White teacher tells what it's like to teach at a black high school

I live in a college town. There are two universities and a community college. One of the universities is predominantly black. I used to lecture at the black university. I have hired interns and full time staff from there. I've also hired from "white" universities.

By far and away, unquestionably and without a doubt, the kids coming out of the black university were better than those coming out of the "white" schools. They were better prepared, they worked harder, and they had a better understanding of the world around them.

So how do you explain black failure in america? Oh yeah - the whites are in a giant conspiracy to keep down blacks. HAHAHA. Is that why whites gave blacks all these affirmative action programs? HAHA

How do you explain racists' failure in America?

It's been my experience that most - not all, but most - racists are low income, uneducated losers.
I live in a college town. There are two universities and a community college. One of the universities is predominantly black. I used to lecture at the black university. I have hired interns and full time staff from there. I've also hired from "white" universities.

By far and away, unquestionably and without a doubt, the kids coming out of the black university were better than those coming out of the "white" schools. They were better prepared, they worked harder, and they had a better understanding of the world around them.

So how do you explain black failure in america? Oh yeah - the whites are in a giant conspiracy to keep down blacks. HAHAHA. Is that why whites gave blacks all these affirmative action programs? HAHA

How do you explain racists' failure in America?

It's been my experience that most - not all, but most - racists are low income, uneducated losers.
Sorry to hear of your poverty, loser.
That white teacher is a racist hack. That much is obvious - black people are fat, blacks are violent, blacks are disrespectful.
Are you saying the specific descriptions in that teacher's commentary are false? Lies? If so, please be specific in your criticism. Denouncing that commentary as "racism" is an increasingly tiresome response to what very well might be legitimate complaints.

Are you Black?

Are you a teacher?

If you are White, have you ever served as a teacher in a typical all-or-predominately-Black school?

What exactly do you mean by "racist hack?" What in your thinking is a "racist?"

That white person should not be teaching in a black school.
I agree.

But are you aware the substance of that recommendation is implicit but fundamentally expedient and justifable discrimination? Are you comfortable with that?
So how do you explain black failure in america? Oh yeah - the whites are in a giant conspiracy to keep down blacks. HAHAHA. Is that why whites gave blacks all these affirmative action programs? HAHA

How do you explain racists' failure in America?

It's been my experience that most - not all, but most - racists are low income, uneducated losers.
Sorry to hear of your poverty, loser.

I often make or lose more than your trailer costs every day, honey.
I used to lecture at the black university. I have hired interns and full time staff from there. I've also hired from "white" universities.
Bullshit, you're probably the janitor.
My oldest (Ellie) is a teacher with the New York City Board of Education. She presently teaches English at a high school she likes. But when starting out as a temp' she sometimes was sent to PS 189, which is a public school contained in the Adolescent Detention Center (an adolescent prison) on Rikers Island. I recall her descriptions of that experience:

PS 189 is a single classroom in which basic subjects are taught to largely semi-illiterate students who are incarcerated for everything from auto theft and drug dealing to felonious assault, forcible rape and homicide. The majority were Black, about fifteen percent Hispanic, very few were White.

Ellie said on her first day there she felt extremely intimidated. But during both morning and afternoon classroom sessions a big Correction Officer was seated in the back. When one of the student/inmates got out of line in any way the officer would either tell him to shut up, or would smack him on the head, or would remove him from the class. When (if) that inmate returned his attitude was completely changed and it was obvious he had undergone some form of jailhouse therapy.

She said as a result of the rigid discipline she was able to teach those student/inmates who wanted to learn basic skills. But without such discipline that success would be impossible and there was no doubt she would have been seriously harmed.

Based on what Ellie had to say it occurs to me the best thing for all concerned would be to impose similar disciplinary circumstances in schools wherein the students are out of control. Kids who refused to go to school would be sent to the equivalent of Rikers Island. Those who did attend school would be subject to the same level of discipline as those at PS 189 on Rikers Island.

According to Ellie, once those kids realize misbehavior will not be tolerated and will be punished in a manner they understand and cannot evade they settle down and do as they are told. So if that's what they need, why not give it to them?

It's been my experience that most - not all, but most - racists are low income, uneducated losers.

I agree. The only racists left in america are all these liberals that support affirmative action and they are all stupid losers.
My oldest (Ellie) is a teacher with the New York City Board of Education. She presently teaches English at a high school she likes. But when starting out as a temp' she sometimes was sent to PS 189, which is a public school contained in the Adolescent Detention Center (an adolescent prison) on Rikers Island. I recall her descriptions of that experience:

PS 189 is a single classroom in which basic subjects are taught to largely semi-illiterate students who are incarcerated for everything from auto theft and drug dealing to felonious assault, forcible rape and homicide. The majority were Black, about fifteen percent Hispanic, very few were White.

Ellie said on her first day there she felt extremely intimidated. But during both morning and afternoon classroom sessions a big Correction Officer was seated in the back. When one of the student/inmates got out of line in any way the officer would either tell him to shut up, or would smack him on the head, or would remove him from the class. When (if) that inmate returned his attitude was completely changed and it was obvious he had undergone some form of jailhouse therapy.

She said as a result of the rigid discipline she was able to teach those student/inmates who wanted to learn basic skills. But without such discipline that success would be impossible and there was no doubt she would have been seriously harmed.

Based on what Ellie had to say it occurs to me the best thing for all concerned would be to impose similar disciplinary circumstances in schools wherein the students are out of control. Kids who refused to go to school would be sent to the equivalent of Rikers Island. Those who did attend school would be subject to the same level of discipline as those at PS 189 on Rikers Island.

According to Ellie, once those kids realize misbehavior will not be tolerated and will be punished in a manner they understand and cannot evade they settle down and do as they are told. So if that's what they need, why not give it to them?

Even if they settle down, they still don't learn. They can't - they don't have the brains. Blacks are hopeless.
I went to a high school that was about 25% black. Some of them behaved the way described in the article, but I would say most did not. Some of the white kids behaved the same way. It more or less came down to socio-economic status rather than race.

That's a BS argument. You're saying poor blacks and poor whites act the same. But the fact is nearly all blacks are poor and they're poor because they are mentally inferior.

I had no idea you were black.
I live in a college town. There are two universities and a community college. One of the universities is predominantly black. I used to lecture at the black university. I have hired interns and full time staff from there. I've also hired from "white" universities.

By far and away, unquestionably and without a doubt, the kids coming out of the black university were better than those coming out of the "white" schools. They were better prepared, they worked harder, and they had a better understanding of the world around them.

So how do you explain black failure in america? Oh yeah - the whites are in a giant conspiracy to keep down blacks. HAHAHA. Is that why whites gave blacks all these affirmative action programs? HAHA

How do you explain racists' failure in America?

It's been my experience that most - not all, but most - racists are low income, uneducated losers.

Al and Jesse have done well extorting white folks.The NAACP the same
My oldest (Ellie) is a teacher with the New York City Board of Education. She presently teaches English at a high school she likes. But when starting out as a temp' she sometimes was sent to PS 189, which is a public school contained in the Adolescent Detention Center (an adolescent prison) on Rikers Island. I recall her descriptions of that experience:

PS 189 is a single classroom in which basic subjects are taught to largely semi-illiterate students who are incarcerated for everything from auto theft and drug dealing to felonious assault, forcible rape and homicide. The majority were Black, about fifteen percent Hispanic, very few were White.

Ellie said on her first day there she felt extremely intimidated. But during both morning and afternoon classroom sessions a big Correction Officer was seated in the back. When one of the student/inmates got out of line in any way the officer would either tell him to shut up, or would smack him on the head, or would remove him from the class. When (if) that inmate returned his attitude was completely changed and it was obvious he had undergone some form of jailhouse therapy.

She said as a result of the rigid discipline she was able to teach those student/inmates who wanted to learn basic skills. But without such discipline that success would be impossible and there was no doubt she would have been seriously harmed.

Based on what Ellie had to say it occurs to me the best thing for all concerned would be to impose similar disciplinary circumstances in schools wherein the students are out of control. Kids who refused to go to school would be sent to the equivalent of Rikers Island. Those who did attend school would be subject to the same level of discipline as those at PS 189 on Rikers Island.

According to Ellie, once those kids realize misbehavior will not be tolerated and will be punished in a manner they understand and cannot evade they settle down and do as they are told. So if that's what they need, why not give it to them?

in a regular classroom the students still have "rights"

IOW the teacher must ask them to behave
in a regular classroom the students still have "rights"

IOW the teacher must ask them to behave
But that doesn't work and the consequence affects all concerned, from the kids, themselves, ultimately to the whole society.

It once was our right to buy Thompson submachine guns from a Sears & Roebuck catalog. That right was revoked when it was believed to be opposed to the interests of society. So our rights are not carved in stone.

Kids who behave in the manner of those in the OP's description will grow up to be unemployable and many will end up in prison. The national prison census is predominately Black and contrary to popular opinion the reason is not mainly racism but negative influences. In most examples their direction can be altered by the imposition of rigid discipline and education.

I didn't attend public schools so all I know about them is what I've heard. I attended Catholic school and I can tell you the discipline was extremely rigid (those Franciscan Brothers would wallop one for the slightest infraction). But looking back I am aware of the value of it. I was raised in a very rough neighborhood (the Brooklyn waterfront of the 40s and 50s) and I knew a lot of young men who ended up dead or in prison. If it were not for the discipline imposed on us at home and at school it is very possible my brother and I might have turned out differently. So I know what I'm talking about.
in a regular classroom the students still have "rights"

IOW the teacher must ask them to behave
But that doesn't work and the consequence affects all concerned, from the kids, themselves, ultimately to the whole society.

It once was our right to buy Thompson submachine guns from a Sears & Roebuck catalog. That right was revoked when it was believed to be opposed to the interests of society. So our rights are not carved in stone.

Kids who behave in the manner of those in the OP's description will grow up to be unemployable and many will end up in prison. The national prison census is predominately Black and contrary to popular opinion the reason is not mainly racism but negative influences. In most examples their direction can be altered by the imposition of rigid discipline and education.

I didn't attend public schools so all I know about them is what I've heard. I attended Catholic school and I can tell you the discipline was extremely rigid (those Franciscan Brothers would wallop one for the slightest infraction). But looking back I am aware of the value of it. I was raised in a very rough neighborhood (the Brooklyn waterfront of the 40s and 50s) and I knew a lot of young men who ended up dead or in prison. If it were not for the discipline imposed on us at home and at school it is very possible my brother and I might have turned out differently. So I know what I'm talking about.

I agree with your thoughts on the outcome, but the reality of the public school system is quite different than your parochial school decades ago

I have been advised that if a student attacks me to not fight back and just receive the blows or I will be

1. fired
2. arrested for assaulting a minor
3. sued by the parents

a teacher can't raise their voice to a student without the student telling mom and the parents phoning the principle and raising hell
Finally. You would be correct. You and certain others here are not sociologists, however you spend an inordinate amount of time expressing half baked theories on the "ills" of the entire black population. If you are indirectly referring to this silly thread, I related my own experience in a school that I attended, just as others here did.

if my theories are half baked, yours are too, at the very least.

I do not post "theories" or
opinions based on what others say. The majority of what I have to say is based on lifes personal experiences, and if a point is to be proven I will for the most part include a link to a credible source.

You, on the other hand have shown a tendency to be an immature "parrot".

when was the last time you taught in public school?
So how do you explain black failure in america? Oh yeah - the whites are in a giant conspiracy to keep down blacks. HAHAHA. Is that why whites gave blacks all these affirmative action programs? HAHA

How do you explain racists' failure in America?

It's been my experience that most - not all, but most - racists are low income, uneducated losers.
Sorry to hear of your poverty, loser.

Right on cue, the uneducated loser S.J. shows up...

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