Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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fending off ridiculous arguments like the one you make saying that international law permits the killing of Jews.
I have never said that.

What exactly did you say. Clarify.
I don't know what you mean.


No links necessary.
Reread what Susha said.
What is it exactly that you believe in and what is it exactly that you may have said at one point or another.

You are the one who knows what you believe in, so tell us what is it that you believe in that would contradict Susha's evaluation of what you usually say.
She is always saying I said things I didn't.

That is not so and you know it.
Are you going to make us believe that you do not know what you are saying in your posts?

Should you revisit all of your posts and remind yourself of the things you have written so far?

We do not have a bad memory about what you say.

Is that the issue? Bad memory?
I have never said that.

What exactly did you say. Clarify.
I don't know what you mean.


No links necessary.
Reread what Susha said.
What is it exactly that you believe in and what is it exactly that you may have said at one point or another.

You are the one who knows what you believe in, so tell us what is it that you believe in that would contradict Susha's evaluation of what you usually say.
She is always saying I said things I didn't.

That is not so and you know it.
Are you going to make us believe that you do not know what you are saying in your posts?

Should you revisit all of your posts and remind yourself of the things you have written so far?

We do not have a bad memory about what you say.

Is that the issue? Bad memory?
No links, huh.

Nice duck.
What exactly did you say. Clarify.
I don't know what you mean.


No links necessary.
Reread what Susha said.
What is it exactly that you believe in and what is it exactly that you may have said at one point or another.

You are the one who knows what you believe in, so tell us what is it that you believe in that would contradict Susha's evaluation of what you usually say.
She is always saying I said things I didn't.

That is not so and you know it.
Are you going to make us believe that you do not know what you are saying in your posts?

Should you revisit all of your posts and remind yourself of the things you have written so far?

We do not have a bad memory about what you say.

Is that the issue? Bad memory?
No links, huh.

Nice duck.

That is your homework to do, not mine.

Link your head off.
I don't know what you mean.


No links necessary.
Reread what Susha said.
What is it exactly that you believe in and what is it exactly that you may have said at one point or another.

You are the one who knows what you believe in, so tell us what is it that you believe in that would contradict Susha's evaluation of what you usually say.
She is always saying I said things I didn't.

That is not so and you know it.
Are you going to make us believe that you do not know what you are saying in your posts?

Should you revisit all of your posts and remind yourself of the things you have written so far?

We do not have a bad memory about what you say.

Is that the issue? Bad memory?
No links, huh.

Nice duck.

That is your homework to do, not mine.

Link your head off.
So I am supposed to find something I didn't say?

Uhhh, OK. :cuckoo:
No links necessary.
Reread what Susha said.
What is it exactly that you believe in and what is it exactly that you may have said at one point or another.

You are the one who knows what you believe in, so tell us what is it that you believe in that would contradict Susha's evaluation of what you usually say.
She is always saying I said things I didn't.

That is not so and you know it.
Are you going to make us believe that you do not know what you are saying in your posts?

Should you revisit all of your posts and remind yourself of the things you have written so far?

We do not have a bad memory about what you say.

Is that the issue? Bad memory?
No links, huh.

Nice duck.

That is your homework to do, not mine.

Link your head off.
So I am supposed to find something I didn't say?

Uhhh, OK. :cuckoo:

Next you are going to say that you do not play games with your short sentences :)

[These are the Palestinians ]

The terrorist uploaded to his Facebook page a video titled "May your morning be perfumed with the scene of shahids." In the video, the terrorist said his goodbyes to his family and friends, and praised previous martyrs. He also said he was "leaving to Israel to carry out an 'act' and may not return. Those close to the terrorist responded, "May God accept you[r sacrifice]."

The terrorist then sold his cellular phone for 400 shekels ($114) and paid a professional to smuggle him into pre-1967 Israel. He reached the city of Netanya at approximately 5:00 p.m. and walked around a few hours in search of an appropriate victim.

(full article online)

'He published a farewell video - then went to murder Jews'
There truly is a sickness that afflicks those in the Islamic terrorist enclaves of fatah'istan.

PA Governor lauds Martyrs’ perfumed blood - PMW Bulletins

PA Governor lauds Martyrs’ perfumed blood:

Gov. of Ramallah:
  • The Martyrs “perfume[d] the ground with the scent of their blood” and “saturated the land of Palestine with the fragrance of their blood”
  • “Glory and eternal life to our righteous Martyrs; your participation [in a ceremony] is loyalty to the Martyrs' blood"
In the early years after 1967, infidels could go in the mosques when there was no prayer; and the Esplanade was open to the public. Now the Waqf has declared the entire site sacred. They tightly control access, keeping infidels, especially Jews, out, and by Israelis trying to control weapons from getting smuggled in. That hardly seems like a healthy situation, at least not to anyone hoping for a two-state solution of democracies living side-by-side.

Can a journalist tell the story so it looks like Israel’s fault? Easily: it’s about Palestinian anger. And it so pleases the Palestinians to tell it that way. Why not? On the contrary, there are many “good” reasons not to tell it any other way. Few journalists seem eager to cross the Palestinians.

The dilemma this incident presents to Israel is a paradigmatic one.

Says the Caliphater: I’m invading; don’t resist. If you resist, I’ll go crazy with violence, so go quietly. Da’wa phase or Jihad phase? Your choice.

This dynamic is obviously a burning issue in the “holy” land, where Palestinians constantly push for further concessions, where suicide bombing first got its sanctified start, and the threat of another explosion always hangs in the air. But infidels around the world need to understand that this is also how Caliphaters plan to defeat the rest of the Western world. And given their astonishing success on Western campuses, they have good reason to believe it will work.

(full article online)

Palestinian Victory on the Temple Mount
In the early years after 1967, infidels could go in the mosques when there was no prayer; and the Esplanade was open to the public. Now the Waqf has declared the entire site sacred. They tightly control access, keeping infidels, especially Jews, out, and by Israelis trying to control weapons from getting smuggled in. That hardly seems like a healthy situation, at least not to anyone hoping for a two-state solution of democracies living side-by-side.

Can a journalist tell the story so it looks like Israel’s fault? Easily: it’s about Palestinian anger. And it so pleases the Palestinians to tell it that way. Why not? On the contrary, there are many “good” reasons not to tell it any other way. Few journalists seem eager to cross the Palestinians.

The dilemma this incident presents to Israel is a paradigmatic one.

Says the Caliphater: I’m invading; don’t resist. If you resist, I’ll go crazy with violence, so go quietly. Da’wa phase or Jihad phase? Your choice.

This dynamic is obviously a burning issue in the “holy” land, where Palestinians constantly push for further concessions, where suicide bombing first got its sanctified start, and the threat of another explosion always hangs in the air. But infidels around the world need to understand that this is also how Caliphaters plan to defeat the rest of the Western world. And given their astonishing success on Western campuses, they have good reason to believe it will work.

(full article online)

Palestinian Victory on the Temple Mount
Hmm, he didn't mention that the site is in occupied Palestinian territory.

Perhaps that is why he is confused.

That is a brilliant piece, articulating a concept I have tried to explain many times on this board.

Here is another quote, concerning the murders on the Temple Mount and the metal detectors which were subsequently installed:

The dynamics here are all about honor and shame, and the decision actually threw out any “rational considerations” in an effort to appease the anger of Muslims over a perceived insult to their honor and desecration of the site.

...One might have expected outside forces to urge the Palestinians to de-escalate and stop “defending the indefensible”: Arab “moderates” and Western diplomats alike. After all, wouldn’t a reasonable response by Abbas, admitting the problem and recognizing Israel’s legitimate security concerns, have reassured the UN General Assembly?

...On the contrary, he and other “moderate” Arab leaders did everything they could to aggravate the tensions (including denying the initial Palestinian attack). They were joined by dhimmi Arab Christians. And the Western leaders, eager to soothe savage breasts and calm troubled waters, counseled appeasement.

...The Palestinian side plays a hard zero-sum game, using the threat of violence, inciting to violence, spreading wild rumors (the detectors see through clothing, Israelis will see Muslim women naked) and pseudo-spirituality (Muslim prayer will not ascend to heaven if the faithful pass through the detectors). Like so often when it comes to the Esplanade, they spread wild accusations (projections) of Israel’s plans to take over and drive the Muslim out.

...Muslim outrage and violence: a force of nature.

The result of this humanitarian racism is to treat the results of poisonous and deliberately false Jihadi propaganda that constantly incites violence, as “realities” in the international “security equilibrium.” It doesn’t matter that it’s not true; they believe it. It’s part of reality, and nothing you say will change it.
Hmm, he didn't mention that the site is in occupied Palestinian territory.

If you have read the article in its entirety, you would see that you have just made his point for him. This is not a conflict about metal detectors or reasonable responses to security needs. Its a battle for absolute dominance and exclusive control over the entire territory.

Says the Caliphater: I’m invading; don’t resist. If you resist, I’ll go crazy with violence, so go quietly. Da’wa phase or Jihad phase? Your choice.

That is a brilliant piece, articulating a concept I have tried to explain many times on this board.

Here is another quote, concerning the murders on the Temple Mount and the metal detectors which were subsequently installed:

The dynamics here are all about honor and shame, and the decision actually threw out any “rational considerations” in an effort to appease the anger of Muslims over a perceived insult to their honor and desecration of the site.

...One might have expected outside forces to urge the Palestinians to de-escalate and stop “defending the indefensible”: Arab “moderates” and Western diplomats alike. After all, wouldn’t a reasonable response by Abbas, admitting the problem and recognizing Israel’s legitimate security concerns, have reassured the UN General Assembly?

...On the contrary, he and other “moderate” Arab leaders did everything they could to aggravate the tensions (including denying the initial Palestinian attack). They were joined by dhimmi Arab Christians. And the Western leaders, eager to soothe savage breasts and calm troubled waters, counseled appeasement.

...The Palestinian side plays a hard zero-sum game, using the threat of violence, inciting to violence, spreading wild rumors (the detectors see through clothing, Israelis will see Muslim women naked) and pseudo-spirituality (Muslim prayer will not ascend to heaven if the faithful pass through the detectors). Like so often when it comes to the Esplanade, they spread wild accusations (projections) of Israel’s plans to take over and drive the Muslim out.

...Muslim outrage and violence: a force of nature.

The result of this humanitarian racism is to treat the results of poisonous and deliberately false Jihadi propaganda that constantly incites violence, as “realities” in the international “security equilibrium.” It doesn’t matter that it’s not true; they believe it. It’s part of reality, and nothing you say will change it.
admitting the problem and recognizing Israel’s legitimate security concerns,
Occupations always have a problem with security. It comes with the territory.
Occupations always have a problem with security. It comes with the territory.

Again, completely making the point of the article. Palestinian rage is a force of nature which is not rational, not to be criticized and not to be confronted. The right to use violence and to incite violence is just something that the world needs to cope with and appease. Because if we don't appease it, its going to get more violent. Its the threat that an abusive person uses against their target when making an irrational request. "If you don't do what I say -- I'm going to get angry. And you won't like me when I'm angry."
And the problem with that is that an abusive person will only get more abusive over time, in scope and frequency, when they are appeased. It legitimizes their irrational behaviour and justifies their use of violence.

That is a brilliant piece, articulating a concept I have tried to explain many times on this board.

Here is another quote, concerning the murders on the Temple Mount and the metal detectors which were subsequently installed:

The dynamics here are all about honor and shame, and the decision actually threw out any “rational considerations” in an effort to appease the anger of Muslims over a perceived insult to their honor and desecration of the site.

...One might have expected outside forces to urge the Palestinians to de-escalate and stop “defending the indefensible”: Arab “moderates” and Western diplomats alike. After all, wouldn’t a reasonable response by Abbas, admitting the problem and recognizing Israel’s legitimate security concerns, have reassured the UN General Assembly?

...On the contrary, he and other “moderate” Arab leaders did everything they could to aggravate the tensions (including denying the initial Palestinian attack). They were joined by dhimmi Arab Christians. And the Western leaders, eager to soothe savage breasts and calm troubled waters, counseled appeasement.

...The Palestinian side plays a hard zero-sum game, using the threat of violence, inciting to violence, spreading wild rumors (the detectors see through clothing, Israelis will see Muslim women naked) and pseudo-spirituality (Muslim prayer will not ascend to heaven if the faithful pass through the detectors). Like so often when it comes to the Esplanade, they spread wild accusations (projections) of Israel’s plans to take over and drive the Muslim out.

...Muslim outrage and violence: a force of nature.

The result of this humanitarian racism is to treat the results of poisonous and deliberately false Jihadi propaganda that constantly incites violence, as “realities” in the international “security equilibrium.” It doesn’t matter that it’s not true; they believe it. It’s part of reality, and nothing you say will change it.
admitting the problem and recognizing Israel’s legitimate security concerns,
Occupations always have a problem with security. It comes with the territory.
You sweepingly miss the point. The Arab-Moslem inability and refusal to concede accommodation regarding the Temple Mount and the refusal to accept the existence of Israel itself is a function of Islamist ideology we see across the Islamist Middle East. Israel's very existence is unthinkable to the devout ummah'ist with regard to the Islamist claim that all of Israel is an Islamic waqf (an entitlement from muhammud (swish) granted to Muslims in perpetuity).
This sort of unhinged hyperreligious ranting would be absolutely comical, except these idiots are serious. The various islamic terrorist franchises in the disputed territories are the voice of Moslems who feel robbed of the seventh century promise of supremacy over the infidel that was left as a legacy by their religion's inventor.
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