“When law and religion conflict, choices have to be made.”

This judge is oppressing gays by refusing to marry them.I would also examine the decisions she has made in the past to see if she has actively discriminated against Gay defendants.

1. The Judge should marry them or refuse to marry anyone...

2. Muslims would kill Homosexuals and to claim Muslims are oppressed in America is total bull fucking shit!

When you write about a country you do not reside in make me wonder what the fuck is wrong with you?

I am not going to pretend that America does not have it fucking bigots within her borders and Trump is one of them but for you to sit there and write about how Muslims are oppressed is total nonsense on your part!

Muslims are allowed to worship as they please as long as it does not break any of our Federal, State and local laws and yes this country has laws!

So please stop with the bullshit about how Muslims are oppressed and no they should not be allow to practice or enforce their religious laws if it conflicts with this Country Constitution!
The stats tend to disprove your assertion.

FBI: Hate Crimes Are Down In the U.S.—But Not Against Muslims

The point here is that a populist gobshite has targeted a minority by telling lies and these are then taken up by the idiots in society. Trumps throw away misogyny has a body count.

Hate crimes happen daily in this country just like yours, but Muslims are not oppressed and are not prevented from worshiping their God. Because some nutter burn down a Mosque or burn a cross on someone lawn does not stop the Muslim from having the right to worship.

Now I am betting you believe it is a hate crime to prevent them from imposing their religion onto me and I should be forced to accept Sharia Law, right?

If so then fuck off because your religious right end at your home, Mosque, Church and Temple and has no business in the U.S. Government and before you write I never write this about Christians, well you would be incorrect like usual!

The U.S. Government does not oppress the Muslim population and you using hate crime statistics to support your view would be like me pointing out hate crime in your country and then claiming your country oppresses Muslims!
There are problems with this in the UK as well. The actions of some extremists have turned people against the largely peaceful muslim populations. In this they have been whipped up by racist trash like Trump.
Decent people have to oppose this. The alternative is too horrific to contemplate.
Trump is whipping up hatred in the UK?

My suggestion to you is to confine your outrage to you and yours.

The xenophobic trash like you are constantly whipping up outrage against a mostly peaceful American population.

We decent people oppose this, and yes, your alternative is too horrific to contemplate.

Oh! The horror. The fear.

Muslims are rounded up in America and hung from cranes, stoned in the streets and are having their throats slit with scimitars.

They are crucified and thrown from buildings. Americans are igniting IED's in Muslim communities.

Americans are evil. It is so shocking. Muslims lined up, tied up, blindfolded, forced to their knees and shot by the NRA and their xenophobic supporters.

Shocking! It's horrible. It's so dark. So dark, it's dark.

A once great nation in decline. President Trump has taken us over the edge.

So dark. So, so dark.

Whitey is to blame. Whitey is killing the brownies.

So, so dark. It's dark Tommy. So dark. Americans are evil.

Their mosques are burned to the ground and their history is destroyed and erased by those evil Americans.

Americans are raping the daughters of Muslims, forcing their families to view this horrible atrocity.

Americans must be destroyed. Eliminated from the planet.
I am guessing that you are off the meds today.
Do you support social welfare? Obamacare? Abortion? Same sex marriage?
Are you saying that this Judge should be able to promote her religious beliefs over the law ?

That sorta sounds like Sharia to me.

Are you saying people should be able to refuse to obey the law if they don't like it.
If you dont like the law then you should vote in those who will change it to your satisfaction. There are many laws that are unpopular, the answer is to change the law not sulk like a child.

If you don't agree with a law, should you be able to break it and not suffer the consequences of doing so?
There is a democratic route to getting laws changed. I am not saying you can never break a law you dont like but on the whole you should obey the laws of the land.
So you are against illegal foreigners taking up residence in this country and demanding free shit?
1. The Judge should marry them or refuse to marry anyone...

2. Muslims would kill Homosexuals and to claim Muslims are oppressed in America is total bull fucking shit!

When you write about a country you do not reside in make me wonder what the fuck is wrong with you?

I am not going to pretend that America does not have it fucking bigots within her borders and Trump is one of them but for you to sit there and write about how Muslims are oppressed is total nonsense on your part!

Muslims are allowed to worship as they please as long as it does not break any of our Federal, State and local laws and yes this country has laws!

So please stop with the bullshit about how Muslims are oppressed and no they should not be allow to practice or enforce their religious laws if it conflicts with this Country Constitution!
The stats tend to disprove your assertion.

FBI: Hate Crimes Are Down In the U.S.—But Not Against Muslims

The point here is that a populist gobshite has targeted a minority by telling lies and these are then taken up by the idiots in society. Trumps throw away misogyny has a body count.

Hate crimes happen daily in this country just like yours, but Muslims are not oppressed and are not prevented from worshiping their God. Because some nutter burn down a Mosque or burn a cross on someone lawn does not stop the Muslim from having the right to worship.

Now I am betting you believe it is a hate crime to prevent them from imposing their religion onto me and I should be forced to accept Sharia Law, right?

If so then fuck off because your religious right end at your home, Mosque, Church and Temple and has no business in the U.S. Government and before you write I never write this about Christians, well you would be incorrect like usual!

The U.S. Government does not oppress the Muslim population and you using hate crime statistics to support your view would be like me pointing out hate crime in your country and then claiming your country oppresses Muslims!
There are problems with this in the UK as well. The actions of some extremists have turned people against the largely peaceful muslim populations. In this they have been whipped up by racist trash like Trump.
Decent people have to oppose this. The alternative is too horrific to contemplate.
Trump is whipping up hatred in the UK?

My suggestion to you is to confine your outrage to you and yours.

The xenophobic trash like you are constantly whipping up outrage against a mostly peaceful American population.

We decent people oppose this, and yes, your alternative is too horrific to contemplate.

Oh! The horror. The fear.

Muslims are rounded up in America and hung from cranes, stoned in the streets and are having their throats slit with scimitars.

They are crucified and thrown from buildings. Americans are igniting IED's in Muslim communities.

Americans are evil. It is so shocking. Muslims lined up, tied up, blindfolded, forced to their knees and shot by the NRA and their xenophobic supporters.

Shocking! It's horrible. It's so dark. So dark, it's dark.

A once great nation in decline. President Trump has taken us over the edge.

So dark. So, so dark.

Whitey is to blame. Whitey is killing the brownies.

So, so dark. It's dark Tommy. So dark. Americans are evil.

Their mosques are burned to the ground and their history is destroyed and erased by those evil Americans.

Americans are raping the daughters of Muslims, forcing their families to view this horrible atrocity.

Americans must be destroyed. Eliminated from the planet.
I am guessing that you are off the meds today.
I am guessing that this is what you sound like with your bullshit.

Unlike you Slick. I don't need medication.

It is referred to as " hyperbole."

Something that you are well versed in.
Fetuses. Let me guess, you're a middle-aged or elderly white male steeped in religion and believe your specific religious beliefs should be forced upon all, regardless of their religious or non-religious beliefs. I'm all for hindering late-term abortions, unless it threatens the mother's life; on the other hand, while it's still just a clump of cells (living or not), it's not in a state of being a sentient. To say otherwise would be to say that every cell in your body is a sentient being and in that case, allowing blood to be drawn would be the equivalent of murder to each of those living red-blood cells, white-blood cells, et cetera. The only individual with the right to make the choice to have a baby is the one who would be carrying it for nine months; not some middle-aged or elderly guy spouting his religious crap.
I never used the word sentient, and all of your assumptions are false. Tell me, would you like if you were aborted? I kinda like living.

Seems to me, in most cases, the choice to have a baby coincides with the choice to keep your legs closed.
That last statement clearly shows that you place the blame and responsibility on the woman, rather than on the aggressive males that coax and push them into sex. The males are the physically stronger and are almost always the ones to push for sex. Your pushing the responsibility on the woman shows your knuckle-dragging misogynist mentality.
If I had been aborted, that would have been my parents decision and I would have not existed to know either way. No big deal.
Had you been aborted, that would be your parent's decision what to do with you, a separate person.

Your twisting of my words only shows you're incapable of proper debate. I specifically said "in most cases". If a woman is forced into sex, it's called rape. The fact is, outside of rape, it's the woman's decision. A woman can allow herself to be talked/coaxed into it, but that still takes her relenting. If a woman gets herself drunk, that's her own fault also. Impairing one's senses is a decision one makes for themselves. When someone takes an action, they are accepting the consequences of said action, and if you're not prepared for those consequences, it's on you. Aborting a child is forcing someone else to take the consequences of your actions upon themselves.

In other words, it takes two to tango.
It's still ultimately the MALE's fault.
Are you implying that all sex is rape, and that all men force sex from their wives?
That's your choice. I'm pro choice. If you feel the seed in my womb is a life your free to feel that way but I'm free to disagree and it's my body so you'll never win the argument even if I'm personally pro life.

You aren't pro life you're anti choice
It's not anti-choice if I'm supporting the choice of the child, and its constitutional right to life. It's also factually a life, as the child is living at the moment of conception. Sperm have a life, and assuming it suddenly doesn't after combining with the egg is outright silly.

1. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Thomas Jefferson.

a. And based on the above, every conservative is pro-life.
But that was written by slave owners and so is prime hypocrisy.

I would disagree with you on that.

Thomas Jefferson never once promoted slavery, and actively worked on legislation to end the slave trade, and the institution of slavery, and promoted the end of slavery in writings and speaking, to the very end of his life.

Moreover, Jefferson never once purchased a slave. Not once. Jefferson ended up with slaves as the result of an inheritance given to him by his father, and an inheritance through his wife's father.

Jefferson supported the education of slave children to hold private employment, and freed several of his slaves who had the skills to be employed.

There were two things that held Jefferson off from freeing all his slaves.

First, not all slaves had the ability to work outside slavery, and without them being slaves no one would hire them.

If you free a person who has absolutely no skills and no abilities other than working a plantation, who is going to hire them? Why would a slave owning plantation owners, hire a person with no greater skills than his existing slaves, and yet they would have to pay them? Well they wouldn't.

Setting the slaves with no hope of employment, and no money to buy land, is practically sentencing them to death. This is why Jefferson was willing to train slave children in employable skills, and set slaves already with employable skills free.

Secondly, and this is the crucial flaw with Jefferson, he spent money like a typical democrat today. Jefferson was up to his eye balls in debt.

This caused two problems.

First his plantations which were only profitable with slave labor, would likely cease to be profitable, if he freed his slaves and was forced to hire workers. Jefferson simply couldn't do that, without ending up in bankruptcy.

Second, Jefferson's creditors had liens on his assets.... which unfortunately included his slaves.

He couldn't free his slaves, while he owed money. And when he died, many of his slaves were sold to pay his debts.

So while his democrat incompetence with money, a trait that has stayed with the Democrats to this day, ruined his ability to free all his slaves... he wasn't intentional, nor a violation of his overall principals.

In fact, one of the reasons he kept pushing for legislation to abolish slavery, was that if other plantations were forced to pay for hired employees, then he could free his slaves and pay them as well, and be competitive with other plantations. He couldn't do that, under the then current policies.
So he was a slaver who felt bad about it. OK.

So would you liken him to the 1%ers who want to raise the tax on the rich? You know those guys that say they should be made to pay more but when it comes time to pay their taxes they take every deduction they can and pay a very low percentage and then whine that their secretary pays a higher percent?

When all they have to do is voluntarily pay more.
If you're not willing to have a child, you shouldn't be sleeping around.
Who are you? Talk about big government controlling our lives.

And your punishment is to force them to have a human they can't afford and don't want
They can put it up for adoption. You know, or just don't sleep around.

It's not controlling their lives if it's just preventing murder. Nobody has a right to infringe on the rights of others.

But it is the view of Leftists....Liberals/Democrats.....that human beings are no different from lower animals, and, thus, have the same lack of morality.
We are more moral than you when it comes to living humans. You only care about the fetus not the baby and that's why you aren't convincing anyone of your morality

I am so very heartened to see that this post deeply wounded you.

But it is the view of Leftists....Liberals/Democrats.....that human beings are no different from lower animals, and, thus, have the same lack of morality.

In the words of Thomas Hardy,
“Thou suffering thing,
Know that thy sorrow is my ecstasy,
That thy love's loss is my hate's profiting!”

I have every intention of using truth to sorely wound you again.

It is true. I actually feel more sorry for one of these turtles than I do a fetus that gets aborted. You see, these turtles hatched out of their eggs and they were alive and just before they made it to the ocean, most of them got eaten by birds. I wonder if they were afraid? I wonder if they wondered what the fuck was happening when they went from 5 feet away from the water to flying in a birds claws. I get the feeling they may have been afraid or maybe they

Sorry, I got to go to lunch.
Who are you? Talk about big government controlling our lives.

And your punishment is to force them to have a human they can't afford and don't want
They can put it up for adoption. You know, or just don't sleep around.

It's not controlling their lives if it's just preventing murder. Nobody has a right to infringe on the rights of others.

But it is the view of Leftists....Liberals/Democrats.....that human beings are no different from lower animals, and, thus, have the same lack of morality.
We are more moral than you when it comes to living humans. You only care about the fetus not the baby and that's why you aren't convincing anyone of your morality

I am so very heartened to see that this post deeply wounded you.

But it is the view of Leftists....Liberals/Democrats.....that human beings are no different from lower animals, and, thus, have the same lack of morality.

In the words of Thomas Hardy,
“Thou suffering thing,
Know that thy sorrow is my ecstasy,
That thy love's loss is my hate's profiting!”

I have every intention of using truth to sorely wound you again.

It is true. I actually feel more sorry for one of these turtles than I do a fetus that gets aborted. You see, these turtles hatched out of their eggs and they were alive and just before they made it to the ocean, most of them got eaten by birds. I wonder if they were afraid? I wonder if they wondered what the fuck was happening when they went from 5 feet away from the water to flying in a birds claws. I get the feeling they may have been afraid or maybe they

Sorry, I got to go to lunch.
You quickly forgot that I pointed out the "fetus" is indeed alive. The sperm cell is alive, of course the "fetus" is alive. Not very good at retaining information, are you?
They can put it up for adoption. You know, or just don't sleep around.

It's not controlling their lives if it's just preventing murder. Nobody has a right to infringe on the rights of others.

But it is the view of Leftists....Liberals/Democrats.....that human beings are no different from lower animals, and, thus, have the same lack of morality.
We are more moral than you when it comes to living humans. You only care about the fetus not the baby and that's why you aren't convincing anyone of your morality

I am so very heartened to see that this post deeply wounded you.

But it is the view of Leftists....Liberals/Democrats.....that human beings are no different from lower animals, and, thus, have the same lack of morality.

In the words of Thomas Hardy,
“Thou suffering thing,
Know that thy sorrow is my ecstasy,
That thy love's loss is my hate's profiting!”

I have every intention of using truth to sorely wound you again.

It is true. I actually feel more sorry for one of these turtles than I do a fetus that gets aborted. You see, these turtles hatched out of their eggs and they were alive and just before they made it to the ocean, most of them got eaten by birds. I wonder if they were afraid? I wonder if they wondered what the fuck was happening when they went from 5 feet away from the water to flying in a birds claws. I get the feeling they may have been afraid or maybe they

Sorry, I got to go to lunch.
You quickly forgot that I pointed out the "fetus" is indeed alive. The sperm cell is alive, of course the "fetus" is alive. Not very good at retaining information, are you?

He already has stated that life begins at conception.
They can put it up for adoption. You know, or just don't sleep around.

It's not controlling their lives if it's just preventing murder. Nobody has a right to infringe on the rights of others.

But it is the view of Leftists....Liberals/Democrats.....that human beings are no different from lower animals, and, thus, have the same lack of morality.
We are more moral than you when it comes to living humans. You only care about the fetus not the baby and that's why you aren't convincing anyone of your morality

I am so very heartened to see that this post deeply wounded you.

But it is the view of Leftists....Liberals/Democrats.....that human beings are no different from lower animals, and, thus, have the same lack of morality.

In the words of Thomas Hardy,
“Thou suffering thing,
Know that thy sorrow is my ecstasy,
That thy love's loss is my hate's profiting!”

I have every intention of using truth to sorely wound you again.

It is true. I actually feel more sorry for one of these turtles than I do a fetus that gets aborted. You see, these turtles hatched out of their eggs and they were alive and just before they made it to the ocean, most of them got eaten by birds. I wonder if they were afraid? I wonder if they wondered what the fuck was happening when they went from 5 feet away from the water to flying in a birds claws. I get the feeling they may have been afraid or maybe they

Sorry, I got to go to lunch.
You quickly forgot that I pointed out the "fetus" is indeed alive. The sperm cell is alive, of course the "fetus" is alive. Not very good at retaining information, are you?
Do you know how many sperm die in my sock every night?
But it is the view of Leftists....Liberals/Democrats.....that human beings are no different from lower animals, and, thus, have the same lack of morality.
We are more moral than you when it comes to living humans. You only care about the fetus not the baby and that's why you aren't convincing anyone of your morality

I am so very heartened to see that this post deeply wounded you.

But it is the view of Leftists....Liberals/Democrats.....that human beings are no different from lower animals, and, thus, have the same lack of morality.

In the words of Thomas Hardy,
“Thou suffering thing,
Know that thy sorrow is my ecstasy,
That thy love's loss is my hate's profiting!”

I have every intention of using truth to sorely wound you again.

It is true. I actually feel more sorry for one of these turtles than I do a fetus that gets aborted. You see, these turtles hatched out of their eggs and they were alive and just before they made it to the ocean, most of them got eaten by birds. I wonder if they were afraid? I wonder if they wondered what the fuck was happening when they went from 5 feet away from the water to flying in a birds claws. I get the feeling they may have been afraid or maybe they

Sorry, I got to go to lunch.
You quickly forgot that I pointed out the "fetus" is indeed alive. The sperm cell is alive, of course the "fetus" is alive. Not very good at retaining information, are you?

He already has stated that life begins at conception.
Of course it does. But I'm sure you understand the difference between cracking or boiling an egg and cutting a chickens head off.
This judge is oppressing gays by refusing to marry them.I would also examine the decisions she has made in the past to see if she has actively discriminated against Gay defendants.

1. The Judge should marry them or refuse to marry anyone...

2. Muslims would kill Homosexuals and to claim Muslims are oppressed in America is total bull fucking shit!

When you write about a country you do not reside in make me wonder what the fuck is wrong with you?

I am not going to pretend that America does not have it fucking bigots within her borders and Trump is one of them but for you to sit there and write about how Muslims are oppressed is total nonsense on your part!

Muslims are allowed to worship as they please as long as it does not break any of our Federal, State and local laws and yes this country has laws!

So please stop with the bullshit about how Muslims are oppressed and no they should not be allow to practice or enforce their religious laws if it conflicts with this Country Constitution!
The stats tend to disprove your assertion.

FBI: Hate Crimes Are Down In the U.S.—But Not Against Muslims

The point here is that a populist gobshite has targeted a minority by telling lies and these are then taken up by the idiots in society. Trumps throw away misogyny has a body count.

Hate crimes happen daily in this country just like yours, but Muslims are not oppressed and are not prevented from worshiping their God. Because some nutter burn down a Mosque or burn a cross on someone lawn does not stop the Muslim from having the right to worship.

Now I am betting you believe it is a hate crime to prevent them from imposing their religion onto me and I should be forced to accept Sharia Law, right?

If so then fuck off because your religious right end at your home, Mosque, Church and Temple and has no business in the U.S. Government and before you write I never write this about Christians, well you would be incorrect like usual!

The U.S. Government does not oppress the Muslim population and you using hate crime statistics to support your view would be like me pointing out hate crime in your country and then claiming your country oppresses Muslims!
There are problems with this in the UK as well. The actions of some extremists have turned people against the largely peaceful muslim populations. In this they have been whipped up by racist trash like Trump.
Decent people have to oppose this. The alternative is too horrific to contemplate.
Trump is whipping up hatred in the UK?

My suggestion to you is to confine your outrage to you and yours.

The xenophobic trash like you are constantly whipping up outrage against a mostly peaceful American population.

We decent people oppose this, and yes, your alternative is too horrific to contemplate.

Oh! The horror. The fear.

Muslims are rounded up in America and hung from cranes, stoned in the streets and are having their throats slit with scimitars.

They are crucified and thrown from buildings. Americans are igniting IED's in Muslim communities.

Americans are evil. It is so shocking. Muslims lined up, tied up, blindfolded, forced to their knees and shot by the NRA and their xenophobic supporters.

Shocking! It's horrible. It's so dark. So dark, it's dark.

A once great nation in decline. President Trump has taken us over the edge.

So dark. So, so dark.

Whitey is to blame. Whitey is killing the brownies.

So, so dark. It's dark Tommy. So dark. Americans are evil.

Their mosques are burned to the ground and their history is destroyed and erased by those evil Americans.

Americans are raping the daughters of Muslims, forcing their families to view this horrible atrocity.

Americans must be destroyed. Eliminated from the planet.
You forgot dissolving them in vats of acid. Oh and the latest - boiling them alive. Evil Americans!
1. The Judge should marry them or refuse to marry anyone...

2. Muslims would kill Homosexuals and to claim Muslims are oppressed in America is total bull fucking shit!

When you write about a country you do not reside in make me wonder what the fuck is wrong with you?

I am not going to pretend that America does not have it fucking bigots within her borders and Trump is one of them but for you to sit there and write about how Muslims are oppressed is total nonsense on your part!

Muslims are allowed to worship as they please as long as it does not break any of our Federal, State and local laws and yes this country has laws!

So please stop with the bullshit about how Muslims are oppressed and no they should not be allow to practice or enforce their religious laws if it conflicts with this Country Constitution!
The stats tend to disprove your assertion.

FBI: Hate Crimes Are Down In the U.S.—But Not Against Muslims

The point here is that a populist gobshite has targeted a minority by telling lies and these are then taken up by the idiots in society. Trumps throw away misogyny has a body count.

Hate crimes happen daily in this country just like yours, but Muslims are not oppressed and are not prevented from worshiping their God. Because some nutter burn down a Mosque or burn a cross on someone lawn does not stop the Muslim from having the right to worship.

Now I am betting you believe it is a hate crime to prevent them from imposing their religion onto me and I should be forced to accept Sharia Law, right?

If so then fuck off because your religious right end at your home, Mosque, Church and Temple and has no business in the U.S. Government and before you write I never write this about Christians, well you would be incorrect like usual!

The U.S. Government does not oppress the Muslim population and you using hate crime statistics to support your view would be like me pointing out hate crime in your country and then claiming your country oppresses Muslims!
There are problems with this in the UK as well. The actions of some extremists have turned people against the largely peaceful muslim populations. In this they have been whipped up by racist trash like Trump.
Decent people have to oppose this. The alternative is too horrific to contemplate.
Trump is whipping up hatred in the UK?

My suggestion to you is to confine your outrage to you and yours.

The xenophobic trash like you are constantly whipping up outrage against a mostly peaceful American population.

We decent people oppose this, and yes, your alternative is too horrific to contemplate.

Oh! The horror. The fear.

Muslims are rounded up in America and hung from cranes, stoned in the streets and are having their throats slit with scimitars.

They are crucified and thrown from buildings. Americans are igniting IED's in Muslim communities.

Americans are evil. It is so shocking. Muslims lined up, tied up, blindfolded, forced to their knees and shot by the NRA and their xenophobic supporters.

Shocking! It's horrible. It's so dark. So dark, it's dark.

A once great nation in decline. President Trump has taken us over the edge.

So dark. So, so dark.

Whitey is to blame. Whitey is killing the brownies.

So, so dark. It's dark Tommy. So dark. Americans are evil.

Their mosques are burned to the ground and their history is destroyed and erased by those evil Americans.

Americans are raping the daughters of Muslims, forcing their families to view this horrible atrocity.

Americans must be destroyed. Eliminated from the planet.
You forgot dissolving them in vats of acid. Oh and the latest - boiling them alive. Evil Americans!
My apologies. Forgive me.

The AMERICANS are throwing Muslims in vats of acid. No one is safe.

Run! Run! Hide from America.

There you go Tilly.

Is that better?
We are more moral than you when it comes to living humans. You only care about the fetus not the baby and that's why you aren't convincing anyone of your morality

I am so very heartened to see that this post deeply wounded you.

But it is the view of Leftists....Liberals/Democrats.....that human beings are no different from lower animals, and, thus, have the same lack of morality.

In the words of Thomas Hardy,
“Thou suffering thing,
Know that thy sorrow is my ecstasy,
That thy love's loss is my hate's profiting!”

I have every intention of using truth to sorely wound you again.

It is true. I actually feel more sorry for one of these turtles than I do a fetus that gets aborted. You see, these turtles hatched out of their eggs and they were alive and just before they made it to the ocean, most of them got eaten by birds. I wonder if they were afraid? I wonder if they wondered what the fuck was happening when they went from 5 feet away from the water to flying in a birds claws. I get the feeling they may have been afraid or maybe they

Sorry, I got to go to lunch.
You quickly forgot that I pointed out the "fetus" is indeed alive. The sperm cell is alive, of course the "fetus" is alive. Not very good at retaining information, are you?

He already has stated that life begins at conception.
Of course it does. But I'm sure you understand the difference between cracking or boiling an egg and cutting a chickens head off.

What does a chicken have to do with anything? We are talking about humans and human life, not animal life.
I am so very heartened to see that this post deeply wounded you.

But it is the view of Leftists....Liberals/Democrats.....that human beings are no different from lower animals, and, thus, have the same lack of morality.

In the words of Thomas Hardy,
“Thou suffering thing,
Know that thy sorrow is my ecstasy,
That thy love's loss is my hate's profiting!”

I have every intention of using truth to sorely wound you again.

It is true. I actually feel more sorry for one of these turtles than I do a fetus that gets aborted. You see, these turtles hatched out of their eggs and they were alive and just before they made it to the ocean, most of them got eaten by birds. I wonder if they were afraid? I wonder if they wondered what the fuck was happening when they went from 5 feet away from the water to flying in a birds claws. I get the feeling they may have been afraid or maybe they

Sorry, I got to go to lunch.
You quickly forgot that I pointed out the "fetus" is indeed alive. The sperm cell is alive, of course the "fetus" is alive. Not very good at retaining information, are you?

He already has stated that life begins at conception.
Of course it does. But I'm sure you understand the difference between cracking or boiling an egg and cutting a chickens head off.

What does a chicken have to do with anything? We are talking about humans and human life, not animal life.
Do you know the difference between yoke and a chicken? I don't feel bad scrambling eggs but don't want to kill a chicken.
It is true. I actually feel more sorry for one of these turtles than I do a fetus that gets aborted. You see, these turtles hatched out of their eggs and they were alive and just before they made it to the ocean, most of them got eaten by birds. I wonder if they were afraid? I wonder if they wondered what the fuck was happening when they went from 5 feet away from the water to flying in a birds claws. I get the feeling they may have been afraid or maybe they

Sorry, I got to go to lunch.
You quickly forgot that I pointed out the "fetus" is indeed alive. The sperm cell is alive, of course the "fetus" is alive. Not very good at retaining information, are you?

He already has stated that life begins at conception.
Of course it does. But I'm sure you understand the difference between cracking or boiling an egg and cutting a chickens head off.

What does a chicken have to do with anything? We are talking about humans and human life, not animal life.
Do you know the difference between yoke and a chicken? I don't feel bad scrambling eggs but don't want to kill a chicken.

But you eat chicken, that is because they are an animal. So it is okay to eat humans?

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But it is the view of Leftists....Liberals/Democrats.....that human beings are no different from lower animals, and, thus, have the same lack of morality.
We are more moral than you when it comes to living humans. You only care about the fetus not the baby and that's why you aren't convincing anyone of your morality

I am so very heartened to see that this post deeply wounded you.

But it is the view of Leftists....Liberals/Democrats.....that human beings are no different from lower animals, and, thus, have the same lack of morality.

In the words of Thomas Hardy,
“Thou suffering thing,
Know that thy sorrow is my ecstasy,
That thy love's loss is my hate's profiting!”

I have every intention of using truth to sorely wound you again.

It is true. I actually feel more sorry for one of these turtles than I do a fetus that gets aborted. You see, these turtles hatched out of their eggs and they were alive and just before they made it to the ocean, most of them got eaten by birds. I wonder if they were afraid? I wonder if they wondered what the fuck was happening when they went from 5 feet away from the water to flying in a birds claws. I get the feeling they may have been afraid or maybe they

Sorry, I got to go to lunch.
You quickly forgot that I pointed out the "fetus" is indeed alive. The sperm cell is alive, of course the "fetus" is alive. Not very good at retaining information, are you?
Do you know how many sperm die in my sock every night?
Thankfully, no. I also know, however, that sperm aren't a stage of human development, because they have no future without combining with the egg. This is not a logical comparison.
You quickly forgot that I pointed out the "fetus" is indeed alive. The sperm cell is alive, of course the "fetus" is alive. Not very good at retaining information, are you?

He already has stated that life begins at conception.
Of course it does. But I'm sure you understand the difference between cracking or boiling an egg and cutting a chickens head off.

What does a chicken have to do with anything? We are talking about humans and human life, not animal life.
Do you know the difference between yoke and a chicken? I don't feel bad scrambling eggs but don't want to kill a chicken.

But you eat chicken, that is because they are an animal. So it is okay to eat humans?

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I think you get my point.

Life is not so precious that a woman who gets pregnant has to give birth because you think it is. Just nonsense no matter what you say
We are more moral than you when it comes to living humans. You only care about the fetus not the baby and that's why you aren't convincing anyone of your morality

I am so very heartened to see that this post deeply wounded you.

But it is the view of Leftists....Liberals/Democrats.....that human beings are no different from lower animals, and, thus, have the same lack of morality.

In the words of Thomas Hardy,
“Thou suffering thing,
Know that thy sorrow is my ecstasy,
That thy love's loss is my hate's profiting!”

I have every intention of using truth to sorely wound you again.

It is true. I actually feel more sorry for one of these turtles than I do a fetus that gets aborted. You see, these turtles hatched out of their eggs and they were alive and just before they made it to the ocean, most of them got eaten by birds. I wonder if they were afraid? I wonder if they wondered what the fuck was happening when they went from 5 feet away from the water to flying in a birds claws. I get the feeling they may have been afraid or maybe they

Sorry, I got to go to lunch.
You quickly forgot that I pointed out the "fetus" is indeed alive. The sperm cell is alive, of course the "fetus" is alive. Not very good at retaining information, are you?
Do you know how many sperm die in my sock every night?
Thankfully, no. I also know, however, that sperm aren't a stage of human development, because they have no future without combining with the egg. This is not a logical comparison.
I find it strange you care so deeply for this fetalized egg but you don't give a fuck about starving babies. If you did there wouldn't be any starving babies. Or orphans. Too many orphans for me to believe you value actual living life.

And really we are just animals. What else are we?

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