Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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An interesting development.

The rule of law with enforceable elements may be visited upon the Islamic terrorist enclave in Gaza.

Families of Israeli terror victims suing Hamas for half a billion shekels

In precedent, lawsuit also targets 3 Gazan money changers who helped fund terror and have US assets frozen by authorities, meaning any ruling on damages can potentially be enforced

While normally, the chances of compensation actually being paid in similar cases is small, this case could be different since the money changers have bank accounts and other assets in the United States, which have been frozen by authorities under sanctions announced by the Treasury Department. A ruling in favor of the plaintiffs could thus be at least partially enforced due to bilateral agreements between Jerusalem and Washington.
Oh, my. There is definitely some bad blood brewing between the Hamas terrorists and their more excitable competitors in Pal Islamic gee-had, (PIJ).

No doubt, the PIJ franchise feels betrayed that Hamas never stepped up their game and joined the hostilities that PIJ was initiating.

This could descend into a turf war not unlike the really nasty civil war that Hamas fought with Fatah.

Hamas leaders booted from mourning tent for Islamic Jihad chief killed by Israel

Mahmoud al-Zahar, Ahmed Bahar accosted by PIJ members furious that Hamas didnā€™t join fight; no protests on Gaza border Friday for only second time since March 2018

15 November 2019, 10:23 pm

  • File: Senior Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Zahar giving a press conference in 2008. (Wissam Nassar/Flash90)
    Senior Hamas members were twice barred Friday from a mourning tent for a Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror chief whose killing by Israel set off two days of fighting in the Gaza Strip.
I count 35 people killed in the recent fighting in Gaza from Monday through Wednesday. (The Gaza health ministry counts 34, but I have reports of another killed the first day, Mohammed Shakal, not on that list.)

I count 14 who were members of Islamic Jihad Al Quds Brigades, 2 members of the Popular Resistance Committees Nasser Brigades and 3 from Fatah's Al Aqsa Brigades (Update: 1 from Hamas.)

There were 4 human shields - people killed when legitimate targets purposefully stayed near them. 2 of them were brothers of a Hamas terrorist hit in their father's carpenter shop.

One bystander was killed when Israel targeted three Fatah members. The fourth was Al Ata's wife.

In one incident where the IDF bombed a motorcycle I don't have enough information to know what the IDF was targeting. A father and two sons of the Ayyad family were killed. I have suspicions about the older son, Islam Raafat Mohamed Ayyad, 24, an imam who may have been a terrorist based on his funeral shroud showing the Al Aqsa Brigades logo, but that is not conclusive evidence this time - even children were wrapped in various terror flags.

The most infamous incident of the week's conflict was the bombing of the Al Sawarka (Abu Malhous) houses in Deir al Balah, killing eight members of the family. After a day of conflicting reports, the IDF admitted that it thought the house was empty and that it was used for terrorist infrastructure.

Under international law's principle of distinction, a military commander can make his best judgment based on the information available to him at the time as to whether a target is legitimate or not. He doesn't have the luxury of too much time; if he is fed normally-accurate intelligence that the target is empty and used for military purposes, it is enough. This was a true tragedy but it is not a violation of the laws of armed conflict.

Here is the entire list that I put together of the fatalities and circumstances.

(full article online)

Gaza fatality roundup: 35 dead. 20 terrorists. 4 human shields, between 8-11 killed by accident (update) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The Islamic terrorist clown ensemble was performing again. This time, IJH and Hamas were blustering about their obvious dissatisfaction with the Israeli military responding to Islamic terrorist attacks.

Iā€™m afraid that the rather tepid response from Israel to this latest Islamic terrorist attack leaves Hamas and Islamic gee-had with little reason to halt their next arrack.

Blamed for Beersheba rocket fire, Hamas says Israel ā€˜wonā€™t choose timingā€™ of ops

In a statement Saturday morning, the IDF said Hamas targets hit in the strikes included a military camp and a compound serving the terror groupā€™s naval forces. In addition, underground infrastructure was also hit. No casualties were reported in the strikes.
Some sheetrock, spackle and lots more Islamic terrorist welfare money and its fixed.

A young Palestinian stands amid the crater of a destroyed house following overnight Israeli missile attacks on Thursday east of Khan Younis [Adel Hana/AP Photo]
Shed a tear for Hamas, wonā€™t you?

The Israeli Air Force did some remodeling around Gaza after ā€œunknownā€ Islamic terrorists fired on Beersheba.

There seems to be some question as to whether Hamas initiated the attacks or if IJH acted independently. Itā€™s likely that IJH would have acted with prompting and coordination from Iran. If thatā€™s the case, it puts Hamas in a difficult position. If they canā€™t control the Iranian occupation forces in their midst, they will appear weak and inept by Arab-Moslem nations.

Conflicting claims as to whether Hamas leaders okayed rocket fire at Beersheba
The Ayatollah will fight Israel to the death of the last Arab and a maude who comes down here will blame Israel...

...for it.


I count 35 people killed in the recent fighting in Gaza from Monday through Wednesday. (The Gaza health ministry counts 34, but I have reports of another killed the first day, Mohammed Shakal, not on that list.)

I count 14 who were members of Islamic Jihad Al Quds Brigades, 2 members of the Popular Resistance Committees Nasser Brigades and 3 from Fatah's Al Aqsa Brigades (Update: 1 from Hamas.)

There were 4 human shields - people killed when legitimate targets purposefully stayed near them. 2 of them were brothers of a Hamas terrorist hit in their father's carpenter shop.

One bystander was killed when Israel targeted three Fatah members. The fourth was Al Ata's wife.

In one incident where the IDF bombed a motorcycle I don't have enough information to know what the IDF was targeting. A father and two sons of the Ayyad family were killed. I have suspicions about the older son, Islam Raafat Mohamed Ayyad, 24, an imam who may have been a terrorist based on his funeral shroud showing the Al Aqsa Brigades logo, but that is not conclusive evidence this time - even children were wrapped in various terror flags.

The most infamous incident of the week's conflict was the bombing of the Al Sawarka (Abu Malhous) houses in Deir al Balah, killing eight members of the family. After a day of conflicting reports, the IDF admitted that it thought the house was empty and that it was used for terrorist infrastructure.

Under international law's principle of distinction, a military commander can make his best judgment based on the information available to him at the time as to whether a target is legitimate or not. He doesn't have the luxury of too much time; if he is fed normally-accurate intelligence that the target is empty and used for military purposes, it is enough. This was a true tragedy but it is not a violation of the laws of armed conflict.

Here is the entire list that I put together of the fatalities and circumstances.

(full article online)

Gaza fatality roundup: 35 dead. 20 terrorists. 4 human shields, between 8-11 killed by accident (update) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Civilians (all Palestinians are civilians) are only considered militants when they are actively engages in armed hostilities. Sleeping at home with the wife and kids, or at an unarmed protest they are considered civilians.
I count 35 people killed in the recent fighting in Gaza from Monday through Wednesday. (The Gaza health ministry counts 34, but I have reports of another killed the first day, Mohammed Shakal, not on that list.)

I count 14 who were members of Islamic Jihad Al Quds Brigades, 2 members of the Popular Resistance Committees Nasser Brigades and 3 from Fatah's Al Aqsa Brigades (Update: 1 from Hamas.)

There were 4 human shields - people killed when legitimate targets purposefully stayed near them. 2 of them were brothers of a Hamas terrorist hit in their father's carpenter shop.

One bystander was killed when Israel targeted three Fatah members. The fourth was Al Ata's wife.

In one incident where the IDF bombed a motorcycle I don't have enough information to know what the IDF was targeting. A father and two sons of the Ayyad family were killed. I have suspicions about the older son, Islam Raafat Mohamed Ayyad, 24, an imam who may have been a terrorist based on his funeral shroud showing the Al Aqsa Brigades logo, but that is not conclusive evidence this time - even children were wrapped in various terror flags.

The most infamous incident of the week's conflict was the bombing of the Al Sawarka (Abu Malhous) houses in Deir al Balah, killing eight members of the family. After a day of conflicting reports, the IDF admitted that it thought the house was empty and that it was used for terrorist infrastructure.

Under international law's principle of distinction, a military commander can make his best judgment based on the information available to him at the time as to whether a target is legitimate or not. He doesn't have the luxury of too much time; if he is fed normally-accurate intelligence that the target is empty and used for military purposes, it is enough. This was a true tragedy but it is not a violation of the laws of armed conflict.

Here is the entire list that I put together of the fatalities and circumstances.

(full article online)

Gaza fatality roundup: 35 dead. 20 terrorists. 4 human shields, between 8-11 killed by accident (update) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Civilians (all Palestinians are civilians) are only considered militants when they are actively engages in armed hostilities. Sleeping at home with the wife and kids, or at an unarmed protest they are considered civilians.

Make it up as you go.
Itā€™s so cute when the islamo-delinquents can play nice together.

I suspect that the Iranian Mullahs had to step in and told their lackeys to pose for a photo op or there would be consequences.

Hamas, Islamic Jihad put on show of reconciliation after clash at mourning tent

Day after PIJ members accost previous delegation, furious that Hamas didnā€™t join fighting, rival terror group leaders meet and vow ā€˜unity in war against Israelā€™

Today, 10:25 pm 0

  • The Gaza leaders of Hamas and Islamic Jihad on Saturday put on a display of reconciliation, after senior Hamas members were twice barred Friday from a mourning tent for a Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist whose killing by Israel set off two days of fighting in the Gaza Strip.

    Interesting that the Islamic terrorist franchises are reading from the Iranian script, something about ā€œunity in war against Israelā€™.

    Curious, but I didnā€™t read about the announcement of war. If thatā€™s the case, Iā€™m sure weā€™ll soon see Hamas flunkies in the military uniforms they reserve for their silly fashion show parades. I guess weā€™ll also see Hamas busing in women and children to the war zone. You can't have a war with Islamic Terrorists without islamo-human shields.

I count 35 people killed in the recent fighting in Gaza from Monday through Wednesday. (The Gaza health ministry counts 34, but I have reports of another killed the first day, Mohammed Shakal, not on that list.)

I count 14 who were members of Islamic Jihad Al Quds Brigades, 2 members of the Popular Resistance Committees Nasser Brigades and 3 from Fatah's Al Aqsa Brigades (Update: 1 from Hamas.)

There were 4 human shields - people killed when legitimate targets purposefully stayed near them. 2 of them were brothers of a Hamas terrorist hit in their father's carpenter shop.

One bystander was killed when Israel targeted three Fatah members. The fourth was Al Ata's wife.

In one incident where the IDF bombed a motorcycle I don't have enough information to know what the IDF was targeting. A father and two sons of the Ayyad family were killed. I have suspicions about the older son, Islam Raafat Mohamed Ayyad, 24, an imam who may have been a terrorist based on his funeral shroud showing the Al Aqsa Brigades logo, but that is not conclusive evidence this time - even children were wrapped in various terror flags.

The most infamous incident of the week's conflict was the bombing of the Al Sawarka (Abu Malhous) houses in Deir al Balah, killing eight members of the family. After a day of conflicting reports, the IDF admitted that it thought the house was empty and that it was used for terrorist infrastructure.

Under international law's principle of distinction, a military commander can make his best judgment based on the information available to him at the time as to whether a target is legitimate or not. He doesn't have the luxury of too much time; if he is fed normally-accurate intelligence that the target is empty and used for military purposes, it is enough. This was a true tragedy but it is not a violation of the laws of armed conflict.

Here is the entire list that I put together of the fatalities and circumstances.

(full article online)

Gaza fatality roundup: 35 dead. 20 terrorists. 4 human shields, between 8-11 killed by accident (update) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Civilians (all Palestinians are civilians) are only considered militants when they are actively engages in armed hostilities. Sleeping at home with the wife and kids, or at an unarmed protest they are considered civilians.

Civilians (all Palestinians are civilians) are only considered militants when they are actively engages in armed hostilities.

A Palestinian terrorist is a terrorist even when he is sleeping at home with his wife and kids.
Definitely some hurt feelings to be addressed.

Hamas official attacked when paying visit to slain PIJ commander's family

Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) supporters on Friday expelled senior Hamas official Mahmoud Zahar from the home of the family of slain PIJ commander Bahaa Abu al-Ata in the Shajaiyeh neighborhood of Gaza City.

The incident occurred when Zahar arrived to offer condolences to the family over the death of al-Ata, who was assassinated last week by Israel.
I count 35 people killed in the recent fighting in Gaza from Monday through Wednesday. (The Gaza health ministry counts 34, but I have reports of another killed the first day, Mohammed Shakal, not on that list.)

I count 14 who were members of Islamic Jihad Al Quds Brigades, 2 members of the Popular Resistance Committees Nasser Brigades and 3 from Fatah's Al Aqsa Brigades (Update: 1 from Hamas.)

There were 4 human shields - people killed when legitimate targets purposefully stayed near them. 2 of them were brothers of a Hamas terrorist hit in their father's carpenter shop.

One bystander was killed when Israel targeted three Fatah members. The fourth was Al Ata's wife.

In one incident where the IDF bombed a motorcycle I don't have enough information to know what the IDF was targeting. A father and two sons of the Ayyad family were killed. I have suspicions about the older son, Islam Raafat Mohamed Ayyad, 24, an imam who may have been a terrorist based on his funeral shroud showing the Al Aqsa Brigades logo, but that is not conclusive evidence this time - even children were wrapped in various terror flags.

The most infamous incident of the week's conflict was the bombing of the Al Sawarka (Abu Malhous) houses in Deir al Balah, killing eight members of the family. After a day of conflicting reports, the IDF admitted that it thought the house was empty and that it was used for terrorist infrastructure.

Under international law's principle of distinction, a military commander can make his best judgment based on the information available to him at the time as to whether a target is legitimate or not. He doesn't have the luxury of too much time; if he is fed normally-accurate intelligence that the target is empty and used for military purposes, it is enough. This was a true tragedy but it is not a violation of the laws of armed conflict.

Here is the entire list that I put together of the fatalities and circumstances.

(full article online)

Gaza fatality roundup: 35 dead. 20 terrorists. 4 human shields, between 8-11 killed by accident (update) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Civilians (all Palestinians are civilians) are only considered militants when they are actively engages in armed hostilities. Sleeping at home with the wife and kids, or at an unarmed protest they are considered civilians.

Unarmed protest? First of all, knives, grenades, and Molotov cocktails are weapons or "arms." Secondly, they try to break the fence to charge into Israel proper, with the stated intention of killing Israeli civilians. Israel has a right to protect her sovereignty.
Oh, my. Thereā€™s trouble in Islamic-paradise. Islamist gee-had is dealing with hurt feelings because Hamas didnā€™t offer up enough martyrs (aka currently not breathing Islamic terrorists), as a part of the gee-had directed at Israel.

As you might expect, stone throwing was the appropriate response.

Senior Hamas officials were accosted by Islamic Jihad supporters when they tried to visit a mourning tent for Baha Abu al-Ata, the assassinated Jihad commander. Some Jihad supporters threw stones at the Hamas leadersā€™ cars.

Palestinian militant groups come to blows over Israel diplomacy


Might I suggest that a first step toward reconciliation begin with some joint tire burning gee-had exercises? That seems to work as a soothing balm and helps the islamo-fellows focus.
Going after the funding of Islamic terrorism. The Arabs-Moslems masquerading as ā€œPalā€™istaniansā€ are funded by Islamic terrorist organizations masquerading as ā€œhuman rights organizationsā€.

Pro-Palestinian charity funneled money to Hamas, terror victims allege in lawsuit

ā€œWith this lawsuit, weā€™re exposing the link between organizations masquerading as human rights organizations, but who use donations to advance the campaign of terror against Israel including through BDS [The Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement], perpetrated by terror organizations like HAMAS and supported by U.S. charities,ā€ KKL-JNF world Chairman Daniel Atar said.
What is it with Islamic terrorists and finger pointing?

Anyway, thereā€™s the usual islamo-bluster from the Emir of Sinwarā€™istan, something connected to crushing Tel Aviv.

These knuckleheads canā€™t seem to find a way to pay their electric bill but have lots of welfare money available to spend on weapons.

Itā€™s so cute that they use children as a symbol of war and Islamā€™s gee-had.


Going after the funding of Islamic terrorism. The Arabs-Moslems masquerading as ā€œPalā€™istaniansā€ are funded by Islamic terrorist organizations masquerading as ā€œhuman rights organizationsā€.

Pro-Palestinian charity funneled money to Hamas, terror victims allege in lawsuit

ā€œWith this lawsuit, weā€™re exposing the link between organizations masquerading as human rights organizations, but who use donations to advance the campaign of terror against Israel including through BDS [The Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement], perpetrated by terror organizations like HAMAS and supported by U.S. charities,ā€ KKL-JNF world Chairman Daniel Atar said.
I have heard those allegations before, but only from Israeli propaganda organizations.
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