Who is responsible for the devastation of Black America?

Who is responsible for the destruction of Black America?

  • Total voters

Only a self hating white person could have voted no. I doubt even black USMB members voted no.
as stated before only dumbshits and racists voted on your extremely bias poll.
only a really disturbed person would see that as a win.

Are you suggesting that someone or some group other than those who govern them are to blame?

Only a self hating white person could have voted no. I doubt even black USMB members voted no.
as stated before only dumbshits and racists voted on your extremely bias poll.
only a really disturbed person would see that as a win.

Are you suggesting that someone or some group other than those who govern them are to blame?
I'm not suggesting anything! you're a racist scumbag ,who's twisted ideology only attracts like to like.
So why don't the ******* vote for your side? Are they just stupid, you know, Stupid *******?

Or are their voting systems rigged? Non demographic votes 95% for one candidate. That looks like something from Castro or Saddam Hussein regime, that they would use as a statistic to show how popular they were. After all, those elections were totally fair!

When you talk to the average black person (I work with blacks in a black neighborhood) most of them don't come across as pussy liberals.
The ******* voted roughly five percent more for Obama than they did Clinton. Facts suck eh?

All Cubans voted for Castro, and all black voted for the Dems. No foul play.

You see, it isn't racist when over 90% of blacks vote Obama. Only when whites that are a majority CONSERVATIVE in nature vote 60% = you're a nasty little racist.

The democrats have the race card and they will use it.
Those who ran their communities for the past 60 years (Democrats), and those who enacted Jim Crow laws (KKK Democrats) after the Civil War?

Or those who have never run their communities in the past 60 years (Republicans), and those who passed the Civil Rights Act (mostly MLK Republicans) and have ALWAYS promoted small, limited, focused government?

Yessir... it is the same old purveyor of chaos, calamity and catastrophe that always causes such... which is that which is OKA: Evil.

And Evil is advanced politically, through its international retailer: Left-think... OKA: Socialism, AKA: Relativism, SKA: Secular Humanism... in the US such is distributed primarily through the Democrat Party.
Those who ran their communities for the past 60 years (Democrats), and those who enacted Jim Crow laws (KKK Democrats) after the Civil War?

Or those who have never run their communities in the past 60 years (Republicans), and those who passed the Civil Rights Act (mostly MLK Republicans) and have ALWAYS promoted small, limited, focused government?

Yessir... it is the same old purveyor of chaos, calamity and catastrophe that always causes such... which is that which is OKA: Evil.

And Evil is advanced politically, through its international retailer: Left-think... OKA: Socialism, AKA: Relativism, SKA: Secular Humanism... in the US such is distributed primarily through the Democrat Party.
can I use that the next time I need evidence why conservatism is so fucked up?
Not the years of slavery

What was 'not the years of slavery'? You failed to cite a subject... which sorta tends to indicate you were buildin' in some 'wriggle room'.

So please clarify, so we can get your formal concession set up for ya.
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Only a self hating white person could have voted no. I doubt even black USMB members voted no.
as stated before only dumbshits and racists voted on your extremely bias poll.
only a really disturbed person would see that as a win.

Are you suggesting that someone or some group other than those who govern them are to blame?
I'm not suggesting anything! you're a racist scumbag ,who's twisted ideology only attracts like to like.

If you're not suggesting "anything" then why are you even on the forums? The point of forums is to make a point or counterpoint and argue.
How does putting most of the black population on welfare help them???
the award for the most amazingly asinine statement in a thread goes to.....

So you just admitted that your a "White Man's Burden" racist. You believe that the Superior White Man has a moral obligation to help inferior blacks (and other inferior and lesser creatures).

See, Democrats are still the party of LBJ "gonna have them ******* voting KKK Democrat for the next 200 years"

Senator Democrat Senator and KKK Dragon Byrd would be proud of you.

Only a self hating white person could have voted no. I doubt even black USMB members voted no.
as stated before only dumbshits and racists voted on your extremely bias poll.
only a really disturbed person would see that as a win.

Are you suggesting that someone or some group other than those who govern them are to blame?
I'm not suggesting anything! you're a racist scumbag ,who's twisted ideology only attracts like to like.

If you're not suggesting "anything" then why are you even on the forums? The point of forums is to make a point or counterpoint and argue.
I've made my point. yours has no basis in reality ergo no point or argument.
The OP blames black decline on democratic policies, but he fails to account for the 60s shift in racial policies within the Democratic Party.

Yes, the Left got in bed with southern racists to pass the New Deal - and the Dems should be judged very harshly for this. But in the 60s the Left pivoted from traditional working class issues to race, gender and lifestyle politics. This is when the Left became the political organ for black liberation. (and gay liberation and women's liberation). This created an opening for the Right, which would appeal to all the voters the Left lost when it changed direction in the 60s.

To be specific:

When the Left passed Civil Rights, LBJ predicted that the Democratic Party would lose the South for generations. This prediction came to fruition fully with Reagan, who campaigned against an overreaching Federal Government (a government which uprooted southern culture by destroying Jim Crow).

Remember: the sixties cultural revolution not only cost the Left the southern racist vote, but it also cost them Nixon's "Silent White Majority", i.e., northern white suburban voters who were alienated by the 60s lifestyle movements.

The OP doesn't realize that his party's post-60s electoral success was dependent upon the Republican ability to capture the racist south from a Democratic Party that had been co-opted by Angela Davis and the Black Panthers (according to one Ronald Reagan).

God help us! The OP votes.
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How does putting most of the black population on welfare help them???
the award for the most amazingly asinine statement in a thread goes to.....

So you just admitted that your a "White Man's Burden" racist. You believe that the Superior White Man has a moral obligation to help inferior blacks (and other inferior and lesser creatures).

See, Democrats are still the party of LBJ "gonna have them ******* voting KKK Democrat for the next 200 years"

Senator Democrat Senator and KKK Dragon Byrd would be proud of you.

If you're going to provide welfare for whites why are you making an issue of providing it for blacks too?
The OP blames black decline on democratic policies, but he fails to account for the 60s shift in racial policies within the Democratic Party.

Yes, the Left got in bed with southern racists to pass the New Deal - and the Dems should be judged very harshly for this. But in the 60s the Left pivoted from traditional working class issues to race, gender and lifestyle politics. This is when the Left became the political organ for black liberation. (and gay liberation and women's liberation). This created an opening for the Right, which was cast into the political wilderness by the New Deal (and it's impenetrable coalition of voters, which untied southern racists with northern catholic workers).

When the Left passed Civil Rights, LBJ predicted that the Democratic Party would lose the South for generations. This prediction came to fruition fully with Reagan, who campaigned against an overreaching Federal Government (a government which uprooted southern culture by destroying Jim Crow).

Remember: the sixties cultural revolution not only cost the Left the southern racist vote, but it also cost them Nixon's "Silent White Majority", which was comprised of northern white suburban voters who were alienated by the lose morality of the 60s lifestyle movements.

The OP doesn't realize that his party's post 60s electoral success was dependent upon the Republican ability to capture the racist south from a Democratic Party that had been co-opted by Angela Davis and the Black Panthers (according to one Ronald Reagan).

God help us! The OP votes.

At least you agree that Republicans have had nothing to do with the governing of black communities since the 1960's, so how how can you hold them accountable for black america's decline? Please explain.
How does putting most of the black population on welfare help them???
the award for the most amazingly asinine statement in a thread goes to.....

So you just admitted that your a "White Man's Burden" racist. You believe that the Superior White Man has a moral obligation to help inferior blacks (and other inferior and lesser creatures).

See, Democrats are still the party of LBJ "gonna have them ******* voting KKK Democrat for the next 200 years"

Senator Byrd would be proud of you.
love it when racists call non racists bigots..
I'll clue you in slapdick I don't judge (for lack of a better word )by color, humans no mater what shade they happen to be are human.
I do judge people by their attitudes and actions.
I don't buy the belief in superior races.
It's fucking obvious you do.
btw a statement of fact is not an admission.
your posts scream racism and the illusion of white superiority and privilege.
Those who ran their communities for the past 60 years (Democrats), and those who enacted Jim Crow laws (KKK Democrats) after the Civil War?

Or those who have never run their communities in the past 60 years (Republicans), and those who passed the Civil Rights Act (mostly MLK Republicans) and have ALWAYS promoted small, limited, focused government?

If I were black I would have to ask Republicans: What have you done for me lately?
The OP blames black decline on democratic policies, but he fails to account for the 60s shift in racial policies within the Democratic Party.

Yes, the Left got in bed with southern racists to pass the New Deal - and the Dems should be judged very harshly for this. But in the 60s the Left pivoted from traditional working class issues to race, gender and lifestyle politics. This is when the Left became the political organ for black liberation. (and gay liberation and women's liberation). This created an opening for the Right, which was cast into the political wilderness by the New Deal (and it's impenetrable coalition of voters, which untied southern racists with northern catholic workers).

When the Left passed Civil Rights, LBJ predicted that the Democratic Party would lose the South for generations. This prediction came to fruition fully with Reagan, who campaigned against an overreaching Federal Government (a government which uprooted southern culture by destroying Jim Crow).

Remember: the sixties cultural revolution not only cost the Left the southern racist vote, but it also cost them Nixon's "Silent White Majority", which was comprised of northern white suburban voters who were alienated by the lose morality of the 60s lifestyle movements.

The OP doesn't realize that his party's post 60s electoral success was dependent upon the Republican ability to capture the racist south from a Democratic Party that had been co-opted by Angela Davis and the Black Panthers (according to one Ronald Reagan).

God help us! The OP votes.

At least you agree that Republicans have had nothing to do with the governing of black communities since the 1960's, so how how can you hold them accountable for black america's decline? Please explain.

Nope, there are no blacks that live in or near Republican districts for 60 years. This is what you have to believe to believe that its all Dems fault.

Its white people of all political affiliations
Those who ran their communities for the past 60 years (Democrats), and those who enacted Jim Crow laws (KKK Democrats) after the Civil War?

Or those who have never run their communities in the past 60 years (Republicans), and those who passed the Civil Rights Act (mostly MLK Republicans) and have ALWAYS promoted small, limited, focused government?

If I were black I would have to ask Republicans: What have you done for me lately?

I'd ask what, if any, minority group are you an advocate for?
How does putting most of the black population on welfare help them???
the award for the most amazingly asinine statement in a thread goes to.....

So you just admitted that your a "White Man's Burden" racist. You believe that the Superior White Man has a moral obligation to help inferior blacks (and other inferior and lesser creatures).

See, Democrats are still the party of LBJ "gonna have them ******* voting KKK Democrat for the next 200 years"

Senator Byrd would be proud of you.
love it when racists call non racists bigots..
I'll clue you in slapdick I don't judge (for lack of a better word )by color, humans no mater what shade they happen to be are human.
I do judge people by their attitudes and actions.
I don't buy the belief in superior races.
It's fucking obvious you do.
btw a statement of fact is not an admission.
your posts scream racism and the illusion of white superiority and privilege.

but but... you believe in White Man's Burden

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