Who Says Democrats Hate Black People?

Only 94% of black Americans vote democrat.. congrats for finding one of the 6% on camera. Itā€™s as rare as catching a Bigfoot on video.

So you're bragging to us that you've managed to lie to black people successfully?
Are you suggesting black Americans are dumb and vote against their best interest?

No, I'm suggesting that black Americans have been lied to for decades by leftists who, until recently, had a monopoly on information flow. Yes, they vote against their best interests, but not because they're dumb.

Interesting how YOUR mind leaped right to that, though.
Youā€™re saying the same thing. Black Americans canā€™t determine whatā€™s good for them. Information availability is better than ever and guess what? African Americans are more solidly democrat than ever. Who should I believe? You or 95% of blacks Americans?

No, that's not what I'm saying. That's just what you're hearing, because that's what YOU think of black people. I think they're as fully capable of deciding what's best for them as anyone else is . . . provided they have access to all the accurate information. I don't think anyone is capable of making good choices if all they hear are lies.

I get that your masters have told you to believe that your duplicitous hold on black people is as strong as ever, and I get that you desperately want to believe that. I don't personally care what you believe or don't believe, because I don't think YOU are smart enough to acquire information and make sensible decisions. I will tell you, however, that black support for Democrats is cratering like never before, and down the road, you're in for some nasty surprises your talking points didn't prepare you for.
Sorry. I had to work today but it seems you had a lot to say. You donā€™t have to care what I think. But you should have some pride in your posts. Please link a single study showing black support catering. Iā€™ll wait.....

Sorry you can't multitask like I do. It seems you mistake disagreeing with you for "not having pride in my posts", and also labor under the delusion that I'm beholden to your straw man. You want proof, I'll give you proof. You don't get to dictate one narrow type of proof.

Now, obviously, some of these are from prior to the riots. But anyone who thinks that the riots are going to lead to a surge en masse in the black community toward Democrats is nuts.
Iā€™m going to take it easy on you cuz I like you. You amuse me. Did you read any of these? Perhaps you just read someone elseā€™s headline?

Your first link is simply an article noting that the support for Democrats was fractured among many candidates and a percentage donā€™t feel represented well. No where is there a suggestion the Republican alternative is better or support for democrats is falling among black voters.

Your second link is an opinion article with zero statistics or data. Itā€™s a puff piece.

Your third link is actually a piece about how few blacks are republicans and they feel like they are on an island.

Your 4th link is a poll noting support climed from 8% to 10.5% which is calculated at a 30% increase in the May 6-8 poll . By the way the poll error margin is +/- 2% and the next week it was back down to 9%.

Okay, pretty clearly I have to draw you a picture. Lemme get my kid's Crayolas and get to work.

First of all, while you're moving those goalposts, do everyone a favor and drop them on your foot. "No where is there a suggestion that the Republican alternative is better." Well, nowhere is there a discussion about how that was a requirement, or the topic, so that might work out. Your specific childish demand was: "Please link a single study showing black support catering". I showed it, and your dishonest chickenshit ass doesn't want to accept it, so NOW you want to pretend that you demanded I show increased black support of Republicans. Not the same thing.

Second of all, here is how each article offers evidence of my assertion, since you clearly didn't bother to read for anything except some kind of "Aha! I can believe that blacks are still under our thumb!" moment.

"The survey, conducted by the political action committee BlackPAC, found that while black voters are largely supportive of the Democratic Party and align most with its values, more than half feel that the party is not paying close enough attention to the black community."

"Yet, the poll results reveal that black Democratic support may be softening ahead of November, as black voters grow more anxious about the countryā€™s direction and the sentiment continues to grow that the party ā€” and its leadership ā€” have not prioritized black voters' issues."

It's also very interesting, in passing, that the woman from BlackPAC who was interviewed ended by saying, "This happens every election cycle. We hear from black voters a concern about whether Democrats are taking their votes for granted. And we also know that the vast majority of African Americans will vote Democrat." She might as well have just said, "So why should we give a fuck about their bitching?"

"Meanwhile, Black unemployment is at historic lows while prosperity and wages are growing. But thatā€™s not the only reason President Trumpā€™s popularity among African-Americans has risen to over 30% after only getting 8% of the Black vote in 2016. The White House continues to roll out programs that are helping to lift many minority neighborhoods and their voters, including housing and education programs that are proving to be more effective than anything seen in history."

Again, as I said, this was before the lockdowns and rioting, but it says something very significant about the Democrats' monolithic control over the black vote if they were registering 30% approval rates for President Trump. The questions going into November is going to be, "What do they want most?" and "Who do they believe will give it to them?"

"Republicans like Cain and Carson arenā€™t outliers when it comes to social and economic conservatism. For example, a 2019 survey from the Pew Research Centers found that 49 percent of Blacks oppose same-sex marriage compared to 32 percent of Whites. Last November, the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies think tank polled 1,200 African Americans on their concerns going into the 2020 elections. It found a majority of respondents believe most people can get ahead if they work hard ā€” a statement often repeated by Republicans opposed to social programs. In a similar survey of Democratic primary voters, a majority of respondents said hard work is no guarantee of success.

Republicans have been able to capitalize on shared positions. During the 2004 presidential election, George W. Bush got 16 percent of the African American vote in Ohio. Much of that support came from African American pastors, who urged parishioners to vote for a state constutional amendment banning same-sex marriage that was also on the ballot."

And Blackwell, who is campaigning for Donald Trumpā€™s re-election, predicts 12 percent of African American voters will help put the president back in office. Trump received 8 percent of the African American vote in 2016.

ā€œThe black community is not homogenous. There is diversity of political thought. I think that where (Trump) is making advances is with young black males. I think the work weā€™ve been doing for years on criminal justice reformā€¦ that means something. Tapping into the entrepreneurial spirit means something.ā€

"The latest YouGov/Economist poll (May 6-8), one of a few that comprehensively breaks down support by ethnicity, has some frightening news for the Democratic Party.

While President Trumpā€™s approval holds steady among registered voters at 41 percent, his support among blacks in this poll is striking. If it holds for 2020, it could be devastating for Democrats. Among African-Americans, 16 percent approve of Trump, 10 percent are not sure, and 75 percent disapprove.

While that sounds highly negative, these are high positives for a Republican politician among black Americans. Approval of 16 percent is 8 points higher than the 8 percent of black voter support Trump received on election day 2016, and 9 points higher than the black vote Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney received in 2012. The ā€œNot Sureā€ at 10 percent is staggering, and the 75 percent ā€œdisapproveā€ rating is consistent with the low 70 percent aggregate found in any YouGov poll among this demographic.

The same poll, with their rounding, reported in January that Trump approval was at 10 percent among black Americans, 15 percent were not sure, and 74 percent disapproved, so the numbers are not only steady but improving in Trumpā€™s favor."

Talk to me about how meaningless polls are when someone is waving around the scads of polls telling us how Biden is going to win in a landslide, Punkin.

Next time your arrogant ass wants to play at "going easy", save it for someone who isn't prepared to stomp your butt into the ground.

Informative, and well constructed.
No. No it wasnt. See the devastation I left in post #80. Sad really. Sometimes I feel like I should let the little minds alone but that would be a disservice to humanity.
Anyone on these boards go to Englewood High School in Chicago? When I attended Englewood it had about 5000 students and 90% were black. The drop out rate was was about 75%. Attending Englewood was an education on the Black problem itself and I consider myself lucky to have attended Englewood though I dropped school like my fellow- students in the 11th grade.

And that relates to the subject that brought you to the thread......how?
OK no big words. I'm suggesting that perhaps one reason for the great divide is education.

Why would you imagine (I almost said 'think') big words are any problem.
Your inability to focus is the problem.

And....education.....for whom?

Government school, under Liberal auspices, doesn't educate.....it indoctrinates.

Only 94% of black Americans vote democrat.. congrats for finding one of the 6% on camera. Itā€™s as rare as catching a Bigfoot on video.

So you're bragging to us that you've managed to lie to black people successfully?
Are you suggesting black Americans are dumb and vote against their best interest?

No, I'm suggesting that black Americans have been lied to for decades by leftists who, until recently, had a monopoly on information flow. Yes, they vote against their best interests, but not because they're dumb.

Interesting how YOUR mind leaped right to that, though.
Youā€™re saying the same thing. Black Americans canā€™t determine whatā€™s good for them. Information availability is better than ever and guess what? African Americans are more solidly democrat than ever. Who should I believe? You or 95% of blacks Americans?

No, that's not what I'm saying. That's just what you're hearing, because that's what YOU think of black people. I think they're as fully capable of deciding what's best for them as anyone else is . . . provided they have access to all the accurate information. I don't think anyone is capable of making good choices if all they hear are lies.

I get that your masters have told you to believe that your duplicitous hold on black people is as strong as ever, and I get that you desperately want to believe that. I don't personally care what you believe or don't believe, because I don't think YOU are smart enough to acquire information and make sensible decisions. I will tell you, however, that black support for Democrats is cratering like never before, and down the road, you're in for some nasty surprises your talking points didn't prepare you for.
Sorry. I had to work today but it seems you had a lot to say. You donā€™t have to care what I think. But you should have some pride in your posts. Please link a single study showing black support catering. Iā€™ll wait.....

Sorry you can't multitask like I do. It seems you mistake disagreeing with you for "not having pride in my posts", and also labor under the delusion that I'm beholden to your straw man. You want proof, I'll give you proof. You don't get to dictate one narrow type of proof.

Now, obviously, some of these are from prior to the riots. But anyone who thinks that the riots are going to lead to a surge en masse in the black community toward Democrats is nuts.
Iā€™m going to take it easy on you cuz I like you. You amuse me. Did you read any of these? Perhaps you just read someone elseā€™s headline?

Your first link is simply an article noting that the support for Democrats was fractured among many candidates and a percentage donā€™t feel represented well. No where is there a suggestion the Republican alternative is better or support for democrats is falling among black voters.

Your second link is an opinion article with zero statistics or data. Itā€™s a puff piece.

Your third link is actually a piece about how few blacks are republicans and they feel like they are on an island.

Your 4th link is a poll noting support climed from 8% to 10.5% which is calculated at a 30% increase in the May 6-8 poll . By the way the poll error margin is +/- 2% and the next week it was back down to 9%.

Okay, pretty clearly I have to draw you a picture. Lemme get my kid's Crayolas and get to work.

First of all, while you're moving those goalposts, do everyone a favor and drop them on your foot. "No where is there a suggestion that the Republican alternative is better." Well, nowhere is there a discussion about how that was a requirement, or the topic, so that might work out. Your specific childish demand was: "Please link a single study showing black support catering". I showed it, and your dishonest chickenshit ass doesn't want to accept it, so NOW you want to pretend that you demanded I show increased black support of Republicans. Not the same thing.

Second of all, here is how each article offers evidence of my assertion, since you clearly didn't bother to read for anything except some kind of "Aha! I can believe that blacks are still under our thumb!" moment.

"The survey, conducted by the political action committee BlackPAC, found that while black voters are largely supportive of the Democratic Party and align most with its values, more than half feel that the party is not paying close enough attention to the black community."

"Yet, the poll results reveal that black Democratic support may be softening ahead of November, as black voters grow more anxious about the countryā€™s direction and the sentiment continues to grow that the party ā€” and its leadership ā€” have not prioritized black voters' issues."

It's also very interesting, in passing, that the woman from BlackPAC who was interviewed ended by saying, "This happens every election cycle. We hear from black voters a concern about whether Democrats are taking their votes for granted. And we also know that the vast majority of African Americans will vote Democrat." She might as well have just said, "So why should we give a fuck about their bitching?"

"Meanwhile, Black unemployment is at historic lows while prosperity and wages are growing. But thatā€™s not the only reason President Trumpā€™s popularity among African-Americans has risen to over 30% after only getting 8% of the Black vote in 2016. The White House continues to roll out programs that are helping to lift many minority neighborhoods and their voters, including housing and education programs that are proving to be more effective than anything seen in history."

Again, as I said, this was before the lockdowns and rioting, but it says something very significant about the Democrats' monolithic control over the black vote if they were registering 30% approval rates for President Trump. The questions going into November is going to be, "What do they want most?" and "Who do they believe will give it to them?"

"Republicans like Cain and Carson arenā€™t outliers when it comes to social and economic conservatism. For example, a 2019 survey from the Pew Research Centers found that 49 percent of Blacks oppose same-sex marriage compared to 32 percent of Whites. Last November, the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies think tank polled 1,200 African Americans on their concerns going into the 2020 elections. It found a majority of respondents believe most people can get ahead if they work hard ā€” a statement often repeated by Republicans opposed to social programs. In a similar survey of Democratic primary voters, a majority of respondents said hard work is no guarantee of success.

Republicans have been able to capitalize on shared positions. During the 2004 presidential election, George W. Bush got 16 percent of the African American vote in Ohio. Much of that support came from African American pastors, who urged parishioners to vote for a state constutional amendment banning same-sex marriage that was also on the ballot."

And Blackwell, who is campaigning for Donald Trumpā€™s re-election, predicts 12 percent of African American voters will help put the president back in office. Trump received 8 percent of the African American vote in 2016.

ā€œThe black community is not homogenous. There is diversity of political thought. I think that where (Trump) is making advances is with young black males. I think the work weā€™ve been doing for years on criminal justice reformā€¦ that means something. Tapping into the entrepreneurial spirit means something.ā€

"The latest YouGov/Economist poll (May 6-8), one of a few that comprehensively breaks down support by ethnicity, has some frightening news for the Democratic Party.

While President Trumpā€™s approval holds steady among registered voters at 41 percent, his support among blacks in this poll is striking. If it holds for 2020, it could be devastating for Democrats. Among African-Americans, 16 percent approve of Trump, 10 percent are not sure, and 75 percent disapprove.

While that sounds highly negative, these are high positives for a Republican politician among black Americans. Approval of 16 percent is 8 points higher than the 8 percent of black voter support Trump received on election day 2016, and 9 points higher than the black vote Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney received in 2012. The ā€œNot Sureā€ at 10 percent is staggering, and the 75 percent ā€œdisapproveā€ rating is consistent with the low 70 percent aggregate found in any YouGov poll among this demographic.

The same poll, with their rounding, reported in January that Trump approval was at 10 percent among black Americans, 15 percent were not sure, and 74 percent disapproved, so the numbers are not only steady but improving in Trumpā€™s favor."

Talk to me about how meaningless polls are when someone is waving around the scads of polls telling us how Biden is going to win in a landslide, Punkin.

Next time your arrogant ass wants to play at "going easy", save it for someone who isn't prepared to stomp your butt into the ground.

Informative, and well constructed.
No. No it wasnt. See the devastation I left in post #80. Sad really. Sometimes I feel like I should let the little minds alone but that would be a disservice to humanity.

Wow......it must have really hurt, huh?

Only 94% of black Americans vote democrat.. congrats for finding one of the 6% on camera. Itā€™s as rare as catching a Bigfoot on video.

So you're bragging to us that you've managed to lie to black people successfully?
Are you suggesting black Americans are dumb and vote against their best interest?

No, I'm suggesting that black Americans have been lied to for decades by leftists who, until recently, had a monopoly on information flow. Yes, they vote against their best interests, but not because they're dumb.

Interesting how YOUR mind leaped right to that, though.
Youā€™re saying the same thing. Black Americans canā€™t determine whatā€™s good for them. Information availability is better than ever and guess what? African Americans are more solidly democrat than ever. Who should I believe? You or 95% of blacks Americans?

No, that's not what I'm saying. That's just what you're hearing, because that's what YOU think of black people. I think they're as fully capable of deciding what's best for them as anyone else is . . . provided they have access to all the accurate information. I don't think anyone is capable of making good choices if all they hear are lies.

I get that your masters have told you to believe that your duplicitous hold on black people is as strong as ever, and I get that you desperately want to believe that. I don't personally care what you believe or don't believe, because I don't think YOU are smart enough to acquire information and make sensible decisions. I will tell you, however, that black support for Democrats is cratering like never before, and down the road, you're in for some nasty surprises your talking points didn't prepare you for.
Sorry. I had to work today but it seems you had a lot to say. You donā€™t have to care what I think. But you should have some pride in your posts. Please link a single study showing black support catering. Iā€™ll wait.....

Sorry you can't multitask like I do. It seems you mistake disagreeing with you for "not having pride in my posts", and also labor under the delusion that I'm beholden to your straw man. You want proof, I'll give you proof. You don't get to dictate one narrow type of proof.

Now, obviously, some of these are from prior to the riots. But anyone who thinks that the riots are going to lead to a surge en masse in the black community toward Democrats is nuts.
Iā€™m going to take it easy on you cuz I like you. You amuse me. Did you read any of these? Perhaps you just read someone elseā€™s headline?

Your first link is simply an article noting that the support for Democrats was fractured among many candidates and a percentage donā€™t feel represented well. No where is there a suggestion the Republican alternative is better or support for democrats is falling among black voters.

Your second link is an opinion article with zero statistics or data. Itā€™s a puff piece.

Your third link is actually a piece about how few blacks are republicans and they feel like they are on an island.

Your 4th link is a poll noting support climed from 8% to 10.5% which is calculated at a 30% increase in the May 6-8 poll . By the way the poll error margin is +/- 2% and the next week it was back down to 9%.

Okay, pretty clearly I have to draw you a picture. Lemme get my kid's Crayolas and get to work.

First of all, while you're moving those goalposts, do everyone a favor and drop them on your foot. "No where is there a suggestion that the Republican alternative is better." Well, nowhere is there a discussion about how that was a requirement, or the topic, so that might work out. Your specific childish demand was: "Please link a single study showing black support catering". I showed it, and your dishonest chickenshit ass doesn't want to accept it, so NOW you want to pretend that you demanded I show increased black support of Republicans. Not the same thing.

Second of all, here is how each article offers evidence of my assertion, since you clearly didn't bother to read for anything except some kind of "Aha! I can believe that blacks are still under our thumb!" moment.

"The survey, conducted by the political action committee BlackPAC, found that while black voters are largely supportive of the Democratic Party and align most with its values, more than half feel that the party is not paying close enough attention to the black community."

"Yet, the poll results reveal that black Democratic support may be softening ahead of November, as black voters grow more anxious about the countryā€™s direction and the sentiment continues to grow that the party ā€” and its leadership ā€” have not prioritized black voters' issues."

It's also very interesting, in passing, that the woman from BlackPAC who was interviewed ended by saying, "This happens every election cycle. We hear from black voters a concern about whether Democrats are taking their votes for granted. And we also know that the vast majority of African Americans will vote Democrat." She might as well have just said, "So why should we give a fuck about their bitching?"

"Meanwhile, Black unemployment is at historic lows while prosperity and wages are growing. But thatā€™s not the only reason President Trumpā€™s popularity among African-Americans has risen to over 30% after only getting 8% of the Black vote in 2016. The White House continues to roll out programs that are helping to lift many minority neighborhoods and their voters, including housing and education programs that are proving to be more effective than anything seen in history."

Again, as I said, this was before the lockdowns and rioting, but it says something very significant about the Democrats' monolithic control over the black vote if they were registering 30% approval rates for President Trump. The questions going into November is going to be, "What do they want most?" and "Who do they believe will give it to them?"

"Republicans like Cain and Carson arenā€™t outliers when it comes to social and economic conservatism. For example, a 2019 survey from the Pew Research Centers found that 49 percent of Blacks oppose same-sex marriage compared to 32 percent of Whites. Last November, the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies think tank polled 1,200 African Americans on their concerns going into the 2020 elections. It found a majority of respondents believe most people can get ahead if they work hard ā€” a statement often repeated by Republicans opposed to social programs. In a similar survey of Democratic primary voters, a majority of respondents said hard work is no guarantee of success.

Republicans have been able to capitalize on shared positions. During the 2004 presidential election, George W. Bush got 16 percent of the African American vote in Ohio. Much of that support came from African American pastors, who urged parishioners to vote for a state constutional amendment banning same-sex marriage that was also on the ballot."

And Blackwell, who is campaigning for Donald Trumpā€™s re-election, predicts 12 percent of African American voters will help put the president back in office. Trump received 8 percent of the African American vote in 2016.

ā€œThe black community is not homogenous. There is diversity of political thought. I think that where (Trump) is making advances is with young black males. I think the work weā€™ve been doing for years on criminal justice reformā€¦ that means something. Tapping into the entrepreneurial spirit means something.ā€

"The latest YouGov/Economist poll (May 6-8), one of a few that comprehensively breaks down support by ethnicity, has some frightening news for the Democratic Party.

While President Trumpā€™s approval holds steady among registered voters at 41 percent, his support among blacks in this poll is striking. If it holds for 2020, it could be devastating for Democrats. Among African-Americans, 16 percent approve of Trump, 10 percent are not sure, and 75 percent disapprove.

While that sounds highly negative, these are high positives for a Republican politician among black Americans. Approval of 16 percent is 8 points higher than the 8 percent of black voter support Trump received on election day 2016, and 9 points higher than the black vote Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney received in 2012. The ā€œNot Sureā€ at 10 percent is staggering, and the 75 percent ā€œdisapproveā€ rating is consistent with the low 70 percent aggregate found in any YouGov poll among this demographic.

The same poll, with their rounding, reported in January that Trump approval was at 10 percent among black Americans, 15 percent were not sure, and 74 percent disapproved, so the numbers are not only steady but improving in Trumpā€™s favor."

Talk to me about how meaningless polls are when someone is waving around the scads of polls telling us how Biden is going to win in a landslide, Punkin.

Next time your arrogant ass wants to play at "going easy", save it for someone who isn't prepared to stomp your butt into the ground.

Informative, and well constructed.
No. No it wasnt. See the devastation I left in post #80. Sad really. Sometimes I feel like I should let the little minds alone but that would be a disservice to humanity.

Wow......it must have really hurt, huh?

I hope not. Iā€™d feel bad if my deconstructing of cecelie hurt their feelings. Sometimes you have to be gentle when you point out ignorance. Of course sometimes itā€™s unavoidable.
Only 94% of black Americans vote democrat.. congrats for finding one of the 6% on camera. Itā€™s as rare as catching a Bigfoot on video.

So you're bragging to us that you've managed to lie to black people successfully?
Are you suggesting black Americans are dumb and vote against their best interest?

No, I'm suggesting that black Americans have been lied to for decades by leftists who, until recently, had a monopoly on information flow. Yes, they vote against their best interests, but not because they're dumb.

Interesting how YOUR mind leaped right to that, though.
Youā€™re saying the same thing. Black Americans canā€™t determine whatā€™s good for them. Information availability is better than ever and guess what? African Americans are more solidly democrat than ever. Who should I believe? You or 95% of blacks Americans?

No, that's not what I'm saying. That's just what you're hearing, because that's what YOU think of black people. I think they're as fully capable of deciding what's best for them as anyone else is . . . provided they have access to all the accurate information. I don't think anyone is capable of making good choices if all they hear are lies.

I get that your masters have told you to believe that your duplicitous hold on black people is as strong as ever, and I get that you desperately want to believe that. I don't personally care what you believe or don't believe, because I don't think YOU are smart enough to acquire information and make sensible decisions. I will tell you, however, that black support for Democrats is cratering like never before, and down the road, you're in for some nasty surprises your talking points didn't prepare you for.
Sorry. I had to work today but it seems you had a lot to say. You donā€™t have to care what I think. But you should have some pride in your posts. Please link a single study showing black support catering. Iā€™ll wait.....

Sorry you can't multitask like I do. It seems you mistake disagreeing with you for "not having pride in my posts", and also labor under the delusion that I'm beholden to your straw man. You want proof, I'll give you proof. You don't get to dictate one narrow type of proof.

Now, obviously, some of these are from prior to the riots. But anyone who thinks that the riots are going to lead to a surge en masse in the black community toward Democrats is nuts.
Iā€™m going to take it easy on you cuz I like you. You amuse me. Did you read any of these? Perhaps you just read someone elseā€™s headline?

Your first link is simply an article noting that the support for Democrats was fractured among many candidates and a percentage donā€™t feel represented well. No where is there a suggestion the Republican alternative is better or support for democrats is falling among black voters.

Your second link is an opinion article with zero statistics or data. Itā€™s a puff piece.

Your third link is actually a piece about how few blacks are republicans and they feel like they are on an island.

Your 4th link is a poll noting support climed from 8% to 10.5% which is calculated at a 30% increase in the May 6-8 poll . By the way the poll error margin is +/- 2% and the next week it was back down to 9%.

Okay, pretty clearly I have to draw you a picture. Lemme get my kid's Crayolas and get to work.

First of all, while you're moving those goalposts, do everyone a favor and drop them on your foot. "No where is there a suggestion that the Republican alternative is better." Well, nowhere is there a discussion about how that was a requirement, or the topic, so that might work out. Your specific childish demand was: "Please link a single study showing black support catering". I showed it, and your dishonest chickenshit ass doesn't want to accept it, so NOW you want to pretend that you demanded I show increased black support of Republicans. Not the same thing.

Second of all, here is how each article offers evidence of my assertion, since you clearly didn't bother to read for anything except some kind of "Aha! I can believe that blacks are still under our thumb!" moment.

"The survey, conducted by the political action committee BlackPAC, found that while black voters are largely supportive of the Democratic Party and align most with its values, more than half feel that the party is not paying close enough attention to the black community."

"Yet, the poll results reveal that black Democratic support may be softening ahead of November, as black voters grow more anxious about the countryā€™s direction and the sentiment continues to grow that the party ā€” and its leadership ā€” have not prioritized black voters' issues."

It's also very interesting, in passing, that the woman from BlackPAC who was interviewed ended by saying, "This happens every election cycle. We hear from black voters a concern about whether Democrats are taking their votes for granted. And we also know that the vast majority of African Americans will vote Democrat." She might as well have just said, "So why should we give a fuck about their bitching?"

"Meanwhile, Black unemployment is at historic lows while prosperity and wages are growing. But thatā€™s not the only reason President Trumpā€™s popularity among African-Americans has risen to over 30% after only getting 8% of the Black vote in 2016. The White House continues to roll out programs that are helping to lift many minority neighborhoods and their voters, including housing and education programs that are proving to be more effective than anything seen in history."

Again, as I said, this was before the lockdowns and rioting, but it says something very significant about the Democrats' monolithic control over the black vote if they were registering 30% approval rates for President Trump. The questions going into November is going to be, "What do they want most?" and "Who do they believe will give it to them?"

"Republicans like Cain and Carson arenā€™t outliers when it comes to social and economic conservatism. For example, a 2019 survey from the Pew Research Centers found that 49 percent of Blacks oppose same-sex marriage compared to 32 percent of Whites. Last November, the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies think tank polled 1,200 African Americans on their concerns going into the 2020 elections. It found a majority of respondents believe most people can get ahead if they work hard ā€” a statement often repeated by Republicans opposed to social programs. In a similar survey of Democratic primary voters, a majority of respondents said hard work is no guarantee of success.

Republicans have been able to capitalize on shared positions. During the 2004 presidential election, George W. Bush got 16 percent of the African American vote in Ohio. Much of that support came from African American pastors, who urged parishioners to vote for a state constutional amendment banning same-sex marriage that was also on the ballot."

And Blackwell, who is campaigning for Donald Trumpā€™s re-election, predicts 12 percent of African American voters will help put the president back in office. Trump received 8 percent of the African American vote in 2016.

ā€œThe black community is not homogenous. There is diversity of political thought. I think that where (Trump) is making advances is with young black males. I think the work weā€™ve been doing for years on criminal justice reformā€¦ that means something. Tapping into the entrepreneurial spirit means something.ā€

"The latest YouGov/Economist poll (May 6-8), one of a few that comprehensively breaks down support by ethnicity, has some frightening news for the Democratic Party.

While President Trumpā€™s approval holds steady among registered voters at 41 percent, his support among blacks in this poll is striking. If it holds for 2020, it could be devastating for Democrats. Among African-Americans, 16 percent approve of Trump, 10 percent are not sure, and 75 percent disapprove.

While that sounds highly negative, these are high positives for a Republican politician among black Americans. Approval of 16 percent is 8 points higher than the 8 percent of black voter support Trump received on election day 2016, and 9 points higher than the black vote Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney received in 2012. The ā€œNot Sureā€ at 10 percent is staggering, and the 75 percent ā€œdisapproveā€ rating is consistent with the low 70 percent aggregate found in any YouGov poll among this demographic.

The same poll, with their rounding, reported in January that Trump approval was at 10 percent among black Americans, 15 percent were not sure, and 74 percent disapproved, so the numbers are not only steady but improving in Trumpā€™s favor."

Talk to me about how meaningless polls are when someone is waving around the scads of polls telling us how Biden is going to win in a landslide, Punkin.

Next time your arrogant ass wants to play at "going easy", save it for someone who isn't prepared to stomp your butt into the ground.
Prepare to curl up in a corner and cry yourself to sleep.

You clearly are having a difficult time understanding English and never answered my challenges. All you are doing is pasting random articles that DO NOT SUPPORT your claim. Not a single article showed cratering support for democrats. Not a single one. Let me break it down simply for even you to understand.

From your first article: "The Democratic Party maintains an overwhelming share of black support". "Still, the president and Republican Party as a whole remain very unpopular with black voters, as 76 percent of them disapprove of the presidentā€˜s performance and nearly 80 percent support his removal from office." SEE. YOUR ARTICLE right there says DEMOCRATS maintain an overwhelming share of black support and republicans remain very unpopular. Overwhelming... Unpopular. Do you know what that means? It doesnt mean cratering support. In fact the whole article outlines the uphill climb republicans have gaining support. Read it. Please. Shall I go on??? Ok, I will.

From your second article: "Former Vice President Joe Biden excelled, getting 2/5th of the black vote." This was written before he locked up the vote way back before Biden cleaned up in Super Tuesday. Even back then this republican rag you cited gave Biden props on the black vote. How telling is it you post an article from way back then to support your claim of cratering support. How about a RECENT poll on Trumps approval rating among blacks?
View attachment 352455

From your third article: "Black folks are very, very clear about how they view the Democratic Party and how they view the Republican Party,ā€ says Wright Rigueur. "But that doesnā€™t mean another shift couldnā€™t occur", she says. ANOTHER article that basically comes straight out the opposite of what you say. It says Black Americans support the Democrats overwhelmingly but that maybe a shift could occur. OK..
View attachment 352456

From your fourth article. "While that sounds highly negative, these are high positives for a Republican politician among black Americans. Approval of 16 percent is 8 points higher than the 8 percent of black voter support Trump received on election day 2016...The same poll, with their rounding, reported in January that Trump approval was at 10 percent among black Americans..." I thought I was clear here. The polls before and after from the same company had no where near those numbers. How about the SAME COMPANY'S poll from THIS WEEK. I'll highlight the relevant data for you. Basically a 79% disapproval rating.
View attachment 352458

Jesus I kicked your ass. Are you ok? If you need help here is a hotline where you can talk to someone. National Helpline | SAMHSA - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Prepare to be disappointed, which I'm sure is a familiar feeling in your life. "Kicking ass" is not defined as "Post a really long bunch of meaningless shit to look important."

"Oh, look, I found a paragraph in your article that says blacks still support Democrats, so that lets me ignore everything else."

That pretty much says everything that needs to be said about your entire post: you decided what you were going to believe before you ever started, and you just pretended everything else didn't exist. No need to dignify that with any more time. Surrender accepted.

But I tell you what: You just go right on thinking you have the black community under your thumb and can can take them for granted forever. I'm pretty happy with not convincing you that all is not well on your Democrat plantation. You and your thought leaders should definitely continue to believe that you can get away with just throwing blacks a few meaningless panders here and there, and then go back to using them.
Only 94% of black Americans vote democrat.. congrats for finding one of the 6% on camera. Itā€™s as rare as catching a Bigfoot on video.

So you're bragging to us that you've managed to lie to black people successfully?
Are you suggesting black Americans are dumb and vote against their best interest?

No, I'm suggesting that black Americans have been lied to for decades by leftists who, until recently, had a monopoly on information flow. Yes, they vote against their best interests, but not because they're dumb.

Interesting how YOUR mind leaped right to that, though.
Youā€™re saying the same thing. Black Americans canā€™t determine whatā€™s good for them. Information availability is better than ever and guess what? African Americans are more solidly democrat than ever. Who should I believe? You or 95% of blacks Americans?

No, that's not what I'm saying. That's just what you're hearing, because that's what YOU think of black people. I think they're as fully capable of deciding what's best for them as anyone else is . . . provided they have access to all the accurate information. I don't think anyone is capable of making good choices if all they hear are lies.

I get that your masters have told you to believe that your duplicitous hold on black people is as strong as ever, and I get that you desperately want to believe that. I don't personally care what you believe or don't believe, because I don't think YOU are smart enough to acquire information and make sensible decisions. I will tell you, however, that black support for Democrats is cratering like never before, and down the road, you're in for some nasty surprises your talking points didn't prepare you for.
Sorry. I had to work today but it seems you had a lot to say. You donā€™t have to care what I think. But you should have some pride in your posts. Please link a single study showing black support catering. Iā€™ll wait.....

Sorry you can't multitask like I do. It seems you mistake disagreeing with you for "not having pride in my posts", and also labor under the delusion that I'm beholden to your straw man. You want proof, I'll give you proof. You don't get to dictate one narrow type of proof.

Now, obviously, some of these are from prior to the riots. But anyone who thinks that the riots are going to lead to a surge en masse in the black community toward Democrats is nuts.
Iā€™m going to take it easy on you cuz I like you. You amuse me. Did you read any of these? Perhaps you just read someone elseā€™s headline?

Your first link is simply an article noting that the support for Democrats was fractured among many candidates and a percentage donā€™t feel represented well. No where is there a suggestion the Republican alternative is better or support for democrats is falling among black voters.

Your second link is an opinion article with zero statistics or data. Itā€™s a puff piece.

Your third link is actually a piece about how few blacks are republicans and they feel like they are on an island.

Your 4th link is a poll noting support climed from 8% to 10.5% which is calculated at a 30% increase in the May 6-8 poll . By the way the poll error margin is +/- 2% and the next week it was back down to 9%.

Okay, pretty clearly I have to draw you a picture. Lemme get my kid's Crayolas and get to work.

First of all, while you're moving those goalposts, do everyone a favor and drop them on your foot. "No where is there a suggestion that the Republican alternative is better." Well, nowhere is there a discussion about how that was a requirement, or the topic, so that might work out. Your specific childish demand was: "Please link a single study showing black support catering". I showed it, and your dishonest chickenshit ass doesn't want to accept it, so NOW you want to pretend that you demanded I show increased black support of Republicans. Not the same thing.

Second of all, here is how each article offers evidence of my assertion, since you clearly didn't bother to read for anything except some kind of "Aha! I can believe that blacks are still under our thumb!" moment.

"The survey, conducted by the political action committee BlackPAC, found that while black voters are largely supportive of the Democratic Party and align most with its values, more than half feel that the party is not paying close enough attention to the black community."

"Yet, the poll results reveal that black Democratic support may be softening ahead of November, as black voters grow more anxious about the countryā€™s direction and the sentiment continues to grow that the party ā€” and its leadership ā€” have not prioritized black voters' issues."

It's also very interesting, in passing, that the woman from BlackPAC who was interviewed ended by saying, "This happens every election cycle. We hear from black voters a concern about whether Democrats are taking their votes for granted. And we also know that the vast majority of African Americans will vote Democrat." She might as well have just said, "So why should we give a fuck about their bitching?"

"Meanwhile, Black unemployment is at historic lows while prosperity and wages are growing. But thatā€™s not the only reason President Trumpā€™s popularity among African-Americans has risen to over 30% after only getting 8% of the Black vote in 2016. The White House continues to roll out programs that are helping to lift many minority neighborhoods and their voters, including housing and education programs that are proving to be more effective than anything seen in history."

Again, as I said, this was before the lockdowns and rioting, but it says something very significant about the Democrats' monolithic control over the black vote if they were registering 30% approval rates for President Trump. The questions going into November is going to be, "What do they want most?" and "Who do they believe will give it to them?"

"Republicans like Cain and Carson arenā€™t outliers when it comes to social and economic conservatism. For example, a 2019 survey from the Pew Research Centers found that 49 percent of Blacks oppose same-sex marriage compared to 32 percent of Whites. Last November, the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies think tank polled 1,200 African Americans on their concerns going into the 2020 elections. It found a majority of respondents believe most people can get ahead if they work hard ā€” a statement often repeated by Republicans opposed to social programs. In a similar survey of Democratic primary voters, a majority of respondents said hard work is no guarantee of success.

Republicans have been able to capitalize on shared positions. During the 2004 presidential election, George W. Bush got 16 percent of the African American vote in Ohio. Much of that support came from African American pastors, who urged parishioners to vote for a state constutional amendment banning same-sex marriage that was also on the ballot."

And Blackwell, who is campaigning for Donald Trumpā€™s re-election, predicts 12 percent of African American voters will help put the president back in office. Trump received 8 percent of the African American vote in 2016.

ā€œThe black community is not homogenous. There is diversity of political thought. I think that where (Trump) is making advances is with young black males. I think the work weā€™ve been doing for years on criminal justice reformā€¦ that means something. Tapping into the entrepreneurial spirit means something.ā€

"The latest YouGov/Economist poll (May 6-8), one of a few that comprehensively breaks down support by ethnicity, has some frightening news for the Democratic Party.

While President Trumpā€™s approval holds steady among registered voters at 41 percent, his support among blacks in this poll is striking. If it holds for 2020, it could be devastating for Democrats. Among African-Americans, 16 percent approve of Trump, 10 percent are not sure, and 75 percent disapprove.

While that sounds highly negative, these are high positives for a Republican politician among black Americans. Approval of 16 percent is 8 points higher than the 8 percent of black voter support Trump received on election day 2016, and 9 points higher than the black vote Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney received in 2012. The ā€œNot Sureā€ at 10 percent is staggering, and the 75 percent ā€œdisapproveā€ rating is consistent with the low 70 percent aggregate found in any YouGov poll among this demographic.

The same poll, with their rounding, reported in January that Trump approval was at 10 percent among black Americans, 15 percent were not sure, and 74 percent disapproved, so the numbers are not only steady but improving in Trumpā€™s favor."

Talk to me about how meaningless polls are when someone is waving around the scads of polls telling us how Biden is going to win in a landslide, Punkin.

Next time your arrogant ass wants to play at "going easy", save it for someone who isn't prepared to stomp your butt into the ground.

Informative, and well constructed.
No. No it wasnt. See the devastation I left in post #80. Sad really. Sometimes I feel like I should let the little minds alone but that would be a disservice to humanity.

Wow......it must have really hurt, huh?

I hope not. Iā€™d feel bad if my deconstructing of cecelie hurt their feelings. Sometimes you have to be gentle when you point out ignorance. Of course sometimes itā€™s unavoidable.

I'm not a "they", Einstein. I'm just one person. I'll let you see if you can bend your "towering intellect" to figuring out which pronoun that requires.
Only 94% of black Americans vote democrat.. congrats for finding one of the 6% on camera. Itā€™s as rare as catching a Bigfoot on video.

So you're bragging to us that you've managed to lie to black people successfully?
Are you suggesting black Americans are dumb and vote against their best interest?

No, I'm suggesting that black Americans have been lied to for decades by leftists who, until recently, had a monopoly on information flow. Yes, they vote against their best interests, but not because they're dumb.

Interesting how YOUR mind leaped right to that, though.
Youā€™re saying the same thing. Black Americans canā€™t determine whatā€™s good for them. Information availability is better than ever and guess what? African Americans are more solidly democrat than ever. Who should I believe? You or 95% of blacks Americans?

No, that's not what I'm saying. That's just what you're hearing, because that's what YOU think of black people. I think they're as fully capable of deciding what's best for them as anyone else is . . . provided they have access to all the accurate information. I don't think anyone is capable of making good choices if all they hear are lies.

I get that your masters have told you to believe that your duplicitous hold on black people is as strong as ever, and I get that you desperately want to believe that. I don't personally care what you believe or don't believe, because I don't think YOU are smart enough to acquire information and make sensible decisions. I will tell you, however, that black support for Democrats is cratering like never before, and down the road, you're in for some nasty surprises your talking points didn't prepare you for.
Sorry. I had to work today but it seems you had a lot to say. You donā€™t have to care what I think. But you should have some pride in your posts. Please link a single study showing black support catering. Iā€™ll wait.....

Sorry you can't multitask like I do. It seems you mistake disagreeing with you for "not having pride in my posts", and also labor under the delusion that I'm beholden to your straw man. You want proof, I'll give you proof. You don't get to dictate one narrow type of proof.

Now, obviously, some of these are from prior to the riots. But anyone who thinks that the riots are going to lead to a surge en masse in the black community toward Democrats is nuts.
Iā€™m going to take it easy on you cuz I like you. You amuse me. Did you read any of these? Perhaps you just read someone elseā€™s headline?

Your first link is simply an article noting that the support for Democrats was fractured among many candidates and a percentage donā€™t feel represented well. No where is there a suggestion the Republican alternative is better or support for democrats is falling among black voters.

Your second link is an opinion article with zero statistics or data. Itā€™s a puff piece.

Your third link is actually a piece about how few blacks are republicans and they feel like they are on an island.

Your 4th link is a poll noting support climed from 8% to 10.5% which is calculated at a 30% increase in the May 6-8 poll . By the way the poll error margin is +/- 2% and the next week it was back down to 9%.

Okay, pretty clearly I have to draw you a picture. Lemme get my kid's Crayolas and get to work.

First of all, while you're moving those goalposts, do everyone a favor and drop them on your foot. "No where is there a suggestion that the Republican alternative is better." Well, nowhere is there a discussion about how that was a requirement, or the topic, so that might work out. Your specific childish demand was: "Please link a single study showing black support catering". I showed it, and your dishonest chickenshit ass doesn't want to accept it, so NOW you want to pretend that you demanded I show increased black support of Republicans. Not the same thing.

Second of all, here is how each article offers evidence of my assertion, since you clearly didn't bother to read for anything except some kind of "Aha! I can believe that blacks are still under our thumb!" moment.

"The survey, conducted by the political action committee BlackPAC, found that while black voters are largely supportive of the Democratic Party and align most with its values, more than half feel that the party is not paying close enough attention to the black community."

"Yet, the poll results reveal that black Democratic support may be softening ahead of November, as black voters grow more anxious about the countryā€™s direction and the sentiment continues to grow that the party ā€” and its leadership ā€” have not prioritized black voters' issues."

It's also very interesting, in passing, that the woman from BlackPAC who was interviewed ended by saying, "This happens every election cycle. We hear from black voters a concern about whether Democrats are taking their votes for granted. And we also know that the vast majority of African Americans will vote Democrat." She might as well have just said, "So why should we give a fuck about their bitching?"

"Meanwhile, Black unemployment is at historic lows while prosperity and wages are growing. But thatā€™s not the only reason President Trumpā€™s popularity among African-Americans has risen to over 30% after only getting 8% of the Black vote in 2016. The White House continues to roll out programs that are helping to lift many minority neighborhoods and their voters, including housing and education programs that are proving to be more effective than anything seen in history."

Again, as I said, this was before the lockdowns and rioting, but it says something very significant about the Democrats' monolithic control over the black vote if they were registering 30% approval rates for President Trump. The questions going into November is going to be, "What do they want most?" and "Who do they believe will give it to them?"

"Republicans like Cain and Carson arenā€™t outliers when it comes to social and economic conservatism. For example, a 2019 survey from the Pew Research Centers found that 49 percent of Blacks oppose same-sex marriage compared to 32 percent of Whites. Last November, the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies think tank polled 1,200 African Americans on their concerns going into the 2020 elections. It found a majority of respondents believe most people can get ahead if they work hard ā€” a statement often repeated by Republicans opposed to social programs. In a similar survey of Democratic primary voters, a majority of respondents said hard work is no guarantee of success.

Republicans have been able to capitalize on shared positions. During the 2004 presidential election, George W. Bush got 16 percent of the African American vote in Ohio. Much of that support came from African American pastors, who urged parishioners to vote for a state constutional amendment banning same-sex marriage that was also on the ballot."

And Blackwell, who is campaigning for Donald Trumpā€™s re-election, predicts 12 percent of African American voters will help put the president back in office. Trump received 8 percent of the African American vote in 2016.

ā€œThe black community is not homogenous. There is diversity of political thought. I think that where (Trump) is making advances is with young black males. I think the work weā€™ve been doing for years on criminal justice reformā€¦ that means something. Tapping into the entrepreneurial spirit means something.ā€

"The latest YouGov/Economist poll (May 6-8), one of a few that comprehensively breaks down support by ethnicity, has some frightening news for the Democratic Party.

While President Trumpā€™s approval holds steady among registered voters at 41 percent, his support among blacks in this poll is striking. If it holds for 2020, it could be devastating for Democrats. Among African-Americans, 16 percent approve of Trump, 10 percent are not sure, and 75 percent disapprove.

While that sounds highly negative, these are high positives for a Republican politician among black Americans. Approval of 16 percent is 8 points higher than the 8 percent of black voter support Trump received on election day 2016, and 9 points higher than the black vote Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney received in 2012. The ā€œNot Sureā€ at 10 percent is staggering, and the 75 percent ā€œdisapproveā€ rating is consistent with the low 70 percent aggregate found in any YouGov poll among this demographic.

The same poll, with their rounding, reported in January that Trump approval was at 10 percent among black Americans, 15 percent were not sure, and 74 percent disapproved, so the numbers are not only steady but improving in Trumpā€™s favor."

Talk to me about how meaningless polls are when someone is waving around the scads of polls telling us how Biden is going to win in a landslide, Punkin.

Next time your arrogant ass wants to play at "going easy", save it for someone who isn't prepared to stomp your butt into the ground.

Informative, and well constructed.
No. No it wasnt. See the devastation I left in post #80. Sad really. Sometimes I feel like I should let the little minds alone but that would be a disservice to humanity.

Wow......it must have really hurt, huh?


I've decided to just let him go on with thinking that the black community is too dumb to ever catch on to how he and his fellow leftists use and abuse them. Not only is it impossible to get any sort of real thought into his head, but it frankly wouldn't benefit anyone.
Only 94% of black Americans vote democrat.. congrats for finding one of the 6% on camera. Itā€™s as rare as catching a Bigfoot on video.

So you're bragging to us that you've managed to lie to black people successfully?
Are you suggesting black Americans are dumb and vote against their best interest?

No, I'm suggesting that black Americans have been lied to for decades by leftists who, until recently, had a monopoly on information flow. Yes, they vote against their best interests, but not because they're dumb.

Interesting how YOUR mind leaped right to that, though.
Youā€™re saying the same thing. Black Americans canā€™t determine whatā€™s good for them. Information availability is better than ever and guess what? African Americans are more solidly democrat than ever. Who should I believe? You or 95% of blacks Americans?

No, that's not what I'm saying. That's just what you're hearing, because that's what YOU think of black people. I think they're as fully capable of deciding what's best for them as anyone else is . . . provided they have access to all the accurate information. I don't think anyone is capable of making good choices if all they hear are lies.

I get that your masters have told you to believe that your duplicitous hold on black people is as strong as ever, and I get that you desperately want to believe that. I don't personally care what you believe or don't believe, because I don't think YOU are smart enough to acquire information and make sensible decisions. I will tell you, however, that black support for Democrats is cratering like never before, and down the road, you're in for some nasty surprises your talking points didn't prepare you for.
Sorry. I had to work today but it seems you had a lot to say. You donā€™t have to care what I think. But you should have some pride in your posts. Please link a single study showing black support catering. Iā€™ll wait.....

Sorry you can't multitask like I do. It seems you mistake disagreeing with you for "not having pride in my posts", and also labor under the delusion that I'm beholden to your straw man. You want proof, I'll give you proof. You don't get to dictate one narrow type of proof.

Now, obviously, some of these are from prior to the riots. But anyone who thinks that the riots are going to lead to a surge en masse in the black community toward Democrats is nuts.
Iā€™m going to take it easy on you cuz I like you. You amuse me. Did you read any of these? Perhaps you just read someone elseā€™s headline?

Your first link is simply an article noting that the support for Democrats was fractured among many candidates and a percentage donā€™t feel represented well. No where is there a suggestion the Republican alternative is better or support for democrats is falling among black voters.

Your second link is an opinion article with zero statistics or data. Itā€™s a puff piece.

Your third link is actually a piece about how few blacks are republicans and they feel like they are on an island.

Your 4th link is a poll noting support climed from 8% to 10.5% which is calculated at a 30% increase in the May 6-8 poll . By the way the poll error margin is +/- 2% and the next week it was back down to 9%.

Okay, pretty clearly I have to draw you a picture. Lemme get my kid's Crayolas and get to work.

First of all, while you're moving those goalposts, do everyone a favor and drop them on your foot. "No where is there a suggestion that the Republican alternative is better." Well, nowhere is there a discussion about how that was a requirement, or the topic, so that might work out. Your specific childish demand was: "Please link a single study showing black support catering". I showed it, and your dishonest chickenshit ass doesn't want to accept it, so NOW you want to pretend that you demanded I show increased black support of Republicans. Not the same thing.

Second of all, here is how each article offers evidence of my assertion, since you clearly didn't bother to read for anything except some kind of "Aha! I can believe that blacks are still under our thumb!" moment.

"The survey, conducted by the political action committee BlackPAC, found that while black voters are largely supportive of the Democratic Party and align most with its values, more than half feel that the party is not paying close enough attention to the black community."

"Yet, the poll results reveal that black Democratic support may be softening ahead of November, as black voters grow more anxious about the countryā€™s direction and the sentiment continues to grow that the party ā€” and its leadership ā€” have not prioritized black voters' issues."

It's also very interesting, in passing, that the woman from BlackPAC who was interviewed ended by saying, "This happens every election cycle. We hear from black voters a concern about whether Democrats are taking their votes for granted. And we also know that the vast majority of African Americans will vote Democrat." She might as well have just said, "So why should we give a fuck about their bitching?"

"Meanwhile, Black unemployment is at historic lows while prosperity and wages are growing. But thatā€™s not the only reason President Trumpā€™s popularity among African-Americans has risen to over 30% after only getting 8% of the Black vote in 2016. The White House continues to roll out programs that are helping to lift many minority neighborhoods and their voters, including housing and education programs that are proving to be more effective than anything seen in history."

Again, as I said, this was before the lockdowns and rioting, but it says something very significant about the Democrats' monolithic control over the black vote if they were registering 30% approval rates for President Trump. The questions going into November is going to be, "What do they want most?" and "Who do they believe will give it to them?"

"Republicans like Cain and Carson arenā€™t outliers when it comes to social and economic conservatism. For example, a 2019 survey from the Pew Research Centers found that 49 percent of Blacks oppose same-sex marriage compared to 32 percent of Whites. Last November, the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies think tank polled 1,200 African Americans on their concerns going into the 2020 elections. It found a majority of respondents believe most people can get ahead if they work hard ā€” a statement often repeated by Republicans opposed to social programs. In a similar survey of Democratic primary voters, a majority of respondents said hard work is no guarantee of success.

Republicans have been able to capitalize on shared positions. During the 2004 presidential election, George W. Bush got 16 percent of the African American vote in Ohio. Much of that support came from African American pastors, who urged parishioners to vote for a state constutional amendment banning same-sex marriage that was also on the ballot."

And Blackwell, who is campaigning for Donald Trumpā€™s re-election, predicts 12 percent of African American voters will help put the president back in office. Trump received 8 percent of the African American vote in 2016.

ā€œThe black community is not homogenous. There is diversity of political thought. I think that where (Trump) is making advances is with young black males. I think the work weā€™ve been doing for years on criminal justice reformā€¦ that means something. Tapping into the entrepreneurial spirit means something.ā€

"The latest YouGov/Economist poll (May 6-8), one of a few that comprehensively breaks down support by ethnicity, has some frightening news for the Democratic Party.

While President Trumpā€™s approval holds steady among registered voters at 41 percent, his support among blacks in this poll is striking. If it holds for 2020, it could be devastating for Democrats. Among African-Americans, 16 percent approve of Trump, 10 percent are not sure, and 75 percent disapprove.

While that sounds highly negative, these are high positives for a Republican politician among black Americans. Approval of 16 percent is 8 points higher than the 8 percent of black voter support Trump received on election day 2016, and 9 points higher than the black vote Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney received in 2012. The ā€œNot Sureā€ at 10 percent is staggering, and the 75 percent ā€œdisapproveā€ rating is consistent with the low 70 percent aggregate found in any YouGov poll among this demographic.

The same poll, with their rounding, reported in January that Trump approval was at 10 percent among black Americans, 15 percent were not sure, and 74 percent disapproved, so the numbers are not only steady but improving in Trumpā€™s favor."

Talk to me about how meaningless polls are when someone is waving around the scads of polls telling us how Biden is going to win in a landslide, Punkin.

Next time your arrogant ass wants to play at "going easy", save it for someone who isn't prepared to stomp your butt into the ground.

Informative, and well constructed.
No. No it wasnt. See the devastation I left in post #80. Sad really. Sometimes I feel like I should let the little minds alone but that would be a disservice to humanity.

Wow......it must have really hurt, huh?


I've decided to just let him go on with thinking that the black community is too dumb to ever catch on to how he and his fellow leftists use and abuse them. Not only is it impossible to get any sort of real thought into his head, but it frankly wouldn't benefit anyone.

One wonders how Liberals can incorporate this fact if America is rife with systematic racism?

2.1 million

It is estimated that the current population of African immigrants to the United States is about 2.1 million. According to the Migration Policy Institute, as of 2009 two-thirds of the African immigrants were from either East or West Africa.
African immigration to the United States - Wikipedia

I guess the believe those folks are fools.
The first Republican President said you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

And.....one more case of truth from Republicans:

"African-American Woman Confronts BLM Protesters in CHAZ: ā€˜Democrats Hate Black People.ā€™
ā€œFake news? You see, this is the thing. I know people donā€™t like Trump, but let me tell you something. If I had to pick between him and Joe Biden, Iā€™m not voting Joe Biden! You want to see a bunch of black people go to jail by the next four years? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens,ā€ she said.

ā€œYou want to see black men get killed substantially, like things youā€™ve never seen before? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens. These democrats and Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m not trying to be racist, these Democrats hate black people. These are the same Democrats who fought to keep slavery in.

ā€œItā€™s run by the same people who built the KKK. These are the same people who hated us from the beginning. The Republican Party is the party of the blacks. The Republican Party is the only party that the black people assisted in founding. But history and the truth has been torn away.

ā€œSo the same democrats who hated blacks from the beginning are the same ones who hate us now. And they use our causeā€¦ How did black lives matter turn into something about LGBTQ, when blacks donā€™t really support that. We are conservative. We are really not about that.

ā€œNot only that we donā€™t support abortion. We are workers. This is the black culture. We ainā€™t about that. We donā€™t support feminism. Black women matter to their husbands and they support their husbands. Thatā€™s what we are. We arenā€™t all ā€˜I do what I wantā€™ business. We donā€™t do that. Thatā€™s not our community. Yet these people are hijacking our movement. No!ā€

View attachment 350962

Concern yourself with asians who are getting beat up because of COVID19. You might be next
The first Republican President said you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

And.....one more case of truth from Republicans:

"African-American Woman Confronts BLM Protesters in CHAZ: ā€˜Democrats Hate Black People.ā€™
ā€œFake news? You see, this is the thing. I know people donā€™t like Trump, but let me tell you something. If I had to pick between him and Joe Biden, Iā€™m not voting Joe Biden! You want to see a bunch of black people go to jail by the next four years? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens,ā€ she said.

ā€œYou want to see black men get killed substantially, like things youā€™ve never seen before? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens. These democrats and Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m not trying to be racist, these Democrats hate black people. These are the same Democrats who fought to keep slavery in.

ā€œItā€™s run by the same people who built the KKK. These are the same people who hated us from the beginning. The Republican Party is the party of the blacks. The Republican Party is the only party that the black people assisted in founding. But history and the truth has been torn away.

ā€œSo the same democrats who hated blacks from the beginning are the same ones who hate us now. And they use our causeā€¦ How did black lives matter turn into something about LGBTQ, when blacks donā€™t really support that. We are conservative. We are really not about that.

ā€œNot only that we donā€™t support abortion. We are workers. This is the black culture. We ainā€™t about that. We donā€™t support feminism. Black women matter to their husbands and they support their husbands. Thatā€™s what we are. We arenā€™t all ā€˜I do what I wantā€™ business. We donā€™t do that. Thatā€™s not our community. Yet these people are hijacking our movement. No!ā€

View attachment 350962

Concern yourself with asians who are getting beat up because of COVID19. You might be next

I'd beat you like a rented mule.
Only 94% of black Americans vote democrat.. congrats for finding one of the 6% on camera. Itā€™s as rare as catching a Bigfoot on video.

So you're bragging to us that you've managed to lie to black people successfully?
Are you suggesting black Americans are dumb and vote against their best interest?

No, I'm suggesting that black Americans have been lied to for decades by leftists who, until recently, had a monopoly on information flow. Yes, they vote against their best interests, but not because they're dumb.

Interesting how YOUR mind leaped right to that, though.
Youā€™re saying the same thing. Black Americans canā€™t determine whatā€™s good for them. Information availability is better than ever and guess what? African Americans are more solidly democrat than ever. Who should I believe? You or 95% of blacks Americans?

No, that's not what I'm saying. That's just what you're hearing, because that's what YOU think of black people. I think they're as fully capable of deciding what's best for them as anyone else is . . . provided they have access to all the accurate information. I don't think anyone is capable of making good choices if all they hear are lies.

I get that your masters have told you to believe that your duplicitous hold on black people is as strong as ever, and I get that you desperately want to believe that. I don't personally care what you believe or don't believe, because I don't think YOU are smart enough to acquire information and make sensible decisions. I will tell you, however, that black support for Democrats is cratering like never before, and down the road, you're in for some nasty surprises your talking points didn't prepare you for.
Sorry. I had to work today but it seems you had a lot to say. You donā€™t have to care what I think. But you should have some pride in your posts. Please link a single study showing black support catering. Iā€™ll wait.....

Sorry you can't multitask like I do. It seems you mistake disagreeing with you for "not having pride in my posts", and also labor under the delusion that I'm beholden to your straw man. You want proof, I'll give you proof. You don't get to dictate one narrow type of proof.

Now, obviously, some of these are from prior to the riots. But anyone who thinks that the riots are going to lead to a surge en masse in the black community toward Democrats is nuts.
Iā€™m going to take it easy on you cuz I like you. You amuse me. Did you read any of these? Perhaps you just read someone elseā€™s headline?

Your first link is simply an article noting that the support for Democrats was fractured among many candidates and a percentage donā€™t feel represented well. No where is there a suggestion the Republican alternative is better or support for democrats is falling among black voters.

Your second link is an opinion article with zero statistics or data. Itā€™s a puff piece.

Your third link is actually a piece about how few blacks are republicans and they feel like they are on an island.

Your 4th link is a poll noting support climed from 8% to 10.5% which is calculated at a 30% increase in the May 6-8 poll . By the way the poll error margin is +/- 2% and the next week it was back down to 9%.

Okay, pretty clearly I have to draw you a picture. Lemme get my kid's Crayolas and get to work.

First of all, while you're moving those goalposts, do everyone a favor and drop them on your foot. "No where is there a suggestion that the Republican alternative is better." Well, nowhere is there a discussion about how that was a requirement, or the topic, so that might work out. Your specific childish demand was: "Please link a single study showing black support catering". I showed it, and your dishonest chickenshit ass doesn't want to accept it, so NOW you want to pretend that you demanded I show increased black support of Republicans. Not the same thing.

Second of all, here is how each article offers evidence of my assertion, since you clearly didn't bother to read for anything except some kind of "Aha! I can believe that blacks are still under our thumb!" moment.

"The survey, conducted by the political action committee BlackPAC, found that while black voters are largely supportive of the Democratic Party and align most with its values, more than half feel that the party is not paying close enough attention to the black community."

"Yet, the poll results reveal that black Democratic support may be softening ahead of November, as black voters grow more anxious about the countryā€™s direction and the sentiment continues to grow that the party ā€” and its leadership ā€” have not prioritized black voters' issues."

It's also very interesting, in passing, that the woman from BlackPAC who was interviewed ended by saying, "This happens every election cycle. We hear from black voters a concern about whether Democrats are taking their votes for granted. And we also know that the vast majority of African Americans will vote Democrat." She might as well have just said, "So why should we give a fuck about their bitching?"

"Meanwhile, Black unemployment is at historic lows while prosperity and wages are growing. But thatā€™s not the only reason President Trumpā€™s popularity among African-Americans has risen to over 30% after only getting 8% of the Black vote in 2016. The White House continues to roll out programs that are helping to lift many minority neighborhoods and their voters, including housing and education programs that are proving to be more effective than anything seen in history."

Again, as I said, this was before the lockdowns and rioting, but it says something very significant about the Democrats' monolithic control over the black vote if they were registering 30% approval rates for President Trump. The questions going into November is going to be, "What do they want most?" and "Who do they believe will give it to them?"

"Republicans like Cain and Carson arenā€™t outliers when it comes to social and economic conservatism. For example, a 2019 survey from the Pew Research Centers found that 49 percent of Blacks oppose same-sex marriage compared to 32 percent of Whites. Last November, the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies think tank polled 1,200 African Americans on their concerns going into the 2020 elections. It found a majority of respondents believe most people can get ahead if they work hard ā€” a statement often repeated by Republicans opposed to social programs. In a similar survey of Democratic primary voters, a majority of respondents said hard work is no guarantee of success.

Republicans have been able to capitalize on shared positions. During the 2004 presidential election, George W. Bush got 16 percent of the African American vote in Ohio. Much of that support came from African American pastors, who urged parishioners to vote for a state constutional amendment banning same-sex marriage that was also on the ballot."

And Blackwell, who is campaigning for Donald Trumpā€™s re-election, predicts 12 percent of African American voters will help put the president back in office. Trump received 8 percent of the African American vote in 2016.

ā€œThe black community is not homogenous. There is diversity of political thought. I think that where (Trump) is making advances is with young black males. I think the work weā€™ve been doing for years on criminal justice reformā€¦ that means something. Tapping into the entrepreneurial spirit means something.ā€

"The latest YouGov/Economist poll (May 6-8), one of a few that comprehensively breaks down support by ethnicity, has some frightening news for the Democratic Party.

While President Trumpā€™s approval holds steady among registered voters at 41 percent, his support among blacks in this poll is striking. If it holds for 2020, it could be devastating for Democrats. Among African-Americans, 16 percent approve of Trump, 10 percent are not sure, and 75 percent disapprove.

While that sounds highly negative, these are high positives for a Republican politician among black Americans. Approval of 16 percent is 8 points higher than the 8 percent of black voter support Trump received on election day 2016, and 9 points higher than the black vote Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney received in 2012. The ā€œNot Sureā€ at 10 percent is staggering, and the 75 percent ā€œdisapproveā€ rating is consistent with the low 70 percent aggregate found in any YouGov poll among this demographic.

The same poll, with their rounding, reported in January that Trump approval was at 10 percent among black Americans, 15 percent were not sure, and 74 percent disapproved, so the numbers are not only steady but improving in Trumpā€™s favor."

Talk to me about how meaningless polls are when someone is waving around the scads of polls telling us how Biden is going to win in a landslide, Punkin.

Next time your arrogant ass wants to play at "going easy", save it for someone who isn't prepared to stomp your butt into the ground.

Informative, and well constructed.
No. No it wasnt. See the devastation I left in post #80. Sad really. Sometimes I feel like I should let the little minds alone but that would be a disservice to humanity.

Wow......it must have really hurt, huh?

I hope not. Iā€™d feel bad if my deconstructing of cecelie hurt their feelings. Sometimes you have to be gentle when you point out ignorance. Of course sometimes itā€™s unavoidable.

I'm not a "they", Einstein. I'm just one person. I'll let you see if you can bend your "towering intellect" to figuring out which pronoun that requires.
I didnā€™t want to trigger you with a gender neutral ā€œzirā€ so I went plural.
Only 94% of black Americans vote democrat.. congrats for finding one of the 6% on camera. Itā€™s as rare as catching a Bigfoot on video.

So you're bragging to us that you've managed to lie to black people successfully?
Are you suggesting black Americans are dumb and vote against their best interest?

No, I'm suggesting that black Americans have been lied to for decades by leftists who, until recently, had a monopoly on information flow. Yes, they vote against their best interests, but not because they're dumb.

Interesting how YOUR mind leaped right to that, though.
Youā€™re saying the same thing. Black Americans canā€™t determine whatā€™s good for them. Information availability is better than ever and guess what? African Americans are more solidly democrat than ever. Who should I believe? You or 95% of blacks Americans?

No, that's not what I'm saying. That's just what you're hearing, because that's what YOU think of black people. I think they're as fully capable of deciding what's best for them as anyone else is . . . provided they have access to all the accurate information. I don't think anyone is capable of making good choices if all they hear are lies.

I get that your masters have told you to believe that your duplicitous hold on black people is as strong as ever, and I get that you desperately want to believe that. I don't personally care what you believe or don't believe, because I don't think YOU are smart enough to acquire information and make sensible decisions. I will tell you, however, that black support for Democrats is cratering like never before, and down the road, you're in for some nasty surprises your talking points didn't prepare you for.
Sorry. I had to work today but it seems you had a lot to say. You donā€™t have to care what I think. But you should have some pride in your posts. Please link a single study showing black support catering. Iā€™ll wait.....

Sorry you can't multitask like I do. It seems you mistake disagreeing with you for "not having pride in my posts", and also labor under the delusion that I'm beholden to your straw man. You want proof, I'll give you proof. You don't get to dictate one narrow type of proof.

Now, obviously, some of these are from prior to the riots. But anyone who thinks that the riots are going to lead to a surge en masse in the black community toward Democrats is nuts.
Iā€™m going to take it easy on you cuz I like you. You amuse me. Did you read any of these? Perhaps you just read someone elseā€™s headline?

Your first link is simply an article noting that the support for Democrats was fractured among many candidates and a percentage donā€™t feel represented well. No where is there a suggestion the Republican alternative is better or support for democrats is falling among black voters.

Your second link is an opinion article with zero statistics or data. Itā€™s a puff piece.

Your third link is actually a piece about how few blacks are republicans and they feel like they are on an island.

Your 4th link is a poll noting support climed from 8% to 10.5% which is calculated at a 30% increase in the May 6-8 poll . By the way the poll error margin is +/- 2% and the next week it was back down to 9%.

Okay, pretty clearly I have to draw you a picture. Lemme get my kid's Crayolas and get to work.

First of all, while you're moving those goalposts, do everyone a favor and drop them on your foot. "No where is there a suggestion that the Republican alternative is better." Well, nowhere is there a discussion about how that was a requirement, or the topic, so that might work out. Your specific childish demand was: "Please link a single study showing black support catering". I showed it, and your dishonest chickenshit ass doesn't want to accept it, so NOW you want to pretend that you demanded I show increased black support of Republicans. Not the same thing.

Second of all, here is how each article offers evidence of my assertion, since you clearly didn't bother to read for anything except some kind of "Aha! I can believe that blacks are still under our thumb!" moment.

"The survey, conducted by the political action committee BlackPAC, found that while black voters are largely supportive of the Democratic Party and align most with its values, more than half feel that the party is not paying close enough attention to the black community."

"Yet, the poll results reveal that black Democratic support may be softening ahead of November, as black voters grow more anxious about the countryā€™s direction and the sentiment continues to grow that the party ā€” and its leadership ā€” have not prioritized black voters' issues."

It's also very interesting, in passing, that the woman from BlackPAC who was interviewed ended by saying, "This happens every election cycle. We hear from black voters a concern about whether Democrats are taking their votes for granted. And we also know that the vast majority of African Americans will vote Democrat." She might as well have just said, "So why should we give a fuck about their bitching?"

"Meanwhile, Black unemployment is at historic lows while prosperity and wages are growing. But thatā€™s not the only reason President Trumpā€™s popularity among African-Americans has risen to over 30% after only getting 8% of the Black vote in 2016. The White House continues to roll out programs that are helping to lift many minority neighborhoods and their voters, including housing and education programs that are proving to be more effective than anything seen in history."

Again, as I said, this was before the lockdowns and rioting, but it says something very significant about the Democrats' monolithic control over the black vote if they were registering 30% approval rates for President Trump. The questions going into November is going to be, "What do they want most?" and "Who do they believe will give it to them?"

"Republicans like Cain and Carson arenā€™t outliers when it comes to social and economic conservatism. For example, a 2019 survey from the Pew Research Centers found that 49 percent of Blacks oppose same-sex marriage compared to 32 percent of Whites. Last November, the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies think tank polled 1,200 African Americans on their concerns going into the 2020 elections. It found a majority of respondents believe most people can get ahead if they work hard ā€” a statement often repeated by Republicans opposed to social programs. In a similar survey of Democratic primary voters, a majority of respondents said hard work is no guarantee of success.

Republicans have been able to capitalize on shared positions. During the 2004 presidential election, George W. Bush got 16 percent of the African American vote in Ohio. Much of that support came from African American pastors, who urged parishioners to vote for a state constutional amendment banning same-sex marriage that was also on the ballot."

And Blackwell, who is campaigning for Donald Trumpā€™s re-election, predicts 12 percent of African American voters will help put the president back in office. Trump received 8 percent of the African American vote in 2016.

ā€œThe black community is not homogenous. There is diversity of political thought. I think that where (Trump) is making advances is with young black males. I think the work weā€™ve been doing for years on criminal justice reformā€¦ that means something. Tapping into the entrepreneurial spirit means something.ā€

"The latest YouGov/Economist poll (May 6-8), one of a few that comprehensively breaks down support by ethnicity, has some frightening news for the Democratic Party.

While President Trumpā€™s approval holds steady among registered voters at 41 percent, his support among blacks in this poll is striking. If it holds for 2020, it could be devastating for Democrats. Among African-Americans, 16 percent approve of Trump, 10 percent are not sure, and 75 percent disapprove.

While that sounds highly negative, these are high positives for a Republican politician among black Americans. Approval of 16 percent is 8 points higher than the 8 percent of black voter support Trump received on election day 2016, and 9 points higher than the black vote Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney received in 2012. The ā€œNot Sureā€ at 10 percent is staggering, and the 75 percent ā€œdisapproveā€ rating is consistent with the low 70 percent aggregate found in any YouGov poll among this demographic.

The same poll, with their rounding, reported in January that Trump approval was at 10 percent among black Americans, 15 percent were not sure, and 74 percent disapproved, so the numbers are not only steady but improving in Trumpā€™s favor."

Talk to me about how meaningless polls are when someone is waving around the scads of polls telling us how Biden is going to win in a landslide, Punkin.

Next time your arrogant ass wants to play at "going easy", save it for someone who isn't prepared to stomp your butt into the ground.

Informative, and well constructed.
No. No it wasnt. See the devastation I left in post #80. Sad really. Sometimes I feel like I should let the little minds alone but that would be a disservice to humanity.

Wow......it must have really hurt, huh?


I've decided to just let him go on with thinking that the black community is too dumb to ever catch on to how he and his fellow leftists use and abuse them. Not only is it impossible to get any sort of real thought into his head, but it frankly wouldn't benefit anyone.

Just one Republicanā€”Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvaniaā€”joined a united House Democratic caucus on Friday to pass what rights groups hailed as ā€œhistoricā€ legislation to restore and expand voter protections that were gutted by the Supreme Court in 2013.

The left is just using black people they tell us. So we should join the party that doesn't want us to vote.
Only 94% of black Americans vote democrat.. congrats for finding one of the 6% on camera. Itā€™s as rare as catching a Bigfoot on video.

So you're bragging to us that you've managed to lie to black people successfully?
Are you suggesting black Americans are dumb and vote against their best interest?

No, I'm suggesting that black Americans have been lied to for decades by leftists who, until recently, had a monopoly on information flow. Yes, they vote against their best interests, but not because they're dumb.

Interesting how YOUR mind leaped right to that, though.
Youā€™re saying the same thing. Black Americans canā€™t determine whatā€™s good for them. Information availability is better than ever and guess what? African Americans are more solidly democrat than ever. Who should I believe? You or 95% of blacks Americans?

No, that's not what I'm saying. That's just what you're hearing, because that's what YOU think of black people. I think they're as fully capable of deciding what's best for them as anyone else is . . . provided they have access to all the accurate information. I don't think anyone is capable of making good choices if all they hear are lies.

I get that your masters have told you to believe that your duplicitous hold on black people is as strong as ever, and I get that you desperately want to believe that. I don't personally care what you believe or don't believe, because I don't think YOU are smart enough to acquire information and make sensible decisions. I will tell you, however, that black support for Democrats is cratering like never before, and down the road, you're in for some nasty surprises your talking points didn't prepare you for.
Sorry. I had to work today but it seems you had a lot to say. You donā€™t have to care what I think. But you should have some pride in your posts. Please link a single study showing black support catering. Iā€™ll wait.....

Sorry you can't multitask like I do. It seems you mistake disagreeing with you for "not having pride in my posts", and also labor under the delusion that I'm beholden to your straw man. You want proof, I'll give you proof. You don't get to dictate one narrow type of proof.

Now, obviously, some of these are from prior to the riots. But anyone who thinks that the riots are going to lead to a surge en masse in the black community toward Democrats is nuts.
Iā€™m going to take it easy on you cuz I like you. You amuse me. Did you read any of these? Perhaps you just read someone elseā€™s headline?

Your first link is simply an article noting that the support for Democrats was fractured among many candidates and a percentage donā€™t feel represented well. No where is there a suggestion the Republican alternative is better or support for democrats is falling among black voters.

Your second link is an opinion article with zero statistics or data. Itā€™s a puff piece.

Your third link is actually a piece about how few blacks are republicans and they feel like they are on an island.

Your 4th link is a poll noting support climed from 8% to 10.5% which is calculated at a 30% increase in the May 6-8 poll . By the way the poll error margin is +/- 2% and the next week it was back down to 9%.

Okay, pretty clearly I have to draw you a picture. Lemme get my kid's Crayolas and get to work.

First of all, while you're moving those goalposts, do everyone a favor and drop them on your foot. "No where is there a suggestion that the Republican alternative is better." Well, nowhere is there a discussion about how that was a requirement, or the topic, so that might work out. Your specific childish demand was: "Please link a single study showing black support catering". I showed it, and your dishonest chickenshit ass doesn't want to accept it, so NOW you want to pretend that you demanded I show increased black support of Republicans. Not the same thing.

Second of all, here is how each article offers evidence of my assertion, since you clearly didn't bother to read for anything except some kind of "Aha! I can believe that blacks are still under our thumb!" moment.

"The survey, conducted by the political action committee BlackPAC, found that while black voters are largely supportive of the Democratic Party and align most with its values, more than half feel that the party is not paying close enough attention to the black community."

"Yet, the poll results reveal that black Democratic support may be softening ahead of November, as black voters grow more anxious about the countryā€™s direction and the sentiment continues to grow that the party ā€” and its leadership ā€” have not prioritized black voters' issues."

It's also very interesting, in passing, that the woman from BlackPAC who was interviewed ended by saying, "This happens every election cycle. We hear from black voters a concern about whether Democrats are taking their votes for granted. And we also know that the vast majority of African Americans will vote Democrat." She might as well have just said, "So why should we give a fuck about their bitching?"

"Meanwhile, Black unemployment is at historic lows while prosperity and wages are growing. But thatā€™s not the only reason President Trumpā€™s popularity among African-Americans has risen to over 30% after only getting 8% of the Black vote in 2016. The White House continues to roll out programs that are helping to lift many minority neighborhoods and their voters, including housing and education programs that are proving to be more effective than anything seen in history."

Again, as I said, this was before the lockdowns and rioting, but it says something very significant about the Democrats' monolithic control over the black vote if they were registering 30% approval rates for President Trump. The questions going into November is going to be, "What do they want most?" and "Who do they believe will give it to them?"

"Republicans like Cain and Carson arenā€™t outliers when it comes to social and economic conservatism. For example, a 2019 survey from the Pew Research Centers found that 49 percent of Blacks oppose same-sex marriage compared to 32 percent of Whites. Last November, the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies think tank polled 1,200 African Americans on their concerns going into the 2020 elections. It found a majority of respondents believe most people can get ahead if they work hard ā€” a statement often repeated by Republicans opposed to social programs. In a similar survey of Democratic primary voters, a majority of respondents said hard work is no guarantee of success.

Republicans have been able to capitalize on shared positions. During the 2004 presidential election, George W. Bush got 16 percent of the African American vote in Ohio. Much of that support came from African American pastors, who urged parishioners to vote for a state constutional amendment banning same-sex marriage that was also on the ballot."

And Blackwell, who is campaigning for Donald Trumpā€™s re-election, predicts 12 percent of African American voters will help put the president back in office. Trump received 8 percent of the African American vote in 2016.

ā€œThe black community is not homogenous. There is diversity of political thought. I think that where (Trump) is making advances is with young black males. I think the work weā€™ve been doing for years on criminal justice reformā€¦ that means something. Tapping into the entrepreneurial spirit means something.ā€

"The latest YouGov/Economist poll (May 6-8), one of a few that comprehensively breaks down support by ethnicity, has some frightening news for the Democratic Party.

While President Trumpā€™s approval holds steady among registered voters at 41 percent, his support among blacks in this poll is striking. If it holds for 2020, it could be devastating for Democrats. Among African-Americans, 16 percent approve of Trump, 10 percent are not sure, and 75 percent disapprove.

While that sounds highly negative, these are high positives for a Republican politician among black Americans. Approval of 16 percent is 8 points higher than the 8 percent of black voter support Trump received on election day 2016, and 9 points higher than the black vote Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney received in 2012. The ā€œNot Sureā€ at 10 percent is staggering, and the 75 percent ā€œdisapproveā€ rating is consistent with the low 70 percent aggregate found in any YouGov poll among this demographic.

The same poll, with their rounding, reported in January that Trump approval was at 10 percent among black Americans, 15 percent were not sure, and 74 percent disapproved, so the numbers are not only steady but improving in Trumpā€™s favor."

Talk to me about how meaningless polls are when someone is waving around the scads of polls telling us how Biden is going to win in a landslide, Punkin.

Next time your arrogant ass wants to play at "going easy", save it for someone who isn't prepared to stomp your butt into the ground.
Prepare to curl up in a corner and cry yourself to sleep.

You clearly are having a difficult time understanding English and never answered my challenges. All you are doing is pasting random articles that DO NOT SUPPORT your claim. Not a single article showed cratering support for democrats. Not a single one. Let me break it down simply for even you to understand.

From your first article: "The Democratic Party maintains an overwhelming share of black support". "Still, the president and Republican Party as a whole remain very unpopular with black voters, as 76 percent of them disapprove of the presidentā€˜s performance and nearly 80 percent support his removal from office." SEE. YOUR ARTICLE right there says DEMOCRATS maintain an overwhelming share of black support and republicans remain very unpopular. Overwhelming... Unpopular. Do you know what that means? It doesnt mean cratering support. In fact the whole article outlines the uphill climb republicans have gaining support. Read it. Please. Shall I go on??? Ok, I will.

From your second article: "Former Vice President Joe Biden excelled, getting 2/5th of the black vote." This was written before he locked up the vote way back before Biden cleaned up in Super Tuesday. Even back then this republican rag you cited gave Biden props on the black vote. How telling is it you post an article from way back then to support your claim of cratering support. How about a RECENT poll on Trumps approval rating among blacks?
View attachment 352455

From your third article: "Black folks are very, very clear about how they view the Democratic Party and how they view the Republican Party,ā€ says Wright Rigueur. "But that doesnā€™t mean another shift couldnā€™t occur", she says. ANOTHER article that basically comes straight out the opposite of what you say. It says Black Americans support the Democrats overwhelmingly but that maybe a shift could occur. OK..
View attachment 352456

From your fourth article. "While that sounds highly negative, these are high positives for a Republican politician among black Americans. Approval of 16 percent is 8 points higher than the 8 percent of black voter support Trump received on election day 2016...The same poll, with their rounding, reported in January that Trump approval was at 10 percent among black Americans..." I thought I was clear here. The polls before and after from the same company had no where near those numbers. How about the SAME COMPANY'S poll from THIS WEEK. I'll highlight the relevant data for you. Basically a 79% disapproval rating.
View attachment 352458

Jesus I kicked your ass. Are you ok? If you need help here is a hotline where you can talk to someone. National Helpline | SAMHSA - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Prepare to be disappointed, which I'm sure is a familiar feeling in your life. "Kicking ass" is not defined as "Post a really long bunch of meaningless shit to look important."

"Oh, look, I found a paragraph in your article that says blacks still support Democrats, so that lets me ignore everything else."

That pretty much says everything that needs to be said about your entire post: you decided what you were going to believe before you ever started, and you just pretended everything else didn't exist. No need to dignify that with any more time. Surrender accepted.

But I tell you what: You just go right on thinking you have the black community under your thumb and can can take them for granted forever. I'm pretty happy with not convincing you that all is not well on your Democrat plantation. You and your thought leaders should definitely continue to believe that you can get away with just throwing blacks a few meaningless panders here and there, and then go back to using them.
Youre right, I found confirmation in every article you posted that there is no erosion of black support among democrats. Nothing you posted amounted to demonstrating ā€œcrateringā€ support and you know it. Nothing. Half those articles didnā€™t even have data. The two that did, one was a blip in time not seen in any poll before or after, and the other had data but no voting intentions, just fractured support from the many candidates running. I destroyed your argument and in response you posted nonsense articles you clearly didnā€™t read, when I read them and explained them to you you stopped talking about the articles and started waving the hands in the air like a drowning man.
  • Thanks
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The first Republican President said you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

And.....one more case of truth from Republicans:

"African-American Woman Confronts BLM Protesters in CHAZ: ā€˜Democrats Hate Black People.ā€™
ā€œFake news? You see, this is the thing. I know people donā€™t like Trump, but let me tell you something. If I had to pick between him and Joe Biden, Iā€™m not voting Joe Biden! You want to see a bunch of black people go to jail by the next four years? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens,ā€ she said.

ā€œYou want to see black men get killed substantially, like things youā€™ve never seen before? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens. These democrats and Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m not trying to be racist, these Democrats hate black people. These are the same Democrats who fought to keep slavery in.

ā€œItā€™s run by the same people who built the KKK. These are the same people who hated us from the beginning. The Republican Party is the party of the blacks. The Republican Party is the only party that the black people assisted in founding. But history and the truth has been torn away.

ā€œSo the same democrats who hated blacks from the beginning are the same ones who hate us now. And they use our causeā€¦ How did black lives matter turn into something about LGBTQ, when blacks donā€™t really support that. We are conservative. We are really not about that.

ā€œNot only that we donā€™t support abortion. We are workers. This is the black culture. We ainā€™t about that. We donā€™t support feminism. Black women matter to their husbands and they support their husbands. Thatā€™s what we are. We arenā€™t all ā€˜I do what I wantā€™ business. We donā€™t do that. Thatā€™s not our community. Yet these people are hijacking our movement. No!ā€

View attachment 350962

Concern yourself with asians who are getting beat up because of COVID19. You might be next

I'd beat you like a rented mule.

No little girl you wouldn't. I would spare you the broken face you would deserve for laying your hands on me by walking away since I am a man and beating up women is just not something I do.
Only 94% of black Americans vote democrat.. congrats for finding one of the 6% on camera. Itā€™s as rare as catching a Bigfoot on video.

So you're bragging to us that you've managed to lie to black people successfully?
Are you suggesting black Americans are dumb and vote against their best interest?

No, I'm suggesting that black Americans have been lied to for decades by leftists who, until recently, had a monopoly on information flow. Yes, they vote against their best interests, but not because they're dumb.

Interesting how YOUR mind leaped right to that, though.
Youā€™re saying the same thing. Black Americans canā€™t determine whatā€™s good for them. Information availability is better than ever and guess what? African Americans are more solidly democrat than ever. Who should I believe? You or 95% of blacks Americans?

No, that's not what I'm saying. That's just what you're hearing, because that's what YOU think of black people. I think they're as fully capable of deciding what's best for them as anyone else is . . . provided they have access to all the accurate information. I don't think anyone is capable of making good choices if all they hear are lies.

I get that your masters have told you to believe that your duplicitous hold on black people is as strong as ever, and I get that you desperately want to believe that. I don't personally care what you believe or don't believe, because I don't think YOU are smart enough to acquire information and make sensible decisions. I will tell you, however, that black support for Democrats is cratering like never before, and down the road, you're in for some nasty surprises your talking points didn't prepare you for.
Sorry. I had to work today but it seems you had a lot to say. You donā€™t have to care what I think. But you should have some pride in your posts. Please link a single study showing black support catering. Iā€™ll wait.....

Sorry you can't multitask like I do. It seems you mistake disagreeing with you for "not having pride in my posts", and also labor under the delusion that I'm beholden to your straw man. You want proof, I'll give you proof. You don't get to dictate one narrow type of proof.

Now, obviously, some of these are from prior to the riots. But anyone who thinks that the riots are going to lead to a surge en masse in the black community toward Democrats is nuts.
Iā€™m going to take it easy on you cuz I like you. You amuse me. Did you read any of these? Perhaps you just read someone elseā€™s headline?

Your first link is simply an article noting that the support for Democrats was fractured among many candidates and a percentage donā€™t feel represented well. No where is there a suggestion the Republican alternative is better or support for democrats is falling among black voters.

Your second link is an opinion article with zero statistics or data. Itā€™s a puff piece.

Your third link is actually a piece about how few blacks are republicans and they feel like they are on an island.

Your 4th link is a poll noting support climed from 8% to 10.5% which is calculated at a 30% increase in the May 6-8 poll . By the way the poll error margin is +/- 2% and the next week it was back down to 9%.

Okay, pretty clearly I have to draw you a picture. Lemme get my kid's Crayolas and get to work.

First of all, while you're moving those goalposts, do everyone a favor and drop them on your foot. "No where is there a suggestion that the Republican alternative is better." Well, nowhere is there a discussion about how that was a requirement, or the topic, so that might work out. Your specific childish demand was: "Please link a single study showing black support catering". I showed it, and your dishonest chickenshit ass doesn't want to accept it, so NOW you want to pretend that you demanded I show increased black support of Republicans. Not the same thing.

Second of all, here is how each article offers evidence of my assertion, since you clearly didn't bother to read for anything except some kind of "Aha! I can believe that blacks are still under our thumb!" moment.

"The survey, conducted by the political action committee BlackPAC, found that while black voters are largely supportive of the Democratic Party and align most with its values, more than half feel that the party is not paying close enough attention to the black community."

"Yet, the poll results reveal that black Democratic support may be softening ahead of November, as black voters grow more anxious about the countryā€™s direction and the sentiment continues to grow that the party ā€” and its leadership ā€” have not prioritized black voters' issues."

It's also very interesting, in passing, that the woman from BlackPAC who was interviewed ended by saying, "This happens every election cycle. We hear from black voters a concern about whether Democrats are taking their votes for granted. And we also know that the vast majority of African Americans will vote Democrat." She might as well have just said, "So why should we give a fuck about their bitching?"

"Meanwhile, Black unemployment is at historic lows while prosperity and wages are growing. But thatā€™s not the only reason President Trumpā€™s popularity among African-Americans has risen to over 30% after only getting 8% of the Black vote in 2016. The White House continues to roll out programs that are helping to lift many minority neighborhoods and their voters, including housing and education programs that are proving to be more effective than anything seen in history."

Again, as I said, this was before the lockdowns and rioting, but it says something very significant about the Democrats' monolithic control over the black vote if they were registering 30% approval rates for President Trump. The questions going into November is going to be, "What do they want most?" and "Who do they believe will give it to them?"

"Republicans like Cain and Carson arenā€™t outliers when it comes to social and economic conservatism. For example, a 2019 survey from the Pew Research Centers found that 49 percent of Blacks oppose same-sex marriage compared to 32 percent of Whites. Last November, the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies think tank polled 1,200 African Americans on their concerns going into the 2020 elections. It found a majority of respondents believe most people can get ahead if they work hard ā€” a statement often repeated by Republicans opposed to social programs. In a similar survey of Democratic primary voters, a majority of respondents said hard work is no guarantee of success.

Republicans have been able to capitalize on shared positions. During the 2004 presidential election, George W. Bush got 16 percent of the African American vote in Ohio. Much of that support came from African American pastors, who urged parishioners to vote for a state constutional amendment banning same-sex marriage that was also on the ballot."

And Blackwell, who is campaigning for Donald Trumpā€™s re-election, predicts 12 percent of African American voters will help put the president back in office. Trump received 8 percent of the African American vote in 2016.

ā€œThe black community is not homogenous. There is diversity of political thought. I think that where (Trump) is making advances is with young black males. I think the work weā€™ve been doing for years on criminal justice reformā€¦ that means something. Tapping into the entrepreneurial spirit means something.ā€

"The latest YouGov/Economist poll (May 6-8), one of a few that comprehensively breaks down support by ethnicity, has some frightening news for the Democratic Party.

While President Trumpā€™s approval holds steady among registered voters at 41 percent, his support among blacks in this poll is striking. If it holds for 2020, it could be devastating for Democrats. Among African-Americans, 16 percent approve of Trump, 10 percent are not sure, and 75 percent disapprove.

While that sounds highly negative, these are high positives for a Republican politician among black Americans. Approval of 16 percent is 8 points higher than the 8 percent of black voter support Trump received on election day 2016, and 9 points higher than the black vote Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney received in 2012. The ā€œNot Sureā€ at 10 percent is staggering, and the 75 percent ā€œdisapproveā€ rating is consistent with the low 70 percent aggregate found in any YouGov poll among this demographic.

The same poll, with their rounding, reported in January that Trump approval was at 10 percent among black Americans, 15 percent were not sure, and 74 percent disapproved, so the numbers are not only steady but improving in Trumpā€™s favor."

Talk to me about how meaningless polls are when someone is waving around the scads of polls telling us how Biden is going to win in a landslide, Punkin.

Next time your arrogant ass wants to play at "going easy", save it for someone who isn't prepared to stomp your butt into the ground.
Prepare to curl up in a corner and cry yourself to sleep.

You clearly are having a difficult time understanding English and never answered my challenges. All you are doing is pasting random articles that DO NOT SUPPORT your claim. Not a single article showed cratering support for democrats. Not a single one. Let me break it down simply for even you to understand.

From your first article: "The Democratic Party maintains an overwhelming share of black support". "Still, the president and Republican Party as a whole remain very unpopular with black voters, as 76 percent of them disapprove of the presidentā€˜s performance and nearly 80 percent support his removal from office." SEE. YOUR ARTICLE right there says DEMOCRATS maintain an overwhelming share of black support and republicans remain very unpopular. Overwhelming... Unpopular. Do you know what that means? It doesnt mean cratering support. In fact the whole article outlines the uphill climb republicans have gaining support. Read it. Please. Shall I go on??? Ok, I will.

From your second article: "Former Vice President Joe Biden excelled, getting 2/5th of the black vote." This was written before he locked up the vote way back before Biden cleaned up in Super Tuesday. Even back then this republican rag you cited gave Biden props on the black vote. How telling is it you post an article from way back then to support your claim of cratering support. How about a RECENT poll on Trumps approval rating among blacks?
View attachment 352455

From your third article: "Black folks are very, very clear about how they view the Democratic Party and how they view the Republican Party,ā€ says Wright Rigueur. "But that doesnā€™t mean another shift couldnā€™t occur", she says. ANOTHER article that basically comes straight out the opposite of what you say. It says Black Americans support the Democrats overwhelmingly but that maybe a shift could occur. OK..
View attachment 352456

From your fourth article. "While that sounds highly negative, these are high positives for a Republican politician among black Americans. Approval of 16 percent is 8 points higher than the 8 percent of black voter support Trump received on election day 2016...The same poll, with their rounding, reported in January that Trump approval was at 10 percent among black Americans..." I thought I was clear here. The polls before and after from the same company had no where near those numbers. How about the SAME COMPANY'S poll from THIS WEEK. I'll highlight the relevant data for you. Basically a 79% disapproval rating.
View attachment 352458

Jesus I kicked your ass. Are you ok? If you need help here is a hotline where you can talk to someone. National Helpline | SAMHSA - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Prepare to be disappointed, which I'm sure is a familiar feeling in your life. "Kicking ass" is not defined as "Post a really long bunch of meaningless shit to look important."

"Oh, look, I found a paragraph in your article that says blacks still support Democrats, so that lets me ignore everything else."

That pretty much says everything that needs to be said about your entire post: you decided what you were going to believe before you ever started, and you just pretended everything else didn't exist. No need to dignify that with any more time. Surrender accepted.

But I tell you what: You just go right on thinking you have the black community under your thumb and can can take them for granted forever. I'm pretty happy with not convincing you that all is not well on your Democrat plantation. You and your thought leaders should definitely continue to believe that you can get away with just throwing blacks a few meaningless panders here and there, and then go back to using them.
Youre right, I found confirmation in every article you posted that there is no erosion of black support among democrats. Nothing you posted amounted to demonstrating ā€œcrateringā€ support and you know it. Nothing. Half those articles didnā€™t even have data. The two that did, one was a blip in time not seen in any poll before or after, and the other had data but no voting intentions, just fractured support from the many candidates running. I destroyed your argument and in response you posted nonsense articles you clearly didnā€™t read, when I read them and explained them to you you stopped talking about the articles and started waving the hands in the air like a drowning man.
trump will be lucky to get 10 percent. The republican party will get no new black members until the current culture within the party changes.
The first Republican President said you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

And.....one more case of truth from Republicans:

"African-American Woman Confronts BLM Protesters in CHAZ: ā€˜Democrats Hate Black People.ā€™
ā€œFake news? You see, this is the thing. I know people donā€™t like Trump, but let me tell you something. If I had to pick between him and Joe Biden, Iā€™m not voting Joe Biden! You want to see a bunch of black people go to jail by the next four years? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens,ā€ she said.

ā€œYou want to see black men get killed substantially, like things youā€™ve never seen before? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens. These democrats and Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m not trying to be racist, these Democrats hate black people. These are the same Democrats who fought to keep slavery in.

ā€œItā€™s run by the same people who built the KKK. These are the same people who hated us from the beginning. The Republican Party is the party of the blacks. The Republican Party is the only party that the black people assisted in founding. But history and the truth has been torn away.

ā€œSo the same democrats who hated blacks from the beginning are the same ones who hate us now. And they use our causeā€¦ How did black lives matter turn into something about LGBTQ, when blacks donā€™t really support that. We are conservative. We are really not about that.

ā€œNot only that we donā€™t support abortion. We are workers. This is the black culture. We ainā€™t about that. We donā€™t support feminism. Black women matter to their husbands and they support their husbands. Thatā€™s what we are. We arenā€™t all ā€˜I do what I wantā€™ business. We donā€™t do that. Thatā€™s not our community. Yet these people are hijacking our movement. No!ā€

View attachment 350962

Concern yourself with asians who are getting beat up because of COVID19. You might be next

I'd beat you like a rented mule.

No little girl you wouldn't. I would spare you the broken face you would deserve for laying your hands on me by walking away since I am a man and beating up women is just not something I do.

I'd do physically the same as I do to you intellectually, you windbag.
The left is just using black people they tell us. So we should join the party that doesn't want us to vote.

Where did you get the idea conservatives don't want you to vote? They're trying to protect your vote. When illegal immigrants vote, the weight and value of your vote is diminished. Voter ID doesn't keep you from voting - unless you're a felon or criminal alien.. You aren't, are you?
The left is just using black people they tell us. So we should join the party that doesn't want us to vote.

Where did you get the idea conservatives don't want you to vote? They're trying to protect your vote. When illegal immigrants vote, the weight and value of your vote is diminished. Voter ID doesn't keep you from voting - unless you're a felon or criminal alien.. You aren't, are you?

Just one Republicanā€”Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvaniaā€”joined a united House Democratic caucus on Friday to pass what rights groups hailed as ā€œhistoricā€ legislation to restore and expand voter protections that were gutted by the Supreme Court in 2013.

The courts have ruled that the voter ID plans were pretty much a return to Jim Crow. Voter fraud has never been an issue. Illegal immigrants aren't voting and conservatives are not trying to protect my vote.
The left is just using black people they tell us. So we should join the party that doesn't want us to vote.

Where did you get the idea conservatives don't want you to vote? They're trying to protect your vote. When illegal immigrants vote, the weight and value of your vote is diminished. Voter ID doesn't keep you from voting - unless you're a felon or criminal alien.. You aren't, are you?

Just one Republicanā€”Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvaniaā€”joined a united House Democratic caucus on Friday to pass what rights groups hailed as ā€œhistoricā€ legislation to restore and expand voter protections that were gutted by the Supreme Court in 2013.

The courts have ruled that the voter ID plans were pretty much a return to Jim Crow. Voter fraud has never been an issue. Illegal immigrants aren't voting and conservatives are not trying to protect my vote.

You're wrong on all points. Voter ID is not a return to Jim Crow. Voter fraud is an issue. Criminal aliens are voting, and conservatives want to protect all votes. How can voter ID possibly prevent black Americans from voting?
The left is just using black people they tell us. So we should join the party that doesn't want us to vote.

Where did you get the idea conservatives don't want you to vote? They're trying to protect your vote. When illegal immigrants vote, the weight and value of your vote is diminished. Voter ID doesn't keep you from voting - unless you're a felon or criminal alien.. You aren't, are you?

Just one Republicanā€”Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvaniaā€”joined a united House Democratic caucus on Friday to pass what rights groups hailed as ā€œhistoricā€ legislation to restore and expand voter protections that were gutted by the Supreme Court in 2013.

The courts have ruled that the voter ID plans were pretty much a return to Jim Crow. Voter fraud has never been an issue. Illegal immigrants aren't voting and conservatives are not trying to protect my vote.

You're wrong on all points. Voter ID is not a return to Jim Crow. Voter fraud is an issue. Criminal aliens are voting, and conservatives want to protect all votes. How can voter ID possibly prevent black Americans from voting?

IM2 thinks all black people are too stupid, broke, and helpless to get ID because he is.

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