White House outlines deep cuts it may have to make


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
White House outlines deep cuts it may have to make | General Headlines | Comcast

Trying to ratchet up pressure on Congress, the White House on Friday detailed what it said would be the painful impact on the federal workforce and certain government assistance programs if "large and arbitrary" scheduled government spending cuts are allowed to take place beginning March 1.

They include layoffs or furloughs of "hundreds of thousands" of federal workers, including FBI agents, U.S. prosecutors, food safety inspectors and air traffic controllers, said White House budget officials at a briefing and in a fact sheet that included these examples of what the cuts would mean:

_ About 70,000 young children would be kicked off Head Start, 10,000 teacher jobs would be put at risk and up to 2,100 food safety inspections might have to be canceled.

Notice how the government is always "May have to",but never does manage to live within a budget,these whining little threatening Bitches would never make it in the private sector. The Government never seems to cut shit ,but has no problem taking more money out your pocket.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
He is trying to flip flop ( see;Evolve) inot hawkish obama, wanting to save the military and hes using the old Jerry Brown ( or any liberal state governor who's broke) "public safety and education will suffer" threat....

obama is boxed in, but the medai will do their best to rescue him.

Oh and watch the usual suspects here at USMB play the ignorance card, those hikes in taxes were supposed to be the revenue he wanted, now he wants more and the sheep will bleat right along.
He is trying to flip flop ( see;Evolve) inot hawkish obama, wanting to save the military and hes using the old Jerry Brown ( or any liberal state governor who's broke) "public safety and education will suffer" threat....

obama is boxed in, but the medai will do their best to rescue him.

Oh and watch the usual suspects here at USMB play the ignorance card, those hikes in taxes were supposed to be the revenue he wanted, now he wants more and the sheep will bleat right along.

Yep. He's using the US Foreign Policy to drive a deeper hole than he ever could have otherwise. It's been done before, but not to this level. In a single-handed move he's molded Foreign Policy/Military spending into a rights issue.

It's a greater move than the debt restructuring of Clinton. I doubt anything short of a war could pull the Congress out of this stomping.

He's made the Republicans change their party position. He did it with taxes on the Middle Class and I think he will get enough Republicans to sign on to new taxes after they all signed off on...

Virtually every mainstream Republican politician on the federal level has signed Grover Norquist’s “Taxpayer Protection Pledge.” The politicians who sign the Taxpayer Protection Pledge promise never to raise marginal tax rates, nor to remove tax loophole without balancing these removals with marginal rate decreases.

No matter what one will say about his policies, he's surely slapped the Republican party silly.

Americans for Tax Reform : What is the Taxpayer Protection Pledge?
Well, if the govt makes those huge cuts, fine. But what will happen?

What happens when the FBI cant handle the caseload? And the local cops dont have cross-state jurisdiction? And cross border crime rises, like identity theft and drug trafficking? People will want "someone to do something", but it wont be there.

And what happens if food poisoning and other food issues, like Mad Cow, start to spread again? People will demand "someone do something".

When government does a great job...people dont notice, because they aren't suffering the consequence of the problem that was prevented, and thus, believe they no longer need the people working in government. A nasty cycle.
Monster continually wants to be feed,but the pool of feeders vs takers is one sided.Too many people with there palm side up:eusa_whistle:
Just more fear mongering and political posturing. Maobama created the monster, let him come up with a way to deal with it that he can sell to the house.
What a crock of shit you all spread. In case you missed it. The sequester legislation was passed by the House of Reps with overwhelming Rethug support. Fuk you revisionist dudes.

It'a all Obama's fault all the time with you assholes.

Don't you rethugs EVER take responsibility for your actions? EVER?
What a crock of shit you all spread. In case you missed it. The sequester legislation was passed by the House of Reps with overwhelming Rethug support. Fuk you revisionist dudes.

It'a all Obama's fault all the time with you assholes.

Don't you rethugs EVER take responsibility for your actions? EVER?

So Obama thought it up and the Republicans passed it. So everyone should quit whining about it. Let it happen. Why is Obama so upset about it now? He got what he wanted. The Republicans passed legislation based on one of his ideas.

Live with it.
Those poor Union workers who voted for Obama. At least they got what they wanted... Or did they?
What a crock of shit you all spread. In case you missed it. The sequester legislation was passed by the House of Reps with overwhelming Rethug support. Fuk you revisionist dudes.

It'a all Obama's fault all the time with you assholes.

Don't you rethugs EVER take responsibility for your actions? EVER?

So Obama thought it up and the Republicans passed it. So everyone should quit whining about it. Let it happen. Why is Obama so upset about it now? He got what he wanted. The Republicans passed legislation based on one of his ideas.

Live with it.

And I agree with you 100%. Let the cuts begin. You rethugs have been wanting to cut everything for a long time. Now let er rip.

Then we will get a little taste of just what it is you rethugs propose; cut cut cut.

You rethugs will act so surprised when the economy slows after the cuts are in place. And you all will whine about how Obama has trashed the economy. And out of the other side of your alls mouth you will be calling for more government cuts. And blah blah blah.

First you want cuts, then you bitch because cuts will cost jobs, then you want more cuts somewhere else then bitch because those cuts cost jobs.

The entire country would just be better off if you rethugs would just stfu. You all could care less what happens with the cuts or not. Just as long as you have an issue to bash Obama about the head with, you all are fine with how the issue comes about.
Well, if the govt makes those huge cuts, fine. But what will happen?

What happens when the FBI cant handle the caseload? And the local cops dont have cross-state jurisdiction? And cross border crime rises, like identity theft and drug trafficking? People will want "someone to do something", but it wont be there.

And what happens if food poisoning and other food issues, like Mad Cow, start to spread again? People will demand "someone do something".

When government does a great job...people dont notice, because they aren't suffering the consequence of the problem that was prevented, and thus, believe they no longer need the people working in government. A nasty cycle.

So maybe the government should only do a select few things? That's radical!

Are you a radical advocating limited government?

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