Who is politicizing trump's trial?

Who is politicizing the trial more?

  • Trump and his long list of supporters who made political remarks?

    Votes: 13 76.5%
  • DiNero who showed up one time for a few minutes?

    Votes: 4 23.5%

  • Total voters
Oh stop your whining snowflake!
You don't really care if anything was ILLEGAL or not.
You couldn't give two shits about whether he's innocent or guilty.
You're just mad he got caught and now is receiving the same treatment in the hands of the criminal justice system that anyone else would.
The whole thing messes with your comic book, superhero, god-like image of Trump as some invinceable "warrior."
You don't care that this witch hunt trial is political BY VERY DESIGN!
Robert DeNiro And two of the cops who were attacked at the insurrection spoke before a crowd of reporters in front of the courthouse where trump's trial is being held. Fox and the rest of right-wing media went apoplectic complaining that Biden was politicizing the trial. Perhaps they didn't notice that trump regularly makes political statements outside his trial every day. Trump has also had a string of VP hopefuls and family members who openly made political statements admitting they were there to emphasize trump's political standing.

Oh stop your whining snowflake!
You don't really care if anything was ILLEGAL or not.
You couldn't give two shits about whether he's innocent or guilty.
You're just mad he got caught and now is receiving the same treatment in the hands of the criminal justice system that anyone else would.
The whole thing messes with your comic book, superhero, god-like image of Trump as some invinceable "warrior."
You would have made an excellent witness for Cotton Mather in the Salem Witch Trials.
Robert DeNiro And two of the cops who were attacked at the insurrection spoke before a crowd of reporters in front of the courthouse where trump's trial is being held. Fox and the rest of right-wing media went apoplectic complaining that Biden was politicizing the trial. Perhaps they didn't notice that trump regularly makes political statements outside his trial every day. Trump has also had a string of VP hopefuls and family members who openly made political statements admitting they were there to emphasize trump's political standing.

Trump's kicking the dems' collective asses in politicizing. Biden's only hope is to drive the Orange Stain totally insane and incapable of answering simple questions.
Robert DeNiro And two of the cops who were attacked at the insurrection spoke before a crowd of reporters in front of the courthouse where trump's trial is being held. Fox and the rest of right-wing media went apoplectic complaining that Biden was politicizing the trial. Perhaps they didn't notice that trump regularly makes political statements outside his trial every day. Trump has also had a string of VP hopefuls and family members who openly made political statements admitting they were there to emphasize trump's political standing.

Both sides are
Hey OP, how about an honest poll!!

Joe Biden should be on that list, since as soon as Trump is found guilty, Biden and the DNC will be shoving a whirlwind of 'Trump-is-a-felon' commercials in our faces!!

Be honest next time!!!
All you gotta do is read one article on it that's not from the delusional right.

Ok, how about some lefty sources.

Supposedly if they kept these charges misdemeanors, they would have been dealt with years ago. Making them a felony caused this type of trial that could be held now from those who are not very good and very political. All of this for America First and the traitors cannot have that.
Ok, how about some lefty sources.

Op/eds from "lefty" sources trying to present "both sides".
Robert DeNiro And two of the cops who were attacked at the insurrection spoke before a crowd of reporters in front of the courthouse where trump's trial is being held. Fox and the rest of right-wing media went apoplectic complaining that Biden was politicizing the trial. Perhaps they didn't notice that trump regularly makes political statements outside his trial every day. Trump has also had a string of VP hopefuls and family members who openly made political statements admitting they were there to emphasize trump's political standing.

It's being politicized by both sides, but you know what? DeNiro showing up making that speech outside the courthouse are not the actions of a political campaign who believe they are winning.
Hey OP, how about an honest poll!!

Joe Biden should be on that list, since as soon as Trump is found guilty, Biden and the DNC will be shoving a whirlwind of 'Trump-is-a-felon' commercials in our faces!!

Be honest next time!!!
IF Trump is convicted then those commercials will be necessary.
Voters need to be reminded exactly who is on the ballot in November.
In fact "Convicted felon Donald J. Trump" should be printed on the ballot.

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