'White History Month' Sign Stirs Up Flemington, NJ.

I'm not white so I cant be a tree ape. I call people like you a cave chimp.
I know you are not white, tree ape.
Tree ape is a regional variation of cave ape. Since I'm not white I cant be a tree ape like you.
You are just a lowlife belly crawling ape then.
Another regional variation of cave ape. Still a white guy problem just like ticks and head lice.
You are confused, lice would be your kinds problem, ape.
Thats not what the CDC says. Whites always get head lice. Sorry monkey.
If blacks were as smart as Asslips thinks they are, then black nations would be far ahead of white nations in wealth, technology etc.... But they are not. Asslips is living proof that stupidity knows no bounds.
I know you are not white, tree ape.
Tree ape is a regional variation of cave ape. Since I'm not white I cant be a tree ape like you.
You are just a lowlife belly crawling ape then.
Another regional variation of cave ape. Still a white guy problem just like ticks and head lice.
You are confused, lice would be your kinds problem, ape.
Thats not what the CDC says. Whites always get head lice. Sorry monkey.
I don't believe an ape like you is smart enough to know what the cdc says.
Tree ape is a regional variation of cave ape. Since I'm not white I cant be a tree ape like you.
You are just a lowlife belly crawling ape then.
Another regional variation of cave ape. Still a white guy problem just like ticks and head lice.
You are confused, lice would be your kinds problem, ape.
Thats not what the CDC says. Whites always get head lice. Sorry monkey.
I don't believe an ape like you is smart enough to know what the cdc says.
Belief is tied to intelligence which explains why a chimp such as yourself cant read the CDC report.
If blacks were as smart as Asslips thinks they are, then black nations would be far ahead of white nations in wealth, technology etc.... But they are not. Asslips is living proof that stupidity knows no bounds.
They were leaps and bounds ahead of white nations until white nations got jealous and destroyed most of them. To this day the wealthiest man to ever walk the earth was a Black west african. Lonestar is living proof that prison doesnt teach you much.

Meet Mansa Musa I of Mali the richest human being in all history - World History - World - The Independent
You are just a lowlife belly crawling ape then.
Another regional variation of cave ape. Still a white guy problem just like ticks and head lice.
You are confused, lice would be your kinds problem, ape.
Thats not what the CDC says. Whites always get head lice. Sorry monkey.
I don't believe an ape like you is smart enough to know what the cdc says.
Belief is tied to intelligence which explains why a chimp such as yourself cant read the CDC report.
You are nothing but a racist ape, goodbye retard.
Another regional variation of cave ape. Still a white guy problem just like ticks and head lice.
You are confused, lice would be your kinds problem, ape.
Thats not what the CDC says. Whites always get head lice. Sorry monkey.
I don't believe an ape like you is smart enough to know what the cdc says.
Belief is tied to intelligence which explains why a chimp such as yourself cant read the CDC report.
You are nothing but a racist ape, goodbye retard.
Goodby cave chimp. Are you going to get your tick treatment?
Or maybe complain about how Jim Crowe laws kept white people locked into segregated groups with social disadvantages based on their race.

Maybe you should understand that it isn't about the Jim Crow laws anymore. In fact, there are black people who use their history as a cudgel on the white man, to rub the sins of his race in his face. There is real racism out there, and then there's racism based on what you disagree with. But to celebrate the strengths of one's race is not racist. Be proud of who you are.
I am proud of who I am, but being white isn't an accomplishment to be proud of. It's only that way because my Daddy was Irish and my Mom was German.

Both sides of the family are so far removed from the old countries that the color of our skin neither helped nor hindered their success in life.

Race doesn't factor into my success either. I'm happy, and unaffected by any sins you talk about.

What are you after?....a medal for having a white mom and dad?
What would be wrong with having a: "National Association for The Advancement of White People"....

that is not wrong with having a" "National Association for The Advancement of Colored People"...,

So long, of course, provided neither limited their membership to any race or religion or refused membership based on race, etc.....
what advancement do white people need... they believe they are superior even if it's a myth...
The anti white racism never stops.
typical conservative delusion.......
if you had any brains at all you know what I said is not even close to racism....but a fact.
Why do white people think themselves to be superior ?

Nowadays it's not really "I'm white so I'm better than you!" Well, unless your a dumb, ignorant skinhead or something of that nature. However, I can see where you are coming from. I do believe that there is more of a psychological sense of superiority that many white people have that they do not realize nor believe that they possess. You hold a picture of a white male next to a Hispanic, Asian, or black man, and most people, including children will think that the white man is smarter, or the other men's boss.(I actually tested this for a college course). With that being said, society plays a huge role in this as well.
Funny my daughter is being forced to make an african mask in art class..I said well aren't most of the kids at school white? She said yes I said so why the hell are yall doing an African mask? She doesn't know. So I filled her in on the assault on white history,culture,pride etc.

Really? I have never seen WET . White Entertainment Television,What channel is that on? The only racist in that story is that anti white mixed breed...He is even pissing off the cops.
so the teacher is tying her to a desk and beating her? that's force.
you must like melodrama.

Like his screwy fundie homeschooling would teach anything but slavery and lynching.

He's just another keyboard kowboy. All show and no go.
Actually I told my daughter all about slavery...the TRUTH about it.
Did you tell her that blacks dominate in physical sports today because of the breeding programs of the slave masters?
Did not tell her that. I told her blacks are big and strong but very dumb,Asians are smart but physically small and whites are perfect combination of both. It was more detailed but that's the gist of it.
so you lied to her......
What would be wrong with having a: "National Association for The Advancement of White People"....

that is not wrong with having a" "National Association for The Advancement of Colored People"...,

So long, of course, provided neither limited their membership to any race or religion or refused membership based on race, etc.....
what advancement do white people need... they believe they are superior even if it's a myth...
The anti white racism never stops.
typical conservative delusion.......
if you had any brains at all you know what I said is not even close to racism....but a fact.
Why do white people think themselves to be superior ?

Nowadays it's not really "I'm white so I'm better than you!" Well, unless your a dumb, ignorant skinhead or something of that nature. However, I can see where you are coming from. I do believe that there is more of a psychological sense of superiority that many white people have that they do not realize nor believe that they possess. You hold a picture of a white male next to a Hispanic, Asian, or black man, and most people, including children will think that the white man is smarter, or the other men's boss.(I actually tested this for a college course). With that being said, society plays a huge role in this as well.

I'm superior to you and it has nothing to do with skin color. It has everything to do with your simply being a dumbass.
What would be wrong with having a: "National Association for The Advancement of White People"....

that is not wrong with having a" "National Association for The Advancement of Colored People"...,

So long, of course, provided neither limited their membership to any race or religion or refused membership based on race, etc.....
what advancement do white people need... they believe they are superior even if it's a myth...
The anti white racism never stops.
typical conservative delusion.......
if you had any brains at all you know what I said is not even close to racism....but a fact.
Why do white people think themselves to be superior ?

Nowadays it's not really "I'm white so I'm better than you!" Well, unless your a dumb, ignorant skinhead or something of that nature. However, I can see where you are coming from. I do believe that there is more of a psychological sense of superiority that many white people have that they do not realize nor believe that they possess. You hold a picture of a white male next to a Hispanic, Asian, or black man, and most people, including children will think that the white man is smarter, or the other men's boss.(I actually tested this for a college course). With that being said, society plays a huge role in this as well.

I'm superior to you and it has nothing to do with skin color. It has everything to do with your simply being a dumbass.
You can only dream of being superior to me monkey. You still catch flea and ticks and smell like a wet dog. How could you possibly be superior to someone like me when the baboon down at the zoo has you beat? Cave monkeys like you are deathly afraid of Black men like me taking your women. Well too late.
What would be wrong with having a: "National Association for The Advancement of White People"....

that is not wrong with having a" "National Association for The Advancement of Colored People"...,

So long, of course, provided neither limited their membership to any race or religion or refused membership based on race, etc.....
what advancement do white people need... they believe they are superior even if it's a myth...
The anti white racism never stops.
typical conservative delusion.......
if you had any brains at all you know what I said is not even close to racism....but a fact.
Why do white people think themselves to be superior ?

Nowadays it's not really "I'm white so I'm better than you!" Well, unless your a dumb, ignorant skinhead or something of that nature. However, I can see where you are coming from. I do believe that there is more of a psychological sense of superiority that many white people have that they do not realize nor believe that they possess. You hold a picture of a white male next to a Hispanic, Asian, or black man, and most people, including children will think that the white man is smarter, or the other men's boss.(I actually tested this for a college course). With that being said, society plays a huge role in this as well.

I'm superior to you and it has nothing to do with skin color. It has everything to do with your simply being a dumbass.
You can only dream of being superior to me monkey. You still catch flea and ticks and smell like a wet dog. How could you possibly be superior to someone like me when the baboon down at the zoo has you beat? Cave monkeys like you are deathly afraid Black people will take your women. Well too late.

The baboon at the zoo is one of your family members.

Any white woman that would be with a black isn't worth having. She's lowered herself to a level which can never be overcome. You can have any of them that come your way. They're white trash and aren't worth shit after that.
This is actually a good thread. What would white people celebrate in a white history month?
Discovering America
Freeing negroes
Giving women the vote
Civil Rights legislation
Voting rights
Birthing Christy Brinkley
... Plenty more ...
You didnt discover america.
You didnt free any negros without negros particpating
You didnt give women the vote without women participating
You didnt start Civil Rights legislation without Blacks participating
Same with voting rights
If you think Christy Brinkley is something to celebrate I feel bad for you. I know white girls now that look way better than her.
Whites landed on he moon, something your type people would never accomplish alone.
neither did the whites...
the technology that made that possible goes back to ancient china where gun powder and rocketry were invented.....
I'd say you were a dumb fuck but that would be stating the obvious...
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There is absolutely nothing wrong with this sign. There is nothing wrong about having 'White Pride' and celebrating White History.

White History Month sign stirs up Flemington NJ.com

Ahh. He has an inferiority complex. The racist cave chimp.

"I shouldn't have to feel bad about being white."

Says the guy who says he is "from Africa" even though he wasnt born or raised there...or even lived there.
Why does the tree ape call everyone a cave chimp?
I'm not white so I cant be a tree ape. I call people like you a cave chimp.
I know you are not white, tree ape.
we're all apes........
what advancement do white people need... they believe they are superior even if it's a myth...
The anti white racism never stops.
typical conservative delusion.......
if you had any brains at all you know what I said is not even close to racism....but a fact.
Why do white people think themselves to be superior ?

Nowadays it's not really "I'm white so I'm better than you!" Well, unless your a dumb, ignorant skinhead or something of that nature. However, I can see where you are coming from. I do believe that there is more of a psychological sense of superiority that many white people have that they do not realize nor believe that they possess. You hold a picture of a white male next to a Hispanic, Asian, or black man, and most people, including children will think that the white man is smarter, or the other men's boss.(I actually tested this for a college course). With that being said, society plays a huge role in this as well.

I'm superior to you and it has nothing to do with skin color. It has everything to do with your simply being a dumbass.
You can only dream of being superior to me monkey. You still catch flea and ticks and smell like a wet dog. How could you possibly be superior to someone like me when the baboon down at the zoo has you beat? Cave monkeys like you are deathly afraid Black people will take your women. Well too late.

The baboon at the zoo is one of your family members.

Any white woman that would be with a black isn't worth having. She's lowered herself to a level which can never be overcome. You can have any of them that come your way. They're white trash and aren't worth shit after that.
the myth of white superiority on full display......
what advancement do white people need... they believe they are superior even if it's a myth...
The anti white racism never stops.
typical conservative delusion.......
if you had any brains at all you know what I said is not even close to racism....but a fact.
Why do white people think themselves to be superior ?

Nowadays it's not really "I'm white so I'm better than you!" Well, unless your a dumb, ignorant skinhead or something of that nature. However, I can see where you are coming from. I do believe that there is more of a psychological sense of superiority that many white people have that they do not realize nor believe that they possess. You hold a picture of a white male next to a Hispanic, Asian, or black man, and most people, including children will think that the white man is smarter, or the other men's boss.(I actually tested this for a college course). With that being said, society plays a huge role in this as well.

I'm superior to you and it has nothing to do with skin color. It has everything to do with your simply being a dumbass.
You can only dream of being superior to me monkey. You still catch flea and ticks and smell like a wet dog. How could you possibly be superior to someone like me when the baboon down at the zoo has you beat? Cave monkeys like you are deathly afraid Black people will take your women. Well too late.

The baboon at the zoo is one of your family members.

Any white woman that would be with a black isn't worth having. She's lowered herself to a level which can never be overcome. You can have any of them that come your way. They're white trash and aren't worth shit after that.
Which one?

I think what you meant is that any white woman that would be with a Black is too advanced for your little dick. I cant imagine how that feels for you little dick cave monkeys but white women tell me all the time about how insecure you are.
The anti white racism never stops.
typical conservative delusion.......
if you had any brains at all you know what I said is not even close to racism....but a fact.
Why do white people think themselves to be superior ?

Nowadays it's not really "I'm white so I'm better than you!" Well, unless your a dumb, ignorant skinhead or something of that nature. However, I can see where you are coming from. I do believe that there is more of a psychological sense of superiority that many white people have that they do not realize nor believe that they possess. You hold a picture of a white male next to a Hispanic, Asian, or black man, and most people, including children will think that the white man is smarter, or the other men's boss.(I actually tested this for a college course). With that being said, society plays a huge role in this as well.

I'm superior to you and it has nothing to do with skin color. It has everything to do with your simply being a dumbass.
You can only dream of being superior to me monkey. You still catch flea and ticks and smell like a wet dog. How could you possibly be superior to someone like me when the baboon down at the zoo has you beat? Cave monkeys like you are deathly afraid Black people will take your women. Well too late.

The baboon at the zoo is one of your family members.

Any white woman that would be with a black isn't worth having. She's lowered herself to a level which can never be overcome. You can have any of them that come your way. They're white trash and aren't worth shit after that.
the myth of white superiority on full display......
All wrapped up in a large blanket of little dick inferiority complex. :laugh:

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