Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Gee whiz. Those "poor, oppressed Pal'istanians" are lamenting the fact that their use of kuffar technology to incite acts of islamic terrorism has limits.

From spring of 2018.

Facebook disables Palestinian news site’s account

“We were totally surprised,” the social media manager said.

Over the weekend, Facebook disabled the account of Safa, a Gaza-based Palestinian news site; it had almost 1.3 million followers.

Safa is widely seen as sympathetic to Hamas, but an employee at the news site said in a phone call that the media outlet is “independent” and “has no relationship with Hamas.”

Facebook disabled Safa’s account, along with the accounts of 10 Safa editors, just after 5 p.m. on Saturday, without issuing a warning or providing an explanation, a manager of Safa’s social media team told The Jerusalem Post.

A Facebook spokeswoman declined to comment on the disabling of Safa’s account. However, in the past 18 months, Facebook has disabled several Palestinian news sites and leaders’ accounts for allegedly inciting violence against Israelis.
Nothing new here. Canadian PhD student shot by Israeli sniper. Crickets, even from Canada.

It is a shame that Canada and the US place Israel above their own citizens.

You do know that it is a lie. You just need to be disgusting, as usual.

Its true. Our governments let Israel do whatever it wants without a peep.
Nothing new here. Canadian PhD student shot by Israeli sniper. Crickets, even from Canada.

It is a shame that Canada and the US place Israel above their own citizens.

You do know that it is a lie. You just need to be disgusting, as usual.

Its true. Our governments let Israel do whatever it wants without a peep.

Not true. Look at what Obama and others did. They made it easier to accuse of Israel of things it had not done.

But you do not care to acknowledge that.

And let me not include how just about every government allows the BDS to not only be everywhere, but allows anti Israel idiots to attack any and all Jews and non Jews who are pro Israel, in schools, universities, etc.

You simply keep trying to make the US, where you live, as the bad guy, who should be for terrorists, the PA, Hamas, the Palestinians, and others, and not for people of peace, the Jews and Israel.

Your nonsense will continue to not work on intelligent people.

But do not worry. There are Plenty of useful idiots like you. Just ask Rehami and others like him.

Your "christian beliefs" trump facts and intelligence ALL THE TIME.
Nothing new here. Canadian PhD student shot by Israeli sniper. Crickets, even from Canada.

It is a shame that Canada and the US place Israel above their own citizens.

You do know that it is a lie. You just need to be disgusting, as usual.

Its true. Our governments let Israel do whatever it wants without a peep.

Not true. Look at what Obama and others did. They made it easier to accuse of Israel of things it had not done.

But you do not care to acknowledge that.

And let me not include how just about every government allows the BDS to not only be everywhere, but allows anti Israel idiots to attack any and all Jews and non Jews who are pro Israel, in schools, universities, etc.

You simply keep trying to make the US, where you live, as the bad guy, who should be for terrorists, the PA, Hamas, the Palestinians, and others, and not for people of peace, the Jews and Israel.

Your nonsense will continue to not work on intelligent people.

But do not worry. There are Plenty of useful idiots like you. Just ask Rehami and others like him.

Your "christian beliefs" trump facts and intelligence ALL THE TIME.

Balderdash, you are clueless.
Nothing new here. Canadian PhD student shot by Israeli sniper. Crickets, even from Canada.

It is a shame that Canada and the US place Israel above their own citizens.

You do know that it is a lie. You just need to be disgusting, as usual.

Its true. Our governments let Israel do whatever it wants without a peep.

Not true. Look at what Obama and others did. They made it easier to accuse of Israel of things it had not done.

But you do not care to acknowledge that.

And let me not include how just about every government allows the BDS to not only be everywhere, but allows anti Israel idiots to attack any and all Jews and non Jews who are pro Israel, in schools, universities, etc.

You simply keep trying to make the US, where you live, as the bad guy, who should be for terrorists, the PA, Hamas, the Palestinians, and others, and not for people of peace, the Jews and Israel.

Your nonsense will continue to not work on intelligent people.

But do not worry. There are Plenty of useful idiots like you. Just ask Rehami and others like him.

Your "christian beliefs" trump facts and intelligence ALL THE TIME.

Balderdash, you are clueless.

If YOU say so, it MUST be so.
Nothing new here. Canadian PhD student shot by Israeli sniper. Crickets, even from Canada.

It is a shame that Canada and the US place Israel above their own citizens.

You do know that it is a lie. You just need to be disgusting, as usual.

Its true. Our governments let Israel do whatever it wants without a peep.

Your silly rants belong in the conspiracy theory forum.
Nothing new here. Canadian PhD student shot by Israeli sniper. Crickets, even from Canada.

It is a shame that Canada and the US place Israel above their own citizens.

You do know that it is a lie. You just need to be disgusting, as usual.

Its true. Our governments let Israel do whatever it wants without a peep.

Your silly rants belong in the conspiracy theory forum.

What conspiracies?
Nothing new here. Canadian PhD student shot by Israeli sniper. Crickets, even from Canada.

It is a shame that Canada and the US place Israel above their own citizens.

You do know that it is a lie. You just need to be disgusting, as usual.

Its true. Our governments let Israel do whatever it wants without a peep.

Your silly rants belong in the conspiracy theory forum.

What conspiracies?

Your conspiracies.
The pathology of hate that grips the Arabs-Moslems parading around as "Pal'istanians" gets more desperate by the day.

The islamic dictator ruling the mini-caliphate of Abbas'istan wants to believe his fiefdom has returned to those halcyon days of 7th century war and conquest of the Islamist gee-had.


"With the help of Allah, every shaheed (martyr) will be in heaven, and every wounded will get his reward," Mahmoud Abbas said.

"We welcome every drop of blood spilled in Jerusalem. This is pure blood, clean blood, blood on its way to Allah."
Let's hope that the folks at Facebook make the right choice and close down the bit of kuffar technology used by islamic terrorists to incite, glorify and promote their Jew killing exhortations.

Israeli watchdog to Facebook: Remove Abbas' party's page - exclusive

In a letter, sent to Zuckerberg Thursday - and reviewed first by The Jerusalem Post - Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) CEO Itamar Marcus and Head of Legal Strategies Maurice Hirsch claim that Palestinian terrorists carried out terrorist attacks in 2018 “influenced by Fatah’s glorification of murder and its promotion of violence on its Facebook page.”
While the title of the article seems a bit like stating the obvious, the root causes of Arab-Moslem terrorism run much deeper. Worship of a 7th century Arab warlord and 1,400 years of Islamic inspired Jew hatreds are not going away when a culture refuses to recognize the passage of time.

Peace isn't going to be possible as long as Palestinian schools are teaching children to hate

Peace isn't going to be possible as long as Palestinian schools are teaching children to hate

Fatah, the largest faction of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, has announced the publication of four new booklets for children in which notorious terrorists and their actions are glorified, according to a recent news report by the Middle East Media Research Institute.
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