White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America

All this tells me is that white Republicans are obviously more precautionary and deliberate about what they put in their bodies. Less easily led around by their nose.

Those who are fearful of receiving a vaccine for any reason are paranoid idiots who do not know the higher risks of not receiving the vaccine and the affect on others.
The highest number of paranoid idiots are within white Republicans and circus clowns.
For the 1st shot, dear wifey had Moderna and she just got tired.
I had Pfizer, and had a slight fever, got tired, with a very brief ache in my top front teeth.

I need my 2 front teeth!

My sister got the Pfizer. She had no side effects, and said she didn't even feel the needle go in. Apparently, the nurse manning that vaccination station was REALLY experienced at giving shots.

Be that as it may, Arizona's not even down to my age group yet, when last I checked, so it's all academic to me at this point.

I get my 2nd Pfizer shot next week. The needle is painless. But if I grow horns and a tail and become an unhinged lefty, I'll let the board know.
But ... if you're vaccinated, you're immune. What difference would it make to you?
Looks like we have to explain the basic human trait of empathy to a conservative again. Pull up a chair, son.

First you'll have to figure out what it is yourself. Because I assure you, Fart, empathy does not consist of "You other people do what I want you to do, or you're MEAN!"

Cry to someone else, panty boy.
But ... if you're vaccinated, you're immune. What difference would it make to you?
Looks like we have to explain the basic human trait of empathy to a conservative again. Pull up a chair, son.

First you'll have to figure out what it is yourself. Because I assure you, Fart, empathy does not consist of "You other people do what I want you to do, or you're MEAN!"

Cry to someone else, panty boy.

Fart Fun IS a hand-wringing wuss.
Like Commie Harris saying she would not take the vaccine if Trump recommends it?
Uh...no... The exact opposite, since she said she would take it, if scientists recommended it. You really fell on your face, there.

Uh, no, that's not the "exact opposite", since scientists WERE recommending it, and she was too busy trying to play-act some opposition to Trump to acknowledge it.

Might wanna wipe the mud off your own face.
Unlike many lefties, we don’t allow strangers to squirt their fluid into our bodies.

I’m certainly not going to start by allowing a Big Pharma multinational corporation to do so.
LOL, Big pharma is the only reason so many boomers are still around to bitch about big pharma.

That’s funny I see the left bitching about big pharma more than the right.

Antivaxxers are idiots
Unlike many lefties, we don’t allow strangers to squirt their fluid into our bodies.

I’m certainly not going to start by allowing a Big Pharma multinational corporation to do so.
LOL, Big pharma is the only reason so many boomers are still around to bitch about big pharma.

That’s funny I see the left bitching about big pharma more than the right.

Antivaxxers are idiots

Like Commie Harris saying she would not take the vaccine if Trump recommends it?
Uh...no... The exact opposite, since she said she would take it, if scientists recommended it. You really fell on your face, there.

Uh, no, that's not the "exact opposite", since scientists WERE recommending it, and she was too busy trying to play-act some opposition to Trump to acknowledge it.

Might wanna wipe the mud off your own face.

Kameltoe invented the word 'waffle'.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

It doesn't matter who rejects it. If you are employed in this country, it will eventually be that to remain employed, you will have to take it.

Don't worry, most everyone will be vaccinated soon enough.
That would be a first. Outside of TB tests in certain occupations, vaccinations have NEVER been a condition of employment in the US. As for your last statement--Hold your breath until that happens.
Well, let's just say the company i work for has sent out an email encouraging everyone to get the vaccine. Since we are a service where we meet the customer on a daily basis, once the vaccine is fully available, i expect to get an email stating everyone has to be vaccinated to remain with the company.

I also expect our customers to require the same, if we wish to do business on their property.

I'm always open to being wrong, but in this case, I don't think I am.
If you like your company otherwise and like your customers and are good at your job, you should probably just go ahead and get it, unless you have a history of reactions to vaccines or it important enough to change jobs over.
In the 70s the police could not force a random drug test for pot, not federally or state, as requiring you to piss in a bottle is pretty intrusive to personal liberty. But the government was effective at getting companies to test randomly and as a condition of employment just to get a job, with counting the costs of the testing as a business expense, credits and inducements to insurance companies, along with the insurance companies themselves giving better rates to companies that tested and being able to charge higher rates to those that didn't. Now testing is pretty much commonplace.

Yes, but there's a large difference between giving them a cupful of a waste product my body was getting rid of anyway, and letting them inject something into my body.
All this tells me is that white Republicans are obviously more precautionary and deliberate about what they put in their bodies. Less easily led around by their nose.

Those who are fearful of receiving a vaccine for any reason are paranoid idiots who do not know the higher risks of not receiving the vaccine and the affect on others.
The highest number of paranoid idiots are within white Republicans and circus clowns.
Has nothing to do with fear. You're an idiot. If I feared covid I would be hiding in my baseline all you leftist pansies
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

Die, you fucking kuuunt!!!

I will fucking blow the head off anybody who tries to force that shit on me.

I hope all you scary little shits die of that goddamn vaccine.
Whoa dude. You are beyond extremely angry. Where does that come from. Were you bullied as a child.
I just hate you maskerbating vaxxing faggots.

I want you weak bitches to die!

White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.
I'm one of them. I've had it though, so...
So? why would anyone not get the vaccine
Everybody is an individual. We are not all exactly the same. LWNJ moonbats like you are apparently just too fucking stupid to comprehend that fact.

For example, some people have a medical history of allergic reactions to vaccines, most others don't. It's each individual's prerogative to perform their own risk/benefit analysis to decide whether of not they should get vaccinated and where and when.
There are antivaxxers in every group but the highest % of antivaxxers, within groups they have measured, is within white Republicans and circus clowns.

You really don't know anything about how a virus operates.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

They want to keep the virus alive and killing Americans.

That's why.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

They want to keep the virus alive and killing Americans.

That's why.
Please... Mac... Dana... Elmer... Please, go to link.

White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

They want to keep the virus alive and killing Americans.

That's why.
Obvious projection.
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.
You obviously are clueless how vaccines work. If a child is vaccinated against measles they are protected from the nonvaccinated. The only people a nonvaccinated individual is a threat to, is other nonvaccinated people. So unless you're saying the covid vaccines are ineffective, you're full of commie shit.

All this tells me is that white Republicans are obviously more precautionary and deliberate about what they put in their bodies. Less easily led around by their nose.

Those who are fearful of receiving a vaccine for any reason are paranoid idiots who do not know the higher risks of not receiving the vaccine and the affect on others.
The highest number of paranoid idiots are within white Republicans and circus clowns.
Has nothing to do with fear. You're an idiot. If I feared covid I would be hiding in my baseline all you leftist pansies
If you have no fears about the COVID vaccine why would you not get it? The worst that could happen is nothing and it may save your life and people you interact with.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

Well, no surprise. The man they adore taught them to doubt it, deny it, mock it, and downplay it.

They're more than willing to spread it far and wide, infecting Americans from coast to coast.

Freedom. Liberty. Death. Suffering. MAGA.
But seriously, how is this bad news? LOL

The variants are already raging in europe and south america. We haven't seen anything yet. We should never have shut down, masked up, quit engaging. We're gonna pay a horrific price now.
Almost by design, right?

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