Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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That is a brilliant piece, articulating a concept I have tried to explain many times on this board.

Here is another quote, concerning the murders on the Temple Mount and the metal detectors which were subsequently installed:

The dynamics here are all about honor and shame, and the decision actually threw out any “rational considerations” in an effort to appease the anger of Muslims over a perceived insult to their honor and desecration of the site.

...One might have expected outside forces to urge the Palestinians to de-escalate and stop “defending the indefensible”: Arab “moderates” and Western diplomats alike. After all, wouldn’t a reasonable response by Abbas, admitting the problem and recognizing Israel’s legitimate security concerns, have reassured the UN General Assembly?

...On the contrary, he and other “moderate” Arab leaders did everything they could to aggravate the tensions (including denying the initial Palestinian attack). They were joined by dhimmi Arab Christians. And the Western leaders, eager to soothe savage breasts and calm troubled waters, counseled appeasement.

...The Palestinian side plays a hard zero-sum game, using the threat of violence, inciting to violence, spreading wild rumors (the detectors see through clothing, Israelis will see Muslim women naked) and pseudo-spirituality (Muslim prayer will not ascend to heaven if the faithful pass through the detectors). Like so often when it comes to the Esplanade, they spread wild accusations (projections) of Israel’s plans to take over and drive the Muslim out.

...Muslim outrage and violence: a force of nature.

The result of this humanitarian racism is to treat the results of poisonous and deliberately false Jihadi propaganda that constantly incites violence, as “realities” in the international “security equilibrium.” It doesn’t matter that it’s not true; they believe it. It’s part of reality, and nothing you say will change it.
admitting the problem and recognizing Israel’s legitimate security concerns,
Occupations always have a problem with security. It comes with the territory.
That must be why Berlin, Barcelona and London are facing terror.

That is a brilliant piece, articulating a concept I have tried to explain many times on this board.

Here is another quote, concerning the murders on the Temple Mount and the metal detectors which were subsequently installed:

The dynamics here are all about honor and shame, and the decision actually threw out any “rational considerations” in an effort to appease the anger of Muslims over a perceived insult to their honor and desecration of the site.

...One might have expected outside forces to urge the Palestinians to de-escalate and stop “defending the indefensible”: Arab “moderates” and Western diplomats alike. After all, wouldn’t a reasonable response by Abbas, admitting the problem and recognizing Israel’s legitimate security concerns, have reassured the UN General Assembly?

...On the contrary, he and other “moderate” Arab leaders did everything they could to aggravate the tensions (including denying the initial Palestinian attack). They were joined by dhimmi Arab Christians. And the Western leaders, eager to soothe savage breasts and calm troubled waters, counseled appeasement.

...The Palestinian side plays a hard zero-sum game, using the threat of violence, inciting to violence, spreading wild rumors (the detectors see through clothing, Israelis will see Muslim women naked) and pseudo-spirituality (Muslim prayer will not ascend to heaven if the faithful pass through the detectors). Like so often when it comes to the Esplanade, they spread wild accusations (projections) of Israel’s plans to take over and drive the Muslim out.

...Muslim outrage and violence: a force of nature.

The result of this humanitarian racism is to treat the results of poisonous and deliberately false Jihadi propaganda that constantly incites violence, as “realities” in the international “security equilibrium.” It doesn’t matter that it’s not true; they believe it. It’s part of reality, and nothing you say will change it.
admitting the problem and recognizing Israel’s legitimate security concerns,
Occupations always have a problem with security. It comes with the territory.
You sweepingly miss the point. The Arab-Moslem inability and refusal to concede accommodation regarding the Temple Mount and the refusal to accept the existence of Israel itself is a function of Islamist ideology we see across the Islamist Middle East. Israel's very existence is unthinkable to the devout ummah'ist with regard to the Islamist claim that all of Israel is an Islamic waqf (an entitlement from muhammud (swish) granted to Muslims in perpetuity).
This sort of unhinged hyperreligious ranting would be absolutely comical, except these idiots are serious. The various islamic terrorist franchises in the disputed territories are the voice of Moslems who feel robbed of the seventh century promise of supremacy over the infidel that was left as a legacy by their religion's inventor.
To be fair, that thinking goes beyond the middle east with a war being waged against non-believers in Europe today too. That is the main reason why I do not believe the palestinians want peace or ever will.

That is a brilliant piece, articulating a concept I have tried to explain many times on this board.

Here is another quote, concerning the murders on the Temple Mount and the metal detectors which were subsequently installed:

The dynamics here are all about honor and shame, and the decision actually threw out any “rational considerations” in an effort to appease the anger of Muslims over a perceived insult to their honor and desecration of the site.

...One might have expected outside forces to urge the Palestinians to de-escalate and stop “defending the indefensible”: Arab “moderates” and Western diplomats alike. After all, wouldn’t a reasonable response by Abbas, admitting the problem and recognizing Israel’s legitimate security concerns, have reassured the UN General Assembly?

...On the contrary, he and other “moderate” Arab leaders did everything they could to aggravate the tensions (including denying the initial Palestinian attack). They were joined by dhimmi Arab Christians. And the Western leaders, eager to soothe savage breasts and calm troubled waters, counseled appeasement.

...The Palestinian side plays a hard zero-sum game, using the threat of violence, inciting to violence, spreading wild rumors (the detectors see through clothing, Israelis will see Muslim women naked) and pseudo-spirituality (Muslim prayer will not ascend to heaven if the faithful pass through the detectors). Like so often when it comes to the Esplanade, they spread wild accusations (projections) of Israel’s plans to take over and drive the Muslim out.

...Muslim outrage and violence: a force of nature.

The result of this humanitarian racism is to treat the results of poisonous and deliberately false Jihadi propaganda that constantly incites violence, as “realities” in the international “security equilibrium.” It doesn’t matter that it’s not true; they believe it. It’s part of reality, and nothing you say will change it.
admitting the problem and recognizing Israel’s legitimate security concerns,
Occupations always have a problem with security. It comes with the territory.
That must be why Berlin, Barcelona and London are facing terror.
I don't know. Different issue.
And it hasn't been annexed. Its a buffer zone.


That is a brilliant piece, articulating a concept I have tried to explain many times on this board.

Here is another quote, concerning the murders on the Temple Mount and the metal detectors which were subsequently installed:

The dynamics here are all about honor and shame, and the decision actually threw out any “rational considerations” in an effort to appease the anger of Muslims over a perceived insult to their honor and desecration of the site.

...One might have expected outside forces to urge the Palestinians to de-escalate and stop “defending the indefensible”: Arab “moderates” and Western diplomats alike. After all, wouldn’t a reasonable response by Abbas, admitting the problem and recognizing Israel’s legitimate security concerns, have reassured the UN General Assembly?

...On the contrary, he and other “moderate” Arab leaders did everything they could to aggravate the tensions (including denying the initial Palestinian attack). They were joined by dhimmi Arab Christians. And the Western leaders, eager to soothe savage breasts and calm troubled waters, counseled appeasement.

...The Palestinian side plays a hard zero-sum game, using the threat of violence, inciting to violence, spreading wild rumors (the detectors see through clothing, Israelis will see Muslim women naked) and pseudo-spirituality (Muslim prayer will not ascend to heaven if the faithful pass through the detectors). Like so often when it comes to the Esplanade, they spread wild accusations (projections) of Israel’s plans to take over and drive the Muslim out.

...Muslim outrage and violence: a force of nature.

The result of this humanitarian racism is to treat the results of poisonous and deliberately false Jihadi propaganda that constantly incites violence, as “realities” in the international “security equilibrium.” It doesn’t matter that it’s not true; they believe it. It’s part of reality, and nothing you say will change it.
admitting the problem and recognizing Israel’s legitimate security concerns,
Occupations always have a problem with security. It comes with the territory.
That must be why Berlin, Barcelona and London are facing terror.
I don't know. Different issue.
I thought occupation is what causes terror in your view. Now you say "dunno", "different issue" and fail to see that the war against the non-believer is at the root of islamic terror worldwide.
[These are the Palestinian Leaders ]

These warm statements by the organizers have clearly failed to impress the Palestinians, who have launched a vicious campaign against the festival and have issued threats against Palestinian participants. The campaign is yet another sign of the Palestinians' growing extremism and rejection of any form of cooperation and coexistence with Israel.

What is particularly disturbing is that the Palestinian Authority (PA), which is backed and funded by the US and EU, is also playing an active role in the campaign against the festival and the Palestinian participants. It would be easier to understand if Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad were opposed to the festival, but the PA's opposition sends the unambiguous message to Palestinians from their leaders in Ramallah: it is that Israel is unacceptable, plain and simple.

(full article online)

Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
In July, the Jerusalem District Court gave an unprecedented ruling stating that the Palestinian Authority (PA) was responsible for the unlawful detention and torture of collaborators with Israel since the 1990's, which cleared the way for victims to file a lawsuit against the PA.

However, the lawyers representing the plaintiffs - all of whom are Arabs - were faced with a problem: Every human rights organization they turned to for assistance in finding a doctor to determine damages refused to help them. "Every NGO we turned to refused to help us. They said they only assist people that sue Israel" attorney Barak Kedem told NRG.

(full article

Human rights NGOs refuse to help Arab victims of PA torture
Mnar Muhawesh Breaks The Set On Israel's Genocide of Palestinians, Israeli Apartheid

Seriously? Israel has annexed 90% of Gaza and the Palestinians don't have anything left?! Who writes this BS?

Good point. I think it is actually 44%.

Wrong again. More like 4% of total land.

Israel has stolen that land for its own exclusive use. And I believe it is about 44%.

That is a brilliant piece, articulating a concept I have tried to explain many times on this board.

Here is another quote, concerning the murders on the Temple Mount and the metal detectors which were subsequently installed:

The dynamics here are all about honor and shame, and the decision actually threw out any “rational considerations” in an effort to appease the anger of Muslims over a perceived insult to their honor and desecration of the site.

...One might have expected outside forces to urge the Palestinians to de-escalate and stop “defending the indefensible”: Arab “moderates” and Western diplomats alike. After all, wouldn’t a reasonable response by Abbas, admitting the problem and recognizing Israel’s legitimate security concerns, have reassured the UN General Assembly?

...On the contrary, he and other “moderate” Arab leaders did everything they could to aggravate the tensions (including denying the initial Palestinian attack). They were joined by dhimmi Arab Christians. And the Western leaders, eager to soothe savage breasts and calm troubled waters, counseled appeasement.

...The Palestinian side plays a hard zero-sum game, using the threat of violence, inciting to violence, spreading wild rumors (the detectors see through clothing, Israelis will see Muslim women naked) and pseudo-spirituality (Muslim prayer will not ascend to heaven if the faithful pass through the detectors). Like so often when it comes to the Esplanade, they spread wild accusations (projections) of Israel’s plans to take over and drive the Muslim out.

...Muslim outrage and violence: a force of nature.

The result of this humanitarian racism is to treat the results of poisonous and deliberately false Jihadi propaganda that constantly incites violence, as “realities” in the international “security equilibrium.” It doesn’t matter that it’s not true; they believe it. It’s part of reality, and nothing you say will change it.
admitting the problem and recognizing Israel’s legitimate security concerns,
Occupations always have a problem with security. It comes with the territory.
That must be why Berlin, Barcelona and London are facing terror.
I don't know. Different issue.
I thought occupation is what causes terror in your view. Now you say "dunno", "different issue" and fail to see that the war against the non-believer is at the root of islamic terror worldwide.
You are confusing terror with resistance to occupation. That is why your gears don't mesh.
Mnar Muhawesh Breaks The Set On Israel's Genocide of Palestinians, Israeli Apartheid

Seriously? Israel has annexed 90% of Gaza and the Palestinians don't have anything left?! Who writes this BS?

Good point. I think it is actually 44%.

Wrong again. More like 4% of total land.

Israel has stolen that land for its own exclusive use. And I believe it is about 44%.

Show us, in a map, what your are referring to.
Mnar Muhawesh Breaks The Set On Israel's Genocide of Palestinians, Israeli Apartheid

Seriously? Israel has annexed 90% of Gaza and the Palestinians don't have anything left?! Who writes this BS?

Good point. I think it is actually 44%.

Wrong again. More like 4% of total land.

Israel has stolen that land for its own exclusive use. And I believe it is about 44%.

Show us, in a map, what your are referring to.

Sure, note that Shajailya was totally destroyed. Whatever excuses Israel gave does not hide the fact that it was inside the planned buffer expansion and had to go.

Seriously? Israel has annexed 90% of Gaza and the Palestinians don't have anything left?! Who writes this BS?
Good point. I think it is actually 44%.

Wrong again. More like 4% of total land.
Israel has stolen that land for its own exclusive use. And I believe it is about 44%.

Show us, in a map, what your are referring to.
Sure, note that Shajailya was totally destroyed. Whatever excuses Israel gave does not hide the fact that it was inside the planned buffer expansion and had to go.


This was in 2014. Lots of families were forced to move.

Egypt Flattens Neighborhoods to Create a Buffer With Gaza

This one is more recent:

Sources in Gaza told Haaretz that the works will force a lot of families out of their homes. Hamas will have to either pay these families compensation or find them alternative housing. The main question that remains to be answered is the effect these works will have on the tunnels under the border, which remain a major artery connecting the coastal enclave to Egypt.
read more: Hamas preparing buffer zone along Gaza-Egypt border

So, in so many words from that map, you are complaining about Israel protecting its population with the buffer zone. But not Egypt.

"The barrier has been effective in preventing terrorists and suicide bombers from entering Israel from Gaza. Since 1996, virtually all suicide bombers trying to leave Gaza have detonated their charges at the barrier's crossing points and were stopped while trying to cross the barrier elsewhere.[10][11]From 1994 until 2004 a suicide bomber originating from within the Gaza Strip successfully carried out an attack in Israel (the March 14, 2004 attack in Ashdod).[12]

Israel–Gaza barrier - Wikipedia

And look at what Abbas has said about the Gaza-Egypt barrier (wikipedia, same page)

Support for a similar Egypt–Gaza barrier
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas declared support for the Egypt–Gaza barrier, adding: "It is the Egyptians’ sovereign right in their own country. Legitimate supplies should be brought through the legal crossings",[20] although he made no such comment towards Israel's sovereign rights. The United States announced its support for the Egypt-Gaza barrier saying it would prevent weapons smuggling.[21] Cairo's main Al-Azhar University officially backed the government's decision for an Egypt-Gaza barrier saying that it was the "state's right to build along its walls facilities and obstacles that will enhance its security."[22]

SEE ???? All in all, barriers around Gaza are a good thing. Prevent attacks, smuggling and all the other nasty ideas Hamas and other groups there keep getting all the time.

Good point. I think it is actually 44%.

Wrong again. More like 4% of total land.
Israel has stolen that land for its own exclusive use. And I believe it is about 44%.

Show us, in a map, what your are referring to.
Sure, note that Shajailya was totally destroyed. Whatever excuses Israel gave does not hide the fact that it was inside the planned buffer expansion and had to go.


This was in 2014. Lots of families were forced to move.

Egypt Flattens Neighborhoods to Create a Buffer With Gaza

This one is more recent:

Sources in Gaza told Haaretz that the works will force a lot of families out of their homes. Hamas will have to either pay these families compensation or find them alternative housing. The main question that remains to be answered is the effect these works will have on the tunnels under the border, which remain a major artery connecting the coastal enclave to Egypt.
read more: Hamas preparing buffer zone along Gaza-Egypt border

So, in so many words from that map, you are complaining about Israel protecting its population with the buffer zone. But not Egypt.

"The barrier has been effective in preventing terrorists and suicide bombers from entering Israel from Gaza. Since 1996, virtually all suicide bombers trying to leave Gaza have detonated their charges at the barrier's crossing points and were stopped while trying to cross the barrier elsewhere.[10][11]From 1994 until 2004 a suicide bomber originating from within the Gaza Strip successfully carried out an attack in Israel (the March 14, 2004 attack in Ashdod).[12]

Israel–Gaza barrier - Wikipedia

And look at what Abbas has said about the Gaza-Egypt barrier (wikipedia, same page)

Support for a similar Egypt–Gaza barrier
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas declared support for the Egypt–Gaza barrier, adding: "It is the Egyptians’ sovereign right in their own country. Legitimate supplies should be brought through the legal crossings",[20] although he made no such comment towards Israel's sovereign rights. The United States announced its support for the Egypt-Gaza barrier saying it would prevent weapons smuggling.[21] Cairo's main Al-Azhar University officially backed the government's decision for an Egypt-Gaza barrier saying that it was the "state's right to build along its walls facilities and obstacles that will enhance its security."[22]

SEE ???? All in all, barriers around Gaza are a good thing. Prevent attacks, smuggling and all the other nasty ideas Hamas and other groups there keep getting all the time.

The difference is that Egypt put their buffer on their own side of the border. The freeloaders in Israel put their buffer on the Gaza side.
Wrong again. More like 4% of total land.
Israel has stolen that land for its own exclusive use. And I believe it is about 44%.

Show us, in a map, what your are referring to.
Sure, note that Shajailya was totally destroyed. Whatever excuses Israel gave does not hide the fact that it was inside the planned buffer expansion and had to go.


This was in 2014. Lots of families were forced to move.

Egypt Flattens Neighborhoods to Create a Buffer With Gaza

This one is more recent:

Sources in Gaza told Haaretz that the works will force a lot of families out of their homes. Hamas will have to either pay these families compensation or find them alternative housing. The main question that remains to be answered is the effect these works will have on the tunnels under the border, which remain a major artery connecting the coastal enclave to Egypt.
read more: Hamas preparing buffer zone along Gaza-Egypt border

So, in so many words from that map, you are complaining about Israel protecting its population with the buffer zone. But not Egypt.

"The barrier has been effective in preventing terrorists and suicide bombers from entering Israel from Gaza. Since 1996, virtually all suicide bombers trying to leave Gaza have detonated their charges at the barrier's crossing points and were stopped while trying to cross the barrier elsewhere.[10][11]From 1994 until 2004 a suicide bomber originating from within the Gaza Strip successfully carried out an attack in Israel (the March 14, 2004 attack in Ashdod).[12]

Israel–Gaza barrier - Wikipedia

And look at what Abbas has said about the Gaza-Egypt barrier (wikipedia, same page)

Support for a similar Egypt–Gaza barrier
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas declared support for the Egypt–Gaza barrier, adding: "It is the Egyptians’ sovereign right in their own country. Legitimate supplies should be brought through the legal crossings",[20] although he made no such comment towards Israel's sovereign rights. The United States announced its support for the Egypt-Gaza barrier saying it would prevent weapons smuggling.[21] Cairo's main Al-Azhar University officially backed the government's decision for an Egypt-Gaza barrier saying that it was the "state's right to build along its walls facilities and obstacles that will enhance its security."[22]

SEE ???? All in all, barriers around Gaza are a good thing. Prevent attacks, smuggling and all the other nasty ideas Hamas and other groups there keep getting all the time.

The difference is that Egypt put their buffer on their own side of the border. The freeloaders in Israel put their buffer on the Gaza side.

It is a small price the people of Gaza pay for allowing Hamas to fire 14,000 rockets into Israel. :)

It was a huge price the ancient city of Rafah had to pay, because the terrorists in Gaza wanted to conquer Egypt by attacking it.

And it is the PEOPLE of Gaza who are always losing, and not Hamas and all other terror groups.

They are "resisting" What against Egypt?
Calling all Vampires !!!!
District Governor of Ramallah Laila Ghannam declared that the Palestinians will stay faithful to the “path” of the “martyrs,” whose blood “perfumes the ground.”

During a visit to the “monument in memory of the martyrs” on the Muslim holiday Eid Al-Adha earlier this month, together with representatives of the Palestinian security forces, Ghannam glorified the so-called Palestinian Shahids (martyrs), the majority of whom are terrorists killed during their attacks against Israelis. Ghannam thanked the eliminated terrorists for “perfuming the ground with the scent of their blood,” which was “spilled for the epic of struggle whose title is Palestine.”

(full article online)

Palestinian Governor: Terrorists ‘Perfume Ground with Scent of Their Blood ‘
Israel has stolen that land for its own exclusive use. And I believe it is about 44%.

You can believe anything you want. The border between Israel and Gaza is 51km long. The buffer zone is 300m deep. The total area of Gaza is 365 square km. Do the math.

The video you posted is crap propaganda which uses outright lies to demonize Israel. This is a discussion board about current politics and a serious conflict. Do better.
Israel has stolen that land for its own exclusive use. And I believe it is about 44%.

Show us, in a map, what your are referring to.
Sure, note that Shajailya was totally destroyed. Whatever excuses Israel gave does not hide the fact that it was inside the planned buffer expansion and had to go.


This was in 2014. Lots of families were forced to move.

Egypt Flattens Neighborhoods to Create a Buffer With Gaza

This one is more recent:

Sources in Gaza told Haaretz that the works will force a lot of families out of their homes. Hamas will have to either pay these families compensation or find them alternative housing. The main question that remains to be answered is the effect these works will have on the tunnels under the border, which remain a major artery connecting the coastal enclave to Egypt.
read more: Hamas preparing buffer zone along Gaza-Egypt border

So, in so many words from that map, you are complaining about Israel protecting its population with the buffer zone. But not Egypt.

"The barrier has been effective in preventing terrorists and suicide bombers from entering Israel from Gaza. Since 1996, virtually all suicide bombers trying to leave Gaza have detonated their charges at the barrier's crossing points and were stopped while trying to cross the barrier elsewhere.[10][11]From 1994 until 2004 a suicide bomber originating from within the Gaza Strip successfully carried out an attack in Israel (the March 14, 2004 attack in Ashdod).[12]

Israel–Gaza barrier - Wikipedia

And look at what Abbas has said about the Gaza-Egypt barrier (wikipedia, same page)

Support for a similar Egypt–Gaza barrier
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas declared support for the Egypt–Gaza barrier, adding: "It is the Egyptians’ sovereign right in their own country. Legitimate supplies should be brought through the legal crossings",[20] although he made no such comment towards Israel's sovereign rights. The United States announced its support for the Egypt-Gaza barrier saying it would prevent weapons smuggling.[21] Cairo's main Al-Azhar University officially backed the government's decision for an Egypt-Gaza barrier saying that it was the "state's right to build along its walls facilities and obstacles that will enhance its security."[22]

SEE ???? All in all, barriers around Gaza are a good thing. Prevent attacks, smuggling and all the other nasty ideas Hamas and other groups there keep getting all the time.

The difference is that Egypt put their buffer on their own side of the border. The freeloaders in Israel put their buffer on the Gaza side.

It is a small price the people of Gaza pay for allowing Hamas to fire 14,000 rockets into Israel. :)

It was a huge price the ancient city of Rafah had to pay, because the terrorists in Gaza wanted to conquer Egypt by attacking it.

And it is the PEOPLE of Gaza who are always losing, and not Hamas and all other terror groups.

They are "resisting" What against Egypt?
What a pantload.:cuckoo::cuckoo:
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