Why be a conservative?

Founding "principles", and only the BoR and the Constitution matter. The DoI is purely history, it has no legal standing.

And that said, you are all good with religious freedom then?

Yep.....freedom of Religion.......you know...in the Constitution under "Bill of Rights" it pre existed the Constitution, simply codified so that left wingers can be shown it in writing.......
Great. Glad to see you defending the burka.

Yep......if they want to wear a burka, more power to them......and if our left wing weren't insane, they would start a movement to free women of the burka.....also a Right in this country......

That the left wing champions the burka is insane...it is the most dramatic symbol of female oppression you can actually see............and for femisists who at one point burned their bras as an act against male dominated society....it is insane the way they embrce the hijab and the burka........

Bras were never burned, it's a myth.

You are an idiot.


No flames = no burning.
Yep.....freedom of Religion.......you know...in the Constitution under "Bill of Rights" it pre existed the Constitution, simply codified so that left wingers can be shown it in writing.......
Great. Glad to see you defending the burka.

Yep......if they want to wear a burka, more power to them......and if our left wing weren't insane, they would start a movement to free women of the burka.....also a Right in this country......

That the left wing champions the burka is insane...it is the most dramatic symbol of female oppression you can actually see............and for femisists who at one point burned their bras as an act against male dominated society....it is insane the way they embrce the hijab and the burka........

Bras were never burned, it's a myth.

You are an idiot.


No flames = no burning.

Yeah, that's just bright water in that can, Adolf... :eusa_whistle:
I'm a conservative because I think I know everything and I think I know better than everyone else. I believe that my way is the right way, facts don't matter one bit and are more of an annoyance than anything else. I'm a conservative because I like to pretend that I have solutions, but I also have no interest in actually implementing them. I learned that it's best just to bullshit your way through life. It's also easier to be a conservative than to be a liberal because all you have to do is say "no" to stuff all day. Libruls are bad and conservatives are good. It's simple. It's black and white. The more reactionary you are, the easier life is. Nuance and detail are for those smart guys, it's too much work for me and plus, it interferes with my daily Rush Limbaugh listening and it can also get in the way when I post far right fake news on facebook from my favorite blogs like thegatewaypundit. I keep a picture of Alex Jones on my nightstand.
It isn't reactionary.......ending a failed program is fixing a problem.......

The politicians who control all the money coming in for social security. They spent all of it, and dole out money coming in for the smallest amount possible......
The most popular, well-respected, and effective social program in the history of the US is a failed program? No. That's why its called the third-rail of American politics, it can't be touched or you die.

It is a failed program.......there is no money in the system and it is failing.....they have to increase the age to make sure more people die before they get the money they put in....and they need to keep raising the taxes on it to keep money in to keep it floating a little longer....

It is a ponzi scheme, run by politicians who have their own retirement system....if SS was in the private sector the politicians would be arrested....
The system is a pay as you go. It was never supposed to be a piggy bank.

And if it's a Ponzi scheme, who is Ponzi and getting rich?
The welfare rats, and socialist.
Not seeing a persons name on who is getting rich? In a Ponzi scheme there is a guy at the very top getting rich. If you don't have then it isn't - a Ponzi scheme.

Then you don't know what a Ponzi scheme is do you. It does not actually have to be a person, it can be any entity, group or single person. GUESS WHO?? now as for the SELF induced abortion, there is a difference you know, like self induced death is suicide, and then assisted, or external entity induced death is MURDER. your points and your little BS thread are simply the product of your inflated sense of intellect when you are sorely lacking in the resource.
Why do you think liberals want a constitutional convention and the abandonment of traditional values? They think they can do it better? The post, apparently showing young Catholic girls for no apparent political reason is an example of knee jerk left wing bigotry and the fools don't even realize it.
All workers matter. Well, not to Trump and Co.

You're the one wanting to take retirement away from anyone who isn't a government worker.

Stupid comment of the month ^^^. Enron ring a bell?

Some private workers get zero in retirement except for their SS Check, and assholes like you and the GOP want to take that away and replace it with investments. Investments which require fees and no guarantees. Banks and Insurance companies and brokers of all kinds (Bernie Madoff ring a bell) will profit from the investors hard earned money with no guarantee.

Do you know the difference between a Broker and a Fiduciary?
Should be up to the people to decide on retirement. If my money taken for 45 years now had been in the market I'd be retired now. Thanks libs! But it will be worse for the young, they won't be able to retire until they are 70 or older.
Not a conservative position and the retirement age should be almost 80 now.
Who the hell are you to decide that?
A very smart liberal who knows demographics and what is and isn't conservative.
And you are why I'm conservative and hate liberals. Some moron who thinks he's smart but I wouldn't trust to not hurt himself with a sharp stick thinks he has all the answers for everyone else.
I have nearly all of them, for folks like you. They aren't that hard to work out.

LoL @ you thinking you know better than someone else, you're just another cog in the wheel, you shnook.

Oh yeah, and you're not very bright, either.
Not a conservative position and the retirement age should be almost 80 now.
Who the hell are you to decide that?
A very smart liberal who knows demographics and what is and isn't conservative.
And you are why I'm conservative and hate liberals. Some moron who thinks he's smart but I wouldn't trust to not hurt himself with a sharp stick thinks he has all the answers for everyone else.
I have nearly all of them, for folks like you. They aren't that hard to work out.

LoL @ you thinking you know better than someone else, you're just another cog in the wheel, you shnook.

Oh yeah, and you're not very bright, either.
I do know better, in nearly all cases. It's not hard to figure out what makes normal people happy and how they should live.
Who the hell are you to decide that?
A very smart liberal who knows demographics and what is and isn't conservative.
And you are why I'm conservative and hate liberals. Some moron who thinks he's smart but I wouldn't trust to not hurt himself with a sharp stick thinks he has all the answers for everyone else.
I have nearly all of them, for folks like you. They aren't that hard to work out.

LoL @ you thinking you know better than someone else, you're just another cog in the wheel, you shnook.

Oh yeah, and you're not very bright, either.
I do know better, in nearly all cases. It's not hard to figure out what makes normal people happy and how they should live.

Did you know people with an attitude such as yours helped Trump win? :D
The most popular, well-respected, and effective social program in the history of the US is a failed program? No. That's why its called the third-rail of American politics, it can't be touched or you die.

It is a failed program.......there is no money in the system and it is failing.....they have to increase the age to make sure more people die before they get the money they put in....and they need to keep raising the taxes on it to keep money in to keep it floating a little longer....

It is a ponzi scheme, run by politicians who have their own retirement system....if SS was in the private sector the politicians would be arrested....
The system is a pay as you go. It was never supposed to be a piggy bank.

And if it's a Ponzi scheme, who is Ponzi and getting rich?
The welfare rats, and socialist.
Not seeing a persons name on who is getting rich? In a Ponzi scheme there is a guy at the very top getting rich. If you don't have then it isn't - a Ponzi scheme.

Then you don't know what a Ponzi scheme is do you. It does not actually have to be a person, it can be any entity, group or single person. GUESS WHO?? now as for the SELF induced abortion, there is a difference you know, like self induced death is suicide, and then assisted, or external entity induced death is MURDER. your points and your little BS thread are simply the product of your inflated sense of intellect when you are sorely lacking in the resource.
A Ponzi scheme takes in money and pays out that cash to investor at amazing rates. As long as new investors come it it stays afloat and the guy (Ponzi) gets rich. When the money dries up it falls apart. That is nothing like Social Security, a pay as you go system.
A very smart liberal who knows demographics and what is and isn't conservative.
And you are why I'm conservative and hate liberals. Some moron who thinks he's smart but I wouldn't trust to not hurt himself with a sharp stick thinks he has all the answers for everyone else.
I have nearly all of them, for folks like you. They aren't that hard to work out.

LoL @ you thinking you know better than someone else, you're just another cog in the wheel, you shnook.

Oh yeah, and you're not very bright, either.
I do know better, in nearly all cases. It's not hard to figure out what makes normal people happy and how they should live.

Did you know people with an attitude such as yours helped Trump win? :D
He didn't win, actually, so that must not have mattered much. And if you have to become a moron to win or appeal to them, don't.
I do know better, in nearly all cases. It's not hard to figure out what makes normal people happy and how they should live.

Tell us all about what we need and what makes us happy.
Start with love, affection, decent health, comfort, enough money to live on, family, friends, religion (for most), connection to a like-minded community, and being maybe just a little bit better off than the guy next door but not too high or too low. Human beings are rather simple creatures, in nearly all cases.
It is a failed program.......there is no money in the system and it is failing.....they have to increase the age to make sure more people die before they get the money they put in....and they need to keep raising the taxes on it to keep money in to keep it floating a little longer....

It is a ponzi scheme, run by politicians who have their own retirement system....if SS was in the private sector the politicians would be arrested....
The system is a pay as you go. It was never supposed to be a piggy bank.

And if it's a Ponzi scheme, who is Ponzi and getting rich?
The welfare rats, and socialist.
Not seeing a persons name on who is getting rich? In a Ponzi scheme there is a guy at the very top getting rich. If you don't have then it isn't - a Ponzi scheme.

Then you don't know what a Ponzi scheme is do you. It does not actually have to be a person, it can be any entity, group or single person. GUESS WHO?? now as for the SELF induced abortion, there is a difference you know, like self induced death is suicide, and then assisted, or external entity induced death is MURDER. your points and your little BS thread are simply the product of your inflated sense of intellect when you are sorely lacking in the resource.
A Ponzi scheme takes in money and pays out that cash to investor at amazing rates. As long as new investors come it it stays afloat and the guy (Ponzi) gets rich. When the money dries up it falls apart. That is nothing like Social Security, a pay as you go system.
Man-made global warming is a Ponzi scheme… Fact
Why do you think liberals want a constitutional convention and the abandonment of traditional values? They think they can do it better? The post, apparently showing young Catholic girls for no apparent political reason is an example of knee jerk left wing bigotry and the fools don't even realize it.
The liberals aren't calling for that but the Founders sure would have. They didn't like being ruled by dead men.

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