Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Great societies......yes. Great governments.......no.

But without a great govt, you aren't going to have that great society.

Wrong. The less government you have, the better society you have.

So... Somalia? You think Somalia has a better society?

What makes a better society exactly? Certainly I've been places where govt made society better, and I've been places with less government that weren't better for it.

What makes society better are people helping people out---not government helping people out. When government helps people out, it becomes political and expensive like Commie Care. People become entitled and dependent on government.

Then when you even suggest that we get rid of some of that government, people make idiotic comparisons like to slavery, 14 hour days in sweat shops, and Somalia. To those people, even the slightest reduction in government is the end of the Fn world.

The problem is, will people help out of their own accord? No, in the modern society every person becomes an island and ignores the rest. So how do you get people to help others out?

Yes, I agree with dependency. That's why I'm talking about education a lot. The problem is that the right who want people to not be dependent, are not willing to put in the effort to change the country onto the right course. If you leave things as they are at the moment, nothing will change.

Were you talking about getting rid of some of the govt? Seems to me you were talking about getting rid of all of it. If you come out with vague sentences that appear to say what you don't want to say, don't blame me for my response not being to your liking.
When an economy is good and jobs are plenty, people will be very charitable. When things get tough and rumors are flying that you might lose your job at work....charity is one of the first things to be cut back
After all...charity begins at home
Great societies......yes. Great governments.......no.

But without a great govt, you aren't going to have that great society.

Wrong. The less government you have, the better society you have.

So... Somalia? You think Somalia has a better society?

What makes a better society exactly? Certainly I've been places where govt made society better, and I've been places with less government that weren't better for it.

What makes society better are people helping people out---not government helping people out. When government helps people out, it becomes political and expensive like Commie Care. People become entitled and dependent on government.

Then when you even suggest that we get rid of some of that government, people make idiotic comparisons like to slavery, 14 hour days in sweat shops, and Somalia. To those people, even the slightest reduction in government is the end of the Fn world.
People helping people out works when you have a small community and a family loses their house to a fire. Everyone chips in to help them

What happens when an entire community loses all its jobs? What happens when a hurricane wipes out one third of a state? Passing the hat does not work
Private charities spend a good portion of their resources just on fund raising. Government has a steady flow of revenue with funds budgeted to help the needy
Why don't people become dependent on private charities? Government offers job training, educational benefits, small business loans to help people out of poverty......charities don't
The problem is the federal government always has the fine print… You know threads attached.
Great societies......yes. Great governments.......no.

But without a great govt, you aren't going to have that great society.

Wrong. The less government you have, the better society you have.

So... Somalia? You think Somalia has a better society?

What makes a better society exactly? Certainly I've been places where govt made society better, and I've been places with less government that weren't better for it.

What makes society better are people helping people out---not government helping people out. When government helps people out, it becomes political and expensive like Commie Care. People become entitled and dependent on government.

Then when you even suggest that we get rid of some of that government, people make idiotic comparisons like to slavery, 14 hour days in sweat shops, and Somalia. To those people, even the slightest reduction in government is the end of the Fn world.
People helping people out works when you have a small community and a family loses their house to a fire. Everyone chips in to help them

What happens when an entire community loses all its jobs? What happens when a hurricane wipes out one third of a state? Passing the hat does not work
Private charities spend a good portion of their resources just on fund raising. Government has a steady flow of revenue with funds budgeted to help the needy
Why don't people become dependent on private charities? Government offers job training, educational benefits, small business loans to help people out of poverty......charities don't
Private charities rely on volunteers and donations to raise funds.
The Republicans do not hate the poor......but they need them

Can't have middle class outrage against the rich
But the poor make a great scapegoat........the middle class suffers because some poor guy has a cell phone

Let's remember.....the Democrats both create the poor.....and maintain that poverty.

I see that today isn't the day you think before you post.
Republicans have propped up the wealthy since Reagan trickle down

Break the unions, reduce competition, hold back wages
A scared workforce is not in a position to demand more pay

Then, blame the poor because workers are struggling
Not to mention most expensive college costs, training programs and loans ever. Great job. And letting infrastructure go for 35 years now. We may be a banana republic any day now...

"Not to mention most expensive college costs, training programs and loans ever."

Every one due to Liberal/Democrat policies.
What Conservative Republican policies have helped cut college costs, provided low cost training or loans?
But without a great govt, you aren't going to have that great society.

Wrong. The less government you have, the better society you have.

So... Somalia? You think Somalia has a better society?

What makes a better society exactly? Certainly I've been places where govt made society better, and I've been places with less government that weren't better for it.

What makes society better are people helping people out---not government helping people out. When government helps people out, it becomes political and expensive like Commie Care. People become entitled and dependent on government.

Then when you even suggest that we get rid of some of that government, people make idiotic comparisons like to slavery, 14 hour days in sweat shops, and Somalia. To those people, even the slightest reduction in government is the end of the Fn world.
People helping people out works when you have a small community and a family loses their house to a fire. Everyone chips in to help them

What happens when an entire community loses all its jobs? What happens when a hurricane wipes out one third of a state? Passing the hat does not work
Private charities spend a good portion of their resources just on fund raising. Government has a steady flow of revenue with funds budgeted to help the needy
Why don't people become dependent on private charities? Government offers job training, educational benefits, small business loans to help people out of poverty......charities don't
The problem is the federal government always has the fine print… You know threads attached.
Charities don't?
They have their own beurocracy and overheads to deal with
But without a great govt, you aren't going to have that great society.

Wrong. The less government you have, the better society you have.

So... Somalia? You think Somalia has a better society?

What makes a better society exactly? Certainly I've been places where govt made society better, and I've been places with less government that weren't better for it.

What makes society better are people helping people out---not government helping people out. When government helps people out, it becomes political and expensive like Commie Care. People become entitled and dependent on government.

Then when you even suggest that we get rid of some of that government, people make idiotic comparisons like to slavery, 14 hour days in sweat shops, and Somalia. To those people, even the slightest reduction in government is the end of the Fn world.
People helping people out works when you have a small community and a family loses their house to a fire. Everyone chips in to help them

What happens when an entire community loses all its jobs? What happens when a hurricane wipes out one third of a state? Passing the hat does not work
Private charities spend a good portion of their resources just on fund raising. Government has a steady flow of revenue with funds budgeted to help the needy
Why don't people become dependent on private charities? Government offers job training, educational benefits, small business loans to help people out of poverty......charities don't
Private charities rely on volunteers and donations to raise funds.

They also have highly paid executives who make more than government executives. Those donations do not come free. They hire people to fund raise, they pay for advertising
Great societies......yes. Great governments.......no.

But without a great govt, you aren't going to have that great society.

Wrong. The less government you have, the better society you have.

So... Somalia? You think Somalia has a better society?

What makes a better society exactly? Certainly I've been places where govt made society better, and I've been places with less government that weren't better for it.

What makes society better are people helping people out---not government helping people out. When government helps people out, it becomes political and expensive like Commie Care. People become entitled and dependent on government.

Then when you even suggest that we get rid of some of that government, people make idiotic comparisons like to slavery, 14 hour days in sweat shops, and Somalia. To those people, even the slightest reduction in government is the end of the Fn world.
People helping people out works when you have a small community and a family loses their house to a fire. Everyone chips in to help them

What happens when an entire community loses all its jobs? What happens when a hurricane wipes out one third of a state? Passing the hat does not work
Private charities spend a good portion of their resources just on fund raising. Government has a steady flow of revenue with funds budgeted to help the needy
Why don't people become dependent on private charities? Government offers job training, educational benefits, small business loans to help people out of poverty......charities don't

"What happens when an entire community loses all its jobs? What happens when a hurricane wipes out one third of a state? Passing the hat does not work."

  1. "We usually hear about charity in the media when there is a terrible disaster. For example, after Hurricane Katrina, we heard about the incredible outpouring of private generosity that amounted to $6 billion. What gets less attention is that Americans routinely give that much to charity every week. Last year Americans gave $300 billion to charity. To put this into perspective, that is almost twice what we spent on consumer electronics equipment—equipment including cell phones, iPods and DVD players. Americans gave three times as much to charity last year as we spent on gambling and ten times as much as we spent on professional sports. America is by far the most charitable country in the world. There is no other country that comes close."

Liberals talk a good game....but pinch their pennies like Scrooge.
1."'Tis the season for giving—and it turns out that conservatives and like-minded welfare skeptics more than hold their own when it comes to charity. So says Arthur C. Brooks in his new book Who Really Cares?: The Surprising Truth About Compassionate Conservatism.

2. Brooks, a public policy professor at Syracuse University, sums up his own results thusly: Giving is dictated by "strong families, church attendance, earned income (as opposed to state-subsidized income), and the belief that individuals, not government, offer the best solution to social ills--all of these factors determine how likely one is to give."

3. ...those who say they strongly oppose redistribution by government to remedy income inequality give over 10 times more to charity than those who strongly support government intervention, with a difference of $1,627 annually versus $140 to all causes.

4. Brooks finds that households with a conservative at the helm gave an average of 30 percent more money to charity in 2000 than liberal households (a difference of $1,600 to $1,227). The difference isn't explained by income differential—in fact, liberal households make about 6 percent more per year.

5. Poor, rich, and middle class conservatives all gave more than their liberal counterparts. ... "People who do not value freedom and opportunity simply don't value individual solutions to social problems very much. It creates a culture of not giving."

6. In 2004, self-described liberals younger than thirty belonged to one-third fewer organizations in their communities than young conservatives. In 2002, they were 12 percent less likely to give money to charities, and one-third less likely to give blood." Liberals, he says, give less than conservatives because of religion, attitudes about government, structure of families, and earned income.

7. ...young liberals are less likely do nice things for their nearest and dearest, too. Compared with young conservatives, "a lower percentage said they would prefer to suffer than let a loved one suffer, that they are not happy unless the loved one is happy, or that they would sacrifice their own wishes for those they love."

8. "Tangible evidence suggests that charitable giving makes people prosperous, healthy, and happy. And that on its own is a huge argument to protect institutions of giving in this country, as individuals, in communities, and as a nation. We simply do best, as a nation, when people are free and they freely give."

"There's something incredibly satisfying, inherently, about voluntary giving,"...
The Giving Gap
Wrong. The less government you have, the better society you have.

So... Somalia? You think Somalia has a better society?

What makes a better society exactly? Certainly I've been places where govt made society better, and I've been places with less government that weren't better for it.

What makes society better are people helping people out---not government helping people out. When government helps people out, it becomes political and expensive like Commie Care. People become entitled and dependent on government.

Then when you even suggest that we get rid of some of that government, people make idiotic comparisons like to slavery, 14 hour days in sweat shops, and Somalia. To those people, even the slightest reduction in government is the end of the Fn world.
People helping people out works when you have a small community and a family loses their house to a fire. Everyone chips in to help them

What happens when an entire community loses all its jobs? What happens when a hurricane wipes out one third of a state? Passing the hat does not work
Private charities spend a good portion of their resources just on fund raising. Government has a steady flow of revenue with funds budgeted to help the needy
Why don't people become dependent on private charities? Government offers job training, educational benefits, small business loans to help people out of poverty......charities don't
The problem is the federal government always has the fine print… You know threads attached.
Charities don't?
They have their own beurocracy and overheads to deal with
Yes, most charity's are corrupt.
But the federal government is always corrupt...
The Republicans do not hate the poor......but they need them

Can't have middle class outrage against the rich
But the poor make a great scapegoat........the middle class suffers because some poor guy has a cell phone

Let's remember.....the Democrats both create the poor.....and maintain that poverty.

I see that today isn't the day you think before you post.
Republicans have propped up the wealthy since Reagan trickle down

Break the unions, reduce competition, hold back wages
A scared workforce is not in a position to demand more pay

Then, blame the poor because workers are struggling
Not to mention most expensive college costs, training programs and loans ever. Great job. And letting infrastructure go for 35 years now. We may be a banana republic any day now...
A scared, hungry worker is not in a position to negotiate better wages

Republican paradise

"Union membership has plummeted in the U.S., from nearly one-third of workers 50 years ago to one in 10 American workers today."
The incredible decline of American unions, in one animated map

You Bolsheviks want to FORCE the workers of the world into unions when they don't want to be in them?
Reagan's vision from 30 years ago has come to fruition
Bust the unions and force people to bargain individually
That is why job security, wages and benefits have disappeared
The Republicans do not hate the poor......but they need them

Can't have middle class outrage against the rich
But the poor make a great scapegoat........the middle class suffers because some poor guy has a cell phone

Let's remember.....the Democrats both create the poor.....and maintain that poverty.

I see that today isn't the day you think before you post.
Republicans have propped up the wealthy since Reagan trickle down

Break the unions, reduce competition, hold back wages
A scared workforce is not in a position to demand more pay

Then, blame the poor because workers are struggling
Not to mention most expensive college costs, training programs and loans ever. Great job. And letting infrastructure go for 35 years now. We may be a banana republic any day now...

"Not to mention most expensive college costs, training programs and loans ever."

Every one due to Liberal/Democrat policies.
What Conservative Republican policies have helped cut college costs, provided low cost training or loans?

Opposition to increasing college loans.

Federal loans to college students is the reason for increased college fees.

That's Economics 101
Let's remember.....the Democrats both create the poor.....and maintain that poverty.

I see that today isn't the day you think before you post.
Republicans have propped up the wealthy since Reagan trickle down

Break the unions, reduce competition, hold back wages
A scared workforce is not in a position to demand more pay

Then, blame the poor because workers are struggling
Not to mention most expensive college costs, training programs and loans ever. Great job. And letting infrastructure go for 35 years now. We may be a banana republic any day now...
A scared, hungry worker is not in a position to negotiate better wages

Republican paradise

"Union membership has plummeted in the U.S., from nearly one-third of workers 50 years ago to one in 10 American workers today."
The incredible decline of American unions, in one animated map

You Bolsheviks want to FORCE the workers of the world into unions when they don't want to be in them?
Reagan's vision from 30 years ago has come to fruition
Bust the unions and force people to bargain individually
That is why job security, wages and benefits have disappeared

Reagan had nothing to do with it. Again, the American consumer will not support unions and overpaying jobs. It's just not happening anymore.
Let's remember.....the Democrats both create the poor.....and maintain that poverty.

I see that today isn't the day you think before you post.
Republicans have propped up the wealthy since Reagan trickle down

Break the unions, reduce competition, hold back wages
A scared workforce is not in a position to demand more pay

Then, blame the poor because workers are struggling
Not to mention most expensive college costs, training programs and loans ever. Great job. And letting infrastructure go for 35 years now. We may be a banana republic any day now...
A scared, hungry worker is not in a position to negotiate better wages

Republican paradise

"Union membership has plummeted in the U.S., from nearly one-third of workers 50 years ago to one in 10 American workers today."
The incredible decline of American unions, in one animated map

You Bolsheviks want to FORCE the workers of the world into unions when they don't want to be in them?
Reagan's vision from 30 years ago has come to fruition
Bust the unions and force people to bargain individually
That is why job security, wages and benefits have disappeared

You don't know anything but the DNC's talking points, do you.

Facts for you to learn:

The tax cuts of the Economic Recovery Act of 1981 stimulated economic growth. “As a 1982 JEC study pointed out,[1] similar across-the-board tax cuts had been implemented in the 1920s as the Mellon tax cuts, and in the 1960s as the Kennedy tax cuts. In both cases the reduction of high marginal tax rates actually increased tax payments by "the rich," also increasing their share of total individual income taxes paid.” http://www.house.gov/jec/fiscal/tx-grwth/reagtxct/reagtxct.htm

“As inflation came down and as more and more of the tax cuts from the 1981 Act went into effect, the economic began a strong and sustained pattern of growth.” http://www.ustreas.gov/education/fact-sheets/taxes/ustax.shtml

  1. The benefits from Reaganomics:
    1. The economy grew at a 3.4% average rate…compared with 2.9% for the previous eight years, and 2.7% for the next eight.(Table B-4)
    2. Inflation rate dropped from 12.5% to 4.4%. (Table B-63)
    3. Unemployment fell to 5.5% from 7.1% (Table B-35)
    4. Prime interest rate fell by one-third.(Table B-73)
    5. The S & P 500 jumped 124% (Table B-95) http://www.gpoaccess.gov/eop/tables10.html
    6. Charitable contributions rose 57% faster than inflation. Dinesh D’Souza, “Ronald Reagan: How an Ordinary May Became an Extraordinary Leader,” p. 116
b. and c. Kiva Lending Team: Team Ron Paul, Hulk Hogan, Jesus of Nazareth, Chuck Norris, Ronald Reagan, John Wayne, Thomas Jefferson, Alex Jones, Peyton Manning, The Tuskegee Airmen, Schiff, REAL Americans, and George W. Bush | Kiva

"While the ranks of the wealthy quickly multiplied, middle-class investors also entered the stock market in rapidly growing numbers. The creation by Congress in 1978 of the 401(k) tax-deferred retirement plan provided new incentives for workers to invest their savings in the stock market (often through mutual funds) rather than relying on company-funded pensions for retirement. The 401(k) led to a kind of democratization of Wall Street, as the percentage of American households owning some stake in the stock market—either directly or through mutual funds—shot quickly from 15.9% in 1983 to 29.6% in 1989.23 Thus the great bull market of the 1980s created more wealth, for more American families, than any previous boom in history."

Investment Company Institute, "Equity Ownership in America, 2005," http://www.ici.org/pdf/rpt_05_equity_owners.pdf,

The Reagan Era Learning Guide: Citations

Let's compare the above to Obama's record of complete and abysmal failure.
That would be your record, too.
Last edited:
Republicans have propped up the wealthy since Reagan trickle down

Break the unions, reduce competition, hold back wages
A scared workforce is not in a position to demand more pay

Then, blame the poor because workers are struggling
Not to mention most expensive college costs, training programs and loans ever. Great job. And letting infrastructure go for 35 years now. We may be a banana republic any day now...
A scared, hungry worker is not in a position to negotiate better wages

Republican paradise

"Union membership has plummeted in the U.S., from nearly one-third of workers 50 years ago to one in 10 American workers today."
The incredible decline of American unions, in one animated map

You Bolsheviks want to FORCE the workers of the world into unions when they don't want to be in them?
Reagan's vision from 30 years ago has come to fruition
Bust the unions and force people to bargain individually
That is why job security, wages and benefits have disappeared

Reagan had nothing to do with it. Again, the American consumer will not support unions and overpaying jobs. It's just not happening anymore.

Turns out that the American worker doesn't support unions, either.
They served their purpose in an long gone era, and now they are simply an arm of the Leftist Democrat Party.
Let's remember.....the Democrats both create the poor.....and maintain that poverty.

I see that today isn't the day you think before you post.
Republicans have propped up the wealthy since Reagan trickle down

Break the unions, reduce competition, hold back wages
A scared workforce is not in a position to demand more pay

Then, blame the poor because workers are struggling
Not to mention most expensive college costs, training programs and loans ever. Great job. And letting infrastructure go for 35 years now. We may be a banana republic any day now...
A scared, hungry worker is not in a position to negotiate better wages

Republican paradise

"Union membership has plummeted in the U.S., from nearly one-third of workers 50 years ago to one in 10 American workers today."
The incredible decline of American unions, in one animated map

You Bolsheviks want to FORCE the workers of the world into unions when they don't want to be in them?
Reagan's vision from 30 years ago has come to fruition
Bust the unions and force people to bargain individually
That is why job security, wages and benefits have disappeared
We are not all in this together, it does not take a fucking Village, there does not need to be a safe space on every corner for snowflakes. Getting along is way overrated
Let's remember.....the Democrats both create the poor.....and maintain that poverty.

I see that today isn't the day you think before you post.
Republicans have propped up the wealthy since Reagan trickle down

Break the unions, reduce competition, hold back wages
A scared workforce is not in a position to demand more pay

Then, blame the poor because workers are struggling
Not to mention most expensive college costs, training programs and loans ever. Great job. And letting infrastructure go for 35 years now. We may be a banana republic any day now...

"Not to mention most expensive college costs, training programs and loans ever."

Every one due to Liberal/Democrat policies.
What Conservative Republican policies have helped cut college costs, provided low cost training or loans?

Opposition to increasing college loans.

Federal loans to college students is the reason for increased college fees.

That's Economics 101

Now you are talking.......College for the affluent
A Republican ideal
Republicans have propped up the wealthy since Reagan trickle down

Break the unions, reduce competition, hold back wages
A scared workforce is not in a position to demand more pay

Then, blame the poor because workers are struggling
Not to mention most expensive college costs, training programs and loans ever. Great job. And letting infrastructure go for 35 years now. We may be a banana republic any day now...
A scared, hungry worker is not in a position to negotiate better wages

Republican paradise

"Union membership has plummeted in the U.S., from nearly one-third of workers 50 years ago to one in 10 American workers today."
The incredible decline of American unions, in one animated map

You Bolsheviks want to FORCE the workers of the world into unions when they don't want to be in them?
Reagan's vision from 30 years ago has come to fruition
Bust the unions and force people to bargain individually
That is why job security, wages and benefits have disappeared
We are not all in this together, it does not take a fucking Village, there does not need to be a safe space on every corner for snowflakes. Getting along is way overrated
I got mine....fuck everyone else

A concept the Republican Party was built on
Wrong. The less government you have, the better society you have.

So... Somalia? You think Somalia has a better society?

What makes a better society exactly? Certainly I've been places where govt made society better, and I've been places with less government that weren't better for it.

What makes society better are people helping people out---not government helping people out. When government helps people out, it becomes political and expensive like Commie Care. People become entitled and dependent on government.

Then when you even suggest that we get rid of some of that government, people make idiotic comparisons like to slavery, 14 hour days in sweat shops, and Somalia. To those people, even the slightest reduction in government is the end of the Fn world.
People helping people out works when you have a small community and a family loses their house to a fire. Everyone chips in to help them

What happens when an entire community loses all its jobs? What happens when a hurricane wipes out one third of a state? Passing the hat does not work
Private charities spend a good portion of their resources just on fund raising. Government has a steady flow of revenue with funds budgeted to help the needy
Why don't people become dependent on private charities? Government offers job training, educational benefits, small business loans to help people out of poverty......charities don't
Private charities rely on volunteers and donations to raise funds.

They also have highly paid executives who make more than government executives. Those donations do not come free. They hire people to fund raise, they pay for advertising
I volunteer for United Way...I know how they fundraise. The majority of volunteers come from their corporate partners. They do not hire them. They have fundraising campaigns same time every year...volunteers not only donate their time...they also donate all incentives such as silent auction prizes and anything sold to benefit the charity. Corporate partners also give all their employees incentives to donate via payroll deduction i.e...extra PTO days, casual days, VIP parking for a year etc... they also match contributions dollar for dollar.
Last edited:
Republicans have propped up the wealthy since Reagan trickle down

Break the unions, reduce competition, hold back wages
A scared workforce is not in a position to demand more pay

Then, blame the poor because workers are struggling
Not to mention most expensive college costs, training programs and loans ever. Great job. And letting infrastructure go for 35 years now. We may be a banana republic any day now...

"Not to mention most expensive college costs, training programs and loans ever."

Every one due to Liberal/Democrat policies.
What Conservative Republican policies have helped cut college costs, provided low cost training or loans?

Opposition to increasing college loans.

Federal loans to college students is the reason for increased college fees.

That's Economics 101

Now you are talking.......College for the affluent
A Republican ideal

How's that Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College degree workin' out for you?
Not to mention most expensive college costs, training programs and loans ever. Great job. And letting infrastructure go for 35 years now. We may be a banana republic any day now...
A scared, hungry worker is not in a position to negotiate better wages

Republican paradise

"Union membership has plummeted in the U.S., from nearly one-third of workers 50 years ago to one in 10 American workers today."
The incredible decline of American unions, in one animated map

You Bolsheviks want to FORCE the workers of the world into unions when they don't want to be in them?
Reagan's vision from 30 years ago has come to fruition
Bust the unions and force people to bargain individually
That is why job security, wages and benefits have disappeared
We are not all in this together, it does not take a fucking Village, there does not need to be a safe space on every corner for snowflakes. Getting along is way overrated
I got mine....fuck everyone else

A concept the Republican Party was built on
Life is not about the collective…
Not to mention most expensive college costs, training programs and loans ever. Great job. And letting infrastructure go for 35 years now. We may be a banana republic any day now...
A scared, hungry worker is not in a position to negotiate better wages

Republican paradise

"Union membership has plummeted in the U.S., from nearly one-third of workers 50 years ago to one in 10 American workers today."
The incredible decline of American unions, in one animated map

You Bolsheviks want to FORCE the workers of the world into unions when they don't want to be in them?
Reagan's vision from 30 years ago has come to fruition
Bust the unions and force people to bargain individually
That is why job security, wages and benefits have disappeared
We are not all in this together, it does not take a fucking Village, there does not need to be a safe space on every corner for snowflakes. Getting along is way overrated
I got mine....fuck everyone else

A concept the Republican Party was built on
Sounds more like Democrats. You know...the party that robs everone to make the government and politicians rich.

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