White Americans’ Hold on Wealth Is Old, Deep, and Nearly Unshakeable

The following is the essence of the article. I had never heard the term 'Jim Crow Credit' before:

“First, you legally segregate, and then you let the market do it for you”

So just to run back the score: Southern slaveholding families were able to recuperate post-Civil War wealth losses within one generation, and by 1940 even those families’ grandchildren were doing better than their Southern peers. Also by 1940, low-income and working-class white families are ushered into wealth via federally backed housing and farming loans and derivative lines of credit. In that same time, freed African Americans are mostly robbed of what little bit of land they were able to possess after the Civil War, and passed over for the mortgage loans and credit lines awarded to white families.

In order to create, lose, and then re-create wealth—and then create new forms of wealth for other low-income white families—white families leveraged social networks and credit. This is the community context that the McKinsey report identifies as one of the crucial components needed for families to build wealth. Most African Americans were never able to develop this, and in the few areas where they did accumulate community-level wealth, it was taken from them. And they were unable to recover it due to racist residential and spatial settings.

The Amazing Resiliency of White Wealth - CityLab
That's America for ya!

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It's DA WEST-------for perfection in society------GO EAST ---
complete egalitarianism
what "serious" black people? Farakhan? Sharpton?
Are these the only two blacks you racists know? Oops, I forgot Jesse Jackson.

oh gee------even I can recognize O J Simpson

OJ was a sellout. Then when he got in trouble he remembered he was black. Whites like you crack me up when you bring up OJ. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

But in standard white trash fashion you and others have tried taking this thread off topic. Fuck what the Romans did 2000 years ago, your watchmaker daddy and all the other bullshit and go study how whites really created the wealth gap.

fuck the romans? ok----- fuck all them damned empire builders ----da Egyptians,
da Greeks, da Romans, Da Assyrians, Da Chinese, Da Arabs, Da Moghuls----
........ and last almost least-----da portugese and dutch
White jews are racist towards black jews. And what whites have done here is worse than Hitler. You want to talk about Farrakhan who has no power, but what about Trump, McConnell , McCarthy , etc?

You are here trolling this thread because Newsvine asked your racist ass to leave her alone. Now you want to be a jew, but a few posts back, your daddy was a white watchmaker and you asked if there was some master plan that stopped blacks from going to night school to study to be a watchmaker.


you are SOO articulate IM. GFY--how poetic. My hubby is a black jew.
Lots of Ethiopian coursing thru his veins-------but all jews is white and rich according to the sociology/anthropology professors like the ever brilliant
Leonard Jeffries------another one of your heros

Don't try telling me who my heroes are ho. You probably have listened to him more than I have.

"listened" ??? nope------I read a bit of his idiotic scrawlings. That jerk is called a PROFESSOR--------more like a comedian, pimp

I have read plenty of idiotic scrawling, by Kant, Rousseau, Smith, Voltaire, Jefferson, Adams, Lincoln, etc. Their scribbling is the basis on which your psychosis was developed.

oh----ok How does Lincoln describe psychosis? ------maybe Voltaire
can help you to understand. Would you say that Candide's CUNEGONDIE
is psychotic?
Dumb. You are just straight up stump stupid.

In three separate works Kant claimed that the Negro is, in most respects, the lowest of all races. He also referred to blacks as the “bad race” and whites as “the good race,” argued that the white race contains “all incentives and talents,” and felt that whites were the “only ones who always progress toward perfection.”

Kant never repudiated any of these explicitly racist claims.

Immanuel Kant was one of the earliest advocates of scientific racism and considered the greatest thinker of the times. This is how misguided we have been relative to our educations in this and other western societies. The excuse of that’s how they thought at the time has been used as defense for his racism. Murder was wrong in those days but no one will excuse people who murdered others during the so called age of enlightenment because that’s just how they did things then. As you read what was believed, if this was enlightenment then just how dark were the dark ages? This must be asked after you read about racial classifcations that include dwarfs, giants and troglodytes. Whites really need to quit making excuses for this because it is from these ideas that the very problems we face today relative to racism or ethnocentrism come from.

Kants ideas, that the European white was the only race capable of self-improvement and highest level of civilization, were widely accepted. These ideas created the belief in European superiority that we still see today couched under a newer descriptive term called western civilization. Kant was not alone in this belief. My goal here is not to go into a deep discussion of enlightenment philosophy or scientific racism. However the term scientific racism itself explains the prevailing thoughts in Europe during this time. Therefore it’s basic premise should be exposed and understood as to how it created a belief of entitlement and privilege among whites that continues until the present.

Simply put, scientific racism is the use of scientific theories to justify racial superiority or inferiority. It creates a belief in the natural superiority of a race or genetic superiority. Either way this belief has been a problem from the 1600’s and lasted as a respected scientific belief until just after World War 2. Actually one can argue that such beliefs exist today among specific segments of the world wide white community. Scientific racism is more bluntly put, racist propaganda.

A long line of European thinkers supported this and expanded it. Voltaire is given credit as an advocate for civil liberties, yet Voltaire had a racial hierarchy where blacks were lower than whites and ranked just above oysters. Benjamin Rush, a founding father of this country, believed that being black meant you had a skin disease. He even had a name for it, Negroidism. He believed that people born black had a form of leprosy that could be cured. In every instance of trying to provide this “scientific” understanding of cultural differences and skin complexion whites always gave themselves top billing as being more advanced.

This is the stuff that your psychosis comes from.
fuck the romans? ok----- fuck all them damned empire builders ----da Egyptians,
da Greeks, da Romans, Da Assyrians, Da Chinese, Da Arabs, Da Moghuls----
........ and last almost least-----da portugese and dutch
Dumb. The mentality of a child.
you are SOO articulate IM. GFY--how poetic. My hubby is a black jew.
Lots of Ethiopian coursing thru his veins-------but all jews is white and rich according to the sociology/anthropology professors like the ever brilliant
Leonard Jeffries------another one of your heros

Don't try telling me who my heroes are ho. You probably have listened to him more than I have.

"listened" ??? nope------I read a bit of his idiotic scrawlings. That jerk is called a PROFESSOR--------more like a comedian, pimp

I have read plenty of idiotic scrawling, by Kant, Rousseau, Smith, Voltaire, Jefferson, Adams, Lincoln, etc. Their scribbling is the basis on which your psychosis was developed.

oh----ok How does Lincoln describe psychosis? ------maybe Voltaire
can help you to understand. Would you say that Candide's CUNEGONDIE
is psychotic?
Dumb. You are just straight up stump stupid.

In three separate works Kant claimed that the Negro is, in most respects, the lowest of all races. He also referred to blacks as the “bad race” and whites as “the good race,” argued that the white race contains “all incentives and talents,” and felt that whites were the “only ones who always progress toward perfection.”

Kant never repudiated any of these explicitly racist claims.

Immanuel Kant was one of the earliest advocates of scientific racism and considered the greatest thinker of the times. This is how misguided we have been relative to our educations in this and other western societies. The excuse of that’s how they thought at the time has been used as defense for his racism. Murder was wrong in those days but no one will excuse people who murdered others during the so called age of enlightenment because that’s just how they did things then. As you read what was believed, if this was enlightenment then just how dark were the dark ages? This must be asked after you read about racial classifcations that include dwarfs, giants and troglodytes. Whites really need to quit making excuses for this because it is from these ideas that the very problems we face today relative to racism or ethnocentrism come from.

Kants ideas, that the European white was the only race capable of self-improvement and highest level of civilization, were widely accepted. These ideas created the belief in European superiority that we still see today couched under a newer descriptive term called western civilization. Kant was not alone in this belief. My goal here is not to go into a deep discussion of enlightenment philosophy or scientific racism. However the term scientific racism itself explains the prevailing thoughts in Europe during this time. Therefore it’s basic premise should be exposed and understood as to how it created a belief of entitlement and privilege among whites that continues until the present.

Simply put, scientific racism is the use of scientific theories to justify racial superiority or inferiority. It creates a belief in the natural superiority of a race or genetic superiority. Either way this belief has been a problem from the 1600’s and lasted as a respected scientific belief until just after World War 2. Actually one can argue that such beliefs exist today among specific segments of the world wide white community. Scientific racism is more bluntly put, racist propaganda.

A long line of European thinkers supported this and expanded it. Voltaire is given credit as an advocate for civil liberties, yet Voltaire had a racial hierarchy where blacks were lower than whites and ranked just above oysters. Benjamin Rush, a founding father of this country, believed that being black meant you had a skin disease. He even had a name for it, Negroidism. He believed that people born black had a form of leprosy that could be cured. In every instance of trying to provide this “scientific” understanding of cultural differences and skin complexion whites always gave themselves top billing as being more advanced.

This is the stuff that your psychosis comes from.

I did not even mention Kant------the issue was the defining of PSYCHOSIS.
Silly beliefs of the past do not constitute psychosis------they are silly beliefs.
The book THE ODYSSEY describes a BAG OF WIND---given to ODYSSEUS
as a gift from the "god" Poseidan-------not a psychosis-----just a silly belief.
There were people who considered Louis Pasteur to be NUTS because of his
"germ theory" of disease. Neither they nor Pasteur would be described as
The following is the essence of the article. I had never heard the term 'Jim Crow Credit' before:

“First, you legally segregate, and then you let the market do it for you”

So just to run back the score: Southern slaveholding families were able to recuperate post-Civil War wealth losses within one generation, and by 1940 even those families’ grandchildren were doing better than their Southern peers. Also by 1940, low-income and working-class white families are ushered into wealth via federally backed housing and farming loans and derivative lines of credit. In that same time, freed African Americans are mostly robbed of what little bit of land they were able to possess after the Civil War, and passed over for the mortgage loans and credit lines awarded to white families.

In order to create, lose, and then re-create wealth—and then create new forms of wealth for other low-income white families—white families leveraged social networks and credit. This is the community context that the McKinsey report identifies as one of the crucial components needed for families to build wealth. Most African Americans were never able to develop this, and in the few areas where they did accumulate community-level wealth, it was taken from them. And they were unable to recover it due to racist residential and spatial settings.

The Amazing Resiliency of White Wealth - CityLab
How did the loan payback rate of blacks compare with whites, then and now? Could that be a reason?
Black folks barely received loans, back in the day.

These guys know what happened but they'd rather try gaslighting instead of admitting it and work towards ridding themselves of their racism.
Before I lose what little interest I have left, what did happen?

You know exactly what happened. You don't need it explained. That's why you're here making smart ass comments because you know, we know, and you think it's funny. So go lose interest you racist fuck.
Wow, hit a nerve didn't I? You are too sensitive, are you really a woman? Since all your posts are one sided, I suggest you read some articles posted from a different prospective. That is, if you are really interested in the truth.
Actually, a lot of the richer Whites in the USA are the ones who came through Ellis Island, not the Colonials. Even around here the White derelict population is mostly of colonial origins such as Scots, English, German, French colonials. Even though most of the population here is Italian, and Irish Catholic.
Actually, a lot of the richer Whites in the USA are the ones who came through Ellis Island, not the Colonials. Even around here the White derelict population is mostly of colonial origins such as Scots, English, German, French colonials. Even though most of the population here is Italian, and Irish Catholic.

actually, sobie my little pierogi -----you are right-----some of the really impoverished
people in the US are, as you say----Scottish, English, German and French background. ESPECIALLY in the North East-----they are usually descended from
farm people and ---laborers. Maryam-grape-vine... focused on the old "aristocratic" families of the SOUTH-----the ones who used to own plantations -----and stuff like that. Appalachia is chock full of the people you describe too-----and really poor. It is a fact, also---that if you deal in absolute numbers----MOST of the impoverished people in the USA--------are ----WHITEs------they are less visible than the large numbers of black impoverished because they usually live OUT THERE IN THE STICKS whilst impoverished blacks live in city or large town places. There are very large numbers of poorly educated, poorly housed and poorly nourished----
left-overs from colonial days---but spread thinly in remote areas
I saw this on Pocket and knew it's nothing but another Libtard whining exercise.
“Old Willie hates your ass”-Chris Rock

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You quote a comedian. But you talk shit on serious black people.


Serious like you, or someone who we’ve heard of?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And who are you, boy?

Not the self proclaimed leader of the black people. And boy is a white racist word. You ought to be ashamed talkin like that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes, because everywhere else in the world blacks are happy, prosperous people.

They are failures only in America.

White Americans’ Hold on Denial Is Old, Deep, and Nearly Unshakeable too.

I researched and could find NO WHERE---the names of the people who DESIGNED the system specifically denying blacks (however one defines
"blacks" ) access to the military GI bill for education. My father served in
the Navy----he did get some training in watchmaking by going to nite school
classes.paid for by the GI bill. Was there a master plan in 1945 to deny
blacks the opportunity to attend nite school and get training in watch-making?
Be assured----he was absolutely unable to make a living as a watchmaker----
no one needed watchmakers-------timex pinlever watches became cheap and

No you haven't. Try that lie elsewhere.
Blacks are failures everywhere in the world. It's obviously genetics, not racism.
Even some of the most hardcore racists that frequently post on USMB don't believe that nonsense. Welcome to 2019.
So why are blacks failures the world over, even where there are few if any whites? Please do tell.

Why do whites still steal resources from Africa to get rich?
What are they still stealing?
Don't try telling me who my heroes are ho. You probably have listened to him more than I have.

"listened" ??? nope------I read a bit of his idiotic scrawlings. That jerk is called a PROFESSOR--------more like a comedian, pimp

I have read plenty of idiotic scrawling, by Kant, Rousseau, Smith, Voltaire, Jefferson, Adams, Lincoln, etc. Their scribbling is the basis on which your psychosis was developed.

oh----ok How does Lincoln describe psychosis? ------maybe Voltaire
can help you to understand. Would you say that Candide's CUNEGONDIE
is psychotic?
Dumb. You are just straight up stump stupid.

In three separate works Kant claimed that the Negro is, in most respects, the lowest of all races. He also referred to blacks as the “bad race” and whites as “the good race,” argued that the white race contains “all incentives and talents,” and felt that whites were the “only ones who always progress toward perfection.”

Kant never repudiated any of these explicitly racist claims.

Immanuel Kant was one of the earliest advocates of scientific racism and considered the greatest thinker of the times. This is how misguided we have been relative to our educations in this and other western societies. The excuse of that’s how they thought at the time has been used as defense for his racism. Murder was wrong in those days but no one will excuse people who murdered others during the so called age of enlightenment because that’s just how they did things then. As you read what was believed, if this was enlightenment then just how dark were the dark ages? This must be asked after you read about racial classifcations that include dwarfs, giants and troglodytes. Whites really need to quit making excuses for this because it is from these ideas that the very problems we face today relative to racism or ethnocentrism come from.

Kants ideas, that the European white was the only race capable of self-improvement and highest level of civilization, were widely accepted. These ideas created the belief in European superiority that we still see today couched under a newer descriptive term called western civilization. Kant was not alone in this belief. My goal here is not to go into a deep discussion of enlightenment philosophy or scientific racism. However the term scientific racism itself explains the prevailing thoughts in Europe during this time. Therefore it’s basic premise should be exposed and understood as to how it created a belief of entitlement and privilege among whites that continues until the present.

Simply put, scientific racism is the use of scientific theories to justify racial superiority or inferiority. It creates a belief in the natural superiority of a race or genetic superiority. Either way this belief has been a problem from the 1600’s and lasted as a respected scientific belief until just after World War 2. Actually one can argue that such beliefs exist today among specific segments of the world wide white community. Scientific racism is more bluntly put, racist propaganda.

A long line of European thinkers supported this and expanded it. Voltaire is given credit as an advocate for civil liberties, yet Voltaire had a racial hierarchy where blacks were lower than whites and ranked just above oysters. Benjamin Rush, a founding father of this country, believed that being black meant you had a skin disease. He even had a name for it, Negroidism. He believed that people born black had a form of leprosy that could be cured. In every instance of trying to provide this “scientific” understanding of cultural differences and skin complexion whites always gave themselves top billing as being more advanced.

This is the stuff that your psychosis comes from.

I did not even mention Kant------the issue was the defining of PSYCHOSIS.
Silly beliefs of the past do not constitute psychosis------they are silly beliefs.
The book THE ODYSSEY describes a BAG OF WIND---given to ODYSSEUS
as a gift from the "god" Poseidan-------not a psychosis-----just a silly belief.
There were people who considered Louis Pasteur to be NUTS because of his
"germ theory" of disease. Neither they nor Pasteur would be described as

Well I did mention Kant. Psychosis is the inability to deal with reality. Those silly thoughts not based in reality created trans atlantic slavery, apartheid in America and other countries, modern colonization and still influences much of modern western thinking..
“Old Willie hates your ass”-Chris Rock

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You quote a comedian. But you talk shit on serious black people.


Serious like you, or someone who we’ve heard of?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And who are you, boy?

Not the self proclaimed leader of the black people. And boy is a white racist word. You ought to be ashamed talkin like that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Boy is a white racist word because of how whites saw blacks. You need to stop trying to use false equivalences. And I have not claimed to be the leader of the black people. I have said I am more capable of speaking for how the majority of blacks think than your white ass. And Chris Rock is an admitted high school dropout. He's a talented comedian but when it comes to complex matters in the black community, he will not be the one I would go to.

Unless I was holding a fundraiser and he would agree to headline it.
Actually, a lot of the richer Whites in the USA are the ones who came through Ellis Island, not the Colonials. Even around here the White derelict population is mostly of colonial origins such as Scots, English, German, French colonials. Even though most of the population here is Italian, and Irish Catholic.

actually, sobie my little pierogi -----you are right-----some of the really impoverished
people in the US are, as you say----Scottish, English, German and French background. ESPECIALLY in the North East-----they are usually descended from
farm people and ---laborers. Maryam-grape-vine... focused on the old "aristocratic" families of the SOUTH-----the ones who used to own plantations -----and stuff like that. Appalachia is chock full of the people you describe too-----and really poor. It is a fact, also---that if you deal in absolute numbers----MOST of the impoverished people in the USA--------are ----WHITEs------they are less visible than the large numbers of black impoverished because they usually live OUT THERE IN THE STICKS whilst impoverished blacks live in city or large town places. There are very large numbers of poorly educated, poorly housed and poorly nourished----
left-overs from colonial days---but spread thinly in remote areas

It's very noticeable here, especially with the Scots.
Probably 5% of Pawling has Scottish heritage, and probably 50% of the derelicts here have Scottish heritage.

Actually the 3 biggest derelicts in Pawling are named Scot, Scottie, and William.
“Old Willie hates your ass”-Chris Rock

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You quote a comedian. But you talk shit on serious black people.


Serious like you, or someone who we’ve heard of?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And who are you, boy?

Not the self proclaimed leader of the black people. And boy is a white racist word. You ought to be ashamed talkin like that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Boy is a white racist word because of how whites saw blacks. You need to stop trying to use false equivalences. And I have not claimed to be the leader of the black people. I have said I am more capable of speaking for how the majority of blacks think than your white ass. And Chris Rock is an admitted high school dropout. He's a talented comedian but when it comes to complex matters in the black community, he will not be the one I would go to.

Unless I was holding a fundraiser and he would agree to headline it.

He just says things the way they are. Guess Farrakhan and Sharpton still represent. Both racist, and dumb as a box of rocks.

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