Where's Obuma's Red Line Now?..isis Kills 300 Iraqi Soldiers By Chlorine Gas Attack In Saqlawiyah

...Really Capt Hyperbole? ISIS now equates to the Nazi war machine pent on global domination?
Juvenile deflection... nobody is suggesting that ISIS now equates thus... but people are suggesting that such a comparison may become operative if ISIS is left un-checked long enough to conquer and form a state of its own and to militarize and to acquire enough world-class weaponry to render it thus.

But the comparison about people with their heads in the sand, and playing the naive, gullible, wait-and-hope-for-the-best Neville Chamberlain role, stands.

That (your) kind of gullibility is too dangerous to be left un-challenged in a public venue.

Once again you struggle with scope and the extent of the threat

Any comparison to Nazi Germany is Hyperbole
Perhaps the crux of the problem is that you and I are not on the same page, with respect to the focus for the Neville Chamberlain reference.

You perceive that it is intended as a back-door way of comparing ISIS to Nazi Germany.

I, on the other hand, intended it as a well-known example of hiding one's head in the sand and naively hoping that things won't get worse, without intervention.

Translation: You are being naive - on the order of a Chamberlain - to believe that ISIS is not our problem or that we should not intervene now, while we still can.

No other Real World linkage between ISIS and Nazi Germany was intended or expressed or implied.

Once you pushed your misinterpretation of my intent to the next level, it became appropriate to speculate that ISIS has the potential to morph into something far more lethal if left un-checked, and that failure to intervene while one still could, was reminiscent of Neville Chamberlain and those who thought like him in the 1937-1938 timeframe.

ISIS first has to conquer a territory and make a state out of it.

They then have to create a military to sustain that state.

They then have to acquire weapons of mass destruction, to create extreme danger on a regional or global scale.

They are a long way from doing this.

Nolo contendere.

Your point is, that won't happen, and/or it's not our business.

My point is, if left un-checked, that could very well happen, and the stakes are too high to risk it - thereby making it our business.
Winner, winner chicken dinner. There you have it 200,000 troops, another trillion dollars and ONLY 2000 dead and 20,000 maimed

Another example of what happens when you allow the neocon chicken hawks to make decisions
Neocon chicken hawk?


Simply fully cognizant of the long-term threat posed by ISIS, should they remain largely un-challenged and become a country unto themselves.

It would have been better to stop Hitler at Munich, before he grew sufficiently strong to do what he wanted to anyway, or at any of several points before that juncture in time.

But the world is full of Neville Chamberlains who hide their heads in the sand and delude themselves that they are not better off fighting the evil now rather than later...


Wars are bloody... wars are expensive... war is bad for children and other living things... war is not a good thing.

But hiding one's head in the sand and pretending that this will not prove necessary eventually and deluding ourselves that this will not cost far more the longer we let it go, is, well, delusional...

Hitler couldn't have been stopped. The war would have just started sooner. Weakening Assad only will serve to strengthen ISIS.
obama's red line only applied to Assad. Since it was isis that used chemical weapons it's okay.
Don't believe everything you read or hear. All sides are laying the War Propaganda on pretty thick.
We gonna kill our way to peace? Again? It really worked well in Iraq.
Some how it just don't seem like the Muslims much like us and really like, enjoy or are obligated to kill each other.
Let em at it. Arm both sides. Let em kill to their hearts and Gods content. Why in the fuck should I care. It ain't my problem.

And don't try and say that if the worst case scenario came about, you know, a million man standing army, an air force and navy,. when the terrorists have that, that we wouldn't nuke em.

Are you all really that afraid of 15000 terrorists? Located in Syria and Iraq. With the US Air Force actively hunting them. How long you think before we have good, solid intelligence on the people that really need killing? Soon I would say. We are good at this shit. We kill from the air like no one else can.

Ask those damn terrorists in Afghanistan about how we can do that.

the sorry ass RW's wanted conflict in the ME now they have conflict in the ME, so what do they do ? Bitch about the conflict in the ME. No matter what is done or what happens before, during or after, THEY WILL BITCH ABOUT IT .... EVERY SINGLE FACET OF IT ... when its over, IF it's over they'll BITCH about it being over, and we weren't THERE long enough ...YADA YADA YADA

bitch bitch bitch, and the BITCHES bitch ...
Winner, winner chicken dinner. There you have it 200,000 troops, another trillion dollars and ONLY 2000 dead and 20,000 maimed

Another example of what happens when you allow the neocon chicken hawks to make decisions
Neocon chicken hawk?


Simply fully cognizant of the long-term threat posed by ISIS, should they remain largely un-challenged and become a country unto themselves.

It would have been better to stop Hitler at Munich, before he grew sufficiently strong to do what he wanted to anyway, or at any of several points before that juncture in time.

But the world is full of Neville Chamberlains who hide their heads in the sand and delude themselves that they are not better off fighting the evil now rather than later...


Wars are bloody... wars are expensive... war is bad for children and other living things... war is not a good thing.

But hiding one's head in the sand and pretending that this will not prove necessary eventually and deluding ourselves that this will not cost far more the longer we let it go, is, well, delusional...

Hitler couldn't have been stopped. The war would have just started sooner. Weakening Assad only will serve to strengthen ISIS.
Opinions differ about whether Hitler could have been stopped.

There were several missed opportunities, starting with the repudiation of the Versailles Treaty, the re-occupation of the Rhineland, the Anschluss with Austria, and ending with the cowardly British and French abandonment of Czechoslovakia, as personified by the Munich meeting between Hitler and Chamberlain.

With each passing year, and with each new crisis, the odds grew longer that the old WWI Allies (Britain, France and the US) could stop Hitler, but at each of those milestones on the road to WWII, there was some considerable likelihood that Hitler could be forced to back down, or, alternatively, have been in a much weaker position to prosecute a war, than he was by the time he jumped on Poland in September 1939.

Several lost opportunities or lost chances, spanning several years.

With ISIS, it does not yet have a State, never mind being able to compare it yet with something like Nazi Germany, but this, too, is an Early Times opportunity to intervene and to kill the beastly creature before it matures into something far more dangerous.

Hammering at ISIS rather than Assad is the way to go... the only question now is what that 'hammering' should entail.
Winner, winner chicken dinner. There you have it 200,000 troops, another trillion dollars and ONLY 2000 dead and 20,000 maimed

Another example of what happens when you allow the neocon chicken hawks to make decisions
Neocon chicken hawk?


Simply fully cognizant of the long-term threat posed by ISIS, should they remain largely un-challenged and become a country unto themselves.

It would have been better to stop Hitler at Munich, before he grew sufficiently strong to do what he wanted to anyway, or at any of several points before that juncture in time.

But the world is full of Neville Chamberlains who hide their heads in the sand and delude themselves that they are not better off fighting the evil now rather than later...


Wars are bloody... wars are expensive... war is bad for children and other living things... war is not a good thing.

But hiding one's head in the sand and pretending that this will not prove necessary eventually and deluding ourselves that this will not cost far more the longer we let it go, is, well, delusional...

Hitler couldn't have been stopped. The war would have just started sooner. Weakening Assad only will serve to strengthen ISIS.
Opinions differ about whether Hitler could have been stopped.

There were several missed opportunities, starting with the repudiation of the Versailles Treaty, the re-occupation of the Rhineland, the Anschluss with Austria, and ending with the cowardly British and French abandonment of Czechoslovakia, as personified by the Munich meeting between Hitler and Chamberlain.

With each passing year, and with each new crisis, the odds grew longer that the old WWI Allies (Britain, France and the US) could stop Hitler, but at each of those milestones on the road to WWII, there was some considerable likelihood that Hitler could be forced to back down, or, alternatively, have been in a much weaker position to prosecute a war, than he was by the time he jumped on Poland in September 1939.

Several lost opportunities or lost chances, spanning several years.

With ISIS, it does not yet have a State, never mind being able to compare it yet with something like Nazi Germany, but this, too, is an Early Times opportunity to intervene and to kill the beastly creature before it matures into something far more dangerous.

Hammering at ISIS rather than Assad is the way to go... the only question now is what that 'hammering' should entail.

Common sense would would be to arm and support ISIS's strongest and most established enemy, That would be Assad,
Here is my master plan for the dreaded ISIS

Bomb the shit out of them
Kill their leadership
Warn all US citizens to stay the fuck out of Iraq
Point to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar and tell them ISIS is THEIR problem

Don't forget Jordan, Turkey and Iran.
Do you think we should invade again?

We should have never left in the first place..... The obuma fucked up again!
Very good now we are getting somewhere

How many troops do you want to return to Iraq?
How many additional US casualties are you willing to accept?

Define acceptable US casualties. Do you limit that to armed troops in the field, or do you include six and seven year olds in our elementary schools? How about unarmed shoppers in our malls, or the ones who will freeze to death when the terrorists hit our power grids this winter?

Perhaps you need to take your head out of your ass, and realize that a free society cannot adequately protect itself from organized terrorism. The terrorists have hit us in the past, they say they plan to hit us even harder in the future, and they have the people and the funding to carry out their threats.

What in hell gives you loons the belief that they really don't mean it?
Do you think we should invade again?

We should have never left in the first place..... The obuma fucked up again!
Very good now we are getting somewhere

How many troops do you want to return to Iraq?
How many additional US casualties are you willing to accept?

Define acceptable US casualties. Do you limit that to armed troops in the field, or do you include six and seven year olds in our elementary schools? How about unarmed shoppers in our malls, or the ones who will freeze to death when the terrorists hit our power grids this winter?

Perhaps you need to take your head out of your ass, and realize that a free society cannot adequately protect itself from organized terrorism. The terrorists have hit us in the past, they say they plan to hit us even harder in the future, and they have the people and the funding to carry out their threats.

What in hell gives you loons the belief that they really don't mean it?

be afraid, be VERY afraid.

that's all you need to remember.
A dozen or so terrorists, some explosives, and a winter cold snap coming down from Canada, and you have the makings of a disaster far surpassing the destruction of the twin towers.

A couple of explosives on two legs of high tension towers is all it takes to take one down. A trained terrorist could rig and take down an entire string of them in a few hours. Twelve terrorists could take down multiple strings of towers, and put the entire Northeast in the dark for weeks and possibly months while these towers are replaced.

Thousands would die, and our economy would be in shambles. Thank God that the terrorists haven't figured this out.

Meanwhile back in suburbia, multiple terrorists spread across the heartland attack elementary schools and shopping malls. How many children will be going to school the next day? How many shoppers will be in the malls the next day?

Thank God, that the terrorists haven't figured that out.

But, you can keep your head in the sand and pretend that ISIS is not our problem.
We have a clear choice. We can either take the fight to the terrorists in their back yard, or we can allow the terrorists to bring the fight to our back yard. I prefer the first option.
Do you think we should invade again?

We should have never left in the first place..... The obuma fucked up again!
Very good now we are getting somewhere

How many troops do you want to return to Iraq?
How many additional US casualties are you willing to accept?

Define acceptable US casualties. Do you limit that to armed troops in the field, or do you include six and seven year olds in our elementary schools? How about unarmed shoppers in our malls, or the ones who will freeze to death when the terrorists hit our power grids this winter?

Perhaps you need to take your head out of your ass, and realize that a free society cannot adequately protect itself from organized terrorism. The terrorists have hit us in the past, they say they plan to hit us even harder in the future, and they have the people and the funding to carry out their threats.

What in hell gives you loons the belief that they really don't mean it?
ISIS has not shown any capability to attack outside its borders. It is rightwing fear mongering trying to justify yet another unwarranted invasion

We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud

Fool me once....
Oh, that's right, he said that about Syria, then punked out.... Iraq is no big deal for the obomanation!

Syria crossed the red line, then Putin kicked Obama's ass. I would say he got punked rather than punked out.

Obama did learn from his mistakes, in Iraq, he isn't telling them where it is so Putin doesn't kick his ass again.
ISIS has not shown any capability to attack outside its borders. It is rightwing fear mongering trying to justify yet another unwarranted invasion

We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud

Fool me once....

No one fools you more than once because you can't count past one, so every time, they fooled you once...

The ones fooling you are the Democrats. The big lie in Iraq is that they were lied to.

It's the down side of being a Democrat. Every time you shift positions you have to lie to cover it up. By having integrity and just realizing Iraq wasn't in our interest, I don't have that problem of constantly explaining why I changed my mind based on the part in power and the political winds.

the sorry ass RW's wanted conflict in the ME now they have conflict in the ME, so what do they do ? Bitch about the conflict in the ME. No matter what is done or what happens before, during or after, THEY WILL BITCH ABOUT IT .... EVERY SINGLE FACET OF IT ... when its over, IF it's over they'll BITCH about it being over, and we weren't THERE long enough ...YADA YADA YADA

bitch bitch bitch, and the BITCHES bitch ...

Whiner post is whiney.
Winner, winner chicken dinner. There you have it 200,000 troops, another trillion dollars and ONLY 2000 dead and 20,000 maimed

Another example of what happens when you allow the neocon chicken hawks to make decisions
Neocon chicken hawk?


Simply fully cognizant of the long-term threat posed by ISIS, should they remain largely un-challenged and become a country unto themselves.

It would have been better to stop Hitler at Munich, before he grew sufficiently strong to do what he wanted to anyway, or at any of several points before that juncture in time.

But the world is full of Neville Chamberlains who hide their heads in the sand and delude themselves that they are not better off fighting the evil now rather than later...


Wars are bloody... wars are expensive... war is bad for children and other living things... war is not a good thing.

But hiding one's head in the sand and pretending that this will not prove necessary eventually and deluding ourselves that this will not cost far more the longer we let it go, is, well, delusional...

Yeah if only the Allies had a few Aircraft Carriers and Predator Drones in 1938....

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