Why America is done

Cause, and effect. Half of this country disagrees with your optimism. Mock it, or ignore it at your own peril.

Half this country does not believe we're about to collapse, fall into a civil war, and no longer love this country. Nor is half this country triggered by love of country, or EMPLOYMENT. Nor do 'half this country' insist that Putin nuking our capitol would be 'good news'.

This is a special hatred of America that is afflicts the hard right. Their worldview is a nightmare of resentment, seething anger, entitlement and grievance. They are committed to the collapse of America.

We're literally having a conversation in a thread called 'Why America is Done'.

Why would any rational person choose to be lead by people like this?
Resiliency and strength?

Every single day I go to work I teach approx 150 elementary children. Every DAY.

For 30 years.

Through chronic illness, and raising two children away from extended family.

So honey. Please.

And how has it left you, Sue? You hate this country. You hate its people. You hate our culture, you hate our music, you hate almost everything about us.

Conservatism hasn't served you.
Half this country does not believe we're about to collapse, fall into a civil war, and no longer love this country. Nor is half this country triggered by love of country, or EMPLOYMENT. Nor do 'half this country' insist that Putin nuking our capitol would be 'good news'.

This is a special hatred of America that is afflicts the hard right. Their worldview is a nightmare of resentment, seething anger, entitlement and grievance. They are committed to the collapse of America.

Why would any rational person choose to be lead by people like this?
I see you've made your choice...
This is an ugly example of what that ideology has done -- and more to the point, what the people who push the ideology have done to the people who follow it.

One of Trump's draws is that he is a fabulist. He communicates almost exclusively in hyperbole. Virtually everything is always the biggest, the best, no one has ever seen anything like it, he's the best ever, no one knows more than he does, etc. etc. Well, that's very similar to the hyperbole with which right wing media communicates. Commies, evil, Hitler, tyranny. No nuance, no complexity. In fact, they attack nuance and complexity. So since the day he came down the escalator, his communication style has matched theirs perfectly.

The problem, and the danger, here is that they don't seem to understand that it's hyperbole, that it's fabulism. Everything is all or nothing, one or the other, good or evil. It's not hyperbole to them, it's reality. That's one of the primary reasons it can be so difficult to communicate with them.

Also Mac, spouting hyperbole:

And how has it left you, Sue? You hate this country. You hate its people. You hate our culture, you hate our music, you hate almost everything about us.

Conservatism hasn't served you.

No dear, you know this is not true. I hate WHAT YOUR IDEOLOGY has done to our culture, music, and people.

And I won't cover it up for you. Or dance on its ashes.
I see you've made your choice...

I've made my choice to work toward the success of our nation and invest in its strength and resiliency.
Rather than emotionally commit to the nightmare worldview of the hard right....expressed elegantly by the title of this thread.

I want people to lead us that are committed to our success, our growth, our strength. Not convinced of and committed to our collapse.
I've made my choice to work toward the success of our nation and invest in its strength and resiliency.
Rather than emotionally commit to the nightmare worldview of the hard right....expressed elegantly by the title of this thread.

I want people to lead us that are committed to our success, our growth, our strength. Not convinced of and committed to our collapse.

Irrational, as shown in the OP.

60% of this nation just wants more handouts. Now. How is that "committed to our growth"? Are you going to tell them that this is just going to exacerbate inflation? Or just surround yourself with your successful friends and the hoi polloi can do what they do in the shadows?
An individual example vs. a 24/7 lifestyle. Typical.

I'm not trying to convince you of anything. But your behaviors towards me confirm my opinions. For that, I am appreciative.


You spouting emotive hyperbole here about "Trumpists" IS your "behavior" Mac. Do a search on yourself on Trump and see what you come up with.

Are you so little self-aware or is this some kind of put on?
I've made my choice to work toward the success of our nation and invest in its strength and resiliency.
Rather than emotionally commit to the nightmare worldview of the hard right....expressed elegantly by the title of this thread.

I want people to lead us that are committed to our success, our growth, our strength. Not convinced of and committed to our collapse.
I almost envy your naive outlook. However as an adult I've had to put aside childish things, and childish ways. And in doing so, I realize that your idea of what constitutes success, growth, and strength; differ greatly from mine. Yet... Here we are. Still occupying the same country. I'm not going anywhere. And I'm not likely to change my mind. So... Now what? What to do when half the country disagrees with you..?
Irrational, as shown in the OP.

You've literally made my point for me. If I express any support for our nation, any belief in our strength and resiliency, any commitment to our growth....

.....you dismiss it all as irrational. And double down on your wasteland worldview of collapse, implosion and woe. Why you hate this country, why you hate its people.

I love this country. And while you've given up, I haven't. You squat in the fetid prison of your commitment to collapse. And me and mine will continue to work toward the success of our nation.

For for you too

You spouting emotive hyperbole here about "Trumpists" IS your "behavior" Mac. Do a search on yourself on Trump and see what you come up with.

Are you so little self-aware or is this some kind of put on?
Do you think you could get all your bitching about me out in one post?

One big extravaganza. Really let me have it. Let it all out.

Because I don't give two shits about you, or your opinion of me, and you're boring. How in the world do you not know that?

One big, fat one. Go ahead. Let it all out.
You've literally made my point for me. If I express any support for our nation, any belief in our strength and resiliency, any commitment to our growth....

.....you dismiss it all as irrational. And double down on your wasteland worldview of collapse, implosion and woe. Why you hate this country, why you hate its people.

I love this country. And while you've given up, I haven't. You squat in the fetid prison of your commitment to collapse. And me and mine will continue to work toward the success of our nation.

For for you too

You, "Love this fire. Isn't this a great fire? Don't you love it? My ideology set it, but now I demand you love all that it's accomplished and doing."

Do you think you could get all your bitching about me out in one post?

One big extravaganza. Really let me have it. Let it all out.

Because I don't give two shits about you, or your opinion of me, and you're boring. How in the world do you not know that?

One big, fat one. Go ahead. Let it all out.

Mac: "All Trumpists do is hate what they hate!!"

Also Mac: "I hate Trumpists!"

All the while you claim to be examining people's "behavior"
I almost envy your naive outlook. However as an adult I've had to put aside childish things, and childish ways. And in doing so, I realize that your idea of what constitutes success, growth, and strength; differ greatly from mine. Yet... Here we are. Still occupying the same country. I'm not going anywhere. And I'm not likely to change my mind. So... Now what? What to do when half the country disagrees with you..?

Embracing the nihilism of the hard right isn't acting as an adult. Its giving up. You've committed to collapse, you've embraced a worldview of decay, decline and one without hope. You have embraced the bleakest view, the most limiting, the least resilient.

I don't have disdain for people like you. I feel a genuine compassion and pity. The worldview you've shackled yourself with, the defeat you've draped over your shoulders like a mantle.......its heart breaking.

While I wish you would abandon your wasteland worldview and embrace the greatness of this nation and her people......my worldview doesn't need you to change your mind.

We'll lead. We'll be productive. And we'll commit to the resiliency and strength of this nation....while you see only ashes.

You've made your choice.
You, "Love this fire. Isn't this a great fire? Don't you love it? My ideology set it, but now I demand you love all that it's accomplished and doing."

Look Sue. If you make the suggestion that we should put some gas in the bus so we don't run out, or that we should start turning right because there is a curve ahead; you don't love the bus. In fact you hate the bus. (Summoning my inner Skylar...)
Embracing the nihilism of the hard right isn't acting as an adult. Its giving up. You've committed to collapse, you've embraced a worldview of decay, decline and one without hope. You have embraced the bleakest view, the most limiting, the least resilient.

I don't have disdain for people like you. I feel a genuine compassion and pity. The worldview you've shackled yourself with, the defeat you've draped over your shoulders like a mantle.......its heart breaking.

While I wish you would abandon your wasteland worldview and embrace the greatness of this nation and her people......my worldview doesn't need you to change your mind.

We'll lead. We'll be productive. And we'll commit to the resiliency and strength of this nation....while you see only ashes.

You've made your choice.
"You've committed to collapse, you've embraced a worldview of decay, decline and one without hope. You have embraced the bleakest view, the most limiting, the least resilient."

Have I now? When did this happen, and why am I only hearing about it now?
Do you think you could get all your bitching about me out in one post?

One big extravaganza. Really let me have it. Let it all out.

Because I don't give two shits about you, or your opinion of me, and you're boring. How in the world do you not know that?

One big, fat one. Go ahead. Let it all out.

To add to my last post Mac, we are all in the mud pit, wrestling over consequential things and sometimes, not. You are right in there. And at least on the daily you get out, dripping with mud, and point fingers at all the muddy and say, "look at all these terrible muddy people! Thank God I'm not like THEM!"

Yes you are Mac. You were just in the pit with us. We can all see it; you can't.

Peculiar. Huh?
To add to my last post Mac, we are all in the mud pit, wrestling over consequential things and sometimes, not. You are right in there. And at least on the daily you get out, dripping with mud, and point fingers at all the muddy and say, "look at all these terrible muddy people! Thank God I'm not like THEM!"

Yes you are Mac. You were just in the pit with us. We can all see it; you can't.

Peculiar. Huh?

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