When Did Trump Make You A Keynesian?

We've all heard the pseudocon Rube Herd parrot the meme that "tax cuts increase revenues". They get this meme from their propagandists and then repeat it unthinkingly.

There are two key facts which expose the lie hidden in that meme. First, the obvious fact is that if you lower tax rates all the way to zero, you have zero revenues. So at some point, tax cuts fail to increase revenues.

The second fact is one which their propagandists deliberately keep from the rubes. This is a deliberate omission, and therefore a deliberately crafted lie. And that fact is that revenues have also increased after a tax INCREASE.

See for yourself. Here is a history of tax rates: https://files.taxfoundation.org/legacy/docs/fed_individual_rate_history_nominal.pdf

Notice how tax rates increased under Bill Clinton in 1993. The top marginal rate increased from 31 percent to 39.6 percent, and stayed that way until 2001.

Now here is a history of federal revenues: Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?

Notice how tax revenues INCREASED after the tax rates went UP a whopping 8.6 points:

FY 1991 - $1.05 trillion.
FY 1992 - $1.09 trillion.
FY 1993 - $1.15 trillion.
FY 1994 - $1.26 trillion.
FY 1995 - $1.35 trillion.
FY 1996 - $1.45 trillion.
FY 1997 - $1.58 trillion.
FY 1998 - $1.72 trillion.
FY 1999 - $1.82 trillion.
FY 2000 - $2.03 trillion

Just a few years after Clinton's tax increase, federal revenues had DOUBLED!!!

And after the Bush tax cut expired on the top marginal rate in 2013, federal revenues continued to increase:

FY 2012 - $2.45 trillion.
FY 2013 - $2.77 trillion.
FY 2014 - $3.02 trillion.
FY 2015 - $3.25 trillion.
FY 2016 - $3.27 trillion.
FY 2017 - $3.32 trillion.

So, clearly, increasing or decreasing tax rates a few points here and there has almost nothing to do with revenues.

As Bill Clinton said, "It's the economy, stupid."

By the way, job growth exploded during the higher tax Clinton years. 30 million jobs in 8 years, with less than 5 percent unemployment.

So the next time you are crowing about the current tax rate increasing revenues, you should know your propagandists are counting on you not looking beyond the carefully framed numbers they present to your dumb ass.

But it gets worse. Much worse. You are being even dumber than that.

Because while your pseudocon propagandists are crowing about revenues, they are counting on you not noticing that despite increased revenues, your party and your President are EXPLODING our deficits!

It's called misdirection. A classic magician's trick to fool the rubes.

Trump is on track to blow Obama's debt record wide open. And after whining and whining and whining and whining non-stop for eight years about Obama's spending, your propagandists have gone dark.

And so have you.

The stench of hypocrisy is all over you.

But that is the beauty of the two party system

One party gives away "free stuff" and the other likes to lower taxes. That way no matter who is in power the debt rises exponentially.

Governments are like stars. They just grow bigger, and bigger, and bigger and bigger, until they collapse on their weight and become a black hole that consumes everything around them. Nothing escapes or survives. It's a natural cycle so nothing to get too uptight about.
Your mistake is in bleeving only one of the two parties gives away free stuff.

That's exactly what your pseudocon propagandists have worked very diligently at dumbing you down enough to believe that horseshit.

True. Bush created one of the largest entitlements in US history with the Drugs for Seniors program.

But you are mistaken that the Dims don't give tax breaks. Obama and the Dims renewed the Bush tax breaks.

Essentially they do the same things, because they all know people like free stuff they never have to pay for.
Republicans vastly outpace the Democrats when it comes to putting giveaways in the tax code. Vastly.

Democrats are about social welfare. Republicans are about corporate welfare.

They are both about freebies, bigly. At everyone else's expense.
We scream and moan and whine about our politicians, but you know what? Our politicians do EXACTLY what we demand of them.

"Those other fucking scum Congressmen spend too much on PORK, but my guy brings home the BACON!"

Congress has a single digit approval, and yet House incumbents have a 98 percent re-election rate. Senate incumbents have a 90 percent re-election rate.

We get the politicians we deserve.
Everyone should vote Libertarian, regardless of the consequences.

That's the only way to break the grip on power.
So how does a democracy fight this exactly?

This is what your propagandists have trained you to do. To blame negroes for our debt and all our problems.

We fight that with topics like this one in the hopes you will finally wake up to the massive hoax being played on you.
So how does a democracy fight this exactly?

This is what your propagandists have trained you to do. To blame negroes for our debt and all our problems.

We fight that with topics like this one in the hopes you will finally wake up to the massive hoax being played on you.

This is not about race dolt. That is the propagandist crap you have fallen for.

It's about uneducated simple people being allowed to vote who want the next free thing.

Naturally everyone else does not like paying taxes.

So the two parties gives us the best of both worlds.
This is what your propagandists have trained you to do. To blame negroes for our debt and all our problems.

We fight that with topics like this one in the hopes you will finally wake up to the massive hoax being played on you.
It is a propaganda tool, but not fiction. Votes should never be for sale to minorities nor crony businessmen looking for a government hand out.

It's all the same.

These problems only occurred with regularity after the 16th Amendment.

Moochers follow the money. If our Federal Government had much less of it, these problems would go away. That's not a realistic option, but it is a reality.
So how does a democracy fight this exactly?

This is what your propagandists have trained you to do. To blame negroes for our debt and all our problems.

We fight that with topics like this one in the hopes you will finally wake up to the massive hoax being played on you.

This is not about race dolt. That is the propagandist crap you have fallen for.

It's about uneducated simple people being allowed to vote who want the next free thing.

Naturally everyone else does not like paying taxes.

So the two parties gives us the best of both worlds.

You are stuck in the belief that the Democrats are the only ones giving away freebies, and then you provided an example of the propaganda with which you were led to bleev this horseshit.

You just did exactly what your propagandists want you to do. You reinforced your own horseshit.

It's called confirmation bias, and you are heavily under its influence.

Social welfare doesn't even come close to approaching tax expenditure welfare. Not even in the same ballpark.

Yet you are well-trained to build up a froth over "Obamaphones". I don't recall you ever once posting the atrocity of a single tax expenditure, such as the MID which not only causes more debt, but also makes your house cost more!
As for those "Obamaphones", the pseudocons have been so dumbed down, they don't even realize their propagandists have gone dark about them, even though the program still exists and those phones are now Trumphones.

Obama didn't invent or create the program. Yet the tards were trained to bleev he had something to do with it.

These idiots DESERVE to be lied to and misled.

They BEG for it.
wages are not progressing; especially with no federal pay raise.
If wages are not progressing, demand is too low.

Do you see why we need to keep control of the job market?

Do you understand economics?
yes, i do. we simply need an Institutional upward pressure on wages. A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed, does that.
This is what your propagandists have trained you to do. To blame negroes for our debt and all our problems.

We fight that with topics like this one in the hopes you will finally wake up to the massive hoax being played on you.
It is a propaganda tool, but not fiction. Votes should never be for sale to minorities nor crony businessmen looking for a government hand out.

It's all the same.

These problems only occurred with regularity after the 16th Amendment.

Moochers follow the money. If our Federal Government had much less of it, these problems would go away. That's not a realistic option, but it is a reality.
The 16th Amendment has nothing to do with it, and I can prove that very easily.

Here: Sales Tax Exemptions Exist in Every State

Companies Get First Tariff Waivers, but Many More Are Left in Limbo

Disarray Plagues U.S. Companies’ Efforts to Win Tariff Exemptions
Social welfare doesn't even come close to approaching tax expenditure welfare. Not even in the same ballpark.
I don't like the phrase "tax expenditures welfare" because it insinuates that a citizen's earnings are government property.

Otherwise, I agree that tax policy has been abused to a criminal level to give cronies a reach-around and defraud the general public. Take a look at the effective tax rates of those making over $500,000 per year, and it's like the "progressive" tax does not even really exist.

Not that I support a progressive tax. Fuck that shit.

But it's a fraud. It's a lie.
So how does a democracy fight this exactly?

This is what your propagandists have trained you to do. To blame negroes for our debt and all our problems.

We fight that with topics like this one in the hopes you will finally wake up to the massive hoax being played on you.

This is not about race dolt. That is the propagandist crap you have fallen for.

It's about uneducated simple people being allowed to vote who want the next free thing.

Naturally everyone else does not like paying taxes.

So the two parties gives us the best of both worlds.

You are stuck in the belief that the Democrats are the only ones giving away freebies, and then you provided an example of the propaganda with which you were led to bleev this horseshit.

You just did exactly what your propagandists want you to do. You reinforced your own horseshit.

It's called confirmation bias, and you are heavily under its influence.

Social welfare doesn't even come close to approaching tax expenditure welfare. Not even in the same ballpark.

Yet you are well-trained to build up a froth over "Obamaphones". I don't recall you ever once posting the atrocity of a single tax expenditure, such as the MID which not only causes more debt, but also makes your house cost more!

I thought I already told you that the GOP also gives away free things, it just so happens that Dims have been at the heart of most of the massive entitlements, and they clamor for more. They just passed Obamacare and now say it's not good enough even though the ink is not dry on the legislation. They also want free college.

Now the GOP may give away free stuff as well, but nothing comparable to this.
Social welfare doesn't even come close to approaching tax expenditure welfare. Not even in the same ballpark.
I don't like the phrase "tax expenditures welfare" because it insinuates that a citizen's earnings are government property.

Otherwise, I agree that tax policy has been abused to a criminal level to give cronies a reach-around and defraud the general public. Take a look at the effective tax rates of those making over $500,000 per year, and it's like the "progressive" tax does not even really exist.

Not that I support a progressive tax. Fuck that shit.

But it's a fraud. It's a lie.

Essentially everything we have is subject to taxation, thus it is really government property

Keep in mind that this was not how it was set up. At the dawn of the 20th century the Federal income tax was shot down and declared unconstitutional by SCOTUS, so they just added it to the Constitution a few years later.

Keep in mind, that was when they actually gave a damn about what the Constitution actually said.
People seem to think it is the kind of taxes we have which are the problem. It isn't. The problem is exemptions, credits, and deductions.

We could eliminate the federal income tax today, and replace it with a national sales tax, and the day after that both parties would be putting exemptions in the national sales tax code.

Democrats would be exempting milk, Republicans would be exempting yachts. And their campaign coffers would be overflowing with donations from dairy farmers and yacht manufacturers and retailers.

After $1.4 trillion of exemptions were put in the national sales tax, what would have to happen to make up the difference in lost revenues?

You got it. We would have to raise the tax rate on EVERYONE and borrow money.

Just. Like. We. Do. Now.
yes, i do. we simply need an Institutional upward pressure on wages. A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed, does that.
And we need government to shoot all the cattle and burn all the grain, and force bakers to work a limited number of hours a week, and.....

You really don't understand economics if you are proposing an artificial fix. Your minimum wage proposal is like giving a cancer patient an aspirin or putting a band-aid on a gunshot wound. That simply treats one very insignificant symptom of the real problem.

The moment you force a $15 per hour minimum, how many people would be automatically unemployed?
People seem to think it is the kind of taxes we have which are the problem. It isn't. The problem is exemptions, credits, and deductions.

We could eliminate the federal income tax today, and replace it with a national sales tax, and the day after that both parties would be putting exemptions in the national sales tax code.

Democrats would be exempting milk, Republicans would be exempting yachts.

After $1.4 trillion of exemptions were put in the national sales tax, what would have to happen to make up the difference?

Exactly. We would have to raise the tax rate and borrow money.

Just. Like. We. Do. Now.

When you have a spending problem does it really matter?

It's like trying to legalize illegal aliens and not secure the border.

What we need it a control on spending, otherwise they will just spend the increased taxation.

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