White House oversees FOX fake news story

You see, anymore, with all the media BS, whenever I encounter an "unnamed source" I don't read it anymore. I stop right there because to me it casts credibility in doubt. No matter what "news" source it comes from.

Unnamed sources have proven this WH to be a lying cesspool.
In order to legally prove something your "sources" have to come forward with evidence. They can't hide in the shadows. Since they have no evidence we will never hear who they may be unless they are prosecuted as leakers.

Wheeler has Butkowsky and Zimmerman on tape in a conference telling them statements attributed to him in the article are untrue, and Butkowsky admitting they changed what he purportedly said, and that Wheeler will get a Pulitzer for things he never said.

That sounds like evidence to me.
You people have little or no sense. My remark was to this jim dope that claimed un-named sources have proven blah blah blah in the white house.

Mueller will find he unnamed sources and they will verify theur statements.
Poppy cock. Mueller is headed down reject and replace road.
Behind Fox News' Baseless Seth Rich Story: The Untold Tale

Just another product from the Comrade cesspool for Mueller to investigate. The Trump cesspool is getting deep!

Thank you! I agree! Mexico has Trump's number...


Watch Video: This Billboard In Mexico City Has An Eerie Cult-Movie Callback
Wow, MSM fake news has debilitated the reasoning capacities of the Crooked Hillary butthurt folks, not that they had much to begin with. :p

Wow, MSM fake news has debilitated the reasoning capacities of the Crooked Hillary butthurt folks, not that they had much to begin with. :p

You do know that Julian Assange has a white hot hatred of Hillary Clinton stemming from her saying he should be executed for treason. He'd say or do anything to take her down.
Unnamed sources have proven this WH to be a lying cesspool.
In order to legally prove something your "sources" have to come forward with evidence. They can't hide in the shadows. Since they have no evidence we will never hear who they may be unless they are prosecuted as leakers.

Wheeler has Butkowsky and Zimmerman on tape in a conference telling them statements attributed to him in the article are untrue, and Butkowsky admitting they changed what he purportedly said, and that Wheeler will get a Pulitzer for things he never said.

That sounds like evidence to me.
You people have little or no sense. My remark was to this jim dope that claimed un-named sources have proven blah blah blah in the white house.

Mueller will find he unnamed sources and they will verify theur statements.
Poppy cock. Mueller is headed down reject and replace road.

Say it ain't SO!?. Seems we have a Leak again below. I just saw the White House last week.
It did look like normal on the outside. We know the insides are The Orange Douche Show production
studios. This must be an up coming remodel of the White House redesign. FFS! How did that get in
the Daily photos?

The first search on Debbie Wassweman Schultz recovered hard drive should be "Seth"
Behind Fox News' Baseless Seth Rich Story: The Untold Tale

Just another product from the Comrade cesspool for Mueller to investigate. The Trump cesspool is getting deep!

Will Sarah Huckleberry Sanders please just shut the f_ _ _ up. You look like you neck is eating your face.

If the Comrade asks his new Chief of Staff to lie for him, the General will tell him where to shove it.

If she lied. Then why isn't CNN blowing up the airwaves about that? They are lurking in the shadows, waiting for any of the Trump administration to make that mistakes. They will make one little lie into a major offense.

Let's say the OP has merit, guess which President established the precedent?

2009: White House — ‘We control news media’
"I admit it -- the liberal media were never that powerful, and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures."
- William Kristol, as reported by the New Yorker, 5/22/95

Ann Coulter: "We have the media now."

Bill O'Reilly: "Don't believe the right-wing ideologues when they tell you the left still controls the media agenda. It does not any longer. It's a fact."
You do know that Julian Assange has a white hot hatred of Hillary Clinton stemming from her saying he should be executed for treason. He'd say or do anything to take her down.

Actually Julian dislikes Crooked Hillary for her profound international and domestic corruption, hijacking American democracy by coordinating with the MSM to fix the primary and have Crazy Bernie lose, her directive in torturing one of his sources, her causing the neocon intervention in Libya which caused an invasion of darkies into Europe, etc., etc. And Wikileaks revelations did not take down Crooked Hillary. She was total fail as a candidate, as any democrat Senator or Congressman would be in a national election.
Despicable that the White House and Fix would use the death of a young man to smear him to protect the President

It wasn't the Russians......it was the dead guy

Mary Rich, the mother of slain Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich, speaks at a press conference on Aug. 1, 2016. A lawsuit alleges Fox News and a wealthy Trump supporter intended to deflect public attention from growing concern about the administration's ties to the Russian government by concocting a story about Seth Rich's death.

Michael Robinson Chavez/The Washington Post/Getty Images

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