Who thinks 9/11 was an inside Job?

Who thinks 9/11 was an inside job?

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um, the 2nd guy claims a 757 cant fly faster than 360 mph
that is a complete LIE

Boeing 757-200 | Airliners.net
the 757 can fly at 914 k/h
that comes out to 1051.812 m/h based on the converter here
Metric Conversions: Knots to Miles Per Hour

so, that right there shows your guy is LYING

at crusing altitude..not low level flight....and especially at the altitudes required at the pentagon ...that guy.. is a commercial pilot of a 757 with 33 years of flight experience
um, the 2nd guy claims a 757 cant fly faster than 360 mph
that is a complete LIE

Boeing 757-200 | Airliners.net
the 757 can fly at 914 k/h
that comes out to 1051.812 m/h based on the converter here
Metric Conversions: Knots to Miles Per Hour

so, that right there shows your guy is LYING

at crusing altitude..not low level flight....and especially at the altitudes required at the pentagon ...that guy.. is a commercial pilot of a 757 with 33 years of flight experience
then he doesnt know the capabilities of the plane he flew
or he just out right LIED
Operational Limitations for 767

Please Note: The limitations data contained on these pages is applicable only to the Boeing 767-300 with Rolls Royce RB211 engines, unless otherwise stated.


Bird Impact Protection

From Sea Level to 8,000ft restrict airspeed to 313 kts* for Bird Impact Protection. Above 8,000ft, observe Vmo / Mmo pointer and overspeed warning.

*313 kts = 360 mph

Pentagon & Boeing 757 Ground Effect

In the aftermath of 9/11, I have heard many claims that a 757 could not possible have hit the Pentagon because the plane cannot fly so low to the ground at speeds of 500 mph or more. The primary reason given is that ground effect prevents this from happening. Is there any truth to this claim?
- question from Eric
I am researching Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon. The aircraft was a Boeing 757-200 traveling 345 mph according to the flight data recorder. Because of damage to light poles about 1500 feet from the building, the leading edge of the wing was about 15-18 feet off the ground at this location. The impact damage at the building is contained below the slab of the second floor, which is 14 feet high. Nothing hit the lawn prior to the building facade. How would ground effect have been overcome for this scenario?
- question from Russell Pickering
Your article on ground effect says that it comes into play at a height equivalent to the wingspan of the aircraft, or about 125 ft for a 757. If a 757 tried to fly at low altitude at 500 mph, wouldn't ground effect force it up to at least 125 ft? And if the pilot tried to force the nose down at that speed, wouldn't the aircraft become unstable? I don't think any pilot could control an aircraft like that and hit the Pentagon. No 757 could fly like that, especially the terrorist supposedly flying Flight 11 who was an unskilled amateur pilot yet magically flew with total perfection.
- question from S. R.
We have previously explored one of the most common questions about the attack on the Pentagon on 11 September 2001 in an article about engine wreckage photographed at the site. Another popular question raised by many who doubt the official story of what happened that day concerns the aerodynamic phenomenon known as ground effect.
Ground effect primarily affects the aerodynamic behavior of a conventional fixed-wing aircraft during landing. In order to understand what ground effect is and how it works, one must first understand the concept of trailing or tip vortices. A vortex is an energetic swirling mass of air or water like a tornado or whirlpool. All aircraft, and birds for that matter, generate vortices off their wingtips. These vortices form because of the difference in pressure that exists between the upper and lower surfaces of the wing.

Aerospaceweb.org | Ask Us - Pentagon & Boeing 757 Ground Effect
You are aware you retard, that the 360 miles per hour is a restriction to the PILOTS not of the air craft. It is designed to avoid or help with bird hits. As your post indicates.
You are aware you retard, that the 360 miles per hour is a restriction to the PILOTS not of the air craft. It is designed to avoid or help with bird hits. As your post indicates.
thanks, for pointing that out, so i didnt have to waste my time reading the whole thing
that's not the low level flying speed it is the cruising speed at altitude
and if it can go that speed at altitude, how much faster could it go when it was dropping down and has gravity working with it and not opposing it
and then, they werent even close to its top speed
they were at HALF of it
You are aware you retard, that the 360 miles per hour is a restriction to the PILOTS not of the air craft. It is designed to avoid or help with bird hits. As your post indicates.

there are two parts two the post.....and as he said in the video if you exceed it extremely loud alarms off...that the pilot said where so distracting that it made it extremely difficult for even experienced pilots to properly fly the craft ..never mind banked turns exceeding the operation limits of the plane

the other statement he made was that cruising speed and low level speed a very different due to ground effect these post confirm these two statements
that's not the low level flying speed it is the cruising speed at altitude
and if it can go that speed at altitude, how much faster could it go when it was dropping down and has gravity working with it and not opposing it
and then, they werent even close to its top speed
they were at HALF of it

well read the articles on ground effect..you will have your answer
You are aware you retard, that the 360 miles per hour is a restriction to the PILOTS not of the air craft. It is designed to avoid or help with bird hits. As your post indicates.

there are two parts two the post.....and as he said in the video if you exceed it extremely loud alarms off...that the pilot said where so distracting that it made it extremely difficult for even experienced pilots to properly fly the craft ..never mind banked turns exceeding the operation limits of the plane

the other statement he made was that cruising speed and low level speed a very different due to ground effect these post confirm these two statements

Ya cause terrorists intent on DIEING by slamming the plane into a building care about loud alarms.
Ground effect in aircraft
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Antonov An-2 converted into a wing in ground effect vehicle.Aircraft may be affected by a number of ground effects, aerodynamic effects due to a flying body's proximity to the ground.

One of the most important of these effects is the Wing In Ground effect, which refers to the reduction in drag experienced by an aircraft as it approaches a height approximately equal to the aircraft's wingspan above ground or other level surface, such as the sea. The effect increases as the wing descends closer to the ground, with the most significant effects occurring at an altitude of one half the wingspan. It can present a hazard for inexperienced pilots who are not accustomed to correcting for it on their approach to landing, but it has also been used to effectively enhance the performance of certain kinds of aircraft whose planform has been adapted to take advantage of it, such as the Russian ekranoplans. The first to give scientific description of the ground effect and to provide theoretical methods of calculation of air cushion vehicles was Konstantin Tsiolkovsky in his 1927 paper "Air Resistance and the Express Train".[1][2]
Ground effect in aircraft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Thursday October 28, 1993 Page A1

"Tapes Depict Proposal to Thwart
Bomb Used in Trade Center Blast"

By Ralph Blumenthal

Law-enforcement officials were told that terrorists were building a bomb that was eventually used to blow up the World Trade Center, and they planned to thwart the plotters by secretly substituting harmless powder for the explosives, an informer said after the blast.

The informer was to have helped the plotters build the bomb and supply the fake powder, but the plan was called off by an F.B.I. supervisor who had other ideas about how the informer, Emad Salem, should be used, the informer said.

The account, which is given in the transcript of hundreds of hours of tape recordings that Mr. Salem secretly made of his talks with law-enforcement agents, portrays the authorities as being in a far better position than previously known to foil the February 26th bombing of New York City's tallest towers.

The explosion left six people dead,

The FBI Allowed the 1993 WTC Bombing to Happen
Hi Retired:

Ya cause terrorists intent on DIEING by slamming the plane into a building care about loud alarms.

What Terrorists? Do you mean Senor Bush and Karl Rove and Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld? This is ridiculous!


Retired Guy is trying to say that a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed into this standing E-ring wall! :cuckoo:



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