Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

The poor.....

They must need ever expanding socialism , tax dollars, govt programs , and bureaucrats to improve their lives.....

Its only ethical......... lol
its also very liberal and scientific!! After all, the poorer someone is the more kids we want them to have!! Reversing Darwin with multiple welfare entitlement programs is certainly the way to solve all our social problems!!
paid for by your precious bloated megarich brainwashers, dupe.

the mega rich already contribute more than their fair share with the products they make for us and the jobs they provide. The others should be taxed more as a penalty for their tiny contribution. Liberals are anti science and want to reverse evolution.
Maybe if GOPers weren't mainly racist brainwashed ignoramuses who don't care about social justice..

so stealing money from the rich at gunpoint is social justice???? How????
The rich are so bloated after 35 years of Reaganism it's ridiculous, dupe. The nonrich NOT. Duh.
so the lib Nazi decides they are bloated and puts a gun to their heads to steal their money because they don't really need it?? Why is liberalism so violent
Maybe if GOPers weren't mainly racist brainwashed ignoramuses who don't care about social justice..

so stealing money from the rich at gunpoint is social justice???? How????
The rich are so bloated after 35 years of Reaganism it's ridiculous, dupe. The nonrich NOT. Duh.
Charity grows when needed............. 9-11, Haiti, Japan, Philippines, etc etc
NOT when the GOP blows up the economy AGAIN. Thank god for welfare and UE when that happens. But you idiot dupes believe the propaganda that said Obama did ANYTHING to cause those numbers..

The economy is indeed going to blow up, but not because of Trump. The Fed fired the first shot by raising the interest rate, They've been propping it up since the crash with low to negative interest rates.
higher interest rates are needed to boost the economy. the fed has wanted to do that for years, but obummer failed.
Just averted ANOTHER corrupt GOP GREAT DEPRESSION and had 7 years of solid growth despite pure GOP obstruction...zzzzzzzzzzzzz, dupe. AND the biggest social reform since FDR is all. Now go after health (HOSPITAL) costs PLEASE.
What's that BS have to do with the fact liberals give less time and money to charity than conservatives?
Nothing. The hell with charity. Irrelevant.
Maybe if GOPers weren't mainly racist brainwashed ignoramuses who don't care about social justice..

so stealing money from the rich at gunpoint is social justice???? How????
The rich are so bloated after 35 years of Reaganism it's ridiculous, dupe. The nonrich NOT. Duh.
NOT when the GOP blows up the economy AGAIN. Thank god for welfare and UE when that happens. But you idiot dupes believe the propaganda that said Obama did ANYTHING to cause those numbers..

The economy is indeed going to blow up, but not because of Trump. The Fed fired the first shot by raising the interest rate, They've been propping it up since the crash with low to negative interest rates.
higher interest rates are needed to boost the economy. the fed has wanted to do that for years, but obummer failed.
Just averted ANOTHER corrupt GOP GREAT DEPRESSION and had 7 years of solid growth despite pure GOP obstruction...zzzzzzzzzzzzz, dupe. AND the biggest social reform since FDR is all. Now go after health (HOSPITAL) costs PLEASE.
What's that BS have to do with the fact liberals give less time and money to charity than conservatives?
Nothing. The hell with charity. Irrelevant.

Yes it irrelevant to liberals who don't really care and don't really give to charity like conservatives
Charities only seem to make a difference when they are backed with Government funding. Thats my observation in the UK.

Earth to Tommy Tainant...THIS IS THE UNITED STATES. We are not a Socialist Country.
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?
Because they eat terrible food and cant afford good food.
I disagree with this statement.

Part of it has to do with the "car culture". And eating to compensate for something else, for example when depressed.

I don't think if quality food was cheaper people would eat less. In fact if this made any sense, people would already be doing because it costs the same or less to eat quality food in moderate quantities than to eat bad food in huge quantities.
Well, if you had read what I wrote, instead of looking at a few words and deciding you knew what I meant, it would have helped.

Come on, even you don't expect anyone to read all you write. Your only purpose in posting is to pass the time of day and stir the pot.

Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?
Because they eat terrible food and cant afford good food.
I disagree with this statement.

Part of it has to do with the "car culture". And eating to compensate for something else, for example when depressed.

I don't think if quality food was cheaper people would eat less. In fact if this made any sense, people would already be doing because it costs the same or less to eat quality food in moderate quantities than to eat bad food in huge quantities.
You have a right to disagree but I disagree with your disagreement. There have been thousands of studies that show poverty results in not only bad food choices but terrible access to quality medical care.

Every person does things to cope with stress. Poor people typically are more stressed and tend to eat foods high in sugar to make themselves feel better. Sugar is literally a drug so it creates a dependency both mentally and physically. Sugary foods and drinks are cheap and plentiful. I remember when I was coming up we had liquor stores on every corner that sold terrible food, candy, and alcohol. If you wanted healthy food.you had to go to a grocery store that was at least 6 miles away.
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?
Because they eat terrible food and cant afford good food.
I disagree with this statement.

Part of it has to do with the "car culture". And eating to compensate for something else, for example when depressed.

I don't think if quality food was cheaper people would eat less. In fact if this made any sense, people would already be doing because it costs the same or less to eat quality food in moderate quantities than to eat bad food in huge quantities.
You have a right to disagree but I disagree with your disagreement. There have been thousands of studies that show poverty results in not only bad food choices but terrible access to quality medical care.

Every person does things to cope with stress. Poor people typically are more stressed and tend to eat foods high in sugar to make themselves feel better. Sugar is literally a drug so it creates a dependency both mentally and physically. Sugary foods and drinks are cheap and plentiful. I remember when I was coming up we had liquor stores on every corner that sold terrible food, candy, and alcohol. If you wanted healthy food.you had to go to a grocery store that was at least 6 miles away.
O.k., I know what you are talking about, but it is a question of mentality, because ultimately you end up spending more money eating more junk food. I can't disagree with you about the availability though.
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?
Because they eat terrible food and cant afford good food.
I disagree with this statement.

Part of it has to do with the "car culture". And eating to compensate for something else, for example when depressed.

I don't think if quality food was cheaper people would eat less. In fact if this made any sense, people would already be doing because it costs the same or less to eat quality food in moderate quantities than to eat bad food in huge quantities.
You have a right to disagree but I disagree with your disagreement. There have been thousands of studies that show poverty results in not only bad food choices but terrible access to quality medical care.

Every person does things to cope with stress. Poor people typically are more stressed and tend to eat foods high in sugar to make themselves feel better. Sugar is literally a drug so it creates a dependency both mentally and physically. Sugary foods and drinks are cheap and plentiful. I remember when I was coming up we had liquor stores on every corner that sold terrible food, candy, and alcohol. If you wanted healthy food.you had to go to a grocery store that was at least 6 miles away.

so does the bleeding heart want another entitlement to put healthy food stores
in poor neighborhoods??
Maybe if GOPers weren't mainly racist brainwashed ignoramuses who don't care about social justice..

so stealing money from the rich at gunpoint is social justice???? How????
The rich are so bloated after 35 years of Reaganism it's ridiculous, dupe. The nonrich NOT. Duh.
The economy is indeed going to blow up, but not because of Trump. The Fed fired the first shot by raising the interest rate, They've been propping it up since the crash with low to negative interest rates.
higher interest rates are needed to boost the economy. the fed has wanted to do that for years, but obummer failed.
Just averted ANOTHER corrupt GOP GREAT DEPRESSION and had 7 years of solid growth despite pure GOP obstruction...zzzzzzzzzzzzz, dupe. AND the biggest social reform since FDR is all. Now go after health (HOSPITAL) costs PLEASE.
What's that BS have to do with the fact liberals give less time and money to charity than conservatives?
Nothing. The hell with charity. Irrelevant.

Yes it irrelevant to liberals who don't really care and don't really give to charity like conservatives
We love paying our taxes to help people and the country, not giving a morsel to scam charities to make ourselves feel better about being selfish racist a-holes...
Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS
Because we hate free loader bums.
They are that ONLY in racist, selfish, ignorant Fox/Rush/Heritage bought off GOP dupe world, racist selfish ignorant superdupe.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
Tommy, do you get Fox? That's just a start on the crap and hate the dupes are into...
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?
Because they eat terrible food and cant afford good food.
I disagree with this statement.

Part of it has to do with the "car culture". And eating to compensate for something else, for example when depressed.

I don't think if quality food was cheaper people would eat less. In fact if this made any sense, people would already be doing because it costs the same or less to eat quality food in moderate quantities than to eat bad food in huge quantities.
Inner city blacks have to go miles for a good grocery store. And many don't have cars.
so you don't remember what happened to welfare under Clinton with the republican congress? Contract with America. wow, that doesn't surprise me. but go read up on how they targeted getting the poor weened off of welfare. Conservatives ace, conservatives. In no other time was there so much success with the poor. And the dems built it all back up again and have been doubling down since. Learn about your country.

What the hell does this non-point have to do with the conversation you and I were having? You swing from one subject to the next like a fucking monkey on crack swinging from tree to tree.
it's completely on target with your point jack monkey! You state conservatives keep poor down. I just gave you why that statement is false. And of course, you don't get it. And that that is a fact which was your fking point jack

I never stated that, idiot. Are you confusing me with another poster or something? I said conservatives only care about themselves -- no one else.
and again, I was responding to you. And Again, you are wrong proven by the fact that conservatives in 1994 helped the poor move off of welfare. D'OH!!!! My fking point back on that first post. jack monkey dude.

The GOP did no such thing. Stop making shit up.




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