What's wrong with the US justice system?

The US has one of the highest, if not the highest, per capita prison populations. Within the first world it has the highest murder rate, generally 4 times higher than most other countries. Some people say locking people up solves the problem. But the problem is WORSE.

Here's a video of a guy who went to prison and then came out, and he talks about what it's like to be a guy who has left prison. Basically he says that people don't want him a part of their society, and he's left to rot. Crime becomes the only choice because he can't get a job or an apartment. In the US rehabilitation isn't great, in places like Louisiana rehabilitation is not what they want as they want people back in prison because the state pays them to have them in their private prisons.

If you want the US to be a better place, things like this need sorting out.

This is a real issue. Many have just grown up in the system. Its a learned pattern in my opinion. I will disagree on the murder rates and all that, but I will not disagree on how we incarcerate. Prison corporations are a huge part of this to and needs to be addressed for sure. But so do the offenders. Yeah, we di have a great willingness to lock folks up, but we also have a surplus of folks who are perfectly fine with being in prison.
The US has one of the highest, if not the highest, per capita prison populations. Within the first world it has the highest murder rate, generally 4 times higher than most other countries. Some people say locking people up solves the problem. But the problem is WORSE.

Here's a video of a guy who went to prison and then came out, and he talks about what it's like to be a guy who has left prison. Basically he says that people don't want him a part of their society, and he's left to rot. Crime becomes the only choice because he can't get a job or an apartment. In the US rehabilitation isn't great, in places like Louisiana rehabilitation is not what they want as they want people back in prison because the state pays them to have them in their private prisons.

If you want the US to be a better place, things like this need sorting out.

Been there, done that. He's full of shit.
If you want to address the REASON for our high crime and murder rates, I recommend looking at
the effects on children of illegitimacy


Someone left the door open to stupid's cage!

If you are unaware of the effects of illegitimacy on children, then indeed, some one indeed, left your door open.
I volunteer for the charity, and I don't tolerate idiots well. At least we try to help these guys get a new start, we don't just talk about it and berate people that do. You're just a special kind of stupid, I'm surprised you've survived this long.
I see you didn't deny what I said about the high price those "being helped" have to pay. Nor did your lofty church charity conscience compel you to apologize for your comments to me >>>>>

Fuck off and die

..... nor your latest one >>>

You're just a special kind of stupid, I'm surprised you've survived this long.

.... and to think that up till now I haven't made a single aggressive personal slander to you. Remove the halo asshole. Give it to someone who is a real humanitarian. You're just a fucking phony with a hateful, despicable mind and an ax to grind because life dropped you on your head once too many times.
If you want to address the REASON for our high crime and murder rates, I recommend looking at
the effects on children of illegitimacy


Someone left the door open to stupid's cage!

If you are unaware of the effects of illegitimacy on children, then indeed, some one indeed, left your door open.
A hang-nail can also be particularly painful but I'd never say it's "the reason for high crime rates". What are you, 18-years-old?
I volunteer for the charity, and I don't tolerate idiots well. At least we try to help these guys get a new start, we don't just talk about it and berate people that do. You're just a special kind of stupid, I'm surprised you've survived this long.
I see you didn't deny what I said about the high price those "being helped" have to pay. Nor did your lofty church charity conscience compel you to apologize for your comments to me >>>>>

Fuck off and die

..... nor your latest one >>>

You're just a special kind of stupid, I'm surprised you've survived this long.

.... and to think that up till now I haven't made a single aggressive personal slander to you. Remove the halo asshole. Give it to someone who is a real humanitarian. You're just a fucking phony with a hateful, despicable mind and an ax to grind because life dropped you on your head once too many times.

Never said I wear a halo ass hole, also I only apologize when I'm wrong. And for others following the conversation these guys aren't required to engage in anything religious. Only stupid fools like you make that assumption. I'm not involved with the charity because I very religious, I do it because it's the right thing to do.
...... these guys aren't required to engage in anything religious.
Bull shit. Why are you lying? You know and I know the truth.

I'm not involved with the charity because I very religious, I do it because it's the right thing to do.
No, you do it to get first dibs on fencing hot goods. Anyone who makes as many personal attacks and lies as much as you do is obviously inside the fringe of crime.
...... these guys aren't required to engage in anything religious.
Bull shit. Why are you lying? You know and I know the truth.

I'm not involved with the charity because I very religious, I do it because it's the right thing to do.
No, you do it to get first dibs on fencing hot goods. Anyone who makes as many personal attacks and lies as much as you do is obviously inside the fringe of crime.

Sorry child, the things you don't know could fill massive libraries.
What's wrong with the US justice system?

A crooked, socialist-agenda-hell-bent despot who has tepeatedly violated the Constitution, Rule of Law, and his oath of office is in charge of it.

There is no accountability, and criminals - from politicians and Cabinet members all the way down to human traffickers / international ams dealers / illegals / Sanctuary Cities - are protected.

Barry has run the most lawless administration in US History.
All I have heard in any given Superior Court, was inferior arguments by the fantastical, right wing.
Really? So that's why Obama was found in violation of the Constitution by the USSC and found in Contempt of Court several times by lower courts?!

Interesting OPINION...
was he the Only president?
If you want to address the REASON for our high crime and murder rates, I recommend looking at
the effects on children of illegitimacy


Someone left the door open to stupid's cage!

If you are unaware of the effects of illegitimacy on children, then indeed, some one indeed, left your door open.
A hang-nail can also be particularly painful but I'd never say it's "the reason for high crime rates". What are you, 18-years-old?

If you are unaware of the effects of illegitimacy on children, then you are talking about issues you are completely ignorant about.
The US has one of the highest, if not the highest, per capita prison populations. Within the first world it has the highest murder rate, generally 4 times higher than most other countries. Some people say locking people up solves the problem. But the problem is WORSE.

Here's a video of a guy who went to prison and then came out, and he talks about what it's like to be a guy who has left prison. Basically he says that people don't want him a part of their society, and he's left to rot. Crime becomes the only choice because he can't get a job or an apartment. In the US rehabilitation isn't great, in places like Louisiana rehabilitation is not what they want as they want people back in prison because the state pays them to have them in their private prisons.

If you want the US to be a better place, things like this need sorting out.

Start naming solutions.

Change education so that it teaches skills that kids will need when they're adults.
Restrict guns massively so the police can do their job without the fear of being shot the whole damn time.
Change prisons so they rehabilitate and make sure there are ways for ex-prisoners who have served their time to get back into society.
Change society in general to try and make it less selfish.
Change the way people vote so that representatives represent the people and not the rich so that policies like these can exist.

What pretentious, self-important, impractical, juvenile bullshit.
The US has one of the highest, if not the highest, per capita prison populations. Within the first world it has the highest murder rate, generally 4 times higher than most other countries. Some people say locking people up solves the problem. But the problem is WORSE.

Here's a video of a guy who went to prison and then came out, and he talks about what it's like to be a guy who has left prison. Basically he says that people don't want him a part of their society, and he's left to rot. Crime becomes the only choice because he can't get a job or an apartment. In the US rehabilitation isn't great, in places like Louisiana rehabilitation is not what they want as they want people back in prison because the state pays them to have them in their private prisons.

If you want the US to be a better place, things like this need sorting out.


Why is crime and murder rates so high?

THat's the question. Focusing on the per capita prison population is kind of missing the point.

Not really. People say that prison solves the problem of high crime. It doesn't. Louisiana is proof of that.

Who says that?

Do you want me to go through a search of who says that? Well I don't have time now, and I'm sure you don't need it, there are plenty of people, hence why the US relies on prison as a deterrent for crime more than anyone else. And Louisiana does it more than anyone else in the US>

THugs warehoused in prison, are less dangerous to good people than thugs roaming the streets.

If you want to address the REASON for our high crime and murder rates, I recommend looking at the effects on children of illegitimacy.

So, how is it that "thugs" locked up in prisons but still crime is so high, especially in Louisiana?

You recommend looking at children of illegitimacy huh? Yeah, probably because the govts of the US do fuck all for them. Demand that they be born and then leave them to rot. Another problem in the US.

However you're not going to shift blame away from one the realities of the problem. Simply locking people up in prison doesn't solve the problem. I know, I know, it sounds good, simple minded people can easily get their head around the situation, rather than the difficult one of rehabilitation. But, the reality might be more difficult to understand, but finding solutions to the problem is so much better than finding solutions to something that isn't the problem.
Why is crime and murder rates so high?

THat's the question. Focusing on the per capita prison population is kind of missing the point.

Not really. People say that prison solves the problem of high crime. It doesn't. Louisiana is proof of that.

Who says that?

Do you want me to go through a search of who says that? Well I don't have time now, and I'm sure you don't need it, there are plenty of people, hence why the US relies on prison as a deterrent for crime more than anyone else. And Louisiana does it more than anyone else in the US>

THugs warehoused in prison, are less dangerous to good people than thugs roaming the streets.

If you want to address the REASON for our high crime and murder rates, I recommend looking at the effects on children of illegitimacy.

So, how is it that "thugs" locked up in prisons but still crime is so high, especially in Louisiana?

You recommend looking at children of illegitimacy huh? Yeah, probably because the govts of the US do fuck all for them. Demand that they be born and then leave them to rot. Another problem in the US.

However you're not going to shift blame away from one the realities of the problem. Simply locking people up in prison doesn't solve the problem. I know, I know, it sounds good, simple minded people can easily get their head around the situation, rather than the difficult one of rehabilitation. But, the reality might be more difficult to understand, but finding solutions to the problem is so much better than finding solutions to something that isn't the problem.

1. How is it that "thugs" are locked up, but crime is still high? imo, it has to do with the constant creating of new criminals by a dysfunctional culture.

2. Abortion has been legal for generations. Try to be less crazy.

3. I agree locking people up doesn't solve the problem. If you've seen dangerous thugs or madmen taken off of YOUR street, you might be more welcome to the idea, though.

4. I agree, but you lefties are emotionally invested in illegitimacy and viciously attack whenever anyone tries to discuss it.
A church charity that I'm associated with are helping out 3 guys like him.
The price is too high. Prison confines your space. Church favours confine your mind in return for the favour. Going from prison to the Church is just like trading one sect for another one.

We have too many blacks..
Don't worry, you're safe. Your mother lied to you. The black doesn't rub off on you if you touch them.

Am I supposed to feel sorry for him?
Well, I don't.
Not only do you lack compassion - you feel it's necessary to brag about it.
This right here is why we have such a high prison rate. The stupidity is off the charts.
The US has one of the highest, if not the highest, per capita prison populations. Within the first world it has the highest murder rate, generally 4 times higher than most other countries. Some people say locking people up solves the problem. But the problem is WORSE.

Here's a video of a guy who went to prison and then came out, and he talks about what it's like to be a guy who has left prison. Basically he says that people don't want him a part of their society, and he's left to rot. Crime becomes the only choice because he can't get a job or an apartment. In the US rehabilitation isn't great, in places like Louisiana rehabilitation is not what they want as they want people back in prison because the state pays them to have them in their private prisons.

If you want the US to be a better place, things like this need sorting out.

Start naming solutions.

Change education so that it teaches skills that kids will need when they're adults.

Apparently something has changed since I was in school or even my children were in school. When I was in High School two paths were normally chosen. Academic and not academic. One was to prepare the student for college the other for the trades. Thus the academic route was going to prepare the person for college. The second was to prepare the student for a craft. Either way High School was to prepare the student for what was to come, either higer education or a job in the crafts. In either case the student needed to further advance themselves after graduation.

Restrict guns massively so the police can do their job without the fear of being shot the whole damn time.

Not quite sure how this lowers the crime rate or the incarceration rate.

Change prisons so they rehabilitate and make sure there are ways for ex-prisoners who have served their time to get back into society.

Are you saying this isn't being done today? What manner of force would you use to cause employers to hire a person with a record? Especially a felony record?

Change society in general to try and make it less selfish.

All reports I read state that the US is one of the most charitable countries, if not number one pretty damn close. Is it selfish to wish to profit and keep that which one worked for?

Change the way people vote so that representatives represent the people and not the rich so that policies like these can exist.

How would you change the system? It has been tried many times in many different ways. In reality Trump won on the cheap. His cost per vote was WAY below that of Hillary's. I will agree we need a true third party comprised of the working class. Why blacks and the working poor have not already is a surprise to me. If nothing else Trump's victory shows that regardless of the predictions and what the "experts" say, anything is possible in the system we have today.[/QUOTE]

I think the education system in the US is just broken because the aims of education have been lost.

Getting rid of guns would help to reduce crime as the police would find it far easier to do their job, criminals would find it harder to do their job. Sure, there would still be crime, it doesn't negate the need for a massive overhaul of the US.

When someone comes out of prison they need to prove themselves. They can't prove themselves because they're not given the chance. How do you get employers to employ such people? Tax breaks, incentives, you know?

No, the US isn't one of the most charitable countries.


Charitable giving by country: who is the most generous?

The US came 5th. Quite high up you might think. But this is just for individual charity giving.

When it comes to the govts giving aid, the US is pretty poor.

List of development aid country donors - Wikipedia

The EU gives $87 billion. The US $31 billion. The UK $18 billion. So the UK, 1/5 the population of the US, 4/5th the size of Idaho, gives 2/3rds what the US gives for charity. So, individual charity giving in the US takes over from govt aid.

There's a list of aid below as a percentage of GDP. Sweden is top at 1.4%, the US is at 0.17%. The countries below the US on that list are either struggling financially or were poor countries until a few years ago.

Also, I don't think charity giving shows whether a country is selfish or not. Bill and Melinda Gates are giving huge amounts. Two individuals don't stop a country being selfish. Trump gives what? Well he gives once he's boasted he gave but didn't then got found out, that's how much he gives. Also, it's a mentality. Sometimes people give to charity for selfish reasons, to be seen to be doing good, to be seen as a nice person, to present themselves as a character they are not.
Whether someone is selfish can be seen in their acts. People who think in a manner which is always based around themselves, oh, we shouldn't spend money on school meals, we shouldn't spend money on stopping teenage pregnancies, we shouldn't spend money on things that will make society a better place to live, instead we should funnel it to rich people. That's selfish.

Take that DeVos woman. She's spend millions on the "charity" of promoting school vouchers which are designed to make rich people richer. I mean, come on, that's selfish and the woman is going to be representing the president in education. Fuck me.

How would I change the system?

Proportional Representation in Congress, a run off for the President, that or change the presidency so that there are multiple elections, or that the members are chosen by the Congress and not by the President. Make it so that people actually have a say in how their country is run, so they don't just have two choices when they come to elections, but that politicians have to work hard to represent the people they're elected to represent.
Not really. People say that prison solves the problem of high crime. It doesn't. Louisiana is proof of that.

Who says that?

Do you want me to go through a search of who says that? Well I don't have time now, and I'm sure you don't need it, there are plenty of people, hence why the US relies on prison as a deterrent for crime more than anyone else. And Louisiana does it more than anyone else in the US>

THugs warehoused in prison, are less dangerous to good people than thugs roaming the streets.

If you want to address the REASON for our high crime and murder rates, I recommend looking at the effects on children of illegitimacy.

So, how is it that "thugs" locked up in prisons but still crime is so high, especially in Louisiana?

You recommend looking at children of illegitimacy huh? Yeah, probably because the govts of the US do fuck all for them. Demand that they be born and then leave them to rot. Another problem in the US.

However you're not going to shift blame away from one the realities of the problem. Simply locking people up in prison doesn't solve the problem. I know, I know, it sounds good, simple minded people can easily get their head around the situation, rather than the difficult one of rehabilitation. But, the reality might be more difficult to understand, but finding solutions to the problem is so much better than finding solutions to something that isn't the problem.

1. How is it that "thugs" are locked up, but crime is still high? imo, it has to do with the constant creating of new criminals by a dysfunctional culture.

2. Abortion has been legal for generations. Try to be less crazy.

3. I agree locking people up doesn't solve the problem. If you've seen dangerous thugs or madmen taken off of YOUR street, you might be more welcome to the idea, though.

4. I agree, but you lefties are emotionally invested in illegitimacy and viciously attack whenever anyone tries to discuss it.

Yes, a dysfunctional society which doesn't try and solve its problems by looking for solutions to the problem, but by finding solutions that fit its ideology. In other words, locking people up because it makes them feel good about themselves, rather than using their brains to solve the problem.

Abortion is legal, and yet the right are doing everything they can to stop it happening. Reduced or no education, no contraceptives, limited abortion etc etc.

I didn't say I didn't want people locked up, I said I didn't want EVERYONE locked up.

Illegitimacy has been caused by many policies and many of them have been right wing policies that have destroyed the family (while at the same time promoting the family as essential).

"Hey, dude, work 80 hours a week for me"
"Sure, but what about my family?"
"Oh, they'll be fine"

"My wife left me"
"You're a bad husband, you should have spent more time with your family"
"But you told me to work more"
"Don't blame me, take responsibility for your own actions"
Prisons in general are a net negative to society. They all imprison innocents or generally good people and they are brushed to the side as being collateral damage. Therefore I believe the .02% of violent killers and rapists should be treated as a natural consequence in society.

Anyways, everyone knows that the real bad guys hold political power. Famous gangsters like John Dillinger and Al Capone were small fries.
Prisons in general are a net negative to society. They all imprison innocents or generally good people and they are brushed to the side as being collateral damage. Therefore I believe the .02% of violent killers and rapists should be treated as a natural consequence in society.

Anyways, everyone knows that the real bad guys hold political power. Famous gangsters like John Dillinger and Al Capone were small fries.

No problem ---- but YOU rent them a room.

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