What's wrong with the US justice system?

...... these guys aren't required to engage in anything religious.
Bull shit. Why are you lying? You know and I know the truth.

I'm not involved with the charity because I very religious, I do it because it's the right thing to do.
No, you do it to get first dibs on fencing hot goods. Anyone who makes as many personal attacks and lies as much as you do is obviously inside the fringe of crime.

Sorry child, the things you don't know could fill massive libraries.
Your dishonesty has nothing to do with me. That is a matter between you and your conscience. Carry on, son.
You want to eliminate prisions ... and treat murderers, rapists, kidnappers, and thieves as a "natural consequence of society." I, on the other hand want them off the street and out of my neighborhood.

If you're not going to imprison them, then keep them in your neighborhood.

I do not care about petty thieves. The real thieves (like the real murderers) are all in political power, and prisons only exist with political power.

Who judges who is a murderer or rapist? That is the major problem with prisons. They are filled to the brim with good folk and many who are even wrongly convicted. Unlike the anti-human race, I do not systematically judge my fellow man and pack them into tight cells based on my own opinions of guilt and wrongdoing.

Oh, and I also want thugs off the streets. Can we start with cops?
If you are unaware of the effects of illegitimacy on children, then you are talking about issues you are completely ignorant about.
Unmarried women who give birth to children is not "the reason for high crime rates". Now you can dream up some moral deficiency and God's wrath as their punishment if you want. The fact still remains ..... illegitimate children is not the reason for high crime rates. You need to grow up and acquire an adult's wisdom.

Not only do you lack compassion - you feel it's necessary to brag about it.
This right here is why we have such a high prison rate. The stupidity is off the charts.
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...... these guys aren't required to engage in anything religious.
Bull shit. Why are you lying? You know and I know the truth.

I'm not involved with the charity because I very religious, I do it because it's the right thing to do.
No, you do it to get first dibs on fencing hot goods. Anyone who makes as many personal attacks and lies as much as you do is obviously inside the fringe of crime.

Sorry child, the things you don't know could fill massive libraries.
Your dishonesty has nothing to do with me. That is a matter between you and your conscience. Carry on, son.

Feel free to prove I've been dishonest about anything.
I do not care about petty thieves. The real thieves (like the real murderers) are all in political power, and prisons only exist with political power.
Good point! The real criminals, wholesale murderers are:
Adolf Hitler (suicide), Benito Mussolini (executed) , Idi Amin (natural causes), Nicolae Ceausescu (executed), Josef Stalin (natural causes), Pol Pot (natural causes), Saddam Hussein (executed), Mohammar Khadaffi (executed), Ronald Reagan (natural causes) ......... AND Geo. Bush Jr., Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and Tony Blair, all of whom are all Still At Large.

Oh, and I also want thugs off the streets. Can we start with cops?
An excellent start.
...... these guys aren't required to engage in anything religious.
Bull shit. Why are you lying? You know and I know the truth.

I'm not involved with the charity because I very religious, I do it because it's the right thing to do.
No, you do it to get first dibs on fencing hot goods. Anyone who makes as many personal attacks and lies as much as you do is obviously inside the fringe of crime.

Sorry child, the things you don't know could fill massive libraries.
Your dishonesty has nothing to do with me. That is a matter between you and your conscience. Carry on, son.

Feel free to prove I've been dishonest about anything.
I repeat: "Your dishonesty is a matter between you and your conscience".
We have too many people who believe they have a right to commit crimes.
I agree. But "the system" has failed them, thus providing them legitimacy to that "right". Although I agree with you 100%, you should have said, "Government has given too many people the opportunity in desperation to believe that crime is OK/their only way out."
...... these guys aren't required to engage in anything religious.
Bull shit. Why are you lying? You know and I know the truth.

I'm not involved with the charity because I very religious, I do it because it's the right thing to do.
No, you do it to get first dibs on fencing hot goods. Anyone who makes as many personal attacks and lies as much as you do is obviously inside the fringe of crime.

Sorry child, the things you don't know could fill massive libraries.
Your dishonesty has nothing to do with me. That is a matter between you and your conscience. Carry on, son.

Feel free to prove I've been dishonest about anything.
I repeat: "Your dishonesty is a matter between you and your conscience".

Your surrender is noted and accepted.
You want to eliminate prisions ... and treat murderers, rapists, kidnappers, and thieves as a "natural consequence of society." I, on the other hand want them off the street and out of my neighborhood.

If you're not going to imprison them, then keep them in your neighborhood.

I do not care about petty thieves. The real thieves (like the real murderers) are all in political power, and prisons only exist with political power.

Who judges who is a murderer or rapist? That is the major problem with prisons. They are filled to the brim with good folk and many who are even wrongly convicted. Unlike the anti-human race, I do not systematically judge my fellow man and pack them into tight cells based on my own opinions of guilt and wrongdoing.

Oh, and I also want thugs off the streets. Can we start with cops?

I find your naivete both humorous and frightening. Just exactly how did you get so sheltered from real life reality?
Bull shit. Why are you lying? You know and I know the truth.

No, you do it to get first dibs on fencing hot goods. Anyone who makes as many personal attacks and lies as much as you do is obviously inside the fringe of crime.

Sorry child, the things you don't know could fill massive libraries.
Your dishonesty has nothing to do with me. That is a matter between you and your conscience. Carry on, son.

Feel free to prove I've been dishonest about anything.
I repeat: "Your dishonesty is a matter between you and your conscience".

Your surrender is noted and accepted.
Your lingering supports the fact of your guilt.
You want to eliminate prisions ... and treat murderers, rapists, kidnappers, and thieves as a "natural consequence of society." I, on the other hand want them off the street and out of my neighborhood.

If you're not going to imprison them, then keep them in your neighborhood.

I do not care about petty thieves. The real thieves (like the real murderers) are all in political power, and prisons only exist with political power.

Who judges who is a murderer or rapist? That is the major problem with prisons. They are filled to the brim with good folk and many who are even wrongly convicted. Unlike the anti-human race, I do not systematically judge my fellow man and pack them into tight cells based on my own opinions of guilt and wrongdoing.

Oh, and I also want thugs off the streets. Can we start with cops?

I find your naivete both humorous and frightening. Just exactly how did you get so sheltered from real life reality?
Onyx wrote an earnest response, with several serious points to think about. Your reply is nothing but a side-step.
Sorry child, the things you don't know could fill massive libraries.
Your dishonesty has nothing to do with me. That is a matter between you and your conscience. Carry on, son.

Feel free to prove I've been dishonest about anything.
I repeat: "Your dishonesty is a matter between you and your conscience".

Your surrender is noted and accepted.
Your lingering supports the fact of your guilt.

So all you're left with is your ignorant opinion, STILL. BA BYE
The US has one of the highest, if not the highest, per capita prison populations. Within the first world it has the highest murder rate, generally 4 times higher than most other countries. Some people say locking people up solves the problem. But the problem is WORSE.

Here's a video of a guy who went to prison and then came out, and he talks about what it's like to be a guy who has left prison. Basically he says that people don't want him a part of their society, and he's left to rot. Crime becomes the only choice because he can't get a job or an apartment. In the US rehabilitation isn't great, in places like Louisiana rehabilitation is not what they want as they want people back in prison because the state pays them to have them in their private prisons.

If you want the US to be a better place, things like this need sorting out.

Might be the first thing I agree with you on. We do need to rehabilitate as well as stop overcharging people and locking so many up over minor crimes. The ones we do need off the street are the violent offenders and they are the ones who need serious rehabilitation and that means therapy. Once a person has paid their debt, they should be given a second chance. I understand people wanting to keep distance from pedophiles or the truly dangerous but too many can't find decent employment over minor theft or getting caught with pot.

We do need to change. Prisons should be run by the state and we should provide more therapists or whatever else is needed to truly turn people around.
The US has one of the highest, if not the highest, per capita prison populations. Within the first world it has the highest murder rate, generally 4 times higher than most other countries. Some people say locking people up solves the problem. But the problem is WORSE.

Here's a video of a guy who went to prison and then came out, and he talks about what it's like to be a guy who has left prison. Basically he says that people don't want him a part of their society, and he's left to rot. Crime becomes the only choice because he can't get a job or an apartment. In the US rehabilitation isn't great, in places like Louisiana rehabilitation is not what they want as they want people back in prison because the state pays them to have them in their private prisons.

If you want the US to be a better place, things like this need sorting out.

Might be the first thing I agree with you on. We do need to rehabilitate as well as stop overcharging people and locking so many up over minor crimes. The ones we do need off the street are the violent offenders and they are the ones who need serious rehabilitation and that means therapy. Once a person has paid their debt, they should be given a second chance. I understand people wanting to keep distance from pedophiles or the truly dangerous but too many can't find decent employment over minor theft or getting caught with pot.

We do need to change. Prisons should be run by the state and we should provide more therapists or whatever else is needed to truly turn people around.

Therapists and education. But will it happen? Doesn't seem like there's the desire. The US is too far gone for sensible laws to get put in place now. Democracy is dead, the people don't matter.
You want to eliminate prisions ... and treat murderers, rapists, kidnappers, and thieves as a "natural consequence of society." I, on the other hand want them off the street and out of my neighborhood.

If you're not going to imprison them, then keep them in your neighborhood.

I do not care about petty thieves. The real thieves (like the real murderers) are all in political power, and prisons only exist with political power.

Who judges who is a murderer or rapist? That is the major problem with prisons. They are filled to the brim with good folk and many who are even wrongly convicted. Unlike the anti-human race, I do not systematically judge my fellow man and pack them into tight cells based on my own opinions of guilt and wrongdoing.

Oh, and I also want thugs off the streets. Can we start with cops?

I find your naivete both humorous and frightening. Just exactly how did you get so sheltered from real life reality?
Onyx wrote an earnest response, with several serious points to think about. Your reply is nothing but a side-step.

1) Your critique means nothing to me.

2) Onyx presented a seriously flawed assessment of reality. To claim that murderers, thieves, and rapists should go free borders on social negligence, if not sheer insanity. His obvious paranoia with the government has clouded his ability to view reality. Frankly, it is a comment that suggests the need for serious therapy, not something suggesting response.

3) For you to suggest his input is serious merely indicates you two should car pool.
The US has one of the highest, if not the highest, per capita prison populations. Within the first world it has the highest murder rate, generally 4 times higher than most other countries. Some people say locking people up solves the problem. But the problem is WORSE.

Here's a video of a guy who went to prison and then came out, and he talks about what it's like to be a guy who has left prison. Basically he says that people don't want him a part of their society, and he's left to rot. Crime becomes the only choice because he can't get a job or an apartment. In the US rehabilitation isn't great, in places like Louisiana rehabilitation is not what they want as they want people back in prison because the state pays them to have them in their private prisons.

If you want the US to be a better place, things like this need sorting out.

Might be the first thing I agree with you on. We do need to rehabilitate as well as stop overcharging people and locking so many up over minor crimes. The ones we do need off the street are the violent offenders and they are the ones who need serious rehabilitation and that means therapy. Once a person has paid their debt, they should be given a second chance. I understand people wanting to keep distance from pedophiles or the truly dangerous but too many can't find decent employment over minor theft or getting caught with pot.

We do need to change. Prisons should be run by the state and we should provide more therapists or whatever else is needed to truly turn people around.

.... a clear indication that you have had no real-life exposure to these people.
The US has one of the highest, if not the highest, per capita prison populations. Within the first world it has the highest murder rate, generally 4 times higher than most other countries. Some people say locking people up solves the problem. But the problem is WORSE.

Here's a video of a guy who went to prison and then came out, and he talks about what it's like to be a guy who has left prison. Basically he says that people don't want him a part of their society, and he's left to rot. Crime becomes the only choice because he can't get a job or an apartment. In the US rehabilitation isn't great, in places like Louisiana rehabilitation is not what they want as they want people back in prison because the state pays them to have them in their private prisons.

If you want the US to be a better place, things like this need sorting out.

Might be the first thing I agree with you on. We do need to rehabilitate as well as stop overcharging people and locking so many up over minor crimes. The ones we do need off the street are the violent offenders and they are the ones who need serious rehabilitation and that means therapy. Once a person has paid their debt, they should be given a second chance. I understand people wanting to keep distance from pedophiles or the truly dangerous but too many can't find decent employment over minor theft or getting caught with pot.

We do need to change. Prisons should be run by the state and we should provide more therapists or whatever else is needed to truly turn people around.

.... a clear indication that you have had no real-life exposure to these people.

I realize that some are too far gone. There are kids being raised by gang members who have zero respect for human life and maybe they can't be helped. There are psychopaths and sociopaths who can't change.

I think the area where we could make a difference is with some young people. Many go astray because of dysfunctional homes, drug use and even mental problems or chemical imbalances. Many are just troubled and have no where to turn. When you put these young people in jail, their only support system are others who are just as screwed up and hardened criminals who will make their lives worse. Some prisons are damn training camps for gangs and other criminals. No way will anyone come out rehabilitated. They come out worse than when they went in and then people wonder why they are repeat offenders or commit worse crimes.

I just think we can do more. Here in Iowa, our politicians are closing some state-run mental health facilities. It's something that we need desperately and yet there will be fewer options for those who really need help.

For the sake of our society, we need to change the way we are doing things. No easy answers, but what we're doing now isn't working at all.

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