White Privilege CRT vs. The Great Replacement


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Laws are being made to stop teaching complete history and a fake version of CRT is being pushed as the actual theory in an attempt to stop it from being taught in the only place it's taught in-universities. Meanwhile, the same people push the Great Replacement as a reality. This is an example of white privilege.

Laws are being made to stop teaching complete history and a fake version of CRT is being pushed as the actual theory in an attempt to stop it from being taught in the only place it's taught in-universities. Meanwhile, the same people push the Great Replacement as a reality. This is an example of white privilege.

White people are not your enemy, The Democratic Party is.
No. The Republican Party is the problem.

Now try talking about the topic because I have never said white people were the enemy.
Laws are being made to stop teaching complete history and a fake version of CRT is being pushed as the actual theory in an attempt to stop it from being taught in the only place it's taught in-universities. Meanwhile, the same people push the Great Replacement as a reality. This is an example of white privilege.

If CRT is taught then racist whites feel threatened. They wont be seen as the god like creatures they fancy themselves to be.
No. The Republican Party is the problem.

Now try talking about the topic because I have never said white people were the enemy.
The topic is always the same, White people are the enemy, Black people are victims. Since you repeat yourself constantly I will repeat myself. I saw SYSTEMIC racism back in the 60s. I also saw SYSTEMIC racism disappear by the 80s. What remains in INDIVIDUAL racism. You are a perfect example of INDIVIDUAL racism.
Democrats have been pushing replacement for decades.
Bullshit. But the fact you believe this while arguing against actual documented evidence is an example of white privilege.
Bullshit. But the fact you believe this while arguing against actual documented evidence is an example of white privilege.
Actual documented evidence is that democrats have been using immigration to replace Americans for decades. If you think it's only whites being replaced it's an example of your ignorance. Americans are being replaced. Americans of all races. The Hondurans, Guatemalans and Syrians do not sympathize with the black experience. Somalians and Nigerians aren't too keen on it either. What they are is complacent and willing to be obedient to Marxism. That's the replacement.
The topic is always the same, White people are the enemy, Black people are victims. Since you repeat yourself constantly I will repeat myself. I saw SYSTEMIC racism back in the 60s. I also saw SYSTEMIC racism disappear by the 80s. What remains in INDIVIDUAL racism. You are a perfect example of INDIVIDUAL racism.
Considering the huge amounti of anti black postings and threads you have contributed to, I think you really have nothing to say about what I post. I talk about whites who are racist. That's supposed not to be all whites according to those like you. But when I point out whites who are racists, those like you are telling me I am talking about all whites. Are all whites racists Mike?

You run your mouth with that racist blackds are victims gaslightijng, well guess what Mike, blacks and every other non white group HAVE and ARE been the victims of white racism.

I saw systemic racism as a kid in the 60's. I see it as and adult right now. It has never ended and whites like you practice systemic and individual racism. Stop being white telling me how systemic racism ended. You ass has see in every day on your job.

You post up a name of a dead child, and you can't see how systemic racism creates the conditions in that community that causes people to turn to violence. You right wing whites are dumb. I mean just stump stupid. Your answer to gun killings is arm more people with guns and your answer to systemic racism is to deny it happens and only think of racism as individual acts. People like Lisa work in admissions offices and as professors, then when it is shown that blacks quit college, whites like you make the swo instead of taking a deep look at the attitudes/policies of the university.

You see blacks being put in prison for things whites get probation for and whites like you make the swo about black families instead of looking a policies made by various departments and laws passed by states. It's real easy to make the simple white opinion when you never face the problems, but the simple white opinion is never right.

Systemic racism has never ended. That's the way it is, not the way you wish it to be.
Actual documented evidence is that democrats have been using immigration to replace Americans for decades. If you think it's only whites being replaced it's an example of your ignorance. Americans are being replaced. Americans of all races. The Hondurans, Guatemalans and Syrians do not sympathize with the black experience. Somalians and Nigerians aren't too keen on it either. What they are is complacent and willing to be obedient to Marxism. That's the replacement.
No, that's not actual documented evidence. It's right wing stupidity. Funny how you make up things about Africans. I talk to Africans almost every day and you are way off.

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