White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America

White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

how much did your boss from Langley pay you to embarrass yourself like this?:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

obviously an awful lot for you to humiliate yourself this way.
I can't ask, since there's no reason to believe anything they say.
Well let me help you. I'm pretty sure you can trust what I say. Up to you of course.

You do realize that they are doing something NEW right? Let me make it big for the older folk.. Easier to read.

Have mRNA vaccines been used before COVID-19 vaccines?
The very first vaccines for COVID-19 to complete phase 3 testing are an entirely new type: mRNA vaccines. Never before have mRNA vaccines — such as the two-dose Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines that have now received emergency use authorization from the FDA — been approved for use in any disease.

If work does the old school shot I'll take it. You know, you go ahead and inject the dead virus and the body does what it always does to foreign invaders.

This new stuff makes your own cells make proteins that look like a Covid virus. I already made a post on this.. Please.. Read it, do your own research.

This is new shit... YOU GO FIRST. I'm ok with that.
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White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

/——/ I’m a white republican and just got my second Pfizer shot. Two of my cousins are dyed in the wool Trump haters and voted for Dementia Joe. They are also big time vaccine haters. They believe they cause autism.
There are antivaxxers in every group but the highest % of antivaxxers, within groups they have measured, is within white Republicans and circus clowns.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.
I'm one of them. I've had it though, so...
So? why would anyone not get the vaccine

In my case, because I don't particularly need it. I'm very low-risk, avoid contact with most people in general (I was social-distancing long before it was trendy), and everyone I do come in contact with who's in a higher risk category has either been vaccinated or will when their turn comes up. I'm not necessarily opposed to it; I just don't make a habit of taking medications/vaccinations I don't really need. I also rarely get flu vaccinations, usually only if I'm going to be in close, prolonged proximity to someone with health problems.
are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.
How would it threaten those people if they got the vaccine?

Covid has given leftists their dream world, where we're all drones in a giant collective, and they get to feel like they're controlling everyone. They don't want to let it go.
Cecile is beyond being a dumbass. COVID has controlled Americans more than the government ever has or wants to. People who want to do everything possible to get rid of COVID whether democratic, independent or republican are the ones who are working for more freedom for all Americans.
Whiners like you are getting in the way of freedom.
You must be old enough that you were getting the live flu virus in your twenties. My Daddy was in the air force, where you don't get a choice. He came down with the flu right after his shot for years.
Maybe... I don't know. They said, and I have always believed, it was dead or weakened virus.

Probably had an egg allergy. People with egg allergies should not get flu shots as they use eggs.
No I don't have an egg allergy. The only allergy I'm aware of, and it's mild if it's actually considered an allergy, is no calorie sweetener. One, a few, or all of them I don't know. But diet pop will make me sick to my stomach and sugarless gum that is sweetened with it makes my mouth kind of go numb.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.
I'm one of them. I've had it though, so...
So? why would anyone not get the vaccine
Everybody is an individual. We are not all exactly the same. LWNJ moonbats like you are apparently just too fucking stupid to comprehend that fact.

For example, some people have a medical history of allergic reactions to vaccines, most others don't. It's each individual's prerogative to perform their own risk/benefit analysis to decide whether of not they should get vaccinated and where and when.
There are antivaxxers in every group but the highest % of antivaxxers, within groups they have measured, is within white Republicans and circus clowns.
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

If you're vaccinated how is your health being threatened?
Everyone should know this.
As long as COVID hangs around, there are more opportunities for COVID to variate. That increases the chance one of the variations will not be prevented by a vaccine and we start all over again.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

/——/ I’m a white republican and just got my second Pfizer shot. Two of my cousins are dyed in the wool Trump haters and voted for Dementia Joe. They are also big time vaccine haters. They believe they cause autism.
There are antivaxxers in every group but the highest % of antivaxxers, within groups they have measured, is within white Republicans and circus clowns.
Don't forget African Americans. They don't trust you either.
All this tells me is that white Republicans are obviously more precautionary and deliberate about what they put in their bodies. Less easily led around by their nose.


To me it boils down to a non-political personal choice. Get it or don't. It ain't no puzzle!
For the 1st shot, dear wifey had Moderna and she just got tired.
I had Pfizer, and had a slight fever, got tired, with a very brief ache in my top front teeth.

I need my 2 front teeth!

My sister got the Pfizer. She had no side effects, and said she didn't even feel the needle go in. Apparently, the nurse manning that vaccination station was REALLY experienced at giving shots.

Be that as it may, Arizona's not even down to my age group yet, when last I checked, so it's all academic to me at this point.

It is amusing to see how Leftists are so in love with big Pharma, and trust them with their very lives.
Well that is consistent with leftists being smarter. We trust science. You freaks trust Alex Jones.

Yeah, we're all aware of your worship of "Science!" when you not only can't tell the difference between girls and boys, you're offended and outraged at even the suggestion that you SHOULD be able to tell.

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