White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America

White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

It doesn't matter who rejects it. If you are employed in this country, it will eventually be that to remain employed, you will have to take it.

Don't worry, most everyone will be vaccinated soon enough.
It's funny -- you people used to call yourselves the Resistance.

Now you're demanding total obedience to the State.
No, I said nothing of the sort. I was merely pointing out that, in my opinion, it will come to a point where, if you want to be employed, they will force you to take it.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

/——/ I’m a white republican and just got my second Pfizer shot. Two of my cousins are dyed in the wool Trump haters and voted for Dementia Joe. They are also big time vaccine haters. They believe they cause autism.
there is no predicting how bad or mild it might be.
That is exactly right. I also have had it along with five family members. Five of us had no problems that were any greater than a mild cold. The sixth, not so much. I am not impressed by the virus. That is not to say I would influence anyone either way. It is a personal choice. I choose not to get it. The family member who was more seriously affected is going to get it. It is as simple as that.
I remember you from yesterday now and do understand, with your family history you might be fine. Don't know what you do, how good you are at it or how marketable your skills, your call dude. One thing though, be cool at, and with the company and customers. This is the anonymous internet. Your co-workers and customers might not have you ability to resist and you should remember that, before becoming a friggin crusader in the work place or with customers, as your company does not deserve it. If you don't have any vaccine history, I'd go with the flow, supporting the common good, but I don't know that part of your history.
Don't get me wrong--I am not an anti-vaxxer. I don't trust this one OR anything that has happened in the last year--worldwide. I have been retired for eight years, except for my kids, I could care less what they do in the workplace as long as it operates within the limits of the constitution and is legal.
Then don't sweat it. Doubt we'll meet in the next two weeks. After that, my wife and I won't catch it again from you. Hope it works out for you, your kids and grand kids.
The flu will be back next year and covid will only raise its ugly head when the globalists need a distraction.
Great, I'll get the Flu shot again in December too, so I'll be ready for ski travel next season.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.
I'm one of them. I've had it though, so...
So? why would anyone not get the vaccine
Gee, why wouldn't they?

Vaccines take 5 to 12 years to be fully vetted and deemed safe. The process takes hundreds of clinical trials trying to cover every possible contingent and even with all of that, people are suffering from the horrible side effects from vaccines deemed (Stable and Safe) and filing huge lawsuits. It is so bad that the left (until Donald Trump came around) screamed bloody murder at how Big Pharma was just raping sick people and providing meds that didn't work and had too many sides-affects.

Now, a vaccine comes along in under 9 months and you can't figure out why people would not want to take it?

I won't even mention we are talking about a vaccine that alleges that it is 95% effective for a virus that is 99.5% survivable.

But yeah....Science.
Your medical information is coming from 1980's and before. Read about mRNA vaccines.
Trump supporters are really under educated people. They are stupid but think they are smart.
In short they are ultimate dumbasses.

He's right. mRNA technologies create a specific antibody that will only recognize the original virus. Now, the virus variants will move right through that line of defense because the vaccine is essentially destroying the immune system. Our natural killer cells are what's needed to fight this virus. The current thinking of a vaccine is like taking a BB gun to fight a battleship. It's complete madness.
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Democrats are much more likely to be mindless sheeple, following the stupid government no matter what is said. Even if it means giving up their Liberty.

Of course they have no concept of individual Liberty. To these little sickos it is all about collectivism.

Pathetic excuses for human beings, aren't they?

I am capable of making my own decisions for the well being of myself and my family. I don't need some stupid bureaucrat telling me how to run my life. I'll take medical advice when it is prudent and reject it when it is convoluted.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

Well, no surprise. The man they adore taught them to doubt it, deny it, mock it, and downplay it.
Joe Biden and RFK Jr. are Democrats. They are the ones who spread fear about Trump's Operation Warp Speed vaccine.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

Well, no surprise. The man they adore taught them to doubt it, deny it, mock it, and downplay it.

They're more than willing to spread it far and wide, infecting Americans from coast to coast.

Freedom. Liberty. Death. Suffering. MAGA.

We should have never locked down, quit going out, never wore masks and let the virus run through the populace. Now, the variants are going to come back with a vengeance and take out hundreds of millions around the world. Using a vaccine for a virus that is already here is utter madness. If we all would have taken a vaccine before the virus got here, it would have stopped it. It's probably too late now though. The entire world would have to take off their mask, engage in society, quit taking the vaccines for us to have a sucker punch chance now.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.
I'm one of them. I've had it though, so...
So? why would anyone not get the vaccine
Everybody is an individual. We are not all exactly the same. LWNJ moonbats like you are apparently just too fucking stupid to comprehend that fact.

For example, some people have a medical history of allergic reactions to vaccines, most others don't. It's each individual's prerogative to perform their own risk/benefit analysis to decide whether of not they should get vaccinated and where and when.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

Unpatriotic SOBs.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

Well, no surprise. The man they adore taught them to doubt it, deny it, mock it, and downplay it.

They're more than willing to spread it far and wide, infecting Americans from coast to coast.

Freedom. Liberty. Death. Suffering. MAGA.
But seriously, how is this bad news? LOL I mean if the vaccines were only 60-70% effective this could be a problem, but with 90% immunity ... let em die. Darwin.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

Well, no surprise. The man they adore taught them to doubt it, deny it, mock it, and downplay it.

They're more than willing to spread it far and wide, infecting Americans from coast to coast.

Freedom. Liberty. Death. Suffering. MAGA.
But seriously, how is this bad news? LOL

The variants are already raging in europe and south america. We haven't seen anything yet. We should never have shut down, masked up, quit engaging. We're gonna pay a horrific price now.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

Well, no surprise. The man they adore taught them to doubt it, deny it, mock it, and downplay it.

They're more than willing to spread it far and wide, infecting Americans from coast to coast.

Freedom. Liberty. Death. Suffering. MAGA.
But seriously, how is this bad news? LOL

The variants are already raging in europe and south america. We haven't seen anything yet. We should never have shut down, masked up, quit engaging. We're gonna pay a horrific price now.
Well don't get that vaccine now! LOL
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

Well, no surprise. The man they adore taught them to doubt it, deny it, mock it, and downplay it.

They're more than willing to spread it far and wide, infecting Americans from coast to coast.

Freedom. Liberty. Death. Suffering. MAGA.
But seriously, how is this bad news? LOL

The variants are already raging in europe and south america. We haven't seen anything yet. We should never have shut down, masked up, quit engaging. We're gonna pay a horrific price now.
Well don't get that vaccine now! LOL

I won't. Thanks!
Well don't get that vaccine now! LOL
I wonder about the real reason why they're not going to get vaccinated, unless they are and aren't admitting it, of course.

Are they paranoid about the shot? Do they think Bill Gates in injecting them with something? Are they just being good sheep?

I can't ask, since there's no reason to believe anything they say.

But I do wonder.
I have never taken the flu shot either save for twice in my twenties. Made me sick both times.

Hell... I came BACK to these boards because I was bored at home with Covid. I think I have every right to my opinion on it, given I have first hand experience.
You must be old enough that you were getting the live flu virus in your twenties. My Daddy was in the air force, where you don't get a choice. He came down with the flu right after his shot for years.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

This is an example of Darwinism in the modern world where we are weeding out the stupid people as a certain percentage of these idiots who refuse to get a vaccination will eventually get sick and die. And the smart survivors, who are smart enough to get a vaccination, will end up taking the jobs of the dead fools and will eventually move into their homes when they're put on the market.

It's survival of the fittest!
I have never taken the flu shot either save for twice in my twenties. Made me sick both times.

Hell... I came BACK to these boards because I was bored at home with Covid. I think I have every right to my opinion on it, given I have first hand experience.
You must be old enough that you were getting the live flu virus in your twenties. My Daddy was in the air force, where you don't get a choice. He came down with the flu right after his shot for years.

Probably had an egg allergy. People with egg allergies should not get flu shots as they use eggs.

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