White people when no one is looking...

You phony lefties.
Look at every neighborhood blacks live in and you'll see almost all blacks. By choice. When highspanics move in, the blacks move out. Embracing the diversity.
Look at every neighborhood white lefties live in. Almost all white. When blacks move in, they move out. Embracing diversity.
Phonies and hypocrites.
At least the bigots on that FB page are stupidly open about it.
Ass-wipe-us makes sure to pronounce his racism on anonymous sites like his one.
YOu are a black PERSON, not all black people.

Were they in danger from you attacking them? YOu talk smack about random violence. Would you have attacked them if they had told you to your face what they think of you?
Yes I am one Black person. Thats why I said they were talking about Black people even it was just me. Are you really that stupid?

Of course they were in danger. Thats why I called them cowards. They were afraid to man up and say it to my face because I would have beat their ass.

They weren't talking about black people, plural, the group,

they were talking about one INDIVIDUAL asshole, who happens to be black.

The fact that you state that you were willing to commit violence in the workplace if your co-workers insulted you shows that you are a violent asshole.
I guess this is where I ask where this occurred at? I need the address. Sounds like you were there but I know you werent. How do you know they were talking about me instead of all Black people?

Yes I am a violent asshole around white boys that are racist cowards. If you dont like it why dont you do something about it?

Because I know how white people would respond to working with an asshole like you.

There wouldn't be time to talk about Black People plural, when you are there to take up all available gossip time with what a raging, bigoted, violent asshole you are, INDIVIDUALLY.


You are making my case that we need to stop pandering to blacks FAR, FAR BETTER than I could hope to do myself.

Don't stop, don't slow down, don't change.

So you werent there and you have no idea who or what they were talking about but you expect me to believe you do?

Come on white boy. You have to do better.

Let me know when you get up enough credibility to keep whites from pandering to Blacks.

If white people work with you, they were talking about you, personally as an INDIVIDUAL.

I can't get white libs to stop pandering t:happy-1:o you, they won't listen to me.

But you're black, and not a republican. They have to pay attention to you.
Response from the terrible company who hates freedom of targeting kids or blacks or something bad. Leave that poor WASP alone :crybaby:

Polaris Marketing Group
Consulting/Business Services · 717 Likes
· October 2 at 3:20pm ·Edited ·
This morning I was disgusted to learn that one of my former employees made several racially charged comments on his personal Facebook page. Even worse, the comments were directed toward the son of another employee.

It breaks my heart that Sydney and her adorable son Cayden were subjected to such hateful, ignorant and despicable behavior. Cayden visits my office almost every afternoon after daycare, he's sat at my dinner table and I consider him a part of the PMG family.

The atrocious lies, slander and racism he and his mother have been forced to endure are wholly intolerable. Myself and the entire PMG family in no way condones this kind of behavior and would never willingly associate with anyone who does.

It has no place in the world.

PMG has terminated the employee responsible and will ensure that none of the businesses that we associate with will ever do business with him again.


Michael Da Graca Pinto
Polaris Marketing Group, Inc

You work around whites long enough and nothing will surprise you. I've walked in on conversations that halted abruptly when I showed up. You could tell they were talking about Black people because they were all red in the face. Thats why I am convinced that there is still a large number of racist whites hiding in plain sight.
Black people steal when you arent watching them, which is why store owners watch them very closely. Black store owners dont watch white people like that, but they do with their own kind. That says a lot. Why are your people so awful and untrustworthy?

LOLOLOL.....what is really the irony in all this....while the store clerks are stressing black patrons and they do, with a vengeous, Barbie and Ken are having a field day ripping these motherfuckers off....I have seen this shit play out so many times, its not even funny. Mf's walking out the door and the buzzer goes off....meanwhile all eyes where on my black ass......love it love it love it.
If Barbies and Kens were ripping them off regurlarly, they would have the same reputation as black people, but you and i both know that isn't the case. Reputations exist for a reason. Black people are notorious for stealing. I'm not saying that to be obnoxious... its simply the truth. Pretending that isn't the case is a pointless endeavor.

It is the case....I see this shit all the time. But listen, we live in a country where redistributing our bias and prolific ignorance can't and won't change. Meanwhile back at the ranch, Harry and Louise is making a killing ripping mf's off. White collar crime in this country, adds up to the trillions, yet rarely do you SEE BLACK PEOPLE ARRESTED FOR IT. Do we now assume all black people who work in professional settings are immune to this? Or some just never got caught...think about it, dumb shit!!
Yes I am one Black person. Thats why I said they were talking about Black people even it was just me. Are you really that stupid?

Of course they were in danger. Thats why I called them cowards. They were afraid to man up and say it to my face because I would have beat their ass.

They weren't talking about black people, plural, the group,

they were talking about one INDIVIDUAL asshole, who happens to be black.

The fact that you state that you were willing to commit violence in the workplace if your co-workers insulted you shows that you are a violent asshole.
I guess this is where I ask where this occurred at? I need the address. Sounds like you were there but I know you werent. How do you know they were talking about me instead of all Black people?

Yes I am a violent asshole around white boys that are racist cowards. If you dont like it why dont you do something about it?

Because I know how white people would respond to working with an asshole like you.

There wouldn't be time to talk about Black People plural, when you are there to take up all available gossip time with what a raging, bigoted, violent asshole you are, INDIVIDUALLY.


You are making my case that we need to stop pandering to blacks FAR, FAR BETTER than I could hope to do myself.

Don't stop, don't slow down, don't change.

So you werent there and you have no idea who or what they were talking about but you expect me to believe you do?

Come on white boy. You have to do better.

Let me know when you get up enough credibility to keep whites from pandering to Blacks.

If white people work with you, they were talking about you, personally as an INDIVIDUAL.

I can't get white libs to stop pandering t:happy-1:o you, they won't listen to me.

But you're black, and not a republican. They have to pay attention to you.
I dont believe you. Try harder to convince me.

Of course you cant get white libs to stop pandering to me. You have zero credibility.

Yes I'm Black and I would never be a republican. That makes me practically a genius.
They weren't talking about black people, plural, the group,

they were talking about one INDIVIDUAL asshole, who happens to be black.

The fact that you state that you were willing to commit violence in the workplace if your co-workers insulted you shows that you are a violent asshole.
I guess this is where I ask where this occurred at? I need the address. Sounds like you were there but I know you werent. How do you know they were talking about me instead of all Black people?

Yes I am a violent asshole around white boys that are racist cowards. If you dont like it why dont you do something about it?

Because I know how white people would respond to working with an asshole like you.

There wouldn't be time to talk about Black People plural, when you are there to take up all available gossip time with what a raging, bigoted, violent asshole you are, INDIVIDUALLY.


You are making my case that we need to stop pandering to blacks FAR, FAR BETTER than I could hope to do myself.

Don't stop, don't slow down, don't change.

So you werent there and you have no idea who or what they were talking about but you expect me to believe you do?

Come on white boy. You have to do better.

Let me know when you get up enough credibility to keep whites from pandering to Blacks.

If white people work with you, they were talking about you, personally as an INDIVIDUAL.

I can't get white libs to stop pandering t:happy-1:o you, they won't listen to me.

But you're black, and not a republican. They have to pay attention to you.
I dont believe you. Try harder to convince me.

Of course you cant get white libs to stop pandering to me. You have zero credibility.

Yes I'm Black and I would never be a republican. That makes me practically a genius.

I've given you my assurances based on being a white person who has talked to you.

I know how any group of white people who are unfortunate enough to have to work with you would react.

That you refuse to see the obvious true is just you being dishonest with yourself.

My credibility is not an issue for libs. They have closed minds.

They reject all information from unapproved sources.

BUT you, you are part of the Privileged Class, ie "blacks" and they have to listen.

And what they hear....

Goes against everything they ever hoped for from Diversity and Multiculturalism, and Affirmative Action and all their doomed attempts of helping you people.

Thank you very, very much.
I guess this is where I ask where this occurred at? I need the address. Sounds like you were there but I know you werent. How do you know they were talking about me instead of all Black people?

Yes I am a violent asshole around white boys that are racist cowards. If you dont like it why dont you do something about it?

Because I know how white people would respond to working with an asshole like you.

There wouldn't be time to talk about Black People plural, when you are there to take up all available gossip time with what a raging, bigoted, violent asshole you are, INDIVIDUALLY.


You are making my case that we need to stop pandering to blacks FAR, FAR BETTER than I could hope to do myself.

Don't stop, don't slow down, don't change.

So you werent there and you have no idea who or what they were talking about but you expect me to believe you do?

Come on white boy. You have to do better.

Let me know when you get up enough credibility to keep whites from pandering to Blacks.

If white people work with you, they were talking about you, personally as an INDIVIDUAL.

I can't get white libs to stop pandering t:happy-1:o you, they won't listen to me.

But you're black, and not a republican. They have to pay attention to you.
I dont believe you. Try harder to convince me.

Of course you cant get white libs to stop pandering to me. You have zero credibility.

Yes I'm Black and I would never be a republican. That makes me practically a genius.

I've given you my assurances based on being a white person who has talked to you.

I know how any group of white people who are unfortunate enough to have to work with you would react.

That you refuse to see the obvious true is just you being dishonest with yourself.

My credibility is not an issue for libs. They have closed minds.

They reject all information from unapproved sources.

BUT you, you are part of the Privileged Class, ie "blacks" and they have to listen.

And what they hear....

Goes against everything they ever hoped for from Diversity and Multiculturalism, and Affirmative Action and all their doomed attempts of helping you people.

Thank you very, very much.
You havent talked to me. I have educated you. Big difference. Your assurances arent worth the piss they smell like.

Your credibility is not an issue because you have none with anyone expect with fellow non-significants.

They reject your bullshit because.....well its bullshit. The result of white boy cognitive dissonance.

I agree I am part of the privileged class but not in your cave monkey system. They dont have to listen because I am not really talking to them. I am talking to my fellow people of color.

Youre welcome.
Because I know how white people would respond to working with an asshole like you.

There wouldn't be time to talk about Black People plural, when you are there to take up all available gossip time with what a raging, bigoted, violent asshole you are, INDIVIDUALLY.


You are making my case that we need to stop pandering to blacks FAR, FAR BETTER than I could hope to do myself.

Don't stop, don't slow down, don't change.

So you werent there and you have no idea who or what they were talking about but you expect me to believe you do?

Come on white boy. You have to do better.

Let me know when you get up enough credibility to keep whites from pandering to Blacks.

If white people work with you, they were talking about you, personally as an INDIVIDUAL.

I can't get white libs to stop pandering t:happy-1:o you, they won't listen to me.

But you're black, and not a republican. They have to pay attention to you.
I dont believe you. Try harder to convince me.

Of course you cant get white libs to stop pandering to me. You have zero credibility.

Yes I'm Black and I would never be a republican. That makes me practically a genius.

I've given you my assurances based on being a white person who has talked to you.

I know how any group of white people who are unfortunate enough to have to work with you would react.

That you refuse to see the obvious true is just you being dishonest with yourself.

My credibility is not an issue for libs. They have closed minds.

They reject all information from unapproved sources.

BUT you, you are part of the Privileged Class, ie "blacks" and they have to listen.

And what they hear....

Goes against everything they ever hoped for from Diversity and Multiculturalism, and Affirmative Action and all their doomed attempts of helping you people.

Thank you very, very much.
You havent talked to me. I have educated you. Big difference. Your assurances arent worth the piss they smell like.

Your credibility is not an issue because you have none with anyone expect with fellow non-significants.

They reject your bullshit because.....well its bullshit. The result of white boy cognitive dissonance.

I agree I am part of the privileged class but not in your cave monkey system. They dont have to listen because I am not really talking to them. I am talking to my fellow people of color.

Youre welcome.
Hey Cave Monkey, you do realize you're a joke around here, right?
Because I know how white people would respond to working with an asshole like you.

There wouldn't be time to talk about Black People plural, when you are there to take up all available gossip time with what a raging, bigoted, violent asshole you are, INDIVIDUALLY.


You are making my case that we need to stop pandering to blacks FAR, FAR BETTER than I could hope to do myself.

Don't stop, don't slow down, don't change.

So you werent there and you have no idea who or what they were talking about but you expect me to believe you do?

Come on white boy. You have to do better.

Let me know when you get up enough credibility to keep whites from pandering to Blacks.

If white people work with you, they were talking about you, personally as an INDIVIDUAL.

I can't get white libs to stop pandering t:happy-1:o you, they won't listen to me.

But you're black, and not a republican. They have to pay attention to you.
I dont believe you. Try harder to convince me.

Of course you cant get white libs to stop pandering to me. You have zero credibility.

Yes I'm Black and I would never be a republican. That makes me practically a genius.

I've given you my assurances based on being a white person who has talked to you.

I know how any group of white people who are unfortunate enough to have to work with you would react.

That you refuse to see the obvious true is just you being dishonest with yourself.

My credibility is not an issue for libs. They have closed minds.

They reject all information from unapproved sources.

BUT you, you are part of the Privileged Class, ie "blacks" and they have to listen.

And what they hear....

Goes against everything they ever hoped for from Diversity and Multiculturalism, and Affirmative Action and all their doomed attempts of helping you people.

Thank you very, very much.
You havent talked to me. I have educated you. Big difference. Your assurances arent worth the piss they smell like.

Your credibility is not an issue because you have none with anyone expect with fellow non-significants.

They reject your bullshit because.....well its bullshit. The result of white boy cognitive dissonance.

I agree I am part of the privileged class but not in your cave monkey system. They dont have to listen because I am not really talking to them. I am talking to my fellow people of color.

Youre welcome.

I am talking to you right now.

And my assurance is spot on.

Any group of white people who have to deal with you, will be talking about you.

ANyone who is NOT a raging Klan member is going to be utterly shocked at you and the way you are.

Anyone who is a raging Klan member is going to be giddy with excitement at the validation you provide.
So you werent there and you have no idea who or what they were talking about but you expect me to believe you do?

Come on white boy. You have to do better.

Let me know when you get up enough credibility to keep whites from pandering to Blacks.

If white people work with you, they were talking about you, personally as an INDIVIDUAL.

I can't get white libs to stop pandering t:happy-1:o you, they won't listen to me.

But you're black, and not a republican. They have to pay attention to you.
I dont believe you. Try harder to convince me.

Of course you cant get white libs to stop pandering to me. You have zero credibility.

Yes I'm Black and I would never be a republican. That makes me practically a genius.

I've given you my assurances based on being a white person who has talked to you.

I know how any group of white people who are unfortunate enough to have to work with you would react.

That you refuse to see the obvious true is just you being dishonest with yourself.

My credibility is not an issue for libs. They have closed minds.

They reject all information from unapproved sources.

BUT you, you are part of the Privileged Class, ie "blacks" and they have to listen.

And what they hear....

Goes against everything they ever hoped for from Diversity and Multiculturalism, and Affirmative Action and all their doomed attempts of helping you people.

Thank you very, very much.
You havent talked to me. I have educated you. Big difference. Your assurances arent worth the piss they smell like.

Your credibility is not an issue because you have none with anyone expect with fellow non-significants.

They reject your bullshit because.....well its bullshit. The result of white boy cognitive dissonance.

I agree I am part of the privileged class but not in your cave monkey system. They dont have to listen because I am not really talking to them. I am talking to my fellow people of color.

Youre welcome.

I am talking to you right now.

And my assurance is spot on.

Any group of white people who have to deal with you, will be talking about you.

ANyone who is NOT a raging Klan member is going to be utterly shocked at you and the way you are.

Anyone who is a raging Klan member is going to be giddy with excitement at the validation you provide.
No you are not talking to me. You are attempting to reject my teachings by arguing. Big difference. If you were allowed to talk to me then you would have your weak mind blown.

Your assurance is a spot of piss.

Of course any group of white people who have or have to deal with me will be talking about me. I strike fear in their hearts if they are feral cave monkeys and I inspire admiration in those that are not racist.

White people get shocked easily I do admit. They think everyone loves them.
I will be excited with Klan members when they stop hiding under hoods and man up.
Last edited:
If white people work with you, they were talking about you, personally as an INDIVIDUAL.

I can't get white libs to stop pandering t:happy-1:o you, they won't listen to me.

But you're black, and not a republican. They have to pay attention to you.
I dont believe you. Try harder to convince me.

Of course you cant get white libs to stop pandering to me. You have zero credibility.

Yes I'm Black and I would never be a republican. That makes me practically a genius.

I've given you my assurances based on being a white person who has talked to you.

I know how any group of white people who are unfortunate enough to have to work with you would react.

That you refuse to see the obvious true is just you being dishonest with yourself.

My credibility is not an issue for libs. They have closed minds.

They reject all information from unapproved sources.

BUT you, you are part of the Privileged Class, ie "blacks" and they have to listen.

And what they hear....

Goes against everything they ever hoped for from Diversity and Multiculturalism, and Affirmative Action and all their doomed attempts of helping you people.

Thank you very, very much.
You havent talked to me. I have educated you. Big difference. Your assurances arent worth the piss they smell like.

Your credibility is not an issue because you have none with anyone expect with fellow non-significants.

They reject your bullshit because.....well its bullshit. The result of white boy cognitive dissonance.

I agree I am part of the privileged class but not in your cave monkey system. They dont have to listen because I am not really talking to them. I am talking to my fellow people of color.

Youre welcome.

I am talking to you right now.

And my assurance is spot on.

Any group of white people who have to deal with you, will be talking about you.

ANyone who is NOT a raging Klan member is going to be utterly shocked at you and the way you are.

Anyone who is a raging Klan member is going to be giddy with excitement at the validation you provide.
No you are not talking to me. You are attempting to reject my teachings by arguing. Big difference. If you allowed to talk to me then you would have your weak mind blown.

Your assurance is a spot of piss.

Of course any group of white people who have or have to deal with me will be talking about me. I strike fear in their hearts if they are feral cave monkeys and I inspire admiration in those that are not racist.

White people get shocked easily I do admit. They think everyone loves them.
I will be excited with Klan members when they stop hiding under hoods and man up.
Haha, Cave Monkey thinks he's teaching people stuff. How cute. :laugh:
I dont believe you. Try harder to convince me.

Of course you cant get white libs to stop pandering to me. You have zero credibility.

Yes I'm Black and I would never be a republican. That makes me practically a genius.

I've given you my assurances based on being a white person who has talked to you.

I know how any group of white people who are unfortunate enough to have to work with you would react.

That you refuse to see the obvious true is just you being dishonest with yourself.

My credibility is not an issue for libs. They have closed minds.

They reject all information from unapproved sources.

BUT you, you are part of the Privileged Class, ie "blacks" and they have to listen.

And what they hear....

Goes against everything they ever hoped for from Diversity and Multiculturalism, and Affirmative Action and all their doomed attempts of helping you people.

Thank you very, very much.
You havent talked to me. I have educated you. Big difference. Your assurances arent worth the piss they smell like.

Your credibility is not an issue because you have none with anyone expect with fellow non-significants.

They reject your bullshit because.....well its bullshit. The result of white boy cognitive dissonance.

I agree I am part of the privileged class but not in your cave monkey system. They dont have to listen because I am not really talking to them. I am talking to my fellow people of color.

Youre welcome.

I am talking to you right now.

And my assurance is spot on.

Any group of white people who have to deal with you, will be talking about you.

ANyone who is NOT a raging Klan member is going to be utterly shocked at you and the way you are.

Anyone who is a raging Klan member is going to be giddy with excitement at the validation you provide.
No you are not talking to me. You are attempting to reject my teachings by arguing. Big difference. If you allowed to talk to me then you would have your weak mind blown.

Your assurance is a spot of piss.

Of course any group of white people who have or have to deal with me will be talking about me. I strike fear in their hearts if they are feral cave monkeys and I inspire admiration in those that are not racist.

White people get shocked easily I do admit. They think everyone loves them.
I will be excited with Klan members when they stop hiding under hoods and man up.
Haha, Cave Monkey thinks he's teaching people stuff. How cute. :laugh:
I know cave monkeys are funny....wait. Youre a cave monkey Goofyboy. Dont talk about yourself.
If white people work with you, they were talking about you, personally as an INDIVIDUAL.

I can't get white libs to stop pandering t:happy-1:o you, they won't listen to me.

But you're black, and not a republican. They have to pay attention to you.
I dont believe you. Try harder to convince me.

Of course you cant get white libs to stop pandering to me. You have zero credibility.

Yes I'm Black and I would never be a republican. That makes me practically a genius.

I've given you my assurances based on being a white person who has talked to you.

I know how any group of white people who are unfortunate enough to have to work with you would react.

That you refuse to see the obvious true is just you being dishonest with yourself.

My credibility is not an issue for libs. They have closed minds.

They reject all information from unapproved sources.

BUT you, you are part of the Privileged Class, ie "blacks" and they have to listen.

And what they hear....

Goes against everything they ever hoped for from Diversity and Multiculturalism, and Affirmative Action and all their doomed attempts of helping you people.

Thank you very, very much.
You havent talked to me. I have educated you. Big difference. Your assurances arent worth the piss they smell like.

Your credibility is not an issue because you have none with anyone expect with fellow non-significants.

They reject your bullshit because.....well its bullshit. The result of white boy cognitive dissonance.

I agree I am part of the privileged class but not in your cave monkey system. They dont have to listen because I am not really talking to them. I am talking to my fellow people of color.

Youre welcome.

I am talking to you right now.

And my assurance is spot on.

Any group of white people who have to deal with you, will be talking about you.

ANyone who is NOT a raging Klan member is going to be utterly shocked at you and the way you are.

Anyone who is a raging Klan member is going to be giddy with excitement at the validation you provide.
No you are not talking to me. You are attempting to reject my teachings by arguing. Big difference. If you allowed were to talk to me then you would have your weak mind blown.

Your assurance is a spot of piss.

Of course any group of white people who have or have to deal with me will be talking about me. I strike fear in their hearts if they are feral cave monkeys and I inspire admiration in those that are not racist.

White people get shocked easily I do admit. They think everyone loves them.
I will be excited with Klan members when they stop hiding under hoods and man up.

Arguing is a sub set of talking.

As anyone who is not a dumb ass would know.

The rest of your post is even less meaningful than that.
I dont believe you. Try harder to convince me.

Of course you cant get white libs to stop pandering to me. You have zero credibility.

Yes I'm Black and I would never be a republican. That makes me practically a genius.

I've given you my assurances based on being a white person who has talked to you.

I know how any group of white people who are unfortunate enough to have to work with you would react.

That you refuse to see the obvious true is just you being dishonest with yourself.

My credibility is not an issue for libs. They have closed minds.

They reject all information from unapproved sources.

BUT you, you are part of the Privileged Class, ie "blacks" and they have to listen.

And what they hear....

Goes against everything they ever hoped for from Diversity and Multiculturalism, and Affirmative Action and all their doomed attempts of helping you people.

Thank you very, very much.
You havent talked to me. I have educated you. Big difference. Your assurances arent worth the piss they smell like.

Your credibility is not an issue because you have none with anyone expect with fellow non-significants.

They reject your bullshit because.....well its bullshit. The result of white boy cognitive dissonance.

I agree I am part of the privileged class but not in your cave monkey system. They dont have to listen because I am not really talking to them. I am talking to my fellow people of color.

Youre welcome.

I am talking to you right now.

And my assurance is spot on.

Any group of white people who have to deal with you, will be talking about you.

ANyone who is NOT a raging Klan member is going to be utterly shocked at you and the way you are.

Anyone who is a raging Klan member is going to be giddy with excitement at the validation you provide.
No you are not talking to me. You are attempting to reject my teachings by arguing. Big difference. If you allowed were to talk to me then you would have your weak mind blown.

Your assurance is a spot of piss.

Of course any group of white people who have or have to deal with me will be talking about me. I strike fear in their hearts if they are feral cave monkeys and I inspire admiration in those that are not racist.

White people get shocked easily I do admit. They think everyone loves them.
I will be excited with Klan members when they stop hiding under hoods and man up.

Arguing is a sub set of talking.

As anyone who is not a dumb ass would know.

The rest of your post is even less meaningful than that.
I havent allowed you into that subset because youre just a cave monkey and of no consequence or concern to me..

Cat got your tongue eh?
I don't do Facebook either. Would someone generally post a caption along with a picture like that? If he did I'd be very curious what it was. A natural (for me) would be something like "Kid in background is co-worker's boy, cute little fella, eh?" It'd be nice to know what his motivation was for taking that pic and putting it out there. Was it originally benign or did he intend such a sinister result.

And you'd think by now people would understand digital permanence enough they'd leave those racist thoughts unexpressed in an open medium like Facebook. It's like they don't understand their comments are racist. Or worse, they don't care.

Poster who said "I don't see how this guy is responsible for his white racist friends" would be right if he hadn't have egged them on with comments like his answer to "Where'd you get the black kid?" - "He was feral"
It's like they don't understand their comments are racist. Or worse, they don't care.

That's an excellent point. People tend to hang with those whom they feel share their politics and sentiments and presume anything they say around them will be agreed with.
Lefties often express their politics publicly and assume everyone agrees with them. And even if they don't agree it's OK to themselves because they feel they are superior and smarter and that those who might disagree are stupid.
Unfortunately, that left wing racism and bigotry is institutional and excused as well as condescending.
So , there was a black guy who's kid came to his job one day. But of course because he's black and white people dont see race he decided to....take a selfie with the kid, yanno, because you need a target.

Then was fired, I'm sure theres a GOfundme account where you can help out this poor WASP in todays awful world

Photo of White Man, Friends Posting Racist Comments About Black Co-Worker’s Child Goes Viral


The thing aout all this.....is that while I don't find it humorous, somebody is really being too thin skinned.

Blacks up to about 1980, suffered bigotry and hatred kids today could not even imagine.

Once again, while I don't share the humor....we don't need people running around freaking out thrugh the roof whenever somebody says something off color

Now this all happened at work, so if the offended parties were subjected to it, at work, that's another thing.

Are the offended parties required by their jobs to monitor facebook at work?

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