Whites who don’t preserve racial purity are intellectually inferior

I doubt he as any comprehension of our PA laws, or why they are wrong.

Funny that the Founding Fathers didn't setup equal rights for Blacks, Native Americans, Asians, or Women.

It's not funny at all. It was the fundamental flaw in our Constitution.

The U.S Founding Fathers intended for the U.S.A to be a White nation, the Founding Father's immigration act the Naturalization Act of 1790 specifically stated that only free Whites of good character were to become U.S citizens.

You just said you didn't agree with the founding fathers, or was that simply in cases where you can pick and choose, like the dollar menu at Mcdonalds?

Why should we pick for the U.S.A to be culturally eradicated by non-Whites, exactly?
Aren’t you polish? Maybe you should stay there. I hear it’s a racist homogeneous countrynsince they killed all the Jews
Funny that the Founding Fathers didn't setup equal rights for Blacks, Native Americans, Asians, or Women.

It's not funny at all. It was the fundamental flaw in our Constitution.

The U.S Founding Fathers intended for the U.S.A to be a White nation, the Founding Father's immigration act the Naturalization Act of 1790 specifically stated that only free Whites of good character were to become U.S citizens.

You just said you didn't agree with the founding fathers, or was that simply in cases where you can pick and choose, like the dollar menu at Mcdonalds?

Why should we pick for the U.S.A to be culturally eradicated by non-Whites, exactly?
Aren’t you polish? Maybe you should stay there. I hear it’s a racist homogeneous countrynsince they killed all the Jews

I don't know what's more stupid, that you support eradicating your own Jewish Americans by multiculturalism, or that you don't know that your own Jews were mostly killed by German Nazis..
I doubt he as any comprehension of our PA laws, or why they are wrong.

Funny that the Founding Fathers didn't setup equal rights for Blacks, Native Americans, Asians, or Women.

There you have it, the basis for why minorities and women should avoid the conservative ideology.

Saved for posterity.

Unlike the Founding Fathers I support rights for Women, and I do support for non-Whites rights to create their own nations, as we have the right to our own White nation.

That's nice, which white nation will you emigrate to?

Apparently Blacks in Zimbabwe , or South Africa are entitled to their Black nation, but Whites in Poland, or Hungary aren't entitled to their White nation.

Note that the media treats Poland, and Hungary very poorly, and demonizes them as "Racists" all the time, because they don't want Islamic refugees, and yet when Zimbabwe, and South Africa mistreated White citizens, the media did almost nothing.

Just proof of the system being rigged against Whites.

Wait, you're talking about the same Zimbabwe and SA that had whites come in and take over the government and implement apartheid against the indigenous people there? That is the comparison you are attempting to draw?
Why would Americans want the USA culturally emasculated by the sobieskies et al
Funny that the Founding Fathers didn't setup equal rights for Blacks, Native Americans, Asians, or Women.

There you have it, the basis for why minorities and women should avoid the conservative ideology.

Saved for posterity.

Unlike the Founding Fathers I support rights for Women, and I do support for non-Whites rights to create their own nations, as we have the right to our own White nation.

That's nice, which white nation will you emigrate to?

Apparently Blacks in Zimbabwe , or South Africa are entitled to their Black nation, but Whites in Poland, or Hungary aren't entitled to their White nation.

Note that the media treats Poland, and Hungary very poorly, and demonizes them as "Racists" all the time, because they don't want Islamic refugees, and yet when Zimbabwe, and South Africa mistreated White citizens, the media did almost nothing.

Just proof of the system being rigged against Whites.

Wait, you're talking about the same Zimbabwe and SA that had whites come in and take over the government and implement apartheid against the indigenous people there? That is the comparison you are attempting to draw?

The indigenous people of Southern Africa are San Bushman, not Bantu speakers, the San Bushman are critically endangered of going extinct., and that's largely because of assimilation.

Besides, a lot of Europeans can make similar notes, like why should Italians support Arabs who destroyed their country, or why should Greeks support Turks who destroyed their country etc. etc.
if we don't defend western civilization and preserve white heritage we are literally committing suicide!
The 19th century is asking for its bigoted evil back

Like Native Americans? Whom Native Americans survived "Colonialism" greed, but now are still on the brink of extinction due to Multiculturalism, assimilation, miscegenation etc (Ethno-Liberalism)

Yet, that's not evil, eh?

Sure, Native Americans as an example suffered from 19th century greed in the form of pillaging, and stealing their land, which was bigotry, how?.

Do explain how people who left Britain to go squat on Native American lands were somehow the pinnacle of Nationalist Bigots?
if we don't defend western civilization and preserve white heritage we are literally committing suicide!
The 19th century is asking for its bigoted evil back

Some of the 19th century evil were Jews, like Jewish Julius Popper orchestrating the Selk'nam genocide where Selk'nam Native Americans basically were eradicated, like Jewish Benjamin Disraeli being in charge of Britain during the Late Victorian Holocaust terror famines of India, or that Jewish bankers Lehman Brothers profited, supported, and propped up slavery in the U.S.A South?
Why would Americans want the USA culturally emasculated by the sobieskies et al
Explain how the U.S.A is culturally emasculated by racism, rather than anti-racism? White America has been behaving suicidal in multiculturalism, how is that not being culturally emasculated, exactly?
You are not anti-racist is the point.

Whites, Blacks, and Native Americans in the U.S.A are all vulnerable to cultural replacement by Hispanics, explain why we should support, or think that there's benefits to supporting this Hispanic take-over, exactly?

How does destroying your culture, while supporting it, somehow not equate to cultural emasculation?
I didn't use the term "White genocide" but rather the term "White replacement"

A lot of the birth rate changes upward in countries like France, or the UK come not from Whites, but from non-Whites.
Dude. The UK is 90% white as in France (Approx).

So let me get this straight

You're claim is that white people are gonna be fked into oblivion ? I mean. Really ?
sobieski may just be having fun with us, Paul Essien.

Or he really is messed and does not understand much at all.
I didn't use the term "White genocide" but rather the term "White replacement"

A lot of the birth rate changes upward in countries like France, or the UK come not from Whites, but from non-Whites.
Dude. The UK is 90% white as in France (Approx).

So let me get this straight

You're claim is that white people are gonna be fked into oblivion ? I mean. Really ?

You mean like how in the 1960's approx 90% of the U.S.A were Whites?

Well, okay perhaps a little less, I believe more like 88% White... None the less now 49% of babies are born White in the U.S.A.

The White populace has been dwindling in the U.S.A.. Plain, and simple.

Explain how the patterns in places like the UK, or France won't follow?

Oh, and I do believe France has an enormous non-French population, up to 1/2 of France is non-French, sure not all of it is "Non-Whites" but some are also Whites, like Poles, Russians, Italians, Spaniards etc. or White like people like Jews.

But, still there's a good deal of Africans, and Muslims in France none the less, and they are growing stronger daily.
sobieski may just be having fun with us, Paul Essien.

Or he really is messed and does not understand much at all.

Doesn't understand much at all?

Hmm, and yet here I thought that was true for the typical anti-Racist.

I mean if you look at how the Muslim populations in some parts of Western Europe + Russia have sometimes doubled in a matter of a few years, due to immigration + higher birth rates.

Do explain how these changes won't impact the future demographics?
if we don't defend western civilization and preserve white heritage we are literally committing suicide!

So you suggest selecting a mate based not on love or compatibility, but solely on race? Most people marry or reproduce within their race. But the number of people who marry and/or reproduce outside their race is growing. The idea that people should select who they love solely to perpetuate a race is ridiculous.
I didn't use the term "White genocide" but rather the term "White replacement"

A lot of the birth rate changes upward in countries like France, or the UK come not from Whites, but from non-Whites.
Dude. The UK is 90% white as in France (Approx).

So let me get this straight

You're claim is that white people are gonna be fked into oblivion ? I mean. Really ?

Keep in mind not only are these immigration patterns typically increasing significantly.

But, also keep in mind that while there's about as many Whites as Chinese, that China's extremely unified, unlike Whites whom are not only fragmented into many different factions, made worse by Liberal vs Conservative factions + Russia / Serbia / Belarus axis against the West..........

Indeed, a rising China in this World could very well lead us to be conquered in the West, not only would this impact Whites, but also Blacks in the West, so explain who benefits?

This all exposes how mega-Capitalism has sold us out, they sold us out twice to be diminished, and impotent, once in Multiculturalism division, and second in propping up China with our jobs we'd otherwise have to benefit China, rather than ourselves.
You know less about evolution than you do about Jews ... cultures don't depend on genetic evolution ... our species of modern man evolved more than a million years before every civilization that has ever existed.
I've seen them show up in timelines only 200,000 odd years ago at the most. Were you being figurative?

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