Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Going after the funding of Islamic terrorism. The Arabs-Moslems masquerading as “Pal’istanians” are funded by Islamic terrorist organizations masquerading as “human rights organizations”.

Pro-Palestinian charity funneled money to Hamas, terror victims allege in lawsuit

“With this lawsuit, we’re exposing the link between organizations masquerading as human rights organizations, but who use donations to advance the campaign of terror against Israel including through BDS [The Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement], perpetrated by terror organizations like HAMAS and supported by U.S. charities,” KKL-JNF world Chairman Daniel Atar said.
I have heard those allegations before, but only from Israeli propaganda organizations.

Going after the funding of Islamic terrorism. The Arabs-Moslems masquerading as “Pal’istanians” are funded by Islamic terrorist organizations masquerading as “human rights organizations”.

Pro-Palestinian charity funneled money to Hamas, terror victims allege in lawsuit

“With this lawsuit, we’re exposing the link between organizations masquerading as human rights organizations, but who use donations to advance the campaign of terror against Israel including through BDS [The Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement], perpetrated by terror organizations like HAMAS and supported by U.S. charities,” KKL-JNF world Chairman Daniel Atar said.
I have heard those allegations before, but only from Israeli propaganda organizations.

The Arab propaganda organizations aren't going to admit that.
I have to believe that the Iranian occupation forces (Hamas and PIJ), having phone conversations is the result of the Iranian Mullocrats barking out orders to their minions. Iran has boatloads of cash that is used to steer their occupation forces and neither Hamas nor PIJ is going to be allowed any disobedience to their masters in Iran.

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh held a phone conversation on Saturday night with Palestinian Islamic Jihad [PIJ] leader Ziaad Nahla, the conversation took place before Hamas fired rockets at Israel during Saturday night, Ynet reported.

Haniyeh expressed his condolences over the death of former PIJ leader Bahaa Abu al-Ata, the two men agreed to increase cooperation between their respective groups.
The inhumanity of Hamas' human shields

The inhumanity of Hamas’ human shields
Islamic terrorists - Fashion Mavens.

Israel and Hamas against PIJ


The recent clash in the Gaza Strip was not like earlier ones there because it was only between Israel and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), and Hamas was not really involved. This could be a model for the future in which Israel might strike the PIJ while Hamas again stays out of the fight.
I suppose that by heaping praise on the relative no-shows (Hamas), in the last skirmish, the Iranians are trying to put the best spin they can on the drubbing that PIJ took.

Iranian Foreign Minister speaks with Hamas leader Haniyeh

20:26 | 11/18/19


Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif spoke to Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and congratulated him for "defeating Israel in the last wave of fighting," Ynet reported on Monday.
As we see with the latest Hudna, the pause in war is just an opportunity for the Islamic terrorists to re-arm.

Hamas and Islamic Jihad vow to deepen civilian and military cooperation


Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh: "This round of fighting is over, but the war is not. Our victory in the latest round wasn't determined by the number of rockets launched, but by the paralysis of Israel during the escalation." Palestinian Islamic Jihad warns PM Netanyahu against violating ceasefire understandings.

A girl appears from the window of a car driving along the beach in Gaza City

Those "Poor, Oppressed Pal'istanians"

International welfare buys a lot of luxury.
Basically, the promotion of suicide, self-destruction and mass murder is the goal of the cult.

It's unfortunate that these reprehensible Cultists / isla ic terrorist psychopaths are a part of a breeding program. They are raised to believe that the infliction of suffering will get them carnal rewards in the afterlife. Children are bred for the purpose of becoming human high explosives/sacrificial entities … I mean
martyrs to throw onto Muhammuds' bonfire of hatred.

Official PA media emphasizes its commitment to terrorists and murderers

Official PA media emphasizes its commitment to terrorists and murderers | PMW Analysis

Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus | Nov 19, 2019
  • “The cause” of terrorist murderers is “official PA media’s center of focus
  • Head of PA media met with 5 released murderers: “Our Martyrs and heroic prisoners' sacrifices are medals of honor for our people and our Arab nation”
The Palestinian Authority stresses its support for terrorist murderers of Israelis in numerous ways.

One of the significant ways the PA expresses this support to the Palestinian population, as Palestinian Media Watch has exposed, is - under instructions from PA Chairman Abbas - to highlight the terrorist prisoners and “Martyrs” as heroes in the official media.
Besides the antisemitism and hate that we have documented over the years from UNRWA teachers and UNRWA curricula, one thing is certain. every single one of these 2.5 million children were taught that Israel is an illegitimate state and that those kids will one day rise up and "return" as they kick the Jews into the sea, whether literally or metaphorically.

UNRWA proudly says it teaches peace and coexistence. But it does not teach peace and coexistence with Israel.

UNRWA students never heard of the Holocaust from their schoolteachers - the few times UNRWA half-heartedly said it would be taught the uproar was immediate and UNRWA threw up its hands and said, sorry, we can't.

(full article online)

2.5 million people brainwashed by @UNRWA ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Those poor, oppressed Islamic terrorists occupying Gaza may need to ask Tehran for more welfare money.

Lawsuit Targets Hamas Money Changers for Damages | Hamodia.com

The Israel Law Center (Shurat Hadin) on Sunday filed a lawsuit demanding damages in the amount of NIS 500 million against Hamas – and against three money-changers in Yerushalayim, whose services the terror group used to collect money for use in terror attacks.
Basically, the promotion of suicide, self-destruction and mass murder is the goal of the cult.

It's unfortunate that these reprehensible Cultists / isla ic terrorist psychopaths are a part of a breeding program. They are raised to believe that the infliction of suffering will get them carnal rewards in the afterlife. Children are bred for the purpose of becoming human high explosives/sacrificial entities … I mean
martyrs to throw onto Muhammuds' bonfire of hatred.

Official PA media emphasizes its commitment to terrorists and murderers

Official PA media emphasizes its commitment to terrorists and murderers | PMW Analysis

Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus | Nov 19, 2019
  • “The cause” of terrorist murderers is “official PA media’s center of focus
  • Head of PA media met with 5 released murderers: “Our Martyrs and heroic prisoners' sacrifices are medals of honor for our people and our Arab nation”
The Palestinian Authority stresses its support for terrorist murderers of Israelis in numerous ways.

One of the significant ways the PA expresses this support to the Palestinian population, as Palestinian Media Watch has exposed, is - under instructions from PA Chairman Abbas - to highlight the terrorist prisoners and “Martyrs” as heroes in the official media.
Another misquote from an Israeli propaganda site.
Those poor, oppressed Islamic terrorists occupying Gaza may need to ask Tehran for more welfare money.

Lawsuit Targets Hamas Money Changers for Damages | Hamodia.com

The Israel Law Center (Shurat Hadin) on Sunday filed a lawsuit demanding damages in the amount of NIS 500 million against Hamas – and against three money-changers in Yerushalayim, whose services the terror group used to collect money for use in terror attacks.
Grasping at straws.
Basically, the promotion of suicide, self-destruction and mass murder is the goal of the cult.

It's unfortunate that these reprehensible Cultists / isla ic terrorist psychopaths are a part of a breeding program. They are raised to believe that the infliction of suffering will get them carnal rewards in the afterlife. Children are bred for the purpose of becoming human high explosives/sacrificial entities … I mean
martyrs to throw onto Muhammuds' bonfire of hatred.

Official PA media emphasizes its commitment to terrorists and murderers

Official PA media emphasizes its commitment to terrorists and murderers | PMW Analysis

Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus | Nov 19, 2019
  • “The cause” of terrorist murderers is “official PA media’s center of focus
  • Head of PA media met with 5 released murderers: “Our Martyrs and heroic prisoners' sacrifices are medals of honor for our people and our Arab nation”
The Palestinian Authority stresses its support for terrorist murderers of Israelis in numerous ways.

One of the significant ways the PA expresses this support to the Palestinian population, as Palestinian Media Watch has exposed, is - under instructions from PA Chairman Abbas - to highlight the terrorist prisoners and “Martyrs” as heroes in the official media.
Another misquote from an Israeli propaganda site.
Those poor, oppressed Islamic terrorists occupying Gaza may need to ask Tehran for more welfare money.

Lawsuit Targets Hamas Money Changers for Damages | Hamodia.com

The Israel Law Center (Shurat Hadin) on Sunday filed a lawsuit demanding damages in the amount of NIS 500 million against Hamas – and against three money-changers in Yerushalayim, whose services the terror group used to collect money for use in terror attacks.
Grasping at straws.

I’m afraid this is another of your one-liners that doesn’t address the topic.

What does “grasping at straws” mean?
It’s quite a contentious relationship between the two, competing, Iranian occupation forces in Gaza. While PIJ is apparently flush with Iranian cash (and ideology), it’s Hamas that becomes the more visible target when Israel retaliates for Islamic terrorist attacks.

While they’re trying to put on a public face of cooperation, I suspect it wouldn’t take much for these angry Islamics to launch into a vicious tribal war of attrition.

Understandings between Israel, Hamas jilt Islamic Jihad


Islamic terrorist fashion show.
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