Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I just gave it to you. Example:

Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples

The territory subject to the Mandate was never a "colonial project."
Do you have any proof for your assertion?

For this year, see the following table Page 5:


Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is another one of those nebulous claims.

The Arab Palestinian decided it was in their best interest to choose conflict
It was the Palestinians who were attacked.

What (presumably Jewish) military force attacked what Palestinian Government? When was this alleged attack?

Most Respectfully,
British military, Zionist gangs, IDF attacking Palestinian civilians. Starting around1917 and continuing today.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is another one of those nebulous claims.

The Arab Palestinian decided it was in their best interest to choose conflict
It was the Palestinians who were attacked.

What (presumably Jewish) military force attacked what Palestinian Government? When was this alleged attack?

Most Respectfully,
British military, Zionist gangs, IDF attacking Palestinian civilians. Starting around1917 and continuing today.

Jews were originally called palestinians, by the British who made-up the fake name ⤵️


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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I just gave it to you. Example:

Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples

The territory subject to the Mandate was never a "colonial project."
Do you have any proof for your assertion?

For this year, see the following table Page 5:


Most Respectfully,
I see that the UN disagrees with itself.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Like all political persuasion:
This Resolution Does Not Say What You Think It Says!

Reaffirming the importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination, national sovereignty and territorial integrity and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples as imperatives for the full enjoyment of all human rights,

12. Strongly condemns the continued violations of the human rights of the peoples still under colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation, the continuation of the illegal occupation of Namibia, and South Africa's attempts to dismember its Territory, the perpetuation of the racist minority regime in southern Africa and the denial to the Palestinian people of their inalienable national rights;

18. Strongly condemns those Governments that do not recognize the right to self-determination and independence of all peoples still under colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation, notably the peoples of Africa and the Palestinian people;

A/RES/37/43. Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights

Nothing issued by the UN has ever directly said that there are territories in the Middle East where the Resolution identifies colonial holdings.

You will not find the resolution saying that the "territories occupied since 1967" are colonial holdings. All the resolution says is that people have these rights. As do all people everywhere.

BUT when you actually go to the Listing in which the UN directly identifies the Administering Powers having colonial territories, you will NOT FIND:

  • Israel listed as an Administering Power.
  • Any Middle eastern territory to which the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Counties and Peoples continues to apply.
  • Palestine or any subdivision associated with Palestine listed as a Colonial Holding.
Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is another strange Arab Palestinian Notion thing.

Article 2, Palestine National Charter:
Palestine, with the boundaries it had during the British Mandate, is an indivisible territorial unit.​
Indeed, there is that pesky right to territorial integrity thing.

The "right to Territorial Integrity" ASSUMES that there is some sovereign territory to have integrity over.

What territory did the Arab Palestinians have sovereignty over in which the integrity was violated?


Most Respectfully,
The Palestinians were citizens of territory defined by international borders. The people have the right to independence and sovereignty.


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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is another strange Arab Palestinian Notion thing.

Article 2, Palestine National Charter:
Palestine, with the boundaries it had during the British Mandate, is an indivisible territorial unit.​
Indeed, there is that pesky right to territorial integrity thing.

The "right to Territorial Integrity" ASSUMES that there is some sovereign territory to have integrity over.

What territory did the Arab Palestinians have sovereignty over in which the integrity was violated?


Most Respectfully,
The Palestinians were citizens of territory defined by international borders. The people have the right to independence and sovereignty.

Arab-American journalist Joseph Farah: Palestinians Do Not Exist http://www.wnd.com/2002/07/14501/
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is another strange Arab Palestinian Notion thing.

Article 2, Palestine National Charter:
Palestine, with the boundaries it had during the British Mandate, is an indivisible territorial unit.​
Indeed, there is that pesky right to territorial integrity thing.

The "right to Territorial Integrity" ASSUMES that there is some sovereign territory to have integrity over.

What territory did the Arab Palestinians have sovereignty over in which the integrity was violated?


Most Respectfully,
The Palestinians were citizens of territory defined by international borders. The people have the right to independence and sovereignty.

Palestine was merely Britain’s name for the British Mandate which ceased to exist in 1948 with Israeli statehood. Jews were called palestinians. Arabs refused to acknowledge palestine a Western invention ⤵️


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[ Palestinians, like Al-Husseini (The Farhoud in Baghdad in 1942) and the Palestinian mentioned in this article, seem to have the need to travel outside of Palestine to kill Jews. Why? ]

More than 450 people were scheduled to attend a bar mitzvah at Istanbul’s Neve Shalom Synagogue on September 6, 1986 — but the congregants’ prayers were short-lived.

On that day, terrorists working with Palestinian militant Abu Nidal, opened fire with automatic weapons inside the synagogue, killing 22 people, before dousing their bodies with gasoline and setting them on fire.

Among the casualties were three Persian Jews, including one of my relatives — Mizrah Babazadeh.

(full article online)

The Neve Shalom Synagogue Massacre in Turkey
[ Palestinians, like Al-Husseini (The Farhoud in Baghdad in 1942) and the Palestinian mentioned in this article, seem to have the need to travel outside of Palestine to kill Jews. Why? ]

More than 450 people were scheduled to attend a bar mitzvah at Istanbul’s Neve Shalom Synagogue on September 6, 1986 — but the congregants’ prayers were short-lived.

On that day, terrorists working with Palestinian militant Abu Nidal, opened fire with automatic weapons inside the synagogue, killing 22 people, before dousing their bodies with gasoline and setting them on fire.

Among the casualties were three Persian Jews, including one of my relatives — Mizrah Babazadeh.

(full article online)

The Neve Shalom Synagogue Massacre in Turkey

Most Arabs in the British Mandate called “palestine” entered illegally from other Arab countries. Arafat was Egyptian,

Churchill, who functioned as Prime Minister of British “palestine”, spoke of the Arab invasion. He won a Nobel Prize for historical literature. ⤵️


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The Churchill White Paper of 3 June 1922, officially Correspondence with the Palestine Arab Delegation and the Zionist Organisation was drafted at request of Sir Winston Churchill in response to the 1921 Jaffa Riots which began with intra-Jewish violence escalated into Arab attacks against Jews. Although the attacks were primarily facilitated by the Arabs, the British White Paper concluded that the violence was sparked by resentment towards Jewish Zionists and the perceived favoritism towards them by the British, as well as Arab fears of subjugation. While maintaining Britain's commitment to the Balfour declaration and its promise of a Jewish National Home in Palestine, "internationally guaranteed" and "recognized to rest upon ancient historic connection," the paper emphasized that the establishment of a Jewish National Home would not impose a Jewish nationality on the Arab inhabitants of Palestine, and "the status of all citizens of Palestine in the eyes of the law shall be Palestinian".[1] To reduce tensions between the Arabs and Jews in Palestine the paper called for a limitation of Jewish immigration to "the economic capacity of the country to absorb new arrivals".[2] This limitation was considered a great setback to many in the Zionist movement,[3] though unlike the later White Paper of 1939, it acknowledged the necessity that "the Jewish community in Palestine should be able to increase its numbers by immigration", "as of right not of sufferance".
Churchill White Paper - Wikipedia
The Churchill White Paper of 3 June 1922, officially Correspondence with the Palestine Arab Delegation and the Zionist Organisation was drafted at request of Sir Winston Churchill in response to the 1921 Jaffa Riots which began with intra-Jewish violence escalated into Arab attacks against Jews. Although the attacks were primarily facilitated by the Arabs, the British White Paper concluded that the violence was sparked by resentment towards Jewish Zionists and the perceived favoritism towards them by the British, as well as Arab fears of subjugation. While maintaining Britain's commitment to the Balfour declaration and its promise of a Jewish National Home in Palestine, "internationally guaranteed" and "recognized to rest upon ancient historic connection," the paper emphasized that the establishment of a Jewish National Home would not impose a Jewish nationality on the Arab inhabitants of Palestine, and "the status of all citizens of Palestine in the eyes of the law shall be Palestinian".[1] To reduce tensions between the Arabs and Jews in Palestine the paper called for a limitation of Jewish immigration to "the economic capacity of the country to absorb new arrivals".[2] This limitation was considered a great setback to many in the Zionist movement,[3] though unlike the later White Paper of 1939, it acknowledged the necessity that "the Jewish community in Palestine should be able to increase its numbers by immigration", "as of right not of sufferance".
Churchill White Paper - Wikipedia

Palestine originated as a Roman name for Jews’ land, about 2000 years ago. Ancient Israel existed 500+ years before Rome. And Jews were originally called palestinians, by the British ⤵️

Modern palestinians are merely Arabs originating from Arabia.


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The Churchill White Paper of 3 June 1922, officially Correspondence with the Palestine Arab Delegation and the Zionist Organisation was drafted at request of Sir Winston Churchill in response to the 1921 Jaffa Riots which began with intra-Jewish violence escalated into Arab attacks against Jews. Although the attacks were primarily facilitated by the Arabs, the British White Paper concluded that the violence was sparked by resentment towards Jewish Zionists and the perceived favoritism towards them by the British, as well as Arab fears of subjugation. While maintaining Britain's commitment to the Balfour declaration and its promise of a Jewish National Home in Palestine, "internationally guaranteed" and "recognized to rest upon ancient historic connection," the paper emphasized that the establishment of a Jewish National Home would not impose a Jewish nationality on the Arab inhabitants of Palestine, and "the status of all citizens of Palestine in the eyes of the law shall be Palestinian".[1] To reduce tensions between the Arabs and Jews in Palestine the paper called for a limitation of Jewish immigration to "the economic capacity of the country to absorb new arrivals".[2] This limitation was considered a great setback to many in the Zionist movement,[3] though unlike the later White Paper of 1939, it acknowledged the necessity that "the Jewish community in Palestine should be able to increase its numbers by immigration", "as of right not of sufferance".
Churchill White Paper - Wikipedia

Zion is the Biblical reference to Israel, making Zionism an ancient ideology predating Islam by thousands of years

UNESCO-certified ancient Jewish landmark in ancient Israel Gallery: WHC 2015 – Beth She’arim Necropolis - a Landmark of Jewish Revival (Israel)


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"Ghassan Daghles, monitoring Israeli settlement activity in the north of the West Bank, told WAFA settlers coming from 'Eli’ and 'Shilo’; two illegal Israeli settlements located along Nablus-Ramallah highway, attacked Palestinians harvesting olives in the village of Qaruot.

Locals scuffled with settlers and managed to fend off their attack. No injuries were reported."

Yisrael Medad, who lives in Shiloh, checked out the story and it is complete fiction.

Long time readers of the blog may recognize the name of the person who made this accusation, Ghassan Daghlas.

Over the years, his accusations have been published in Arab media - almost invariably without a single photo or video to corroborate his accusations.

He is literally paid by the Palestinian Authority to make up these stories. His job is to "monitor Israeli settler activity." And he knows that no one will check his stories.

(full story online)

Time for the annual olive harvest lies by the Palestinian Authority ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Secondly...I said from the Palestinian view, put yourselves in their shoes. They certainly see it as their land taken in a war and never returned.

Don't you see? I AM putting myself in their shoes. The Jewish narrative could BE that very same thing. Their land was taken in war and never returned. The only people who have rights to that land are the Jewish people. This is true not only as a narrative, but factually true in law.

But when the Jewish people look at that singular narrative where only one people have rights - the Jewish people find it unpalatable. The consensus in Jewish society and Israel is, and has always been, that it is morally wrong to view only one people as having rights or as having been harmed or as having had land stolen from them.

There is only one right answer here. BOTH peoples have rights. BOTH peoples have been harmed. BOTH peoples have had land stolen from them. The only morally correct answer here is an arrangement which somehow shares the land. The Jewish people have known and accepted this for a hundred years.

Who's view is right? A lot of arguments for both sides there and most of these issues don't involve facts but deep emotional ties to the same bit of land.
The Arab Palestinians have constructed a narrative which absolves them of all responsibility both for the conflict and for creating a solution to the conflict. Its a narrative which denies reality. Their view is not right. Neither factually, nor morally.

Examine events on the Temple Mount as evidence. They are representative of the entire conflict.
Indeed, there is that pesky right to territorial integrity thing.
The right to territorial integrity means that a State has the right not to have its borders violated by other States. It does not prohibit the division of a State into two or more parts as outlined in a peace treaty. Witness Yugoslavia. Was Yugoslavia's "territorial integrity" violated when she split into the numerous new States? Of course not.

You are using legal terms and concepts incorrectly.
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