'White History Month' Sign Stirs Up Flemington, NJ.

Exactly. Thats why my kids got instruction at an early age about real Black history. The worst thing you can do is teach a Black child that their history begin as a slave.
Let's hope that in your instruction you had a good word for the contributions of Dr Ben Carson.
Thats what I am asking. What did they contribute that was so gigantic? Seems to me whites just took the best from each civilization and claimed they made it up.
Hell, pick one: mathematics, science, philosophy, religion, warfare, technology, agriculture, medicine, and on and on and on and on.

The West contributed a vast percentage of Mankind's knowledge in each of those areas, and more.

In many of those topical areas, Man would not have progressed to the Time of the West without one or more underlying precursor civilizations ( Egypt, China, India, et al).

Hell, folks in The West were still tribal and painting themselves blue and worshipping trees and worse, while some of those precursor civilizations were getting things started.

But, when The West's time came, it came on like gangbusters, and The West made up for a great deal of lost time, and ended-up excelling its predecessors, in both adaptation and evolution of precursor knowledge, and in pushing far beyond the boundaries of precursor knowledge into realms those others could not possibly imagine.

That's not hubris... it's merely a faithful macro-level overview of how the past millennia or so has panned out, and whom such developments favored, and where the credit for the new material and the adaptations belong.

Or so it seems to this observer.
Nothing you listed was started by a white person. Not one single thing. Not even warfare which I wouldnt exactly consider an achievement.
Did you miss the part where I emphasized Adaptation and Evolution of inherited concepts and disciplines?
Yes I missed that part. You do realize cant claim something you didnt originate correct?
Of course.

You DO realize that you CAN claim Adaptations and Improvements and Re-Boots and New Material and Better Execution, right?
Those adaptions had nothing to do with skin color as all colors contributed to those adaptations and improvements.
Hell, pick one: mathematics, science, philosophy, religion, warfare, technology, agriculture, medicine, and on and on and on and on.

The West contributed a vast percentage of Mankind's knowledge in each of those areas, and more.

In many of those topical areas, Man would not have progressed to the Time of the West without one or more underlying precursor civilizations ( Egypt, China, India, et al).

If you aren't a poster child for the failing US education system, I don't know what is.

Let's see.

Mathematics? Arabs

Philosophy? Greeks

Agriculture? Mesopotamia

I could go on but you can't fix stupid.
Philosophy actually originated in Africa along with math and agriculture..
Maybe the inventors should have kept the pressure up, rather than resting on their laurels and falling so far behind, eh?
Kind of hard to do while being colonized by whites destroying your culture and burning your centers of learning to the ground.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with this sign. There is nothing wrong about having 'White Pride' and celebrating White History.

White History Month sign stirs up Flemington NJ.com

Ahh. He has an inferiority complex. The racist cave chimp.

"I shouldn't have to feel bad about being white."

Says the guy who says he is "from Africa" even though he wasnt born or raised there...or even lived there.
Why does the tree ape call everyone a cave chimp?
I'm not white so I cant be a tree ape. I call people like you a cave chimp.
This is actually a good thread. What would white people celebrate in a white history month?
Discovering America
Freeing negroes
Giving women the vote
Civil Rights legislation
Voting rights
Birthing Christy Brinkley
... Plenty more ...
You didnt discover america.
You didnt free any negros without negros particpating
You didnt give women the vote without women participating
You didnt start Civil Rights legislation without Blacks participating
Same with voting rights
If you think Christy Brinkley is something to celebrate I feel bad for you. I know white girls now that look way better than her.
If you aren't a poster child for the failing US education system, I don't know what is.

Be it, that liberals are so concerned for "education" they advocate for teachers in unions to walk out while on the job to protest not having collective bargaining rights, leaving our children sitting in the classroom, learning nothing. If you want to know why our education system is a failure, that's one reason. The other is government intervention.

So they shouldn't fight for their rights just because they are teachers? That's ridiculous.
This is actually a good thread. What would white people celebrate in a white history month?
Discovering America
Freeing negroes
Giving women the vote
Civil Rights legislation
Voting rights
Birthing Christy Brinkley
... Plenty more ...
You didnt discover america.
You didnt free any negros without negros particpating
You didnt give women the vote without women participating
You didnt start Civil Rights legislation without Blacks participating
Same with voting rights
If you think Christy Brinkley is something to celebrate I feel bad for you. I know white girls now that look way better than her.
Whites landed on he moon, something your type people would never accomplish alone.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with this sign. There is nothing wrong about having 'White Pride' and celebrating White History.

White History Month sign stirs up Flemington NJ.com

Ahh. He has an inferiority complex. The racist cave chimp.

"I shouldn't have to feel bad about being white."

Says the guy who says he is "from Africa" even though he wasnt born or raised there...or even lived there.
Why does the tree ape call everyone a cave chimp?
I'm not white so I cant be a tree ape. I call people like you a cave chimp.
I know you are not white, tree ape.
...Those adaptions had nothing to do with skin color as all colors contributed to those adaptations and improvements.
And, just how many Africans (including Egyptians) and Indians and Chinese, et al, were living in Europe, between the Classical Era (the time of the emergence of Greece, and then Rome) and the advent of modern times (say, the beginning of the 20th), when most of that adaptation and improvement and new substance-generation were all occurring?

There's no escaping the idea that all of us - white, black, brown, yellow, red, whatever - all owe a tremendous debt to the various and diverse cultures and societies and civilizations that preceded ours, and there's no escaping the fact that Europe's greatness had substantial roots in the work of the brown and yellow civilizations that came before it.

But there is also no escaping the fact that Europe, while getting into the game late, made up for lost time, and took what had come before, and ran with it like nobody had done before, adding vast adaptation, improvement and new substance along the way, until even much of what had its roots in earlier civilizations, becomes damned-near unrecognizable, given the orders-of-magnitude of improvement provided by Western Civilization.

This is a state of affairs that folks-of-color-with-a-chip-on-their-shoulder (not all) and hate-whitey types (including white hate-your-own-kind types) would like White Folk to set aside or forget-about or renounce or trivialize or overlook, in order to accommodate the dissatisfied and to keep peace in the valley.

No sale.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with this sign. There is nothing wrong about having 'White Pride' and celebrating White History.

White History Month sign stirs up Flemington NJ.com

Ahh. He has an inferiority complex. The racist cave chimp.

"I shouldn't have to feel bad about being white."

Says the guy who says he is "from Africa" even though he wasnt born or raised there...or even lived there.
Why does the tree ape call everyone a cave chimp?
I'm not white so I cant be a tree ape. I call people like you a cave chimp.
I know you are not white, tree ape.
Tree ape is a regional variation of cave ape. Since I'm not white I cant be a tree ape like you.
Hell, pick one: mathematics, science, philosophy, religion, warfare, technology, agriculture, medicine, and on and on and on and on.

The West contributed a vast percentage of Mankind's knowledge in each of those areas, and more.

In many of those topical areas, Man would not have progressed to the Time of the West without one or more underlying precursor civilizations ( Egypt, China, India, et al).

If you aren't a poster child for the failing US education system, I don't know what is.

Let's see.

Mathematics? Arabs

Philosophy? Greeks

Agriculture? Mesopotamia

I could go on but you can't fix stupid.
Philosophy actually originated in Africa along with math and agriculture..
Maybe the inventors should have kept the pressure up, rather than resting on their laurels and falling so far behind, eh?
Kind of hard to do while being colonized by whites destroying your culture and burning your centers of learning to the ground.

If philosophy and agriculture and mathematics were invented in Africa, then, we are talking about events so far back in time that Whites were still painting themselves blue and were busy chasing Neanderthals out of Southern Europe after the last Ice Age, and that excuse simply won't hold up under a closer scrutiny.
Ahh. He has an inferiority complex. The racist cave chimp.

"I shouldn't have to feel bad about being white."

Says the guy who says he is "from Africa" even though he wasnt born or raised there...or even lived there.
Why does the tree ape call everyone a cave chimp?
I'm not white so I cant be a tree ape. I call people like you a cave chimp.
I know you are not white, tree ape.
Tree ape is a regional variation of cave ape. Since I'm not white I cant be a tree ape like you.
You are just a lowlife belly crawling ape then.
...Those adaptions had nothing to do with skin color as all colors contributed to those adaptations and improvements.
And, just how many Africans (including Egyptians) and Indians and Chinese, et al, were living in Europe, between the Classical Era (the time of the emergence of Greece, and then Rome) and the advent of modern times (say, the beginning of the 20th), when most of that adaptation and improvement and new substance-generation were all occurring?

There's no escaping the idea that all of us - white, black, brown, yellow, red, whatever - all owe a tremendous debt to the various and diverse cultures and societies and civilizations that preceded ours, and there's no escaping the fact that Europe's greatness had substantial roots in the work of the brown and yellow civilizations that came before it.

But there is also no escaping the fact that Europe, while getting into the game late, made up for lost time, and took what had come before, and ran with it like nobody had done before, adding vast adaptation, improvement and new substance along the way, until even much of what had its roots in earlier civilizations, becomes damned-near unrecognizable, given the orders-of-magnitude of improvement provided by Western Civilization.

This is a state of affairs that folks-of-color-with-a-chip-on-their-shoulder (not all) and hate-whitey types (including white hate-your-own-kind types) would like White Folk to set aside or forget-about or renounce or trivialize or overlook, in order to accommodate the dissatisfied and to keep peace in the valley.

No sale.
Greece got its education in Africa. All their great philosophers, historians, and mathematicians studied in Africa. The Romans learned from the Greeks and the Egyptians. After they fell and the dark ages occured in Europe the Moors both Black and Tawny reeducated Europeans. To this day there are statues of the Black Moors in Europe celebrating the knowledge they brought. The only reason Europe had surpassed everyone else is a two part. Oppression of other cultures and war. When you think about it how much further could we be along if whites had not decided to screw everything up and suppress the advancement of other cultures? How many discoveries were lost with their hiding of facts that may have led to even better technology? This is not a hate whitey thing. This is a truthful look at the issue of history and innovation. I dont have a problem with whites having pride in being white but I honestly cant think of anything they developed without help from Blacks and other people of color.
Hell, pick one: mathematics, science, philosophy, religion, warfare, technology, agriculture, medicine, and on and on and on and on.

The West contributed a vast percentage of Mankind's knowledge in each of those areas, and more.

In many of those topical areas, Man would not have progressed to the Time of the West without one or more underlying precursor civilizations ( Egypt, China, India, et al).

If you aren't a poster child for the failing US education system, I don't know what is.

Let's see.

Mathematics? Arabs

Philosophy? Greeks

Agriculture? Mesopotamia

I could go on but you can't fix stupid.
Philosophy actually originated in Africa along with math and agriculture..
Maybe the inventors should have kept the pressure up, rather than resting on their laurels and falling so far behind, eh?
Kind of hard to do while being colonized by whites destroying your culture and burning your centers of learning to the ground.

If philosophy and agriculture and mathematics were invented in Africa, then, we are talking about events so far back in time that Whites were still painting themselves blue and were busy chasing Neanderthals out of Southern Europe after the last Ice Age, and that excuse simply won't hold up under a closer scrutiny.
The Greeks disagree with you. The even admitted that Africa was the birth place of pretty much everything.
Says the guy who says he is "from Africa" even though he wasnt born or raised there...or even lived there.
Why does the tree ape call everyone a cave chimp?
I'm not white so I cant be a tree ape. I call people like you a cave chimp.
I know you are not white, tree ape.
Tree ape is a regional variation of cave ape. Since I'm not white I cant be a tree ape like you.
You are just a lowlife belly crawling ape then.
Another regional variation of cave ape. Still a white guy problem just like ticks and head lice.
Why does the tree ape call everyone a cave chimp?
I'm not white so I cant be a tree ape. I call people like you a cave chimp.
I know you are not white, tree ape.
Tree ape is a regional variation of cave ape. Since I'm not white I cant be a tree ape like you.
You are just a lowlife belly crawling ape then.
Another regional variation of cave ape. Still a white guy problem just like ticks and head lice.
You are confused, lice would be your kinds problem, ape.

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