Who is responsible for the devastation of Black America?

Who is responsible for the destruction of Black America?

  • Total voters
And you're the BIGGEST FUCKING LIAR ON THIS FORUM which makes you a super moron, also known as an idiot.
Choose your words more carefully next time, then I will only have the usual chances to spank you.

No asshole...you're a lying mother fricker. Those weren't my words you sorry sumbitch.
Nope, those weren't your words, but it's exactly what you meant, and said whether you know it or not.
Yo PMS...did you mean this:

"This site is to debate what a long juicy fart is to a full elevator."

Or this:

This site is to debate, what a long juicy fart is to a full elevator.

You need to watch your punctuation so as not to engender award of Katyushas.
Learn English, that isn't it.
After you, dipshit.
My version was correct. Find an English teacher and they will explain it to you.

Analogies FactMonster.com

Please notice the punctuation. It's the same as mine, and entirely correct.
Your version could be read two ways...try reading it again...or ask your husband.
Yo PMS...did you mean this:

"This site is to debate what a long juicy fart is to a full elevator."

Or this:

This site is to debate, what a long juicy fart is to a full elevator.

You need to watch your punctuation so as not to engender award of Katyushas.

The comma is entirely optional. I didn't need it to read it, nor did it strike my eye as a proofreader. Didn't even occur to me. You;re scraping.
So THAT'S why no one thanks or agrees with your posts.....not that I'm counting.......
Hey idiot, see post #90, for starters. Morons here, total fucking morons.

And you're the BIGGEST FUCKING LIAR ON THIS FORUM which makes you a super moron, also known as an idiot.
Choose your words more carefully next time, then I will only have the usual chances to spank you.

No asshole...you're a lying mother fricker. Those weren't my words you sorry sumbitch.
I just can't tell you how much I respect you does not mean that I respect you. Words are one thing, meaning is another. When you say blacks are down on the old Dem plantation sucking on the government teat, you just called them Stupid Lazy *******, and they know it.

There you go again asshole...Dey not be down on dat plantation...dey be in dere Section 8 housing, watching dey big screen TV while dem riots be on and dey spotin good stow be burnin', eatin off dey foodstamp rations an havin to go somplace else to buy Junior's new air jordans cuz dey jes seen de Ferguson spoten goods stow burn to de groun.
There you go again asshole...Dey not be down on dat plantation...dey be in dere Section 8 housing, watching dey big screen TV while dem riots be on and dey spotin good stow be burnin', eatin off dey foodstamp rations an havin to go somplace else to buy Junior's new air jordans cuz dey jes seen de Ferguson spoten goods stow burn to de groun.
This may be the worst ebonics imitation I've ever read. Worse even than mine. ^^
Those who ran their communities for the past 60 years (Democrats), and those who enacted Jim Crow laws (KKK Democrats) after the Civil War?

Or those who have never run their communities in the past 60 years (Republicans), and those who passed the Civil Rights Act (mostly MLK Republicans) and have ALWAYS promoted small, limited, focused government?

So you're literally asking if those which your own argument claims has had no involvement with "The Problem' should be considered as part of the problem?

Are we serious?

The damage done to generations of American Blacks by Political Correctness, Identity Politics and the soft bigotry of reduced expectations might take generations to heal and reverse, even if the healing started today.

Goddamn shame. They've been victimized enough in this nation's history.

But not Slavery and Legalized Racism tho. All that takes is a good ol "get over it" dont cha know

Yes, that was the first time they were victimized.

You think this is funny.


No what I think is funny is you see generational damage from programs like Welfare or Affirmative action while claiming that slavery has nothing to do with today

You have someone alive that remembers American slavery?
why is that important? we have 400 years of documentation.
you know anybody who is alive when the constitution was written?
guess black people are more photogenic and sexier .

No, not at all...unless this turns your sorry ass on.

or maybe this...


how about this...


and this...


another ignorant fuck who has no idea what satire or sarcasm is ....
[QUOTE="daws101] post: 10402934, member: 30999"
You have someone alive that remembers American slavery?[/QUOTE]why is that important? we have 400 years of documentation.
you know anybody who is alive when the constitution was written?[/QUOTE]

Slavery ceased to be law 150 years ago. The Constitution still is. The Constitution was amended

One hundred and fifty years ago, in case you're another innumerate black! To put it perspective, it's a bit like saying it's saying it's Bush's fault today.
Stupid and LAZY *******. I can't imagine why they don't vote for your side.

it's easy to understand, they hate whitey
Well that would make it hard to vote for the POW then, the Party of Whitey.

It used to be all the GOP needed was the burning cross, now they have that as well.

we get it, you hate whitey

Racial profiling is okay when the PC Police do it.



all GOPers/ white people are
hate women
kill puppies
want dirty water
club seals
exploit the masses
own slaves
belong to the KKK
torture muslims
mistreat animals
get away with crimes
you'd be surprised at how true your failed shot at sarcasm is...

Those who ran their communities for the past 60 years (Democrats)?

12 vote(s)
12 votes out of how many posters on this site?
that number only represents the posters who were stupid enough or bigoted enough to vote on it..
I forget sometimes how the brain-dead are fascinated with meaningless numbers...
So 90% agree that the sorry state of black America is the fault of the liberal agenda.

[QUOTE="daws101] post: 10402934, member: 30999"
You have someone alive that remembers American slavery?
why is that important? we have 400 years of documentation.
you know anybody who is alive when the constitution was written?[/QUOTE]

Slavery ceased to be law 150 years ago. The Constitution still is. The Constitution was amended

One hundred and fifty years ago, in case you're another innumerate black! To put it perspective, it's a bit like saying it's saying it's Bush's fault today.[/QUOTE]because it is :eek-52:
So 90% agree that the sorry state of black America is the fault of the liberal agenda.

90% of nothing is still nothing.
the so called liberal agenda is not to blame.
to do so without taking in all the other factors is desperation at it's finest.
why not blame the Jews lot's of them are liberals

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