When a deep red town’s only grocery closed, city hall opened its own store. Socialism?

The town opening its own store after the last store closed is not socialism. Can another store open? If competition is prohibited it's socialism.
Not socialism. Nobody is given anything. People are paid for their work. A profit is made although as little as possible and what profit is made is reinvested in the town.
Ahhh...you see..that IS socialism, by definition. socialism is not all about 'giving free stuff'--one of the mistakes that is often made. Socialism is about the State ensuring that the basic needs of the people are met...State-run business is definitely Socialist. The people who are paid...are city employees.

My take has always been that Socialism is like salt..a little helps..a lot ruins everything.

What I wonder is more about the word, 'Socialism'...has such negative baggage--can people accept something good attached to it.

What I wonder is why people lately are so desperate to rehabilitate a word they know has lots of baggage.
Interesting--a city-owned supermarket...designed to break even..for the good of its residents--but City run private enterprise..is NOT capitalism--It just struck me..that the 'socialism' word gets tossed around a lot..mostly by those who have little or no idea of what is actually means---this..is what it means, at the grass-roots:

When a deep red town’s only grocery closed, city hall opened its own store. Just don’t call it ‘socialism.’

"When Sean Lynch ran for mayor, he never anticipated that the job would involve hiring a butcher and tracking the sale of collard greens. Baldwin, Fla., is surrounded by farm country, and in late October, local green beans, tomatoes, peanuts, cabbage and milk filled the shelves of the Baldwin Market, which the town owns.

Notably, these experiments in communal ownership are taking place in deep-red parts of the country where the word “socialism” is anathema. “You expect to hear about this in a place like the People’s Republic of Massachusetts,” jokes Brian Lang, the director of the National Campaign for Healthy Food Access at The Food Trust.

But in many rural, conservative communities struggling to hang on to their remaining residents, ideological arguments about the role of government tend to be cast aside as grocery stores shutter due to population decline and competition from superstores.

“Fundamentally, what you have is people that have lived in these rural communities all their lives, and they want these rural communities to survive,” Procter said. “And they realize that without access to food, they’re not going to survive.”

By definition, a collectively owned, government-run enterprise like the Baldwin Market is inherently socialist. But Lynch, who has a nonpartisan position but governs a town where 68 percent of residents voted for Donald Trump in 2016, doesn’t see it that way. From his point of view, the town is just doing what it’s supposed to do: Providing services to residents who already pay enough in taxes.

. At the Baldwin Market, which opened its doors on Sept. 20, all of the employees are on the municipal payroll, from the butcher to the cashiers. Workers from the town’s maintenance department take breaks from cutting grass to help unload deliveries, and residents flag down the mayor when they want to request a specific type of milk.

“We're not trying to make a profit,” Lynch told The Washington Post in a recent interview. “We're trying to cover our expenses, and keep the store running. Any money that's made after that will go into the town in some way.”"

No, dipshit...socialism means the government controlling the means of production...you nimrod.....this is not socialism.....
Not socialism. Nobody is given anything. People are paid for their work. A profit is made although as little as possible and what profit is made is reinvested in the town.
Ahhh...you see..that IS socialism, by definition. socialism is not all about 'giving free stuff'--one of the mistakes that is often made. Socialism is about the State ensuring that the basic needs of the people are met...State-run business is definitely Socialist. The people who are paid...are city employees.

My take has always been that Socialism is like salt..a little helps..a lot ruins everything.

What I wonder is more about the word, 'Socialism'...has such negative baggage--can people accept something good attached to it.

What I wonder is why people lately are so desperate to rehabilitate a word they know has lots of baggage.

About a hundred million dead body kinda baggage....
The town opening its own store after the last store closed is not socialism. Can another store open? If competition is prohibited it's socialism.
Well it is socialism. The town is interfering in the market. Its the right thing to do, its socialism in action.
The town opening its own store after the last store closed is not socialism. Can another store open? If competition is prohibited it's socialism.
Well it is socialism. The town is interfering in the market. Its the right thing to do, its socialism in action.

It isn't socialism, I know you need it to be but it is not. They are not keeping competition out, they are simply filling a void that exists. If another store opens, then the city store would shut down. Nice try though.
Not socialism. Nobody is given anything. People are paid for their work. A profit is made although as little as possible and what profit is made is reinvested in the town.

You don't know the meaning of the word socialism.

Words really do have meanings. Do you know that? It might be ok in your mind to redefine words but here in reality it's not ok.

Socialism isn't handing things out for free.

Nor is socialism a social policy.

It's an economic monetary policy. A policy of public ownership and control of the means of production.

That store is a very good example of socialism. So is our police, EMT and firefighters. So is the library. So is NASA. So is FEMA and a very long list of programs the government provides and you take for granted everyday. If you went to a public school, socialism taught you how to read, write, math and gave you the skills you needed to succeed in your life.

Do you like that road you drive your car on? Socialism built it. Same with that bridge or any form or infrastructure you use everyday and take for granted.

Do you like the internet? Socialism built it.

Do you like that electricity that provides everything from energy for your computer to the heat and lights in your house? Socialism built it.

Do you like that clean water that comes from the tap when you turn it on? Socialism built it.

Socialism is not giving things away for free. You've been listening to far right radical extremists for far way too long.


Pull your head out of that bubble, learn the real honest facts and join the sane people of our country.

Or you can remain ignorant and continue to make a fool of yourself to those of us who are sane.

It's your choice.
The town opening its own store after the last store closed is not socialism. Can another store open? If competition is prohibited it's socialism.
Well it is socialism. The town is interfering in the market. Its the right thing to do, its socialism in action.

It isn't socialism, I know you need it to be but it is not. They are not keeping competition out, they are simply filling a void that exists. If another store opens, then the city store would shut down. Nice try though.
The state has stepped in because capitalism has failed these people. Happens everywhere. Its socialism,its good.

Not unless the city closed down the grocery store itself.

Socialism is when you replace free markets with government.
,,,and yet, in microcosm..is this not exactly what happened...a 'free market' was replaced by Govt. ownership. Could an outside store compete with the Govt store?

The so called "free market" killed the only store in town to leave the people too starve.

Socialism reopened it and fed people.

There is no free market. That is a lie created by rich conservatives to justify their laissez-faire economic policy that has created the mess we're living with now.

Wage gap that is so unbalanced that people who work for a living actually qualify for pubic assistance.

Which gives more of our tax dollars to the 1% while the rest of us fight for scraps.

If we honestly had a free market tariffs wouldn't exist. There would be no such thing as the "farm bill" that gives billions to farmers and we wouldn't have trump giving them tens of billions more. We wouldn't have huge tax give aways and out right subsidies to big business such as the oil companies and America wouldn't be a first world nation and the richest nation in the world. We would be more like Somalia.

If you ever took an economics class you would know that unregulated capitalism destroys itself. All you end up with is monopolies and a destroyed economy.

The founders of our nation knew this which is why they included the Commerce Clause in the constitution. It gives the government the power to properly regulate business.
The town opening its own store after the last store closed is not socialism. Can another store open? If competition is prohibited it's socialism.
Well it is socialism. The town is interfering in the market. Its the right thing to do, its socialism in action.

It isn't socialism, I know you need it to be but it is not. They are not keeping competition out, they are simply filling a void that exists. If another store opens, then the city store would shut down. Nice try though.
The state has stepped in because capitalism has failed these people. Happens everywhere. Its socialism,its good.
Let's not get it twisted...the people helped themselves..in the form of the City Govt.--This worked precisely because it reflected the people's will. Socialism, on that scale, works.

Socialism in the larger sense--in its political form...often does NOT reflect the people's will--rather it reflects an idealistic model; enforced by regulations that punish the people..rather than reflecting their will.

Capitalism did not 'fail' those people..it gave them lemons...so they made some lemonade.

Not unless the city closed down the grocery store itself.

Socialism is when you replace free markets with government.
,,,and yet, in microcosm..is this not exactly what happened...a 'free market' was replaced by Govt. ownership. Could an outside store compete with the Govt store?

The so called "free market" killed the only store in town to leave the people too starve.

Socialism reopened it and fed people.

There is no free market. That is a lie created by rich conservatives to justify their laissez-faire economic policy that has created the mess we're living with now.

Wage gap that is so unbalanced that people who work for a living actually qualify for pubic assistance.

Which gives more of our tax dollars to the 1% while the rest of us fight for scraps.

If we honestly had a free market tariffs wouldn't exist. There would be no such thing as the "farm bill" that gives billions to farmers and we wouldn't have trump giving them tens of billions more. We wouldn't have huge tax give aways and out right subsidies to big business such as the oil companies and America wouldn't be a first world nation and the richest nation in the world. We would be more like Somalia.
Well..absent the talking points....I'll point out that Socialism did not.."feed the people" The City opened a store...to provide opp. to shop. There was no giveaway..people still paid with money..money often earned in our capitalistic system..or money given to them by our Socialistic system! LOL! We are an economic and political amalgam.

A bit of overreach in this point...some people work and qualify for public assistance...most do not. The economy is good right now...yes, I'm aware of all the downsides..are you aware of all the upsides?

Yes...Trump has tilted the playing field..so? Even with his machinations and regulatory reductions...our markets are hardly "Laissez-faire"...nor have they been since the 1930's--when the term was coined.
The damn link says there is a dollar store. Dollar stores have a whole damn section dedicated to.....

Wait for it...

Holy shit batman. /thread

They have a small amount of food items. They don't have fresh vegetables. Meats (outside of some lunch meat) etc.
Lol ahhhhhh so now we have goal posts. How intellectually dishonest.
BTW, they have all kinds of frozen meats.
Some DGs have fresh veggies
I looked up the DG in that town and they dont have fresh food but they have plenty of food.
Again, the food market is not owned by the people. Just one place is.

There is one grocery store and it's owned by the city. What are you even arguing?
Ok fine
The town owns the grocery store that doesnt sell anything else market
But they dont own the food market.
Go REAL socialism!
Are you happy now?

No, no one is wanting that despite the gnashing of teeth.
Not socialism. Nobody is given anything. People are paid for their work. A profit is made although as little as possible and what profit is made is reinvested in the town.

You don't know the meaning of the word socialism.

Words really do have meanings. Do you know that? It might be ok in your mind to redefine words but here in reality it's not ok.

Socialism isn't handing things out for free.

Nor is socialism a social policy.

It's an economic monetary policy. A policy of public ownership and control of the means of production.

That store is a very good example of socialism. So is our police, EMT and firefighters. So is the library. So is NASA. So is FEMA and a very long list of programs the government provides and you take for granted everyday. If you went to a public school, socialism taught you how to read, write, math and gave you the skills you needed to succeed in your life.

Do you like that road you drive your car on? Socialism built it. Same with that bridge or any form or infrastructure you use everyday and take for granted.

Do you like the internet? Socialism built it.

Do you like that electricity that provides everything from energy for your computer to the heat and lights in your house? Socialism built it.

Do you like that clean water that comes from the tap when you turn it on? Socialism built it.

Socialism is not giving things away for free. You've been listening to far right radical extremists for far way too long.


Pull your head out of that bubble, learn the real honest facts and join the sane people of our country.

Or you can remain ignorant and continue to make a fool of yourself to those of us who are sane.

It's your choice.
I accept your ignorance and will simply move on.

Not unless the city closed down the grocery store itself.

Socialism is when you replace free markets with government.
,,,and yet, in microcosm..is this not exactly what happened...a 'free market' was replaced by Govt. ownership. Could an outside store compete with the Govt store?

The so called "free market" killed the only store in town to leave the people too starve.

Socialism reopened it and fed people.

There is no free market. That is a lie created by rich conservatives to justify their laissez-faire economic policy that has created the mess we're living with now.

Wage gap that is so unbalanced that people who work for a living actually qualify for pubic assistance.

Which gives more of our tax dollars to the 1% while the rest of us fight for scraps.

If we honestly had a free market tariffs wouldn't exist. There would be no such thing as the "farm bill" that gives billions to farmers and we wouldn't have trump giving them tens of billions more. We wouldn't have huge tax give aways and out right subsidies to big business such as the oil companies and America wouldn't be a first world nation and the richest nation in the world. We would be more like Somalia.

If you ever took an economics class you would know that unregulated capitalism destroys itself. All you end up with is monopolies and a destroyed economy.

The founders of our nation knew this which is why they included the Commerce Clause in the constitution. It gives the government the power to properly regulate business.
From someone who thinks the world is static. things change. Get over it.
The town opening its own store after the last store closed is not socialism. Can another store open? If competition is prohibited it's socialism.
Well it is socialism. The town is interfering in the market. Its the right thing to do, its socialism in action.

It isn't socialism, I know you need it to be but it is not. They are not keeping competition out, they are simply filling a void that exists. If another store opens, then the city store would shut down. Nice try though.
The state has stepped in because capitalism has failed these people. Happens everywhere. Its socialism,its good.
Let's not get it twisted...the people helped themselves..in the form of the City Govt.--This worked precisely because it reflected the people's will. Socialism, on that scale, works.

Socialism in the larger sense--in its political form...often does NOT reflect the people's will--rather it reflects an idealistic model; enforced by regulations that punish the people..rather than reflecting their will.

Capitalism did not 'fail' those people..it gave them lemons...so they made some lemonade.
Well those people could have set up a co-operative to do this but didnt do so. They turned to the state for help, presumably because the state had the money to do this. We have these deals all over Wales and they are always set up and run by the people rather than the government. Either way is fine but they are both variants of socialism.
The very essence of socialism is to overthrow capitalism. Like nationalization. This is nothing more than filling in holes.
There is still other places in that town to get groceries. Your link states that.
Another grocery store could open up.
I get your point but its a major stretch.

What does "only grocery store" mean to you?
It means you need to travel to another one.

Not unless the city closed down the grocery store itself.

Socialism is when you replace free markets with government.
,,,and yet, in microcosm..is this not exactly what happened...a 'free market' was replaced by Govt. ownership. Could an outside store compete with the Govt store?

The so called "free market" killed the only store in town to leave the people too starve.

Socialism reopened it and fed people.

There is no free market. That is a lie created by rich conservatives to justify their laissez-faire economic policy that has created the mess we're living with now.

Wage gap that is so unbalanced that people who work for a living actually qualify for pubic assistance.

Which gives more of our tax dollars to the 1% while the rest of us fight for scraps.

If we honestly had a free market tariffs wouldn't exist. There would be no such thing as the "farm bill" that gives billions to farmers and we wouldn't have trump giving them tens of billions more. We wouldn't have huge tax give aways and out right subsidies to big business such as the oil companies and America wouldn't be a first world nation and the richest nation in the world. We would be more like Somalia.

If you ever took an economics class you would know that unregulated capitalism destroys itself. All you end up with is monopolies and a destroyed economy.

The founders of our nation knew this which is why they included the Commerce Clause in the constitution. It gives the government the power to properly regulate business.
The free market has raised more people up out of poverty than any other economic theory ever.If you have a net worth of $4500 you are in the top 50% of the wealthy in the word. If you have a net worth of $93,000 you are in the top 10% of the wealthy in the world. So if you own or are buying a house you are in the 10% you rail about.

Not unless the city closed down the grocery store itself.

Socialism is when you replace free markets with government.
,,,and yet, in microcosm..is this not exactly what happened...a 'free market' was replaced by Govt. ownership. Could an outside store compete with the Govt store?

The so called "free market" killed the only store in town to leave the people too starve.

Socialism reopened it and fed people.

There is no free market. That is a lie created by rich conservatives to justify their laissez-faire economic policy that has created the mess we're living with now.

Wage gap that is so unbalanced that people who work for a living actually qualify for pubic assistance.

Which gives more of our tax dollars to the 1% while the rest of us fight for scraps.

If we honestly had a free market tariffs wouldn't exist. There would be no such thing as the "farm bill" that gives billions to farmers and we wouldn't have trump giving them tens of billions more. We wouldn't have huge tax give aways and out right subsidies to big business such as the oil companies and America wouldn't be a first world nation and the richest nation in the world. We would be more like Somalia.

If you ever took an economics class you would know that unregulated capitalism destroys itself. All you end up with is monopolies and a destroyed economy.

The founders of our nation knew this which is why they included the Commerce Clause in the constitution. It gives the government the power to properly regulate business.
Interstate commerce. The courts have bastardize the clause to allow the federal government to interfere in state business.

The Commerce Clause refers to Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution, which gives Congress the power “to regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian.

Among the several states not in the several states. As you said words have meaning.

Not unless the city closed down the grocery store itself.

Socialism is when you replace free markets with government.
,,,and yet, in microcosm..is this not exactly what happened...a 'free market' was replaced by Govt. ownership. Could an outside store compete with the Govt store?

The so called "free market" killed the only store in town to leave the people too starve.

Socialism reopened it and fed people.

There is no free market. That is a lie created by rich conservatives to justify their laissez-faire economic policy that has created the mess we're living with now.

Wage gap that is so unbalanced that people who work for a living actually qualify for pubic assistance.

Which gives more of our tax dollars to the 1% while the rest of us fight for scraps.

If we honestly had a free market tariffs wouldn't exist. There would be no such thing as the "farm bill" that gives billions to farmers and we wouldn't have trump giving them tens of billions more. We wouldn't have huge tax give aways and out right subsidies to big business such as the oil companies and America wouldn't be a first world nation and the richest nation in the world. We would be more like Somalia.

If you ever took an economics class you would know that unregulated capitalism destroys itself. All you end up with is monopolies and a destroyed economy.

The founders of our nation knew this which is why they included the Commerce Clause in the constitution. It gives the government the power to properly regulate business.
The free market has raised more people up out of poverty than any other economic theory ever.If you have a net worth of $4500 you are in the top 50% of the wealthy in the word. If you have a net worth of $93,000 you are in the top 10% of the wealthy in the world. So if you own or are buying a house you are in the 10% you rail about.

We have not had free markets in decades. Why is it that farmers can't freely sell their produce to China?

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