When will Trump be Held Accountable for Molesting 12 Women

None of the 12 women said it was consensual. Not one. Funny you don’t know this.

So now you’re jumping back to the 12 accusers with no evidence.
So now you’re jumping away from 12 women’s testimony as NOT being evidence.
In a court of law all that would be needed is one or two but the statute of limitations is up and the serial sex offender skates away again.

In other words there is no evidence of their accusations.

And the Donald never admitted to “molesting” anyone.

Thanks for playing.
Sped keeps ignoring that a woman’s testimony against their stacker IS evidence.
And many a perp have been put away with that evidence.

And how many of these women testified in a court of law under oath?

Yea....thought so.
They explained why they came out when they did.
I bet Fox didn’t cover it did they.
When will Trump be Held Accountable for Molesting 12 Women...

Thanks for admitting you think it’s cool that the orange anus got away with assaulting women.
This is why you’re called deplorables
remind me what you are for defending bill clinton on rape charges?
Provide the thread or post where I defended BC on any sexual things
You’re a liar.
We both know that.
so you admit that bill clinton raped 4 women and anyone that defended him is as bad as he was INCLUDING his wife hillary?
So after I just proved you to be a liar...you create an even bigger lie that I admitted something I didn’t.
You are one desperate hombre.... Its exactly what we expect from a serial sex offender supporter.
None of the 12 women said it was consensual. Not one. Funny you don’t know this.

So now you’re jumping back to the 12 accusers with no evidence.
So now you’re jumping away from 12 women’s testimony as NOT being evidence.
In a court of law all that would be needed is one or two but the statute of limitations is up and the serial sex offender skates away again.

In other words there is no evidence of their accusations.

And the Donald never admitted to “molesting” anyone.

Thanks for playing.
Sped keeps ignoring that a woman’s testimony against their stacker IS evidence.
And many a perp have been put away with that evidence.

And how many of these women testified in a court of law under oath?

Yea....thought so.

..and why are there no accusations being made against him now? With people claiming every day that "so and so sexually abused me", why aren't we hearing the same about Trump?

Given the current climate, one would expect to see more women claiming Trump abused them. But we're not.
So after I just proved you to be a liar...you create an even bigger lie that I admitted something I didn’t.
You are one desperate hombre
You couldn't prove your way out of a wet paper bag...geeze what an inflated view you have of your intelligence level.
Why is it that the dumbest people think they are the wisest people? LMFAO
So after I just proved you to be a liar...you create an even bigger lie that I admitted something I didn’t.
You are one desperate hombre
You couldn't prove your way out of a wet paper bag...geeze what an inflated view you have of your intelligence level.
Why is it that the dumbest people think they are the wisest people? LMFAO
Way to run away from the OP that you can’t defend..
So now you’re jumping back to the 12 accusers with no evidence.
So now you’re jumping away from 12 women’s testimony as NOT being evidence.
In a court of law all that would be needed is one or two but the statute of limitations is up and the serial sex offender skates away again.

In other words there is no evidence of their accusations.

And the Donald never admitted to “molesting” anyone.

Thanks for playing.
Sped keeps ignoring that a woman’s testimony against their stacker IS evidence.
And many a perp have been put away with that evidence.

And how many of these women testified in a court of law under oath?

Yea....thought so.

..and why are there no accusations being made against him now? With people claiming every day that "so and so sexually abused me", why aren't we hearing the same about Trump?

Given the current climate, one would expect to see more women claiming Trump abused them. But we're not.

Because the DNC is low on cash.

DNC's fundraising woes continue with worst October in 15 years - CNNPolitics

Don’t worry, once big daddy Soros makes another deposit or when the Chinese wire hundreds of millions through fake small donations, the DNC will rustle up some new accusers.
Unless there are charges filed, he will not be held accountable for any wrongdoing. You have to be CHARGED with a crime first. What you want is for him to be impeached, but that is most likely not going to happen.

So after I just proved you to be a liar...you create an even bigger lie that I admitted something I didn’t.
You are one desperate hombre
You couldn't prove your way out of a wet paper bag...geeze what an inflated view you have of your intelligence level.
Why is it that the dumbest people think they are the wisest people? LMFAO
So when r u going to provide the evidence that Moore doesn’t still believe gays should be put in prison, coward.
You ran away in the other thread and you’ll run away again.
I have no doubt that some women will do anything to be with a billionaire, to include letting them grab their pussy.

There is no shortage of women that would whore out their own daughter if it meant they could become financially attached to some rich guy. LOL.
Thanks for admitting you have such a low ooinion of women. Just like your pussygrabber.

The pussygrabber is PRESIDENT:banana:
I provided the quote 4 times in this thread.
You really are retarded..

Bullshit. You're a liar. Where did Trump say he grabbed a woman by the pussy. Like I said, cue the k*nt act.
Sped can’t read. Thanks for proving who the CUNTT really is.
So now you’re jumping away from 12 women’s testimony as NOT being evidence.
In a court of law all that would be needed is one or two but the statute of limitations is up and the serial sex offender skates away again.

In other words there is no evidence of their accusations.

And the Donald never admitted to “molesting” anyone.

Thanks for playing.
Sped keeps ignoring that a woman’s testimony against their stacker IS evidence.
And many a perp have been put away with that evidence.

And how many of these women testified in a court of law under oath?

Yea....thought so.

..and why are there no accusations being made against him now? With people claiming every day that "so and so sexually abused me", why aren't we hearing the same about Trump?

Given the current climate, one would expect to see more women claiming Trump abused them. But we're not.

Because the DNC is low on cash.

DNC's fundraising woes continue with worst October in 15 years - CNNPolitics

Don’t worry, once big daddy Soros makes another deposit or when the Chinese wire hundreds of millions through fake small donations, the DNC will rustle up some new accusers.

Well maybe they shouldn't have spent so much on phony dossiers, protests, "Correct The Record" internet shills, and anti-Trump propaganda.
So when r u going to provide the evidence that Moore doesn’t still believe gays should be put in prison, coward.
You ran away in the other thread and you’ll run away again
Hey you said he said they should be killed...which is it?
You know what? I don't really care what Moore thinks about gays, I care about the direction of our nation and the direction Obama, Pelosi and Reid had us in was frightening as hell. Moore as a Senator can not jail or kill gays legally so take a :chillpill: retard...

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