When Is Pelosi Going to Impeach Trump?

Hey MORON Impeachment requires a trial in the Senate. Or can not you read the Constitution?

Then provide the section of the Constitution that states that. Why do you keep avoiding telling us what section it is in?
It is in the same section it has always been in moron. I can not help stupid, you obviously are beyond stupid.

Too bad you are too fucking stupid to know what section that is.

You are a Marine, you should be above parroting talking points.
"Wouldn’t it be reasonable to assume that Republicans in the Senate should handle the Impeachment Hoax in the exact same manner as Democrats in the House handled their recent partisan scam? Why would it be different for Republicans than it was for the Radical Left Democrats?" - President Trump
It is in the same section it has always been in moron. I can not help stupid, you obviously are beyond stupid.

Let me help you out, you clearly got in on an ASVAB waiver...

In exercising this power, the House and the Senate have distinct responsibilities, with the House determining whether to impeach and, if impeachment occurs, the Senate deciding whether to convict the person and remove him from office. The impeachment process formulated by the Constitution stems from a tool used by the English Parliament to hold accountable ministers of the Crown thought to be outside the control of the criminal courts. 2 This tool was adopted and somewhat modified by the American colonies and incorporated into state constitutions adopted before the federal Constitution was formed. 3

When bestowing on the House of Representatives the sole power of impeachment, 4 the Framers left to that body's discretion the important question of when impeachment proceedings are appropriate for treason, bribery, or other high crime and misdemeanor. 5 The Constitution also gives the House of Representatives general authority to structure the rules of its own proceedings, and this authority seems understood to extend to those proceedings concerning impeachment. 6
Hey stupid I guess your ignorance is so abounding you need help, check out article I section 3 you blazing retard.

Wrong section idiot...how embarrassing for you...

Article I, Section 2, Clause 5:
Hey stupid I guess your ignorance is so abounding you need help, check out article I section 3 you blazing retard.

We are talking about carrying a stack of papers a few hundred feet. That’s it. Done, over, Trump is impeached.
But nooooooo.... Democrats are terrified at what they’ve done and know the lid will be blown sky high if it goes to the Senate.

He is already impeached, that is a done deal. Nothing you say can change that. But it is ok, you will still have Christmas in 2 days and my wife will still get double time tomorrow thanks to our wonderful POTUS.
If the House votes to do anything it merely gets recorded into the Federal Register. Until the process is completed, that’s all it is. Just an asterisk in history.

House took vote on impeachment, Page 325, Paragraph 12.

Whatever helps you sleep at night little buddy!
Yes, the Constitution does help me sleep at night. Very peacefully.
We are talking about carrying a stack of papers a few hundred feet. That’s it. Done, over, Trump is impeached.
But nooooooo.... Democrats are terrified at what they’ve done and know the lid will be blown sky high if it goes to the Senate.

He is already impeached, that is a done deal. Nothing you say can change that. But it is ok, you will still have Christmas in 2 days and my wife will still get double time tomorrow thanks to our wonderful POTUS.
If the House votes to do anything it merely gets recorded into the Federal Register. Until the process is completed, that’s all it is. Just an asterisk in history.

House took vote on impeachment, Page 325, Paragraph 12.

Whatever helps you sleep at night little buddy!
Yes, the Constitution does help me sleep at night. Very peacefully.

You might try reading for once instead of using it as a pillow case.

Just a thought! :113:
Hey stupid I guess your ignorance is so abounding you need help, check out article I section 3 you blazing retard.

View attachment 296367
Article I section 3

6: The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.

7: Judgment in Cases of impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.

Good god you amaze me at how fucking stupid you really are. No trial no Impeachment dumb ass.
As it stands the partisan impeachment vote (and bi-partisan opposition to impeach) is merely an asterisk in the history books showing Democrats failed to follow through in the process and Trump was never impeached as required by the Constitution.

This Congress ends a year from now, which means the vote becomes meaningless. Democrats will not take back the Senate, best they can do is 50-50 with Pence casting the deciding vote.

And don’t give us the fair trial in the Senate BS. Pelosi already admitting they’ve been trying to impeach Trump for three years and this impeachment is about something that occurred a few months ago shows what a sham witch hunt this is.

Please quote the section of the Constitution that requires further action.
Why did you ask him to quote the section of the constitution? Magaman provided the quote several times, so what was your purpose in asking for it?
Hey stupid I guess your ignorance is so abounding you need help, check out article I section 3 you blazing retard.

Wrong section idiot...how embarrassing for you...

Article I, Section 2, Clause 5:
Even taking your position it’s meaningless.
And an embarrassment of the partisans behind it because they were too cowardly to continue the process.
Hey stupid I guess your ignorance is so abounding you need help, check out article I section 3 you blazing retard.

Wrong section idiot...how embarrassing for you...

Article I, Section 2, Clause 5:
Even taking your position it’s meaningless.
And an embarrassment of the partisans behind it because they were too cowardly to continue the process.

That much is true, so why this desperate need to spread lies?
Hey stupid I guess your ignorance is so abounding you need help, check out article I section 3 you blazing retard.

Wrong section idiot...how embarrassing for you...

Article I, Section 2, Clause 5:
Even taking your position it’s meaningless.
And an embarrassment of the partisans behind it because they were too cowardly to continue the process.

That much is true, so why this desperate need to spread lies?
Because Trump has not been impeached.
Hey stupid I guess your ignorance is so abounding you need help, check out article I section 3 you blazing retard.

View attachment 296367
Article I section 3

6: The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.

7: Judgment in Cases of impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.

Good god you amaze me at how fucking stupid you really are. No trial no Impeachment dumb ass.

What you just posted does not say trial no Impeachment, just that they try the impeachment. It is still an impeachment prior to the trial.

Nothing in there says anything about it not being an impeachment prior to the trial. You are just parroting talking points that you are too stupid to know are false.
Hey stupid I guess your ignorance is so abounding you need help, check out article I section 3 you blazing retard.

Wrong section idiot...how embarrassing for you...

Article I, Section 2, Clause 5:
Even taking your position it’s meaningless.
And an embarrassment of the partisans behind it because they were too cowardly to continue the process.

That much is true, so why this desperate need to spread lies?
Because Trump has not been impeached.

LOL a man charged with a crime that is never sent to the courts is in fact not charged at all. A president not tried for Impeachment is in fact not impeached.

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