Zone1 Where does it say in the Bible only adults can be baptized?

I'm sorry but that's not the way discussion / debate works. If you think what I said is wrong, then SHOW how it is wrong. Refute it, not just by saying "you're wrong" but by explaining why you think it is wrong,
No, I'm not going to do that. That's because ALL my posts refute protestantism, yet protestants are obstinate as hell and never listen. I am not going to waste more time. If you want to know what I think, you can read my words. If you want to know what the Catholic Church teaches, you can contact the Sedevacantists. Maybe you will be more open to them thn you are to me
there is repetitious prayer and there is VAIN repetitious prayer.

Is it vain to say God's name over and over? Is it vain to focus on the life of Christ as the rosary directs our minds to do as we pray through the beads?

Not all repetitious prayer is bad, to be sure. Jesus even promoted repetitious prayer. Check out the story of the persistent widow and the unjust judge.
So saying hail Mary's over and over for penance is ok? How about our fathers
I did. The Bible.

Think about this: Worship, prayer, commandments, salvation is for us. Your idea of good works earning salvation was never the case until Luther, a troubled man, apparently jumped to the conclusion that was what was needed from him.

No one earns salvation from good works. Good works is salvation. Think about it.
good works is sanctification.
I stand by what I said

You are wrong and you likely know it. But you don't care as long as you can express hatred for the Original Church Christ founded.. wonder how that will work out for you on Judgment Day?

There is no salvation outside the Church CHRIST founded. There is only ONE of those, btw.. not 30,000+
it wasnt the catholic church.
I stand by what I said

You are wrong and you likely know it. But you don't care as long as you can express hatred for the Original Church Christ founded.. wonder how that will work out for you on Judgment Day?

There is no salvation outside the Church CHRIST founded. There is only ONE of those, btw.. not 30,000+
jesus' blood saves not a building or traditions of sinful men.
I did. The Bible.

Think about this: Worship, prayer, commandments, salvation is for us. Your idea of good works earning salvation was never the case until Luther, a troubled man, apparently jumped to the conclusion that was what was needed from him.

No one earns salvation from good works. Good works is salvation. Think about it.
James 2:17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.

Without faith in Jesus Christ there is not salvation. Without works there is no faith in Jesus Christ. You are therefore wrong.
jesus' blood saves not a building or traditions of sinful men.

why don't you tell me what you believe the blood of Jesus is and how it saves and then I'll tell you.

Saying, "Jesus' blood saves", has no meaning unless you can explain it so a child will understand.
why don't you tell me what you believe the blood of Jesus is and how it saves and then I'll tell you.

Saying, "Jesus' blood saves", has no meaning unless you can explain it so a child will understand.
By partaking in the body and blood of Christ we share in his experience of death and resurrection.
Partaking of the one bread makes many different people into one body.

1 Corinthians 10:16-17
16 The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ? 17 For we, though many, are one bread and one body; for we all partake of that one bread.

So the communion with the body and blood of Christ allows real participation in Christ’s humanity and his suffering.

So what must the cup and the bread be to make possible this participation in the blood and body of Christ? The most obvious and logical answer is that the bread and cup of wine must really be the body and blood of Christ. If it isn't then there can be no real participation in Christ’s humanity and His suffering.
Saying, "Jesus' blood saves", has no meaning unless you can explain it so a child will understand.
That's dumb. If you can't explain something to a child that means you don't understand it. It doesn't mean it has no meaning. It's flawed logic like this that makes you think Leviticus 18:22 isn't a command against homosexual sex.
By partaking in the body and blood of Christ we share in his experience of death and resurrection.

That's dumb. If you can't explain something to a child that means you don't understand it. It doesn't mean it has no meaning. It's flawed logic like this that makes you think Leviticus 18:22 isn't a command against homosexual sex.
That is so old testament just look in Romans 1
"The flesh of Jesus" was a metaphor for codified instruction from God, teaching that is real meat, food for the mind, that is far more nourishing and satisfying than just bread, manna from Heaven.

The blood of Jesus is a metaphor for the way Jesus followed the Law according to his revelation from God that the Words of the Law are figurative, the subjects hidden and not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used as in "eat my flesh and drink my blood", a clear reference to kosher law where the creatures described are metaphors for human archetypes, their flesh, whether clean or unclean, is a metaphor for their teaching, ideologies beliefs, etc. Its the only way to understand and comply with the Laws demands that reflects wisdom worthy of a benevolent God and loving Father and fulfills the promise of abundant blessings and eternal life, here and now, to everyone who listens to that teaching and acts on it.

Life is in the blood, in the doing as in faith without works is as lifeless as a corpse without breath
He didn't give you that option. But then again... you think Leviticus 18:22 isn't a command against improper sexual relations even though it's included in a long list of other improper sexual relations.
It doesn't. I have read the Bible. I know it's a shock to hear a Catholic say that, but it's a true story. I've actually read or heard it over and over because the Catholic Church gives us scripture every day, not just on Sunday.

Anyhow, it does not say in the Bible you can't baptize infants and it is inferred that infants were indeed baptized. In Acts, it says "whole households" were baptized. Most households had infants and/or children.

Jesus said to let the children come to Him.

It doesn't--BUT--Jesus is our example to follow closely, he was about 30( mature) when baptized. Baptism = first a prayer to God and a promise to serve him forever living to do his will over self, water baptism is publicly declaring that promise. No baby or young child can possibly understand the weight of that matter.

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