Who are the Israelis?

I have justified my position several times, however, you are too pussy to acknowledge that. All you do, is launch into your pre-prepard speeches, without ever addressing the point that was just made.

Justified your position how, by doubling down on blind hate of Israel?

Look, Rabbi Kahana HY"D respected Arabs more than you do.
He gave them truth to the face, but you only play friend-
when they die fighting Jews.

What does it say when 'Hamas News'
publish your obituary?

Justified your position how, by doubling down on blind hate of Israel?

Look, Rabbi Kahana HY"D respected Arabs more than you do.
He gave them truth to the face, but you only play friend-
when they die fighting Jews.
There you go again! I've stated my reasons. The only one blind, is you!

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