White Lives Matter

Someone should have told George Carlin that you don't have to believe in God to know that life is sacred. It's pretty much hardwired into us.
Yeah even those slave owning, cross burning Christians that are so rich in our country’s history?
You misspelled Democrats. Those cross burning Christians were Democrats. They were stopped by Republican Christians.
I misspell a lot of things... and I don’t really care which party did what. Has nothing to do with my post. I think both parties are worthless and corrupt.
But it does because Christians oppressed blacks and Christians ended the oppression of blacks. It was Democrats who were responsible for 150 years of slavery, racism, oppression, bigotry and segregation.
Again I don’t know why you are talking about political parties. You said thinking that life is sacred is ingrained. I pointed to examples where it obviously wasn’t
Because your statement was misleading because it only showed half of the picture. In other words, it was a dishonest statement.

Is truth important to you?
Haha, ok then. Well thank you for trying to observe my feelings despite your lack of care. Maybe try a little harder next time so you can get it right.
I got it right already. Tell everyone how much you care some more, pajamaboy.
I was asked a question and I answered. Don’t know what you’re looking for
The correct answer?
What’s the correct answer?

Same as the answer you gave for black lives matter.
True about all lives mattering? Yes, no shit. That’s why I said it was a stupid question obviously meant to antagonize and minimize the BLM movement.
That wasn't so obvious because of your second answer. Logically they should have been the same answer. But you answered "that's a stupid question" to the question of do white lives matter and you answered "true" to the question do black lives matter.
Yes and I explained why I answered that way to a provocative question geared to minimize a movement. Did you not see that part of my post?
Yes, I don't agree with your logic. If it is a stupid question one way it's a stupid question the other way.
That’s not how it works. You have a marginalized group fighting for equality and the people pushing back trying to minimize their efforts by playing word games with their slogan. Somehow implying that they are trying to say that ONLY Black Lives Matter. It’s a low IQ retort
How did I marginalize anything? The answer to the question do black lives matter is true. The answer to the question do white lives matter is true.

How can stating the truth marginalize anything?
Wow, you really don’t get it. Do I need to actually write it out for you?
Yes, that's exactly what I asked you to do. To explain to me how me stating the truth is a marginalization.
Haha, ok then. Well thank you for trying to observe my feelings despite your lack of care. Maybe try a little harder next time so you can get it right.
I got it right already. Tell everyone how much you care some more, pajamaboy.
I was asked a question and I answered. Don’t know what you’re looking for
The correct answer?
What’s the correct answer?

Same as the answer you gave for black lives matter.
True about all lives mattering? Yes, no shit. That’s why I said it was a stupid question obviously meant to antagonize and minimize the BLM movement.
No one can make you do anything, right?

It's always your choice in the end, right?
That’s right
So then there was no need to put an end to someone trying to antagonize you as you controlled whether or not you would be antagonized.
That’s correct, there is no need to really post anything on this board. I do it for entertainment not necessity
Sure but you explanation for your inconsistent responses was to make him stop doing what he was doing when what he was doing had no effect on you. So instead of honestly answering the question, you answered it dishonestly.
I had no intent of influencing what anybody does. I saw a guy being provocative so I called it out what I saw. Pretty simple. I haven’t been inconsistent with anything
Haha, ok then. Well thank you for trying to observe my feelings despite your lack of care. Maybe try a little harder next time so you can get it right.
I got it right already. Tell everyone how much you care some more, pajamaboy.
I was asked a question and I answered. Don’t know what you’re looking for
The correct answer?
What’s the correct answer?

Same as the answer you gave for black lives matter.
True about all lives mattering? Yes, no shit. That’s why I said it was a stupid question obviously meant to antagonize and minimize the BLM movement.
No one can make you do anything, right?

It's always your choice in the end, right?
That’s right
So then there was no need to put an end to someone trying to antagonize you as you controlled whether or not you would be antagonized.
That’s correct, there is no need to really post anything on this board. I do it for entertainment not necessity
Sure but you explanation for your inconsistent responses was to make him stop doing what he was doing when what he was doing had no effect on you. So instead of honestly answering the question, you answered it dishonestly.
I had no intent of influencing what anybody does. I saw a guy being provocative so I called it out what I saw. Pretty simple. I haven’t been inconsistent with anything
I understand your motives. I just don't agree with your method. Cause all you are doing is playing into their game.
Haha, ok then. Well thank you for trying to observe my feelings despite your lack of care. Maybe try a little harder next time so you can get it right.
I got it right already. Tell everyone how much you care some more, pajamaboy.
I was asked a question and I answered. Don’t know what you’re looking for
The correct answer?
What’s the correct answer?

Same as the answer you gave for black lives matter.
True about all lives mattering? Yes, no shit. That’s why I said it was a stupid question obviously meant to antagonize and minimize the BLM movement.
That wasn't so obvious because of your second answer. Logically they should have been the same answer. But you answered "that's a stupid question" to the question of do white lives matter and you answered "true" to the question do black lives matter.
Yes and I explained why I answered that way to a provocative question geared to minimize a movement. Did you not see that part of my post?
Yes, I don't agree with your logic. If it is a stupid question one way it's a stupid question the other way.
That’s not how it works. You have a marginalized group fighting for equality and the people pushing back trying to minimize their efforts by playing word games with their slogan. Somehow implying that they are trying to say that ONLY Black Lives Matter. It’s a low IQ retort
How did I marginalize anything? The answer to the question do black lives matter is true. The answer to the question do white lives matter is true.

How can stating the truth marginalize anything?
Wow, you really don’t get it. Do I need to actually write it out for you?
Yes, that's exactly what I asked you to do. To explain to me how me stating the truth is a marginalization.
So if somebody you love just found out they had cancer, they were distraught and looking for support, so they come over and tell you that they are dying and you reply “well a lot of people get cancer and die” you are speaking the truth, right? But I promise you you won’t get a positive reaction from that person as you would be minimizing their strife. I can’t believe you don’t understand that and I had to explain it.
Haha, ok then. Well thank you for trying to observe my feelings despite your lack of care. Maybe try a little harder next time so you can get it right.
I got it right already. Tell everyone how much you care some more, pajamaboy.
I was asked a question and I answered. Don’t know what you’re looking for
The correct answer?
What’s the correct answer?

Same as the answer you gave for black lives matter.
True about all lives mattering? Yes, no shit. That’s why I said it was a stupid question obviously meant to antagonize and minimize the BLM movement.
No one can make you do anything, right?

It's always your choice in the end, right?
That’s right
So then there was no need to put an end to someone trying to antagonize you as you controlled whether or not you would be antagonized.
That’s correct, there is no need to really post anything on this board. I do it for entertainment not necessity
Sure but you explanation for your inconsistent responses was to make him stop doing what he was doing when what he was doing had no effect on you. So instead of honestly answering the question, you answered it dishonestly.
I had no intent of influencing what anybody does. I saw a guy being provocative so I called it out what I saw. Pretty simple. I haven’t been inconsistent with anything
I understand your motives. I just don't agree with your method. Cause all you are doing is playing into their game.
Got something against games?
White Lives Matter. True or False
Stupid question

Let me ask a smarter question.

Black Lives Matter. True or False

I'm sorry. I will be smarter in the future.
Thank you. We all make mistakes. Yes Black Lives Matter
Sorry you feel that way
What you can not see how racist BLM is and fucking retarded to boot?
White Lives Matter. True or False
Stupid question

Let me ask a smarter question.

Black Lives Matter. True or False

I'm sorry. I will be smarter in the future.
Thank you. We all make mistakes. Yes Black Lives Matter
Sorry you feel that way
What you can not see how racist BLM is and fucking retarded to boot?
You called me racist. Now you’re talking about BLM. Get your story straight
White Lives Matter. True or False
Stupid question

Let me ask a smarter question.

Black Lives Matter. True or False

I'm sorry. I will be smarter in the future.
Thank you. We all make mistakes. Yes Black Lives Matter
Sorry you feel that way
What you can not see how racist BLM is and fucking retarded to boot?
You called me racist. Now you’re talking about BLM. Get your story straight
White Lives Matter. True or False
Stupid question

Let me ask a smarter question.

Black Lives Matter. True or False

I'm sorry. I will be smarter in the future.
Thank you. We all make mistakes. Yes Black Lives Matter
Sorry you feel that way
What you can not see how racist BLM is and fucking retarded to boot?
You called me racist. Now you’re talking about BLM. Get your story straight
Haha. Confused?
they come over and tell you that they are dying and you reply “well a lot of people get cancer and die” you are speaking the truth, right?
I'd say "A lot of people get cancer and live". That's far more akin to saying an equally positive thing like "All lives matter".
Cat is one of the best posters on this site. 100% the right answer.
White Lives Matter. True or False
Stupid question

Let me ask a smarter question.

Black Lives Matter. True or False

I'm sorry. I will be smarter in the future.
Thank you. We all make mistakes. Yes Black Lives Matter
Sorry you feel that way
What you can not see how racist BLM is and fucking retarded to boot?
You called me racist. Now you’re talking about BLM. Get your story straight
Haha. Confused?
Says the racist BLM cult member
they come over and tell you that they are dying and you reply “well a lot of people get cancer and die” you are speaking the truth, right?
I'd say "A lot of people get cancer and live". That's far more akin to saying an equally positive thing like "All lives matter".
Haha, no it’s not. BLM is addressing blacks being oppressed. How is responding with white lives matter or all lives matter adding equal positivity to the message of BLM?
White Lives Matter. True or False
Stupid question

Let me ask a smarter question.

Black Lives Matter. True or False

I'm sorry. I will be smarter in the future.
Thank you. We all make mistakes. Yes Black Lives Matter
Sorry you feel that way
What you can not see how racist BLM is and fucking retarded to boot?
You called me racist. Now you’re talking about BLM. Get your story straight
Haha. Confused?
Says the racist BLM cult member
Slate is not that but Slate is the ultimate contrarian. Not sure if that's good or bad but it's not terrible.
White Lives Matter. True or False
Stupid question

Let me ask a smarter question.

Black Lives Matter. True or False

I'm sorry. I will be smarter in the future.
Thank you. We all make mistakes. Yes Black Lives Matter
Sorry you feel that way
What you can not see how racist BLM is and fucking retarded to boot?
You called me racist. Now you’re talking about BLM. Get your story straight
Haha. Confused?
Says the racist BLM cult member
Whatever you say Bucko
they come over and tell you that they are dying and you reply “well a lot of people get cancer and die” you are speaking the truth, right?
I'd say "A lot of people get cancer and live". That's far more akin to saying an equally positive thing like "All lives matter".
Haha, no it’s not. BLM is addressing blacks being oppressed. How is responding with white lives matter or all lives matter adding equal positivity to the message of BLM?
Nope. You're wrong. If BLM addressed that I would support BLM. But BLMs sole focus is white cops profiling blacks. That to me is myopic and counterproductive.
White Lives Matter. True or False
Stupid question

Let me ask a smarter question.

Black Lives Matter. True or False

I'm sorry. I will be smarter in the future.
Thank you. We all make mistakes. Yes Black Lives Matter
Sorry you feel that way
What you can not see how racist BLM is and fucking retarded to boot?
You called me racist. Now you’re talking about BLM. Get your story straight
Haha. Confused?
Says the racist BLM cult member
Slate is not that but Slate is the ultimate contrarian. Not sure if that's good or bad but it's not terrible.
That I am. I think a lot comes out with healthy debate. I’m happy to take either side of any issue. Most here get personal though... bear can’t even make it through the front door :)
White Lives Matter. True or False
Stupid question

Let me ask a smarter question.

Black Lives Matter. True or False

I'm sorry. I will be smarter in the future.
Thank you. We all make mistakes. Yes Black Lives Matter
Sorry you feel that way
What you can not see how racist BLM is and fucking retarded to boot?
You called me racist. Now you’re talking about BLM. Get your story straight
Haha. Confused?
Says the racist BLM cult member
Slate is not that but Slate is the ultimate contrarian. Not sure if that's good or bad but it's not terrible.
That I am. I think a lot comes out with healthy debate. I’m happy to take either side of any issue. Most here get personal though... bear can’t even make it through the front door :)
That is how Israel has survived. They take a situation that is least probable at times and address it as if it's highly probable and look to solve it accordingly. Not the worst way to be. But there is an opportunity cost to that.

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