made mine for me.

I've seen enough of what you've posted to know what you are and what you DON'T stand for, and the fact that I pointed it out to you, is what has your diaper soggy.

I have wasted far too much time on you, so talk to yourself.

You racist ASS.
The best way is to get dead humans from all over the planet, dissect them, and let people see that there is no difference on the insides.
I'm white and I had nothing to do with those past laws, and indeed, my political camp has always been in the forefront of fighting against that shit.

And we still are.

YOu generalized about "white people".

Not only are you a race baiting asshole, but, ironically, you are also a racist asshole.

No shit, Sherlock?....you're white? I never would have known that.....ROFLMAO.

Obviously you are incapable of distinguishing the difference between "long ago" when the laws of the land oppresed non whites in favor of whites, and the present times that we live in.

If you are offended by actual history, that is your problem, not mine

That being said, stop your lying. You don't fight for or stand for anything except your fight against what you claim to be "anti white discrimination".

And to you that includes whining about any success or accomplishment experienced by non white people, because you actually believe that in some way it makes you a victim.....and that by default, makes you the racist that you are.

Pointing out the truth is not race baiting, it just hurts your fragile feelings, which again, is not my problem.

If a denial ridden, racist ass happens to think I am a "race baiter", I am perfectly fine with that.

Carry on.

1. No, I can pretty easily tell the difference between long ago and now. Nor am I offended by history.

2. I stand for and fight for a lot of stuff. Your idiocy in denying that is just that, idiocy.

3. I celebrate any accomplishments and successes of non white people, especially American ones, and I want national policies to encourage such. Your claim otherwise, is either insanity or lies.

4. Your false accusations of racism, is race baiting. YOu are a race baiting asshole.

You are in denial and grasping at straws. You're a hard core, card carrying racist. Which is why you are so quick to call others racist....you're just deflecting.

Most who are like you become indignant when they are recognized for what they really are.

You don't celebrate ANY achievements by non whites, so stop lying.

You see those accomplishments as being at the expense of the white population.

In fact, I recall in a different thread some time ago, you were outraged over a black female receiving accolades for being the first black female elected to a public office in a certain southern state.

You viewed the publicity of her accomplishment as being "divisive".

What do you mean, "at the expense of the white population"?

I dont' think I have ever used that term, or anything like it.

And you are race baiting asshole, as we will see when you refuse to even discuss your false accusations, because you know they are false.

AND we will see how your false accusations destroy any chance of cooperation, or even communication between us.

Thanks in advance for utterly making my point for me. Fucktard.

As usual, you never had a point. But your false outrage clearly made mine for me.

I've seen enough of what you've posted to know what you are and what you DON'T stand for, and the fact that I pointed it out to you, is what has your diaper soggy.

I have wasted far too much time on you, so talk to yourself.

You racist ASS.

I asked what you meant by the term, "at the expense of the white population" a term I have never used,

AND I then told you that you would not answer that simple question, because that is not what race baiters do.

They don't defend their false accusations, they just keep making more of them.

And that is exactly what you did.

And thus proved my point, race bating asshole.

ALSO, you also demonstrated how your tactics are tearing this nation apart, also as I said you would.

Thanks, you race basing asshole.
No shit, Sherlock?....you're white? I never would have known that.....ROFLMAO.

Obviously you are incapable of distinguishing the difference between "long ago" when the laws of the land oppresed non whites in favor of whites, and the present times that we live in.

If you are offended by actual history, that is your problem, not mine

That being said, stop your lying. You don't fight for or stand for anything except your fight against what you claim to be "anti white discrimination".

And to you that includes whining about any success or accomplishment experienced by non white people, because you actually believe that in some way it makes you a victim.....and that by default, makes you the racist that you are.

Pointing out the truth is not race baiting, it just hurts your fragile feelings, which again, is not my problem.

If a denial ridden, racist ass happens to think I am a "race baiter", I am perfectly fine with that.

Carry on.

1. No, I can pretty easily tell the difference between long ago and now. Nor am I offended by history.

2. I stand for and fight for a lot of stuff. Your idiocy in denying that is just that, idiocy.

3. I celebrate any accomplishments and successes of non white people, especially American ones, and I want national policies to encourage such. Your claim otherwise, is either insanity or lies.

4. Your false accusations of racism, is race baiting. YOu are a race baiting asshole.

You are in denial and grasping at straws. You're a hard core, card carrying racist. Which is why you are so quick to call others racist....you're just deflecting.

Most who are like you become indignant when they are recognized for what they really are.

You don't celebrate ANY achievements by non whites, so stop lying.

You see those accomplishments as being at the expense of the white population.

In fact, I recall in a different thread some time ago, you were outraged over a black female receiving accolades for being the first black female elected to a public office in a certain southern state.

You viewed the publicity of her accomplishment as being "divisive".

What do you mean, "at the expense of the white population"?

I dont' think I have ever used that term, or anything like it.

And you are race baiting asshole, as we will see when you refuse to even discuss your false accusations, because you know they are false.

AND we will see how your false accusations destroy any chance of cooperation, or even communication between us.

Thanks in advance for utterly making my point for me. Fucktard.

As usual, you never had a point. But your false outrage clearly made mine for me.

I've seen enough of what you've posted to know what you are and what you DON'T stand for, and the fact that I pointed it out to you, is what has your diaper soggy.

I have wasted far too much time on you, so talk to yourself.

You racist ASS.

I asked what you meant by the term, "at the expense of the white population" a term I have never used,

AND I then told you that you would not answer that simple question, because that is not what race baiters do.

They don't defend their false accusations, they just keep making more of them.

And that is exactly what you did.

And thus proved my point, race bating asshole.

ALSO, you also demonstrated how your tactics are tearing this nation apart, also as I said you would.

Thanks, you race basing asshole.

One does not have to "use an exact term" in order to imply what they are stating, and you've done that enough to make it clear what you are saying and most assuredly what you are.

Which is a racist who is in denial.

Telling a racist that you see what they really are is not "tearing the country apart" nor is it "race basing"(new term?)

.....you are personally not important enough to make that much of a difference in your own town, let alone the entire country.

Watching you throw a tantrum is most entertaining.
I'm not going to sit and watch some random bearded redneck talk for 10 minutes. If you want me to care about what he has to say then give me a synopsis. If it sounds interesting, then I might be interested in investing my time towards his opinions.

Anyway, the best way to end racism is nationalism. Gays, blacks, hispanics, whites. If everyone is proud to live under a single banner, they will be able to bond easier. I am close friends with a black coworker. She's a die-hard liberal that HATES Trump and I'm a strong conservative that loves him. The reason we get along to so well is because we bond over Christianity and our desire to help others. We just see the world through different lenses and know this. Because of that, even though we have completely different political view points, we can still respect and trust each other.

All you need to find is one (maybe 2) common grounds and strengthen that resolve to the point where racism becomes a back seat opinion that can eventually fade away in a few generations. Something we all have in common is that we all live in the USA. If we're all able to forgive the crimes of past Americans and strive to make the USA a better place for ALL Americans through nationalism, then that can be a common ground for all races living in the USA to bond over. Some Alabama patriotic redneck with a MAGA hat is more likely to bond with a black person wearing an American flag T-shirt and open carrying, rather than hate on him.

However, that's just a hypothetical solution I believe will work. I'm not going to go around advocating for the federal government to push this agenda.

Of course, another solution would be for BLM to start pushing MLK's dream of judging people by character and not by skin color. That way, when another black teenager gets shot attacking a cop or Hispanic neighborhood watch guard, they should condemn the kids for attacking authority figures rather than revering them as martyrs. Rap music stop praising drugs, sex, and violence. Once urban communities idolize morality over vice, other communities will open their arms and want to welcome them.

Another white racist misquoting King. King did not say anything about ignoring racism so whites can feel good. And spare us the lecture about morality white... When whites like you begin acting morally come talk.
I'm not going to sit and watch some random bearded redneck talk for 10 minutes. If you want me to care about what he has to say then give me a synopsis. If it sounds interesting, then I might be interested in investing my time towards his opinions.

Anyway, the best way to end racism is nationalism. Gays, blacks, hispanics, whites. If everyone is proud to live under a single banner, they will be able to bond easier. I am close friends with a black coworker. She's a die-hard liberal that HATES Trump and I'm a strong conservative that loves him. The reason we get along to so well is because we bond over Christianity and our desire to help others. We just see the world through different lenses and know this. Because of that, even though we have completely different political view points, we can still respect and trust each other.

All you need to find is one (maybe 2) common grounds and strengthen that resolve to the point where racism becomes a back seat opinion that can eventually fade away in a few generations. Something we all have in common is that we all live in the USA. If we're all able to forgive the crimes of past Americans and strive to make the USA a better place for ALL Americans through nationalism, then that can be a common ground for all races living in the USA to bond over. Some Alabama patriotic redneck with a MAGA hat is more likely to bond with a black person wearing an American flag T-shirt and open carrying, rather than hate on him.

However, that's just a hypothetical solution I believe will work. I'm not going to go around advocating for the federal government to push this agenda.

Of course, another solution would be for BLM to start pushing MLK's dream of judging people by character and not by skin color. That way, when another black teenager gets shot attacking a cop or Hispanic neighborhood watch guard, they should condemn the kids for attacking authority figures rather than revering them as martyrs. Rap music stop praising drugs, sex, and violence. Once urban communities idolize morality over vice, other communities will open their arms and want to welcome them.

Another white racist misquoting King. King did not say anything about ignoring racism so whites can feel good. And spare us the lecture about morality white... When whites like you begin acting morally come talk.
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will be not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." -- MLK

Out of context? Please. If one of his 4 children had turned into a wife beater and rapist and ended up getting shot in the head by police after pointing a gun at one of them, you know BLM would look at his skin color and protect him, despite his vile character. We still live in a nation where they will be judged by the color of their skin, by both blacks and whites.

By the way, I'm not a racist, so don't fucking call me one, asshole.
I'm not going to sit and watch some random bearded redneck talk for 10 minutes. If you want me to care about what he has to say then give me a synopsis. If it sounds interesting, then I might be interested in investing my time towards his opinions.

Anyway, the best way to end racism is nationalism. Gays, blacks, hispanics, whites. If everyone is proud to live under a single banner, they will be able to bond easier. I am close friends with a black coworker. She's a die-hard liberal that HATES Trump and I'm a strong conservative that loves him. The reason we get along to so well is because we bond over Christianity and our desire to help others. We just see the world through different lenses and know this. Because of that, even though we have completely different political view points, we can still respect and trust each other.

All you need to find is one (maybe 2) common grounds and strengthen that resolve to the point where racism becomes a back seat opinion that can eventually fade away in a few generations. Something we all have in common is that we all live in the USA. If we're all able to forgive the crimes of past Americans and strive to make the USA a better place for ALL Americans through nationalism, then that can be a common ground for all races living in the USA to bond over. Some Alabama patriotic redneck with a MAGA hat is more likely to bond with a black person wearing an American flag T-shirt and open carrying, rather than hate on him.

However, that's just a hypothetical solution I believe will work. I'm not going to go around advocating for the federal government to push this agenda.

Of course, another solution would be for BLM to start pushing MLK's dream of judging people by character and not by skin color. That way, when another black teenager gets shot attacking a cop or Hispanic neighborhood watch guard, they should condemn the kids for attacking authority figures rather than revering them as martyrs. Rap music stop praising drugs, sex, and violence. Once urban communities idolize morality over vice, other communities will open their arms and want to welcome them.

Another white racist misquoting King. King did not say anything about ignoring racism so whites can feel good. And spare us the lecture about morality white... When whites like you begin acting morally come talk.
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will be not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." -- MLK

Out of context? Please. If one of his 4 children had turned into a wife beater and rapist and ended up getting shot in the head by police after pointing a gun at one of them, you know BLM would look at his skin color and protect him, despite his vile character. We still live in a nation where they will be judged by the color of their skin, by both blacks and whites.

By the way, I'm not a racist, so don't fucking call me one, asshole.

Of course you aren't. Nobody white admits to racism.

There are several ways to destroy your argument because you are misquoting King only because continuing white racism is being called out. But since you want to misquote King, we have not yet reached the point where blacks are judged without considering our skin color. You accuse BLM of things they aren't doing. Your post reveals your racism.

When whites can point guns at police after doing the same thing you write about in the qoute and not get killed, when Dylan Roof can get a free meal at McDonald's after murdering 9 people, your comments again show that you are a racist.
Of course you aren't. Nobody white admits to racism.
That's total projection. BLACK racists don't admit to being racists. They've reinvented the word "Racism" to include "Power +Prejudice" as an excuse for their racism against whites. White racists tend to be out there in the open. Racist southern rednecks have no shame in using the N word at people they come across in the street. Plenty of posters on this forum straight up have no shame in the shit they say against Hispanics, blacks and what they call "Brown people."
There are several ways to destroy your argument because you are misquoting King only because continuing white racism is being called out. But since you want to misquote King, we have not yet reached the point where blacks are judged without considering our skin color. You accuse BLM of things they aren't doing. Your post reveals your racism.

You're so full of shit. First state exactly how I'm taking the quote out of context. In what way did MLK intend for the quote to be interpreted? Riddle me that before you start jacking yourself off with a myriad of racist accusations against me.

When whites can point guns at police after doing the same thing you write about in the qoute and not get killed, when Dylan Roof can get a free meal at McDonald's after murdering 9 people, your comments again show that you are a racist.
WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?! You're brain is fucking rotting, dude! What the hell does Dylan Roof have to do with my comment? Dude, you need to give me a map to get though this ridiculous labyrinth that you consider logic.
Of course you aren't. Nobody white admits to racism.
That's total projection. BLACK racists don't admit to being racists. They've reinvented the word "Racism" to include "Power +Prejudice" as an excuse for their racism against whites. White racists tend to be out there in the open. Racist southern rednecks have no shame in using the N word at people they come across in the street. Plenty of posters on this forum straight up have no shame in the shit they say against Hispanics, blacks and what they call "Brown people."
There are several ways to destroy your argument because you are misquoting King only because continuing white racism is being called out. But since you want to misquote King, we have not yet reached the point where blacks are judged without considering our skin color. You accuse BLM of things they aren't doing. Your post reveals your racism.

You're so full of shit. First state exactly how I'm taking the quote out of context. In what way did MLK intend for the quote to be interpreted? Riddle me that before you start jacking yourself off with a myriad of racist accusations against me.

When whites can point guns at police after doing the same thing you write about in the qoute and not get killed, when Dylan Roof can get a free meal at McDonald's after murdering 9 people, your comments again show that you are a racist.
WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?! You're brain is fucking rotting, dude! What the hell does Dylan Roof have to do with my comment? Dude, you need to give me a map to get though this ridiculous labyrinth that you consider logic.

What you call a black racist is a black person calling out whites for racism You are using Kings quote in a disingenuous way. You are trying to equate our fight to stop racism that continues by whites with jim crow racism where blacks were judged by skin color only and not by a continuing pattern of behavior.

Your comments have everything to do with what I said. You made a claim that was racist on its face about a hypothetical black racist who was a rapist and wife beater who got shot because he pulled a gun on police. First off BLM is not and never have protested proper police use of force. Your assumption that blacks support criminals as long as they are black is a racist belief. Now, I mentioned Roof because he is an example of a white who committed a violent crime and how differently he was treated by police.

When we discuss logic, you have none. I am a 58 year old black man. Whites who are racists do not all act in the manner you describe. You have not faced white racism. A white racist will feel free to express his/her racism to another white person when in whites only situations. Very few do as you have said. I have seen 58 years of the various ways whites express racism both open and subtle.

You white racists here are proud to admit there are 5 times the number of whites than black. This means we have had plenty of contact with white people. Understand that the next time you try explaining whites to me like I've never known any.
1. No, I can pretty easily tell the difference between long ago and now. Nor am I offended by history.

2. I stand for and fight for a lot of stuff. Your idiocy in denying that is just that, idiocy.

3. I celebrate any accomplishments and successes of non white people, especially American ones, and I want national policies to encourage such. Your claim otherwise, is either insanity or lies.

4. Your false accusations of racism, is race baiting. YOu are a race baiting asshole.

You are in denial and grasping at straws. You're a hard core, card carrying racist. Which is why you are so quick to call others racist....you're just deflecting.

Most who are like you become indignant when they are recognized for what they really are.

You don't celebrate ANY achievements by non whites, so stop lying.

You see those accomplishments as being at the expense of the white population.

In fact, I recall in a different thread some time ago, you were outraged over a black female receiving accolades for being the first black female elected to a public office in a certain southern state.

You viewed the publicity of her accomplishment as being "divisive".

What do you mean, "at the expense of the white population"?

I dont' think I have ever used that term, or anything like it.

And you are race baiting asshole, as we will see when you refuse to even discuss your false accusations, because you know they are false.

AND we will see how your false accusations destroy any chance of cooperation, or even communication between us.

Thanks in advance for utterly making my point for me. Fucktard.

As usual, you never had a point. But your false outrage clearly made mine for me.

I've seen enough of what you've posted to know what you are and what you DON'T stand for, and the fact that I pointed it out to you, is what has your diaper soggy.

I have wasted far too much time on you, so talk to yourself.

You racist ASS.

I asked what you meant by the term, "at the expense of the white population" a term I have never used,

AND I then told you that you would not answer that simple question, because that is not what race baiters do.

They don't defend their false accusations, they just keep making more of them.

And that is exactly what you did.

And thus proved my point, race bating asshole.

ALSO, you also demonstrated how your tactics are tearing this nation apart, also as I said you would.

Thanks, you race basing asshole.

One does not have to "use an exact term" in order to imply what they are stating, and you've done that enough to make it clear what you are saying and most assuredly what you are.

I did not use "exact" in that quote. I don't play stupid semantic games like you lefties do. You show me, or even tell me of what I said that justified that, and I will address it.

Instead all you have done, as I predicted you would, based on my understanding of what race baiting assholes do, would be to just spew more false accusations of racism.

With EVERY post you make, you are validating my definition of race baiter, AND my solution to your question, ie how to fight racism in this country.

Which is a racist who is in denial.

Fuck you.

Telling a racist that you see what they really are is not "tearing the country apart" nor is it "race basing"(new term?)

If you race baiters, make NO ALLOWANCE for checking if an accused "racist" is actually a racist, then you accept that false accusations will be accepted as "real", and treated as such.

Thus, you accept and support that innocent people will falsely be accused of "racism" having their lives destroyed and/or other serious and real harms done to them, AND that the many people that believe it, will be "divided" from them.

Your actions are divisive and are tearing this nation apart.

.....you are personally not important enough to make that much of a difference in your own town, let alone the entire country.

Watching you throw a tantrum is most entertaining.

THe truth has power. Especially in a crazy world where most people believe lies. People hear the truth and can hear that those who are lying,fail refute it at all.

Like you are doing. Constantly, in every post you make.
I'm not going to sit and watch some random bearded redneck talk for 10 minutes. If you want me to care about what he has to say then give me a synopsis. If it sounds interesting, then I might be interested in investing my time towards his opinions.

Anyway, the best way to end racism is nationalism. Gays, blacks, hispanics, whites. If everyone is proud to live under a single banner, they will be able to bond easier. I am close friends with a black coworker. She's a die-hard liberal that HATES Trump and I'm a strong conservative that loves him. The reason we get along to so well is because we bond over Christianity and our desire to help others. We just see the world through different lenses and know this. Because of that, even though we have completely different political view points, we can still respect and trust each other.

All you need to find is one (maybe 2) common grounds and strengthen that resolve to the point where racism becomes a back seat opinion that can eventually fade away in a few generations. Something we all have in common is that we all live in the USA. If we're all able to forgive the crimes of past Americans and strive to make the USA a better place for ALL Americans through nationalism, then that can be a common ground for all races living in the USA to bond over. Some Alabama patriotic redneck with a MAGA hat is more likely to bond with a black person wearing an American flag T-shirt and open carrying, rather than hate on him.

However, that's just a hypothetical solution I believe will work. I'm not going to go around advocating for the federal government to push this agenda.

Of course, another solution would be for BLM to start pushing MLK's dream of judging people by character and not by skin color. That way, when another black teenager gets shot attacking a cop or Hispanic neighborhood watch guard, they should condemn the kids for attacking authority figures rather than revering them as martyrs. Rap music stop praising drugs, sex, and violence. Once urban communities idolize morality over vice, other communities will open their arms and want to welcome them.

Another white racist misquoting King. King did not say anything about ignoring racism so whites can feel good. And spare us the lecture about morality white... When whites like you begin acting morally come talk.

He was paraphrasing, not misquoting. Note the lack of quotation marks.

And "not skin color" is not "ignoring racism" you dumb racist fuck. Note the use of quotation marks.
You are in denial and grasping at straws. You're a hard core, card carrying racist. Which is why you are so quick to call others racist....you're just deflecting.

Most who are like you become indignant when they are recognized for what they really are.

You don't celebrate ANY achievements by non whites, so stop lying.

You see those accomplishments as being at the expense of the white population.

In fact, I recall in a different thread some time ago, you were outraged over a black female receiving accolades for being the first black female elected to a public office in a certain southern state.

You viewed the publicity of her accomplishment as being "divisive".

What do you mean, "at the expense of the white population"?

I dont' think I have ever used that term, or anything like it.

And you are race baiting asshole, as we will see when you refuse to even discuss your false accusations, because you know they are false.

AND we will see how your false accusations destroy any chance of cooperation, or even communication between us.

Thanks in advance for utterly making my point for me. Fucktard.

As usual, you never had a point. But your false outrage clearly made mine for me.

I've seen enough of what you've posted to know what you are and what you DON'T stand for, and the fact that I pointed it out to you, is what has your diaper soggy.

I have wasted far too much time on you, so talk to yourself.

You racist ASS.

I asked what you meant by the term, "at the expense of the white population" a term I have never used,

AND I then told you that you would not answer that simple question, because that is not what race baiters do.

They don't defend their false accusations, they just keep making more of them.

And that is exactly what you did.

And thus proved my point, race bating asshole.

ALSO, you also demonstrated how your tactics are tearing this nation apart, also as I said you would.

Thanks, you race basing asshole.

One does not have to "use an exact term" in order to imply what they are stating, and you've done that enough to make it clear what you are saying and most assuredly what you are.

I did not use "exact" in that quote. I don't play stupid semantic games like you lefties do. You show me, or even tell me of what I said that justified that, and I will address it.

Instead all you have done, as I predicted you would, based on my understanding of what race baiting assholes do, would be to just spew more false accusations of racism.

With EVERY post you make, you are validating my definition of race baiter, AND my solution to your question, ie how to fight racism in this country.

Which is a racist who is in denial.

Fuck you.

Telling a racist that you see what they really are is not "tearing the country apart" nor is it "race basing"(new term?)

If you race baiters, make NO ALLOWANCE for checking if an accused "racist" is actually a racist, then you accept that false accusations will be accepted as "real", and treated as such.

Thus, you accept and support that innocent people will falsely be accused of "racism" having their lives destroyed and/or other serious and real harms done to them, AND that the many people that believe it, will be "divided" from them.

Your actions are divisive and are tearing this nation apart.

.....you are personally not important enough to make that much of a difference in your own town, let alone the entire country.

Watching you throw a tantrum is most entertaining.

THe truth has power. Especially in a crazy world where most people believe lies. People hear the truth and can hear that those who are lying,fail refute it at all.

Like you are doing. Constantly, in every post you make.

ROFLMAO. If "truth has power", then you are powerless.

You are on your self righteous soapbox because I told the truth.....by agreeing with your friend and then adding that "long ago, white people were the beneficiaries of laws that oppressed non whites in favor of whites". Which perfected the practice of racism, asshole.

That is the truth, and none of your pissy, shrill histrionics change that fact.

It is also a fact that understanding the history of racism is the beginning of preventing it from repeating itself.

Or are you just too stupid to understand that?

As I've said for the fifth time now, I've read enough garbage from you over time to know what you really stand for, and it is certainly not equality for all as you have lied and stated before.

So no, I have ZERO interest in reading anymore shit from the likes of you. And I'm not going waste time searching through the rubbish that you post, just to satisfy a silly request from a known racist.

Here is some advice......Get off your moralizing high horse and make an informed recommendation on how to stop racism, and while doing so, take a look in the mirror as opposed to arguing with history, and taking it personally.

You ignorant, racist ass.
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You'd think Correll would give up about right now. Hey Correll, your hollering and whining about anti white racism doesn't make it exist. You have shown no evidence of it. Because you can't. And lying about how such things are in the past when you see it in your face or you participate in it is the worst type of immorality.

Do not cite the constitution then tell us blacks that our references to past white racist law and policy have nothing to do with today. You are punk ass racist pussy hiding behind a computer boy. You're ready with every excuse on earth to justify your retardation.

So you better listen and heed these words white... I have been in forums talking and debating younger blacks. They are done negotiating with maggots like you. And I don't blame them. I will support the movements by the next generation to rid this nation of filth like you.

You bought it on yourself.
Can we save everyone?

Me thinks not.

I like how brother Beau of the Fifth Column put it...

What about you, what say you, what's the best way to stop this vile thing called "racism/bigotry/prejudice?"

Ban the democrat party, who has been feeding off of racism for over 200 years ?
What do you mean, "at the expense of the white population"?

I dont' think I have ever used that term, or anything like it.

And you are race baiting asshole, as we will see when you refuse to even discuss your false accusations, because you know they are false.

AND we will see how your false accusations destroy any chance of cooperation, or even communication between us.

Thanks in advance for utterly making my point for me. Fucktard.

As usual, you never had a point. But your false outrage clearly made mine for me.

I've seen enough of what you've posted to know what you are and what you DON'T stand for, and the fact that I pointed it out to you, is what has your diaper soggy.

I have wasted far too much time on you, so talk to yourself.

You racist ASS.

I asked what you meant by the term, "at the expense of the white population" a term I have never used,

AND I then told you that you would not answer that simple question, because that is not what race baiters do.

They don't defend their false accusations, they just keep making more of them.

And that is exactly what you did.

And thus proved my point, race bating asshole.

ALSO, you also demonstrated how your tactics are tearing this nation apart, also as I said you would.

Thanks, you race basing asshole.

One does not have to "use an exact term" in order to imply what they are stating, and you've done that enough to make it clear what you are saying and most assuredly what you are.

I did not use "exact" in that quote. I don't play stupid semantic games like you lefties do. You show me, or even tell me of what I said that justified that, and I will address it.

Instead all you have done, as I predicted you would, based on my understanding of what race baiting assholes do, would be to just spew more false accusations of racism.

With EVERY post you make, you are validating my definition of race baiter, AND my solution to your question, ie how to fight racism in this country.

Which is a racist who is in denial.

Fuck you.

Telling a racist that you see what they really are is not "tearing the country apart" nor is it "race basing"(new term?)

If you race baiters, make NO ALLOWANCE for checking if an accused "racist" is actually a racist, then you accept that false accusations will be accepted as "real", and treated as such.

Thus, you accept and support that innocent people will falsely be accused of "racism" having their lives destroyed and/or other serious and real harms done to them, AND that the many people that believe it, will be "divided" from them.

Your actions are divisive and are tearing this nation apart.

.....you are personally not important enough to make that much of a difference in your own town, let alone the entire country.

Watching you throw a tantrum is most entertaining.

THe truth has power. Especially in a crazy world where most people believe lies. People hear the truth and can hear that those who are lying,fail refute it at all.

Like you are doing. Constantly, in every post you make.

ROFLMAO. If "truth has power", then you are powerless.

You are on your self righteous soapbox because I told the truth.....by agreeing with your friend and then adding that "long ago, white people were the beneficiaries of laws that oppressed non whites in favor of whites". Which perfected the practice of racism, asshole.

That is the truth, and none of your pissy, shrill histrionics change that fact.

It is also a fact that understanding the history of racism is the beginning of preventing it from repeating itself.

Or are you just too stupid to understand that?

As I've said for the fifth time now, I've read enough garbage from you over time to know what you really stand for, and it is certainly not equality for all as you have lied and stated before.

So no, I have ZERO interest in reading anymore shit from the likes of you. And I'm not going waste time searching through the rubbish that you post, just to satisfy a silly request from a known racist.

Here is some advice......Get off your moralizing high horse and make an informed recommendation on how to stop racism, and while doing so, take a look in the mirror as opposed to arguing with history, and taking it personally.

You ignorant, racist ass.
None of you racist pieces of shit want to stop racism.

You just want to justify racism against white people in this country and throughout the west, EXACTLY like you do currently in South Africa.

Shut the fuck up you disgusting parasite.

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