Who Didnt Know CNN Would Blame Racism for a Republican Win

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
Leftists are so damn predictable. They still think they can bully people to get the results they want. It ain't working no more.

Leftists are so damn predictable. They still think they can bully people to get the results they want. It ain't working no more.

That chick even looks stupid...she doesn't have to open her pie hole...just look at her confused expressions....
Trumpism is what it is: Willing enablers (if not practitioners) of the ugliness of racial bigotry.

That said, the Dems have brought this on themselves. Not just with their destructive embrace of PC & Identity Politics, but by playing right into the hands of the GOP with crap like "defund the police".

This is a team effort. Both "major" parties.
They CANNOT discuss policies and results BECAUSE THEY SUCK!

All the left wing communist cucks can do is SCREAM.....RACIST!!!!!

It is fucking pathetic....and even more pathetic how many dumb fucking blind sheep follow them.

These assholes HAD TO HAVE focus grouped the term DOGWHISTLE......because left wing faggots LOVE to use it all the time.
When will Dimtards finally figure out they have over used racism to the point the word means nothing. Thinking people just roll their eyes when they start bleating the race card.
The Neo-GOP still have to play the victim in their victory!

Democrats still have no answer for the fighting the lies in the messaging war and they are losing badly.
Leftists are so damn predictable. They still think they can bully people to get the results they want. It ain't working no more.

The "best of the worst" had to be Van Jones, the one who Bezos just gifted 10 million to, with his numerous "dog whistle" rants. I would love to stick a "DOG WHISTLE" so far up his ignorant racist ass he could call all canines for miles.
The Neo-GOP still have to play the victim in their victory!
Victim? We're mocking the dimwitted talking heads on CNN and MSNBC and ... for blaming their loss (yes, their loss) on racism. It's ludicrous.

Democrats still have no answer for the fighting the lies in the messaging war and they are losing badly.
And what lies, praytell, would those be?

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