Where's Obuma's Red Line Now?..isis Kills 300 Iraqi Soldiers By Chlorine Gas Attack In Saqlawiyah

Here is my master plan for the dreaded ISIS

Bomb the shit out of them
Kill their leadership
Warn all US citizens to stay the fuck out of Iraq
Point to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar and tell them ISIS is THEIR problem
Winner, winner chicken dinner. There you have it 200,000 troops, another trillion dollars and ONLY 2000 dead and 20,000 maimed

Another example of what happens when you allow the neocon chicken hawks to make decisions
Neocon chicken hawk?


Simply fully cognizant of the long-term threat posed by ISIS, should they remain largely un-challenged and become a country unto themselves.

It would have been better to stop Hitler at Munich, before he grew sufficiently strong to do what he wanted to anyway, or at any of several points before that juncture in time.

But the world is full of Neville Chamberlains who hide their heads in the sand and delude themselves that they are not better off fighting the evil now rather than later...


Wars are bloody... wars are expensive... war is bad for children and other living things... war is not a good thing.

But hiding one's head in the sand and pretending that this will not prove necessary eventually and deluding ourselves that this will not cost far more the longer we let it go, is, well, delusional...
Here is my master plan for the dreaded ISIS

Bomb the shit out of them
Kill their leadership
Warn all US citizens to stay the fuck out of Iraq
Point to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar and tell them ISIS is THEIR problem

Now you want to answer the questions from post #5?
Here is my master plan for the dreaded ISIS

Bomb the shit out of them
Kill their leadership
Warn all US citizens to stay the fuck out of Iraq
Point to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar and tell them ISIS is THEIR problem
Trouble is, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar cannot stop ISIS, and, un-stopped, and eventually, and in a big way, ISIS will become our problem anyway.

Might as well get this the hell over with now.
...Fighting ISIS will take US boots on the ground to satisfy you...
Make that '...will take US boots on the ground in order to defeat ISIS..."

...How many do you want in Iraq...
If we do end-up going in, no fewer than 200,000.

...and how many casualties are you willing to accept to put down ISIS?...
2,000 dead.

20,000 wounded.

ISIS, left un-checked, will, in 20 years, require ten times as many, to put down.

If not more.

Best to kill that beastie before it ripens and matures.

An investment of a modest amount of blood now will prove wiser than a much higher price tag later.

Or to it seems at-present to this observer.

...It is easy to gripe from the sidelines...
I can make a plan that would have it 7 million to 0.
Winner, winner chicken dinner. There you have it 200,000 troops, another trillion dollars and ONLY 2000 dead and 20,000 maimed

Another example of what happens when you allow the neocon chicken hawks to make decisions
Neocon chicken hawk?


Simply fully cognizant of the long-term threat posed by ISIS, should they remain largely un-challenged and become a country unto themselves.

It would have been better to stop Hitler at Munich, before he grew sufficiently strong to do what he wanted to anyway, or at any of several points before that juncture in time.

But the world is full of Neville Chamberlains who hide their heads in the sand and delude themselves that they are not better off fighting the evil now rather than later...


Wars are bloody... wars are expensive... war is bad for children and other living things... war is not a good thing.

But hiding one's head in the sand and pretending that this will not prove necessary eventually and deluding ourselves that this will not cost far more the longer we let it go, is, well, delusional...
Really Capt Hyperbole?

ISIS now equates to the Nazi war machine pent on global domination?
Here is my master plan for the dreaded ISIS

Bomb the shit out of them
Kill their leadership
Warn all US citizens to stay the fuck out of Iraq
Point to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar and tell them ISIS is THEIR problem
Trouble is, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar cannot stop ISIS, and, un-stopped, and eventually, and in a big way, ISIS will become our problem anyway.

Might as well get this the hell over with now.

Not my problem

Bout time the power brokers of the Muslim world have to stand up to the problems they have created

So Saudi Arabia......what ya gunna do?
Do you think we should invade again?

We should have never left in the first place..... The obuma fucked up again!
Very good now we are getting somewhere

How many troops do you want to return to Iraq?
How many additional US casualties are you willing to accept?

As the obomanation refuses to listen to the generals, it should be up to LEARNED and EXPERIENCED military leaders to RUN the operations that are necessary.... How many more ISIS deaths, beheadings of Americans, and a Frenchman tomorrow are you willing to TURN YOUR HEAD ON, Mr. Chamberlain? How many Islamist American's that fought with ISIS and returned to America would you say is SAFE?

The answer is simple

Not my fucking problem

We never should have conducted a "they will treat us as liberators" invasion in the first place. We destabilized the whole fucking region and now must accept the consequences.

I never have accepted the US role as babysitters for unstable and corrupt regimes. Still don't.
Do you think we should invade again?

We should have never left in the first place..... The obuma fucked up again!
Very good now we are getting somewhere

How many troops do you want to return to Iraq?
How many additional US casualties are you willing to accept?

As the obomanation refuses to listen to the generals, it should be up to LEARNED and EXPERIENCED military leaders to RUN the operations that are necessary.... How many more ISIS deaths, beheadings of Americans, and a Frenchman tomorrow are you willing to TURN YOUR HEAD ON, Mr. Chamberlain? How many Islamist American's that fought with ISIS and returned to America would you say is SAFE?

The answer is simple

Not my fucking problem

We never should have conducted a "they will treat us as liberators" invasion in the first place. We destabilized the whole fucking region and now must accept the consequences.

I never have accepted the US role as babysitters for unstable and corrupt regimes. Still don't.

Would have worked out just fine in Iraq if we had stayed and have been the stabling influence. WE take control of the gov't and form it correctly, as we did with Japan and Germany.... Were you even taught about the second world war, or just left wing bigotry?
Here is my master plan for the dreaded ISIS

Bomb the shit out of them
Kill their leadership
Warn all US citizens to stay the fuck out of Iraq
Point to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar and tell them ISIS is THEIR problem
Trouble is, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar cannot stop ISIS, and, un-stopped, and eventually, and in a big way, ISIS will become our problem anyway.

Might as well get this the hell over with now.

Not my problem

Bout time the power brokers of the Muslim world have to stand up to the problems they have created

So Saudi Arabia......what ya gunna do?
And there is the difference.

If left un-checked, and given sufficient victories to establish a state (and an accompanying military) of its own, in a decade or two, it will be your - our - problem - or that of our children or grandchildren.

Best to kill the beast will it can still be killed at a relatively low cost.
Here is my master plan for the dreaded ISIS

Bomb the shit out of them
Kill their leadership
Warn all US citizens to stay the fuck out of Iraq
Point to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar and tell them ISIS is THEIR problem

Now you want to answer the questions from post #5?

I left out my secret weapon to fight ISIS

Allow USMB neocon chickenhawks to go over there and kick some ISIS butt. That will show them
Here is my master plan for the dreaded ISIS

Bomb the shit out of them
Kill their leadership
Warn all US citizens to stay the fuck out of Iraq
Point to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar and tell them ISIS is THEIR problem
Trouble is, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar cannot stop ISIS, and, un-stopped, and eventually, and in a big way, ISIS will become our problem anyway.

Might as well get this the hell over with now.

Not my problem

Bout time the power brokers of the Muslim world have to stand up to the problems they have created

So Saudi Arabia......what ya gunna do?
And there is the difference.

If left un-checked, and given sufficient victories to establish a state (and an accompanying military) of its own, in a decade or two, it will be your - our - problem - or that of our children or grandchildren.

Best to kill the beast will it can still be killed at a relatively low cost.

Sounds like our justification for Vietnam
Here is my master plan for the dreaded ISIS

Bomb the shit out of them
Kill their leadership
Warn all US citizens to stay the fuck out of Iraq
Point to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar and tell them ISIS is THEIR problem
Trouble is, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar cannot stop ISIS, and, un-stopped, and eventually, and in a big way, ISIS will become our problem anyway.

Might as well get this the hell over with now.

Not my problem

Bout time the power brokers of the Muslim world have to stand up to the problems they have created

So Saudi Arabia......what ya gunna do?
And there is the difference.

If left un-checked, and given sufficient victories to establish a state (and an accompanying military) of its own, in a decade or two, it will be your - our - problem - or that of our children or grandchildren.

Best to kill the beast will it can still be killed at a relatively low cost.

Sounds like our justification for Vietnam
Yes it does.

It sounds one helluva lot like our justification for Vietnam.

Take care of the problem now or it will become un-manageable later.

Turned out not to be true with Vietnam.

Small comfort though that is to the shades of the 50K boys and girls we lost over there.

But here's the difference, in that regard...

The Vietnamese were not driven by a 1300 year-old Warrior Religion whose founder and godhead gave permission for such war upon nonbelievers and which made it a duty of believers to undertake such war and which promised Paradise-through-martyrdom to the fallen and which has ready-made age-old enemies (Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, etc.), and which was being utilized as the emotional (rather than political) basis to conduct significant terror campaigns on a global basis.

There is a much greater chance that an un-manageable state will actually materialize from an un-checked ISIS which results in a Caliphate, than there ever was that all of Asia would fall to Communism had we failed to fight in Vietnam.

A much greater chance.

Symmetry with justifications utilized in a previous era should rightfully be held-up as a red flag but it should not blind us to prospects and likelihoods in a scenario fed by vastly different inputs..

Your position here seems closely akin to not being able to see the forest for the trees.

Maybe I'm wrong, but it doesn't feel like it, at present.

Preemptive war is always a crap-shoot in connection with predictions about the future.

One must look at each scenario with fresh eyes and a clear mind.

It's OK (even necessary, I'd say) to keep the past in mind, when doing so.

But we should not allow the past to paralyze us nor to lose one-time opportunities to intervene effectively or to kill or neutralize a threat-vector before it matures into something a thousand times more lethal - assuming that we have judged there to be a realistic chance that such a lethal outcome is well within the realm of possibility or probability.
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...Really Capt Hyperbole? ISIS now equates to the Nazi war machine pent on global domination?
Juvenile deflection... nobody is suggesting that ISIS now equates thus... but people are suggesting that such a comparison may become operative if ISIS is left un-checked long enough to conquer and form a state of its own and to militarize and to acquire enough world-class weaponry to render it thus.

But the comparison about people with their heads in the sand, and playing the naive, gullible, wait-and-hope-for-the-best Neville Chamberlain role, stands.

That (your) kind of gullibility is too dangerous to be left un-challenged in a public venue.
Here is my master plan for the dreaded ISIS

Bomb the shit out of them
Kill their leadership
Warn all US citizens to stay the fuck out of Iraq
Point to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar and tell them ISIS is THEIR problem

Now you want to answer the questions from post #5?

I left out my secret weapon to fight ISIS

Allow USMB neocon chickenhawks to go over there and kick some ISIS butt. That will show them

Well, dear, since you have such great ideas in #21.... we voted YOU to go and lead the fight..... What's that brown stain on the back of your pants?

Do you think we should invade again?

We should have never left in the first place..... The obuma fucked up again!
Very good now we are getting somewhere

How many troops do you want to return to Iraq?
How many additional US casualties are you willing to accept?

As the obomanation refuses to listen to the generals, it should be up to LEARNED and EXPERIENCED military leaders to RUN the operations that are necessary.... How many more ISIS deaths, beheadings of Americans, and a Frenchman tomorrow are you willing to TURN YOUR HEAD ON, Mr. Chamberlain? How many Islamist American's that fought with ISIS and returned to America would you say is SAFE?
Now we are making some progress

Fighting ISIS will take US boots on the ground to satisfy you. How many do you want in Iraq and how many casualties are you willing to accept to put down ISIS?

It is easy to gripe from the sidelines and nobody likes beheadings. But your solution involves additional US soldiers getting killed.....my question to you is how many?

I like Bill O`Reilly's solution: Defeating ISIS and other terror groups On Air Videos Fox News

I am not real wild about sending US troops into Syria or Iraq. Doesn't sound like any locals are ready to fight other than the Kurds for a long time, so Obama's plan fails there.

If Obama doesn't want to fight, he needs to stop making lines in the sand. One of the worst things you can do as president is to not be a person of your word. It opens the door to enemies of the US to be confused or aggressive.
I am not real wild about sending US troops into Syria or Iraq. Doesn't sound like any locals are ready to fight other than the Kurds for a long time, so Obama's plan fails there.

If Obama doesn't want to fight, he needs to stop making lines in the sand. One of the worst things you can do as president is to not be a person of your word. It opens the door to enemies of the US to be confused or aggressive.

1. Too late.
2. He wouldn't listen to anything that's not an echo of one of His speeches.
...Really Capt Hyperbole? ISIS now equates to the Nazi war machine pent on global domination?
Juvenile deflection... nobody is suggesting that ISIS now equates thus... but people are suggesting that such a comparison may become operative if ISIS is left un-checked long enough to conquer and form a state of its own and to militarize and to acquire enough world-class weaponry to render it thus.

But the comparison about people with their heads in the sand, and playing the naive, gullible, wait-and-hope-for-the-best Neville Chamberlain role, stands.

That (your) kind of gullibility is too dangerous to be left un-challenged in a public venue.

Once again you struggle with scope and the extent of the threat

Any comparison to Nazi Germany is Hyperbole

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