Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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It seems Mahmoud is hoping to rouse the rabal with a call to gee-had. It seems pretty standard behaviour for the Arabs-Moslems. Any perceive slight to their tender sensibilities is addressed by "calls to violence".

Is the PA considering violence in response to US recognition that Israeli settlements are "not inconsistent with international law"?

Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus | Nov 20, 2019
  • PA “demands” Palestinians “everywhere, act” to “thwart the [American-Israeli] plot to eliminate the Palestinian cause”
  • At October conference, Fatah officials called for “resistance,” Palestinians must “benefit from experience” of past PA terror campaign
Oh, my. I sure hope Mahmoud can keep up the payments on his presidential jet.


The country had given about $1.6 million directly to the Palestinian Authority annually to pay the salaries of justice ministry employees.

The Dutch government has cut funding for the Palestinian Authority over its salaries to terrorists serving time in Israeli jails.

Netherlands cuts aid to Palestinian Authority over terrorist salaries


Celebrating an Egyptian islamic terrorist who was little more than a thief and a fraud might seem counterproductive but keep in mind, we're dealing with the alternate reality of Arab-Moslem'ism.

Fatah puts bullet into logo to celebrate Arafat's terror legacy

Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus | Nov 22, 2019

Fatah puts bullet into logo to celebrate Arafat's terror legacy | PMW Analysis

Abbas: Palestinians are "still continuing the path” of Arafat and terrorist murderers - “heroic Martyrs who sacrificed for Allah and for the liberation of Palestine”

On the anniversary of the death of former PA Chairman Yasser Arafat, the Fatah Movement once again revealed the essence of its character and emphasized the movement’s adherence to Arafat’s legacy of violence and terror.

On its official Facebook page, Fatah posted an image with a logo for the 15th anniversary of Arafat’s death. The logo (marked by red circle below) displays the number “15” with a bullet as the digit “1”.
It seems Hamas has found the cost of doing gee-had to be too much.

For these reasons, the return marches were canceled today,” says a Ma’an headline on Friday morning, the “return marches” being the Hamas-financed gathering of unemployed Gazans to storm the border fence with Israel, which has been a regular Friday feature since before Passover of 2018.

Using mostly Reuters copy, Ma’an explains that the protests along the Gaza Strip’s border with Israel have been canceled for the second week in a row, following reports that “Israel will violate the terms of the ceasefire concluded in the last round,” and will be shooting demonstrators at the border, which in turn would prompt Islamic Jihad to respond and lead to a new confrontation.

IDF Deterrence Revived: Hamas Nixes Fence Riots
Tehran winning Arab-Moslem hearts and minds.

In the alternate reality of Arab-Moslem’dom, the population appears to prefer the Shia Iranian sponsored holy warrior waging gee-had vs. the home grown Islamic terrorist who sits out the fight.

Hamas my want to organize another fashion parade to boost their popularity.

A well-known analyst and commentator from the Gaza Strip says the popularity of Hamas, the Palestinian enclave’s ruler, has dropped since it sat out fighting this month between Islamic Jihad and Israel.

"Hamas has been heavily criticized by the Palestinian street due to its absence from the scene,” Mohammed Hijazi told The Media Line.

Analyst: Hamas down in popularity after it sits out fight with Israel
Good morning from Gaza’istan. A decades old Islamic terrorist enclave that exists on a UN funded welfare scam.

RE: Who are the Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ et al,

I often ask, as many others do:
  • When did the Israelis take control of a sovereignty from the Arab Palestinians?
  • There is a peace treaty that includes the coverage of both the Gaza Strip (previously under the control of the Egyptians) and West Bank (plus Jerusalem)(previously under the control of theJordanians), territory never under the control of an Arab Palestinian Government!
  • When were the Arab Palestinians a party to a conflict with Israel?


The commentary by the Palestinian President, the President of Area "A" → Mahmood Abbas, merely reaffirms that the Arab Palestinians, with the assistance of the many donor countries, provide material support to Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who are the Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ et al,

I often ask, as many others do:
  • When did the Israelis take control of a sovereignty from the Arab Palestinians?
  • There is a peace treaty that includes the coverage of both the Gaza Strip (previously under the control of the Egyptians) and West Bank (plus Jerusalem)(previously under the control of theJordanians), territory never under the control of an Arab Palestinian Government!
  • When were the Arab Palestinians a party to a conflict with Israel?


The commentary by the Palestinian President, the President of Area "A" → Mahmood Abbas, merely reaffirms that the Arab Palestinians, with the assistance of the many donor countries, provide material support to Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters.

Most Respectfully,
There is a peace treaty that includes the coverage of both the Gaza Strip (previously under the control of the Egyptians) and West Bank (plus Jerusalem)(previously under the control of theJordanians), territory never under the control of an Arab Palestinian Government!
A country does not cease to exist when it is under occupation. Occupations do not acquire sovereignty.
RE: Who are the Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ et al,

I often ask, as many others do:
  • When did the Israelis take control of a sovereignty from the Arab Palestinians?
  • There is a peace treaty that includes the coverage of both the Gaza Strip (previously under the control of the Egyptians) and West Bank (plus Jerusalem)(previously under the control of theJordanians), territory never under the control of an Arab Palestinian Government!
  • When were the Arab Palestinians a party to a conflict with Israel?


The commentary by the Palestinian President, the President of Area "A" → Mahmood Abbas, merely reaffirms that the Arab Palestinians, with the assistance of the many donor countries, provide material support to Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters.

Most Respectfully,
There is a peace treaty that includes the coverage of both the Gaza Strip (previously under the control of the Egyptians) and West Bank (plus Jerusalem)(previously under the control of theJordanians), territory never under the control of an Arab Palestinian Government!
A country does not cease to exist when it is under occupation. Occupations do not acquire sovereignty.
A country does not cease to exist when it is under occupation.

A country does not suddenly exist when some gay Egyptian dude decides it exists.
RE: Who are the Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ et al,

I often ask, as many others do:
  • When did the Israelis take control of a sovereignty from the Arab Palestinians?
  • There is a peace treaty that includes the coverage of both the Gaza Strip (previously under the control of the Egyptians) and West Bank (plus Jerusalem)(previously under the control of theJordanians), territory never under the control of an Arab Palestinian Government!
  • When were the Arab Palestinians a party to a conflict with Israel?


The commentary by the Palestinian President, the President of Area "A" → Mahmood Abbas, merely reaffirms that the Arab Palestinians, with the assistance of the many donor countries, provide material support to Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters.

Most Respectfully,
There is a peace treaty that includes the coverage of both the Gaza Strip (previously under the control of the Egyptians) and West Bank (plus Jerusalem)(previously under the control of theJordanians), territory never under the control of an Arab Palestinian Government!
A country does not cease to exist when it is under occupation. Occupations do not acquire sovereignty.

What country are you referring to?

Could it be the “country of Pal’istan” (Where Dreams come True™️) that you insist was created by the Treaty of Lausanne?

Can you identify where in the Treaty of Lausanne the “country of Pal’istan” is identified?
There are times when I’m nearly convinced that there are people among us who live in some alternate reality. The Officer-in-Charge of UNRWA (whose predecessor was being investigated for some rather unsavory activities), was before the microphone pleading for more of the world’s Islamic terrorist maintenance money.

UNRWA appeals for financial and political support at the General Assembly’s Fourth Committee - PNN

“Addressing United Nations Member States present at the meeting, Mr. Saunders described the extraordinary circumstances in which UNRWA continues to operate, focusing on the financial and political challenges it faces, and presented the Agency’s outlook for the period ahead.”

Why yes, “extraordinary” clearly defines an expectation that the planet has a responsibility to fund an Islamic terrorist entitlement. So, let’s think this through, Mr. Saunders. You want welfare money to fund a bloated agency whose head, Pierre Krähenbühl, recently stepped aside, seemingly as a way to avoid possible criminal charges so the planet can fund Islamic terrorism, fraud and mismanagement by these knuckledraggers?

Abbas Vows to Keep Paying Palestinian Terrorists, Says 'Millions of Fighters' Will One Day Overrun Jerusalem
RE: Who are the Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Well, this is only half true, and when the half that is true is actually reality, it may not be a permanent condition. All things political have the possibility of change.

When a particular territory is not under the authority of any other state, a state can establish its sovereignty over such territory by occupation. The territory may never have belonged to any state, or it may have been abandoned by the previous sovereign. The PCIJ (permanent court of international justice) held that the occupation to be effective must consist of the following two elements

A country does not cease to exist when it is under occupation.

Occupation is not an evil political-civil or military condition. Nor is occupation - anti-self-determination. Occupation, as we use it here in these discussions, is territory under the authority of the non-indigenous power that establishes control.

◈ When Country "A" is totally occupied under the effective control of Country "B;" then the government of Country "A" is in name only. Country "A" has no functional control over the territory. At that point the fate of Country "A" is in the hands of Country "B."

◈ When a territory is abandon by its sovereign and political authority (A) into the hands of another sovereign and political authority (B), "B" becomes assumes ultimate (civil, political, and military) power in the territory.
Occupations do not acquire sovereignty.

Correct: Occupations do not "acquire sovereignty." But it is a first set towards establishing sovereignty over a territory. Without control over the territory, Article 1 of the Montevideo Convention is NOT fulfilled.

The Arab Palestinian cannot be superglued to the past and to a fantasy that was never true if it is to achieve independence of their own.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who are the Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Well, this is only half true, and when the half that is true is actually reality, it may not be a permanent condition. All things political have the possibility of change.

When a particular territory is not under the authority of any other state, a state can establish its sovereignty over such territory by occupation. The territory may never have belonged to any state, or it may have been abandoned by the previous sovereign. The PCIJ (permanent court of international justice) held that the occupation to be effective must consist of the following two elements

A country does not cease to exist when it is under occupation.

Occupation is not an evil political-civil or military condition. Nor is occupation - anti-self-determination. Occupation, as we use it here in these discussions, is territory under the authority of the non-indigenous power that establishes control.

◈ When Country "A" is totally occupied under the effective control of Country "B;" then the government of Country "A" is in name only. Country "A" has no functional control over the territory. At that point the fate of Country "A" is in the hands of Country "B."

◈ When a territory is abandon by its sovereign and political authority (A) into the hands of another sovereign and political authority (B), "B" becomes assumes ultimate (civil, political, and military) power in the territory.
Occupations do not acquire sovereignty.

Correct: Occupations do not "acquire sovereignty." But it is a first set towards establishing sovereignty over a territory. Without control over the territory, Article 1 of the Montevideo Convention is NOT fulfilled.

The Arab Palestinian cannot be superglued to the past and to a fantasy that was never true if it is to achieve independence of their own.

Most Respectfully,
Occupation, as we use it here in these discussions, is territory under the authority of the non-indigenous power that establishes control.
Indeed, it is a non self governing territory as stated in UN resolutions.

Palestine went from occupation to mandate to foreign colonial rule. None of these can acquire sovereignty. It is always military control.
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RE: Who are the Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Well, this is only half true, and when the half that is true is actually reality, it may not be a permanent condition. All things political have the possibility of change.

When a particular territory is not under the authority of any other state, a state can establish its sovereignty over such territory by occupation. The territory may never have belonged to any state, or it may have been abandoned by the previous sovereign. The PCIJ (permanent court of international justice) held that the occupation to be effective must consist of the following two elements

A country does not cease to exist when it is under occupation.

Occupation is not an evil political-civil or military condition. Nor is occupation - anti-self-determination. Occupation, as we use it here in these discussions, is territory under the authority of the non-indigenous power that establishes control.

◈ When Country "A" is totally occupied under the effective control of Country "B;" then the government of Country "A" is in name only. Country "A" has no functional control over the territory. At that point the fate of Country "A" is in the hands of Country "B."

◈ When a territory is abandon by its sovereign and political authority (A) into the hands of another sovereign and political authority (B), "B" becomes assumes ultimate (civil, political, and military) power in the territory.
Occupations do not acquire sovereignty.

Correct: Occupations do not "acquire sovereignty." But it is a first set towards establishing sovereignty over a territory. Without control over the territory, Article 1 of the Montevideo Convention is NOT fulfilled.

The Arab Palestinian cannot be superglued to the past and to a fantasy that was never true if it is to achieve independence of their own.

Most Respectfully,
Occupation, as we use it here in these discussions, is territory under the authority of the non-indigenous power that establishes control.
Indeed, it is a non self governing territory as stated in UN resolutions.

Palestine went from occupation to mandate to foreign colonial rule. None of these can acquire sovereignty. It is always military control.

Indeed, a non self governing territory?

Indeed, that conflicts with the “country of Pal’istan” narrative.

Indeed, are we to believe that the “country of Pal’istan” was under occupation during the time of the Ottoman Caliphate?
RE: Who are the Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is a statement that you know is false AND inaccurate information, which is deliberately intended to deceive other readers.

Occupation, as we use it here in these discussions, is territory under the authority of the non-indigenous power that establishes control.
Indeed, it is a non self governing territory as stated in UN resolutions.

OK, This has been discussed at least once a year for the last five years, with the last mention THIS MONTH on 9 November 2019 in Posting 12946. So I know that you have been shown those results of The Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence of Colonial Countries and Peoples is also known as the Special Committee on Decolonization, or C-24 regarding the Non-Self-Governing Territories (NSGTs) and the latest LIST OF NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES BY REGION going back more than five years. In case you don't remember the discussions here are a few of them for you.

  1. Abbas calls Israel a colonial project unrelated to Judaism
    ...Mandate; there was no Israel. The Non-Self-Governing Territories (NSGTs) n February 1948, would have been the entirety of the territory...
    Post by: RoccoR, Jan 25, 2018 in forum: Israel and Palestine

  2. Post
    Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
    ...• Article 73e, DECLARATION REGARDING NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES (NSGT), neither Israel or Arab Palestine are listed as a Colonial Nation...
    Post by: RoccoR, Oct 16, 2019 in forum: Israel and Palestine

  3. Post
    Who are the Israelis?
    ...be very interested in any UN Resolution (enforceable or otherwise) identifying Israel as an Administrator of a C-24 NSGT. Most Respectfully, R
    Post by: RoccoR, May 21, 2019 in forum: Israel and Palestine

  4. Post
    Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
    RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel ⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al, More misinformation... (COMMENT) I challenge anyone to...
    Post by: RoccoR, Aug 30, 2019 in forum: Israel and Palestine

  5. Post
    Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
    ...East that is currently listed as a Non-Self-Governing Territory (NSGT); subject to the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial...
    Post by: RoccoR, Oct 17, 2017 in forum: Israel and Palestine

  6. Post
    Call Apartheid in Israel by Its Name
    ...Committee 24 says what it says: They don't consider Palestine a NSGT. The Resolution you cite does not actually say that Palestine is state...
    Post by: RoccoR, Mar 6, 2016 in forum: Israel and Palestine

  7. Post
    Civilians vs Combatents
    ...in 1950; a Provincial Government that is autonomous. It is not a NSGT. While there are three General Assembly Resolutions on the Question of...
    Post by: RoccoR, Jun 9, 2016 in forum: Israel and Palestine

Palestine went from occupation to mandate to foreign colonial rule. None of these can acquire sovereignty. It is always military control.

Well, let's be a bit more specific.

• Prior to 1918, the territories were under Ottoman Sovereignty.
• Between 1918 and 1920, the territories were under the Occupied Enemy Territory Administration (OETA).
• Between 1920 and 1948, the territories were under British Administration; territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applied.
• In 1948 - 1949, the territories were involved in a International Armed Conflict (IAC).
• In 1949, the West Bank (including portions of Jerusalem) came under the occupation (and later annexation) of Jordan.
• In 1949, the Gaza Strip came under the occupation (and later Military Governorship) of Egypt.
• In 1967, the Gaza Strip became Occupied Egyptian Territory.
• In 1967, the West Bank became Occupied Jordanian Territory under Israeli control.
• In 1988, the Kingdom of Jordan abandon the West Bank into the hands of the Israelis.
• In 1979, the Egyptians and the Israelis became enjoined in a Peace Treaty without prejudice to the issue of the status of the Gaza Strip (then under control of Israel).
• In 1993 Oslo I - Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements went into effect.
• In 1994, the Jordanians and the Israelis became enjoined in a Peace Treaty without prejudice to the issue of the status of the West Bank and Jerusalem (then under control of Israel).
• In 1995, Oslo II - Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement on the West Bank and Gaza Strip went into effect.​

As you can see, yet one more time, there was NO COLONIAL RULE anywhere in the territories in dispute. Certainly, the Arab Palestinians were not under any kind of Colonial Rule since the Armistice of Mudros (1918) and the present day. Since the establishment of Israel in the territories to which the Mandate once applied, the intent of territorial control was for defensive purposes; not with the intention of preventing the Arab Palestinians from realizing the self-sufficiency.

Most Respectfully,
• Between 1918 and 1920, the territories were under the Occupied Enemy Territory Administration (OETA).
• Between 1920 and 1948, the territories were under British Administration; territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applied.
OK, but neither occupations nor Mandates acquire sovereignty. The citizens of Palestine retained their right to sovereignty.
• Between 1918 and 1920, the territories were under the Occupied Enemy Territory Administration (OETA).
• Between 1920 and 1948, the territories were under British Administration; territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applied.
OK, but neither occupations nor Mandates acquire sovereignty. The citizens of Palestine retained their right to sovereignty.

That cut and paste snippet, cut and pasted dozens of times has been addressed dozens of times.
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