Who exactly are the rich that aren’t paying their fair share?

I really don't care.

When I get to keep more of my own money I am always for it because unlike the buffoons in government I won't waste it
Unfortunately as long as you are a dupe who can only think in terms of federal income taxes, you won't realize that the GOP has been screwing you and everyone you know for 35 years.

And idiots like you don't know that you have a choice of which state taxes you pay. You can always move to a low tax state but federal taxes never change
REALLY ??? WOW Thanks skull We didn't know that
Wasn't talking to you, Fucknut
Skull can you try at least 1 day without acting like an AH ?
You first, Dickless.
Hilarious and disgusting to see all the dupes who believe so many people don't pay taxes... Brainwashed functional morons...
The one tax graph you really need to know
On average everyone pays between 18 and 29% in all taxes and fees and the mega rich and up with all the new wealth and the middle class and working class and the country's infrastructure go slowly to hell. Great job lying hypocrite greedy idiot GOP and silly dupes...
not federal taxes for income earned. sorry bubba. everyone pays local and state taxes as well as general sales taxes. everyone. that isn't what DC votes on though. you know that right? that's all state activity. BTW, I live in Illinois the highest sales tax state in the union.
Yes I know you are brainwashed and can't discuss anything but federal income tax, super dupe. All taxes count and are interconnected. Every time the Republicans cut federal taxes, federal aid to States is cut and state and local taxes go up, and that is what kills the non-rich.
No federal taxes are federal and state taxes are state
Life is simple when you are a simpleton...
Since Democrats controlled Congress for most of the time that the Income Tax has been in effect, who put in all the deductions?
congress on both sides imo,,when I heard not too long ago they could inside sell and buy stocks , there is not too much that is beneath them I just feel Dems are a far better way to go than with the party of the billionaires And Trump?? He's a disgrace

2014 Top Donors to Outside Spending Groups | OpenSecrets

there were 22 individuals on the Open Secrets list who were billionaires. Of those 22 billionaires, 13 -- or more than half -- gave predominantly to liberal groups or groups affiliated with the Democratic Party. The other nine gave predominantly to conservative groups. Here's a list of the billionaires and how much they gave.

Billionaire political donors

Democrats ARE the party of billionaires.
Then why are 83% of these taxcuts going to the top 1%?? These REPUBLICAN inspired taxcuts??

Because that's who pays the highest taxes.

It isn't what the rich pay that liberals complain about. It's how much they still have. The marxist way is to take everything, then give back equally. The government takes 100% of every dime earned or realized from investments or capital gains or any other source, then gives the burger flipper and the CEO exactly the same amount of money. That's what they want, everything else is just blather.

None other than Barack Obama Sr. said that a tax rate of 100% is acceptable if the government satisfied everyone's needs equally.
Actually they pay less than many in the middle class if you count all taxes, dupe, and the top quintile average is less a percentage than the fourth quintile. You are brainwashed because all Fox and Rush and Savage Etc cetera can talk about is federal income tax. And when they talk about Democrats wanting to tax the rich more, they talk about raising taxes on everyone another Canard and disgrace. We have never had a propaganda machine like this in this country with radio and television anyway LOL.
they pay more in taxes everytime they buy a yacht or a car or a mansion, or dinner or a hooker.
Deductions that favor the rich...no kidding. I've used most of these every year for the last 30 years, pretty sure I'm not rich. The step-up in basis happens when someone dies, so I haven't used that one.
What favors the rich?
Cutting corporate taxes in half

You don’t think they pay personal income taxes do you?
They all are corporations and their true wealth is hidden

The 5 deductions listed certainly don't favor the rich, those are available to everyone....dumbass.
That was written by one on a much higher limb of the tree than you

Great, that makes two of you that don't know anything except how to fling shit.
Speaking of flinging shit Watch all republicans kissing trumps ass yesterday when the bill was signed??? DISGUSTING
did your wife clean off the tv screen or you?
Deductions that favor the rich...no kidding. I've used most of these every year for the last 30 years, pretty sure I'm not rich. The step-up in basis happens when someone dies, so I haven't used that one.
What favors the rich?
Cutting corporate taxes in half

You don’t think they pay personal income taxes do you?
They all are corporations and their true wealth is hidden

The 5 deductions listed certainly don't favor the rich, those are available to everyone....dumbass.
That was written by one on a much higher limb of the tree than you

Great, that makes two of you that don't know anything except how to fling shit.
Speaking of flinging shit Watch all republicans kissing trumps ass yesterday when the bill was signed??? DISGUSTING
That’s the way it’s done. The dems likewise kissed obama’s ass when he signed major legislation into law.
Why do One Percenters need a tax break?
why don't they?
We have massive debt, the right wing alleges to have Standing, to whine about the debt.
why did obummer add ten trillion to it?
Only the diengenous right wing, claims that.

He had to bail out the rich (like usual), not blacks.
yep, he shit on the blacks. the entire demoloser bunch shits on blacks daily. never understood why they vote for such evil.
Why do One Percenters need a tax break?
why don't they?
We have massive debt, the right wing alleges to have Standing, to whine about the debt.
why did obummer add ten trillion to it?
Only the diengenous right wing, claims that.

He had to bail out the rich (like usual), not blacks.

WTF!! Only disingenuous right wingers claim Obama added $10 Trillion. Ok, what do uninformed lefties feel Obama added to the debt?

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