Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Poor, Tinmore. The forever Jooooo hater, flailing his Pom Poms for his Death Cult heroes, even when those heroes are abused children.

Janna Jihad — the innocent face of the Tamimi clan’s support for terror and Jew-hatred

Janna Jihad — the innocent face of the Tamimi clan’s support for terror and Jew-hatred

By now, Janna is ten and is known as “Janna Jihad” — the Tamimi clan’s newest child star who is cleverly employed to mask their well-documented support for terror and Jew-hatred by presenting the “resistance” they advocate as entirely innocent and outright heart-warming.
Interesting hit piece.

Nice deflection.

Yours is a creepy fascination with pre-teen female children.
The linked article nicely incapsulates the insanity that we in the West continue to make allowances for: Arab-Moslem terrorist franchises masquerading as "Pal'istanians".

Hard lessons tell us that there is no “peace process” Islamics of the Middle East will respect. Similarly, no amount of infidel money thrown at the Arabs-Moslems parading around as "Pal'istanians" is going to assuage the Islamist beast.

Perspective | Palestinians are rewarding terrorists. The U.S. should stop enabling them.

Palestinians are rewarding terrorists. The U.S. should stop enabling them.
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The linked article nicely incapsulates the insanity that we in the West continue to make allowances for: Arab-Moslem terrorist franchises masquerading as "Pal'istanians".

Hard lessons tell us that there is no “peace process” Islamics of the Middle East will respect. Similarly, no amount of infidel money thrown at the Arabs-Moslems parading around as "Pal'istanians" is going to assuage the Islamist beast.

Perspective | Palestinians are rewarding terrorists. The U.S. should stop enabling them.

Palestinians are rewarding terrorists. The U.S. should stop enabling them.
Oooo, you played the terrorist card.

Good girl. :clap::clap::clap:
The linked article nicely incapsulates the insanity that we in the West continue to make allowances for: Arab-Moslem terrorist franchises masquerading as "Pal'istanians".

Hard lessons tell us that there is no “peace process” Islamics of the Middle East will respect. Similarly, no amount of infidel money thrown at the Arabs-Moslems parading around as "Pal'istanians" is going to assuage the Islamist beast.

Perspective | Palestinians are rewarding terrorists. The U.S. should stop enabling them.

Palestinians are rewarding terrorists. The U.S. should stop enabling them.
Oooo, you played the terrorist card.

Good girl. :clap::clap::clap:

Your usual deflection by way of worn out cut and paste slogans.

Why the whining? Your Islamic terrorist heroes have launched 10,000 rockets at Israel since 2006 in addition to suicide bombings, street killings and other acts of Islamic terrorism.

Israelis have the right to resist Islamic terrorist attacks and to respond to those attacks.
Chickenfeed compared to Israel's crimes.

Why the whining? Your Islamic terrorist heroes have launched 10,000 rockets at Israel since 2006 in addition to suicide bombings, street killings and other acts of Islamic terrorism.

Israelis have the right to resist Islamic terrorist attacks and to respond to those attacks.
Chickenfeed compared to Israel's crimes.

Link? (To your usual chicken feed).
[These are the Palestinians, to whom every loss is a win ]
[Inspecting cars in East Jerusalem, formerly the Jewish Quarter until 1948, FOR JEWS ]

An Israeli singer and his family were attacked by an Arab lynch mob in eastern Jerusalem Saturday night, following a concert at a hotel near the Mount of Olives.

Avi Miller, a haredi singer who performed for guests at the Seven Arches Hotel Saturday evening, says he and his family were attacked by a mob of some 150 local Arabs who had blocked traffic in the Abu Tor neighborhood of the capital and were inspecting passing cars for Jews.

(vide video online)

'They were hunting for Jews car by car, I had no choice'
Only Israel can commit all the crimes it wants and they don't count.

Of course crimes committed by the Israeli government, or by individual Israelis "count". But we never get to talk about that because we are too busy fending off ridiculous arguments like the one you make saying that international law permits the killing of Jews.

If we could spend less time addressing the fundamentally repugnant ideas you and others present, we would be able to discuss ways in which Israel could improve her behaviour.

As Humanity has already point out today, you do no service to the Palestinian people as a whole and their seeking self-determination in particular.
Chickenfeed compared to Israel's crimes.

This from the guy who defines crimes by the ethnicity of the victim.
Only Israel can commit all the crimes it wants and they don't count.

You know that is not true, but you will say it anyway.

I'll tell you what !

Let us all, and I do mean ALL ...write to the Knesset and have them pass laws which will

1) forbid Israel from hiring Arabs from Gaza
2) forbid Israel from hiring Arabs from Judea and Samaria
3) forbid Israel from giving medical assistance to Arabs in Gaza
4) forbid Israel from giving medical assistance to Arabs in Judea and Samaria, and let us include Jordan as well.
5) forbid Israel from allowing any Arabs to come to Israel to study in any of its schools and Universities
6) forbid all Arabs from coming into Israel during Ramadan
7) forbid all Arabs who live outside Israel to come in as tourists
8) forbid anymore electricity or water to be serviced for Gaza and Areas A and B
9) Demand that Gaza and the PA pay all debts incurred for electricity and water which Israel has supplied, and put an end to that service once and for all
10) Demand that all the Arabs who took over the homes of Jews
in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem post 1948 return those homes and move out of Israel if not happy.
11) Make all Imams who live in Israel and preach against Israel....leave Israel.
12) Make all Arabs who are against the State of Israel leave Israel. They do not feel like Israelis, they do not have to be one.
13) During any next war, the IDF should stop Roof knocking and simple attack. Enough with the saving of lives.
14) If Gaza starts another war, put an end to Hamas and all the other terrorist groups in it, once and for all. Message to Iran received.
15) If Hezbollah decides to use the thousands of rockets/weapons (courtesy of Iran ) for another war, put an end to Hezbollah and send a strong message to Iran. Free Lebanon!
16) Repeat medicine as needed, where needed.

Then tin man you can cry on any forum that the Israeli actions are "unacceptable".

What is truly unacceptable is Israel allowing the Arabs to continue to behave as they do, and not doing much to stop them.

Jews are not Dhimmis anymore. They do not have to be treated or behave as if they were.

No extortions from the Hashemites, or threats, no nothing from any Arab or Arab countries.


Israel lives.
The people of Israel live.
And bring progress to the part of the world where they prefer to live like cave people.
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fending off ridiculous arguments like the one you make saying that international law permits the killing of Jews.
I have never said that.

What exactly did you say. Clarify.
I don't know what you mean.


No links necessary.
Reread what Susha said.
What is it exactly that you believe in and what is it exactly that you may have said at one point or another.

You are the one who knows what you believe in, so tell us what is it that you believe in that would contradict Susha's evaluation of what you usually say.
fending off ridiculous arguments like the one you make saying that international law permits the killing of Jews.
I have never said that.

What exactly did you say. Clarify.
I don't know what you mean.


No links necessary.
Reread what Susha said.
What is it exactly that you believe in and what is it exactly that you may have said at one point or another.

You are the one who knows what you believe in, so tell us what is it that you believe in that would contradict Susha's evaluation of what you usually say.
She is always saying I said things I didn't.
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