Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Isolated incident. Nowhere near as common as the Arab world.

Well, some Arabs are Jews, some Arabs are Muslims, and some Arabs are Christians. The Yemeni Arabs, who are Jews, are similar to Arabs, who are Muslims.

Children marriage, polygamy, honour killing - these are ancient Semitic traditions, that existed before Monotheism.

The Jewish religious laws says, that if a Jew raped a non-Jewish child, then this child must be killed, because she caused trouble to a Jew:

"If a Jew has coitus with a Gentile woman, whether she be a child of three or an adult, whether married or unmarried, and even if he is a minor aged only nine years and one day - because he had willful coitus with her, she must be killed, as is the case with a beast, because through her a Jew got into trouble' The Jew, however, must be flogged..."


Now find the full chapter and read it fully with the help of a Rabbi trained in the Talmud where this is taken from. Then you will see you have taken this out of context and not in the manner it was written.

Another fail because you do not research your links
Of the sites and references I could find about the jewish father, all seem to come fro the same source and no details.
There were how ever a number of yemeni fathers over the last decade that killed their daughter, with no mention of being jewish. A muslim father killed his 10 yr old daughter some months ago in a very brutal manner.

I know even the jews in yemen hold to very conservative rules almost the same as muslims. Some or all the story might be true but with no names, dates or details it could just as well be hearsay or libel.

"If" there is truth to the story, is not the common thing among jews, certainly not as common as among muslims. The father in yemen was likely heavily influenced by the muslims among whom he lived with more than by his faith it this case.

Could not find "proof" of the story. It would have to be before 2009 as that is when the last jews left.

The sites with the one sentence exactly the same word for word has no more details. I won't say it could not happen but I tend to doubt the validity without more information. It would be far more cultural of yemen than of being jewish.

What does such a story have to do with the palestinians and who they are?
Whether that Talmudic quote from a hate-site ....

Amazon is a "hate-site", because Israel Shahak exposed the hate of Talmud?

Wow! Amazing logic!


...are talking about Muslim atrocities TODAY, in the real world.

There are different Muslim and different Jewish authorities.

Ovadia Yosef was call by Israeli leaders "the biggest authority in Jewish religious law", and this hater made a statement, calling non-Jews donkeys, that were supposedly crated to serve the master race, the Jews:

In an October 2010 sermon, Yosef stated that "The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews". He said that Gentiles served a divine purpose: "Why are Gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why Gentiles were created."[72]

In the same article in The Jerusalem Post, according to the journalist who interviewed him, Yosef compared Gentiles to donkeys whose life has the sole purpose to serve the master: "In Israel, death has no dominion over them...

Ovadia Yosef - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Talmud was written thousands of years ago. The references to non-Jews in it, refer to pagans or idol-worshippers.

Well, Israel Shahak was an Israeli intellectual, who spoke Hebrew and could read not only the Talmud, but also the interpretation of this book by modern Israeli religious scholars.

And Ovadia Yosef, who got the largest funeral in the history of Israel, basically confirmed everything that Israel Shahak was telling us in his books. And Ovadia Yosef was called by many Israeli leading politicians "the greatest Jewish religious teacher".
As we see, Ovadia Yosef was and is a recognized and honored religious authority in Israel.

If you want to have a discussion about Israel Shahak or Ovadia Yosef, then do it.

If you can refute the arguments of Israel Shahak, then I will change my mind.

It is not enough just to call Israel Shahak or your opponentsi n this forum "bad guys" or other silly names, that is not the purprse of any discussion, that is just childish behaviour.

In a discussion forum you have to attack the message, not the messenger.

Do not attack Israel Shahak, attack is arguments! Prove that he was wrong!

Can you get my point?
Which Talmud do you mean? There are 2.

And then there is Mishnah and Gemarrah...

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Whether that Talmudic quote from a hate-site ....

Amazon is a "hate-site", because Israel Shahak exposed the hate of Talmud?

Wow! Amazing logic!


...are talking about Muslim atrocities TODAY, in the real world.

There are different Muslim and different Jewish authorities.

Ovadia Yosef was call by Israeli leaders "the biggest authority in Jewish religious law", and this hater made a statement, calling non-Jews donkeys, that were supposedly crated to serve the master race, the Jews:

In an October 2010 sermon, Yosef stated that "The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews". He said that Gentiles served a divine purpose: "Why are Gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why Gentiles were created."[72]

In the same article in The Jerusalem Post, according to the journalist who interviewed him, Yosef compared Gentiles to donkeys whose life has the sole purpose to serve the master: "In Israel, death has no dominion over them...

Ovadia Yosef - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No the source is an Islamic hate site Amazon is just the carrier

How many quotes do you want from islaminazi scum then along the same lines, will 20,000 do
Whether that Talmudic quote from a hate-site ....

Amazon is a "hate-site", because Israel Shahak exposed the hate of Talmud?

Wow! Amazing logic!


...are talking about Muslim atrocities TODAY, in the real world.

There are different Muslim and different Jewish authorities.

Ovadia Yosef was call by Israeli leaders "the biggest authority in Jewish religious law", and this hater made a statement, calling non-Jews donkeys, that were supposedly crated to serve the master race, the Jews:

In an October 2010 sermon, Yosef stated that "The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews". He said that Gentiles served a divine purpose: "Why are Gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why Gentiles were created."[72]

In the same article in The Jerusalem Post, according to the journalist who interviewed him, Yosef compared Gentiles to donkeys whose life has the sole purpose to serve the master: "In Israel, death has no dominion over them...

Ovadia Yosef - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No the source is an Islamic hate site Amazon is just the carrier

How many quotes do you want from islamonazi scum then along the same lines, will 20,000 do
There is an old and rare book called Palestina ex monumentis veteribus illustrata, written by Hadriani Relandi (a mapmaker and scholar from Utrecht) and published in 1714. It documents Relandi’s trip to Palestine in 1695-96. On his travels he surveyed around 2,500 places that were mentioned in the Tanakh and/or Mishnah, and he carried out a census of the people who resided in such places. He made some very interesting discoveries. For a start, he discovered that not a single settlement in Palestine had a name that was of Arabic origin. Instead the names derived from Hebrew, Roman and Greek languages.

Another interesting discovery was the conspicuous absence of a sizeable Muslim population. Instead, he found that most of the inhabitants of Palestine were Jews, along with some Christians and a few Bedouins. Nazareth was home to less than a thousand Christians, while Jerusalem held 5,000 people, mostly Jews. Gaza was home to around 250 Jews and about the same number of Christians. The only exception was Nablus where around 120 Muslims lived, along with a handful of Samaritans, whose ancestors belonged to the northern tribes of Israel.

Intrigued by the findings in Relandi’s book, I looked at other first-hand sources, such as travelogues, governmental reports and censuses. I wasn’t sure I would find anything. But there is a surprising quantity of data and anecdotal evidence. And all the evidence suggests that the majority of non-Jewish (i.e. Arab Muslim and Christian) immigration to Palestine began in the mid or late 1800s.

Arab immigration to historic Palestine: a survey
No the source is an Islamic hate site Amazon is just the carrier

That was a bizarre statement.

I quoted Wikipedia, and Wikipedia quoted Haaretz:

In a sermon given on Saturday on laws concerning what non-Jews are permitted to do on Shabbat, Yosef said: "Goyim [non-Jews] were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel."
read more: ADL slams Shas spiritual leader for saying non-Jews 'were born to serve Jews'


BTW, why do Muslim-Haters constantly complain about hate?
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He made some very interesting discoveries. For a start, he discovered that not a single settlement in Palestine had a name that was of Arabic origin. Instead the names derived from Hebrew, Roman and Greek languages.

Well, that debunks the stupid Zionist propaganda about the supposed invasion of Saudi Arabs to Palestine. No, the native population of Palestine remained the same, the Palestinians just adopted another religion (Islam), and therefore another language, because the Koran was written in the Arabic language.

Another interesting discovery was the conspicuous absence of a sizeable Muslim population. Instead, he found that most of the inhabitants of Palestine were Jews, along with some Christians and a few Bedouins.


And all the evidence suggests that the majority of non-Jewish (i.e. Arab Muslim and Christian) immigration to Palestine began in the mid or late 1800s.

That is old and idiotic Zionist propaganda, that was already debunked many times.

Demographic history of Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 1130 there were zero Jews in Jerusalem.
In 1489 there were 200 Jewish families in Jerusalem
In 1553 there lived about 2 000 Jews and 2 000 Christians in Jerusalem, and 12 000 Muslims.

In 1832 there lived about 4 000 Jews, 3 500 Christians and and 13 000 Muslims in Jerusalem.

As we see, there was a bigger increase of the Jewish population of Jerusalem after 1800, the Christian and Muslim population grew not as rapid, as Jewish population.

Jews were kicked out of Andalusia, and the Muslims rulers invited them to Palestine, and Andalusian Jews settled in Jerusalem.

And here are the statistics for Palestine:

Demographic history of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 1800 the Jewish population of Palestine was about 7 000, the Christian about 22 000, and the Muslim population about 246 000.

In 1890 there lived 43 000 Jews in Palestine, 57 000 Christians and 432 000 Muslims.

As we see, the Jewish population of Palestine grew faster in the 19th century, than Muslim or Christians population.
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He made some very interesting discoveries. For a start, he discovered that not a single settlement in Palestine had a name that was of Arabic origin. Instead the names derived from Hebrew, Roman and Greek languages.

Well, that debunks the stupid Zionist propaganda about the supposed invasion of Saudi Arabs to Palestine. No, the native population of Palestine remained the same, the Palestinians just adopted another religion (Islam), and therefore another language, because the Koran was written in the Arabic language.

Another interesting discovery was the conspicuous absence of a sizeable Muslim population. Instead, he found that most of the inhabitants of Palestine were Jews, along with some Christians and a few Bedouins.


And all the evidence suggests that the majority of non-Jewish (i.e. Arab Muslim and Christian) immigration to Palestine began in the mid or late 1800s.

That is old and idiotic Zionist propaganda, that was already debunked many times.

Demographic history of Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 1130 there were zero Jews in Jerusalem.
In 1489 there were 200 Jewish families in Jerusalem
In 1553 there lived about 2 000 Jews and 2 000 Christians in Jerusalem, and 12 000 Muslims.

In 1832 there lived about 4 000 Jews, 3 500 Christians and and 13 000 Muslims in Jerusalem.

As we see, there was a bigger increase of the Jewish population of Jerusalem after 1800, the Christian and Muslim population grew not as rapid, as Jewish population.

Jews were kicked out of Andalusia, and the Muslims rulers invited them to Palestine, and Andalusian Jews settled in Jerusalem.

And here are the statistics for Palestine:

Demographic history of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 1800 the Jewish population of Palestine was about 7 000, the Christian about 22 000, and the Muslim population about 246 000.

In 1890 there lived 43 000 Jews in Palestine, 57 000 Christians and 432 000 Muslims.

As we see, the Jewish population of Palestine grew faster in the 19th century, than Muslim or Christians population.

Oh yawn. Here's another of the usual suspects, with the same interminable terminology.
Whether that Talmudic quote from a hate-site ....

Amazon is a "hate-site", because Israel Shahak exposed the hate of Talmud?

Wow! Amazing logic!


...are talking about Muslim atrocities TODAY, in the real world.

There are different Muslim and different Jewish authorities.

Ovadia Yosef was call by Israeli leaders "the biggest authority in Jewish religious law", and this hater made a statement, calling non-Jews donkeys, that were supposedly crated to serve the master race, the Jews:

In an October 2010 sermon, Yosef stated that "The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews". He said that Gentiles served a divine purpose: "Why are Gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why Gentiles were created."[72]

In the same article in The Jerusalem Post, according to the journalist who interviewed him, Yosef compared Gentiles to donkeys whose life has the sole purpose to serve the master: "In Israel, death has no dominion over them...

Ovadia Yosef - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So what, did he speak for all the Jews or even the Israelis??
He immediately drew rigid criticism from within Israel.
And what power did he actually have? Military?
Quoting a leftist newspaper on a Religious party...

And most important- how is that connected to the identity of those Arabs calling themselves balestinians?
So what, did he speak for all the Jews or even the Israelis??

Ovadia Yosef was called by Israeli leaders "the biggest authority in Jewish religious law", and he got the biggest funeral in the history of Israel, and that speaks volumes.

This hater made a statement, calling non-Jews donkeys, that were supposedly crated to serve the master race, the Jews, but he was not punished for his hate speech.

Can you imagine any prominent American or European, who would say "Jews were created to serve the non-Jews, like a donkey has to serve his master"?

Can you imagine any political leader calling such a person "our great teacher?

He immediately drew rigid criticism from within Israel.

He was criticised because he made this statement openly, the non-Jews could read it.

And no, this statement was no news in main media outside of Israel, if you do not read the Israeli press, you do not know about this.

The Zionist controlled western media suppressed any mentioning about this hate speech.

If a prominent non-Jew made such a hateful statement about Jews, there would be headlines in all Zionist controlled papers and other media outlets, and the talking heads on TV would whine about it 7x24, and there would be no end of it.
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No the source is an Islamic hate site Amazon is just the carrier

That was a bizarre statement.

I quoted Wikipedia, and Wikipedia quoted Haaretz:

In a sermon given on Saturday on laws concerning what non-Jews are permitted to do on Shabbat, Yosef said: "Goyim [non-Jews] were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel."
read more: ADL slams Shas spiritual leader for saying non-Jews 'were born to serve Jews'


BTW, why do Muslim-Haters constantly complain about hate?

Again wiki is the carrier, and haaretz is not bothered on what is reported as long as they get paid. They put the disclaimer were it can be seen.
Like all islamonazi stooges you don't or cant understand that the author is the source, not were it links to.

Because muslims engender hatred by their hate for everyone and everything not Islamic.
So what, did he speak for all the Jews or even the Israelis??

Ovadia Yosef was called by Israeli leaders "the biggest authority in Jewish religious law", and he got the biggest funeral in the history of Israel, and that speaks volumes.

This hater made a statement, calling non-Jews donkeys, that were supposedly crated to serve the master race, the Jews, but he was not punished for his hate speech.

Can you imagine any prominent American or European, who would say "Jews were created to serve the non-Jews, like a donkey has to serve his master"?

Can you imagine any political leader calling such a person "our great teacher?

He immediately drew rigid criticism from within Israel.

He was criticised because he made this statement openly, the non-Jews could read it.

And no, this statement was no news in main media outside of Israel, if you do not read the Israeli press, you do not know about this.

The Zionist controlled western media suppressed any mentioning about this hate speech.

If a prominent non-Jew made such a hateful statement about Jews, there would be headlines in all Zionist controlled papers and other media outlets, and the talking heads on TV would whine about it 7x24, and there would be no end of it.

He could say anything, he was a leader of scandalous religious party representing just a portion of the religious citizens. Barely a voice representing the majority.

And did you hear death chants later,
calling for 'death of infidels"?
Like in Iran where the religious leader IS the supreme leader and has power over all govt. structures?

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He made some very interesting discoveries. For a start, he discovered that not a single settlement in Palestine had a name that was of Arabic origin. Instead the names derived from Hebrew, Roman and Greek languages.

Well, that debunks the stupid Zionist propaganda about the supposed invasion of Saudi Arabs to Palestine. No, the native population of Palestine remained the same, the Palestinians just adopted another religion (Islam), and therefore another language, because the Koran was written in the Arabic language.

Another interesting discovery was the conspicuous absence of a sizeable Muslim population. Instead, he found that most of the inhabitants of Palestine were Jews, along with some Christians and a few Bedouins.


And all the evidence suggests that the majority of non-Jewish (i.e. Arab Muslim and Christian) immigration to Palestine began in the mid or late 1800s.

That is old and idiotic Zionist propaganda, that was already debunked many times.

Demographic history of Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 1130 there were zero Jews in Jerusalem.
In 1489 there were 200 Jewish families in Jerusalem
In 1553 there lived about 2 000 Jews and 2 000 Christians in Jerusalem, and 12 000 Muslims.

In 1832 there lived about 4 000 Jews, 3 500 Christians and and 13 000 Muslims in Jerusalem.

As we see, there was a bigger increase of the Jewish population of Jerusalem after 1800, the Christian and Muslim population grew not as rapid, as Jewish population.

Jews were kicked out of Andalusia, and the Muslims rulers invited them to Palestine, and Andalusian Jews settled in Jerusalem.

And here are the statistics for Palestine:

Demographic history of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 1800 the Jewish population of Palestine was about 7 000, the Christian about 22 000, and the Muslim population about 246 000.

In 1890 there lived 43 000 Jews in Palestine, 57 000 Christians and 432 000 Muslims.

As we see, the Jewish population of Palestine grew faster in the 19th century, than Muslim or Christians population.

It actually shows that after this time arab muslims flooded into Palestine and displaced the indigenous population. Only a brainwashed idiot would say otherwise.

Look at the source of your wiki article, then at who edited it and you will find islamonazi interference. Maybe even Monte'e handiwork
A leading Palestinian “resistance” figure has confirmed what many suspected all along: Yasser Arafat died of AIDS.

In an interview with Hizballah's Al-Manar TV earlier this month, Ahmad Jibril, founder and leader of the Damascus-based Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command, revealed a shocking conversation he recently had with Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and his staff.

Said Jibril: “When [Abbas] came to Damascus with his team, I asked them: 'What happened to the investigation into the death of [Arafat]? Is it conceivable that when [former Lebanese prime minister] Rafiq Hariri was killed, all hell broke loose, but the death of Yasser Arafat, is not investigate?”

Jibril, like many Palestinians, readily accepted the notion that Israel had assassinated Arafat, and wanted the Palestinian Authority to conduct an official investigation concluding as much. The response from Abbas' aides changed in an instant Jibril's view of his deceased mentor.

“They were silent, and then one of them said to me: 'To be honest, the French gave us the medical report, that stated that the cause of [Arafat's] death was AIDS.'”

Arafat eventually died in a Paris hospital after being airlifted out of Ramallah. Many speculated that the Palestinian leader, who was said to have had numerous homosexual relationships, had in fact contracted AIDS.

A clearly angered Jibril said that Abbas and every other member of Arafat's Fatah faction “should be happy that we got rid of the plague, which had been imposed upon them and upon the Palestinian people. The Fatah movement now has an opportunity to renew itself.”

Arafat died of AIDS, confirms Palestinian leader
A leading Palestinian “resistance” figure has confirmed what many suspected all along: Yasser Arafat died of AIDS.

Everybody knows that the cause of death was polonium, he was poisoned by Zionists.
It actually shows that after this time arab muslims flooded into Palestine and displaced the indigenous population.

What time are you talking about?
There were no Jews in Jerusalem in the 12th century, the descendants of Khazars and other converts flooded to Palestine from Europe and other countries in the 15th century and later, after they were kicked out of Andalusia and other countries.

The indigenous Semitic population of Palestine just adopted another language and another religion, that is all.

Look at the source of your wiki article, then at who edited it and you will find islamonazi interference. Maybe even Monte'e handiwork

Why do Muslim-Haters and Zionist Supremacists constantly whine about being hated?
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